arabella's eyes slowly fluttered open, and her hand moved to her head trying to somehow conceal the headache that was pounding against her skull. she glanced around the room she was in, all four walls were painted white and the lights above her made her headache hurt even more. she pulled the white sheet off of her body, bandages on her legs and arms.
the girl swung her legs to the side of the bed, sitting herself up, her head spun as she moved. she was dressed in a white tank top and some white shorts. her hair was brushed and even seemed clean, for the first time in weeks she wasn't covered in mud. her eyes darted around the room, on one of the walls there was a painting full of colour, it seemed to be the only thing in the room with colour. there was also a couch, a smaller armchair, a sink, a toilet, and some sort of medical equipment.
she slowly stood herself up, using the wall to keep her steady. arabella looked down at her leg, the almost scar on her leg from the first day on the ground making her grimace. she walked over to the door in her room and looked out the small circular window and saw a long hallway, other doors that looked the same as hers lining the hallway. arabella tried to use the door handle but it was locked. she tried barging into the door but it wouldn't budge, the girl took another glance around the room and saw a lamp on the bedside table. sure, she could've just waited until someone let her out, but she didn't know if whoever had her captive would do that anyway so she rushed over to grab the lamp and then back to the door.
arabella slammed the bottom of the lamp into the window, glass shattered everywhere, narrowly missing her bare feet. she reached her arm through the smashed window, not thinking clearly, she ended up cutting her arm with the sharp glass that remained on the window. she quickly pulled her arm back, clutching it in pain.
"shit!" she cursed, blood soaking into her tank top.
she went to put her arm through the window again, this time being more careful. she slowly moved her arm to the door handle and unlocked it. arabella pulled her arm back to her and opened the door. blood dripped onto the white floor, the place was awfully silent. she turned her head down the hallway to see blood down near the other end. in a panic, she ran back into the room and grabbed a large shard of glass in case she needed a weapon.
she left the room once more and followed the trail of blood, arabella saw another smashed window and a room that looked the same as hers.
"what the hell?" the girl whispered to herself as she continued to follow the trail of blood which finally led her to an elevator. the doors were already open and she saw clarke and a dark-haired girl inside.
"clarke? oh my, god you're alive." arabella spoke up, she looked at clarke who was holding a piece of glass to the other girl's neck.
"get in." clarke told her.
"you don't have to tell me twice." arabella shrugged, walking into the elevator.
"which level?" clarke asked the girl, the brown haired girl pressed one of the buttons and the elevator doors closed. "don't think of trying anything, if you think i'm scary right now, just wait till you see her." clarke said to the girl, nodding her head in arabella's direction.
the brown haired girl looked at arabella in fear to which arabella responded with a slow wave and a smile. arabella saw clarke look at herself in the reflection of the elevator, clarke then moved the girl, covering the reflection.
"who are you people?" clarke asked, her tone threatening. the young girl didn't reply. "answer me."
arabella cocked her head and walked over to the girls. "how many of us are here? and if you don't answer me i'll make sure to cut your throat, but not so it kills you, just enough for it to hurt." she spoke, her tone more threatening than clarke's.
the girl just cried until a woman on a recording spoke. "arrived. level five."
the doors opened and clarke made the other girl walk in front as some sort of shield. they turned to see a room full of people, they were all conversing with each other over some food. there was the sound of chatter and cutlery hitting against plates. arabella and clarke glanced at each other in confusion and worry.
then a woman turned and saw the three girls, she stood up from her seat in a panic, pointing at the girls. "containment breach! containment breach!" she screamed.
this distracted arabella and clarke, the other young girl escaping clarke's grip. people began to scream and panic, arabella held onto the piece of glass in her hand, ready to use it if anyone came at her. an alarm began to blare and people were running away.
then some guards dressed in uniform slowly walked towards the two girls with guns raised, arabella held up the piece of glass. "if you touch us i'll cut you up into tiny little fucking pieces." she yelled.
the guards paused for a moment until they all glanced at each other. arabella kept her eyes on them, suddenly one charged at her, she swung the glass at him, slicing through his uniform and breaking the skin. clarke stood silently and let them take her away but arabella put up a fight. she continued swinging the glass at him, catching his arm, and cutting the skin. it seemed he had had enough of her fighting and grabbed her slinging her to the ground and placing handcuffs around her wrists.
"would you believe me if i said this is the second time this has happened?" arabella grunted, a sly smile on her face.
the guards had taken clarke and arabella into a large room full of beds, clarke went without a fight but arabella? they quite literally had to drag her there. they managed to handcuff her to one of the beds next to clarke.
arabella looked around the room, guards at either side of her. "can you not see i'm injured? if i bleed out and die my death is on you boys." she smirked up at the guards who stared blankly ahead. "assholes."
a doctor walked into the room with a cart of medical supplies. "go to the blond first, you may have to put this one down." one of the guards spoke. the doctor nodded, and headed towards clarke.
arabella looked at the guard unimpressed. "woof, woof." she rolled her eyes and watched the doctor closely to make sure she wasn't doing anything to clarke she shouldn't be. "hurt her and i'll rip out your tongue."
"arabella, let them do their jobs. and let them fix you up without a fight, please." clarke told the girl calmly as the doctor looked at arabella, a hint of fear in her eyes.
arabella smirked at the doctor, then looked at clarke with a smile. clarke knew that smile meant she'd do as she was told.
once the doctor had sorted out clarke's arm, it was arabella's turn, there was a hint of hesitation but arabella nodded with a blank look on her face.
"she won't hurt you." clarke spoke up, seeing the doctor's hesitation. the guards looked at the doctor as she nodded, they unlocked one of arabella's restraints and let the doctor fix her arm.
the doctor grabbed her supplies and cleared all the blood away from arabella's arm, then pulled out a magnifying glass to look for any small pieces of glass, there wasn't any so she continued to stitch up the wound then put a large piece of gauze across it.
"what do you think to this one?" arabella asked nodding down to when she was attacked in the lake. "got that on my first day." she winked with a smile.
the doctor coughed. "i'd say it looks fine, it's healing nicely." she replied, clearly intimidated by arabella's presence. "your arms should also heal fine." she looked between clarke and arabella before leaving the room.
a while later some people entered the room, a woman spoke first. "clarke, arabella. how are your arms?" she asked, walking towards the girls with an older man behind her.
arabella looked at the woman with confusion. "hurts."
clarke didn't reply.
"not much of a talker, is she?" the woman asked arabella.
"trust me, she talks." arabella replied, staring up at the woman.
"it's a skill she picked up from the savages, no doubt." the older man spoke, standing in front of the two girls. "that's fine." he spoke again turning to the young girl from earlier behind him. "maya has something to say first anyway."
"you two were the next to be cleared through quarantine. another ten minutes and you would've-" the girl- maya, spoke quickly before the man interrupted with a cough. "i'm not pressing charges." she spoke quietly.
"thank you, maya." the man spoke. "you can get your treatment now."
"yes, thank you, maya. i couldn't imagine being imprisoned again." arabella spoke, giving her a fake smile.
"okay, let's go." the lady spoke, guiding maya away. "bed three."
"restraints aren't necessary." the man told the two guards next to arabella and then the ones who he entered the room with.
the guards next to arabella looked at the man with raised eyebrows, but he simply just nodded. "clarke, i can trust your friend will co-operate with us?"
clarke looked at arabella who rolled her eyes.
"you can trust me to co-operate." arabella said bluntly.
the man nodded at the guards, who then unlocked arabella's restraints. the other guards then unlocked clarke's.
the man leaned forward to arabella, holding out his hand which was covered in black. "dante wallace."
arabella looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. she hesitantly shook his hand, he then moved to clarke holding out his hand, but clarke held it looking at the black on his hands.
"oil paint." dante told her, he saw the look on clarke's face. "that's right. you're an artist, too." he spoke.
clarke stood up from the bed, still looking at dante. arabella then stood up, placing herself next to clarke, just in case.
"who told you that?" clarke asked him.
"your people did." dante replied.
arabella's face lit up, their people were here?
"they also said you girls were their leader." he added on. "looks like us three have a lot in common."
arabella and clarke looked at each other.
"where's my watch?" clarke asked him.
"i'm sorry, but we can't let contaminated items inside mount weather. we're very sorry but our protocol is very strict." dante replied, but arabella's face dropped.
"how many of us did you capture?" arabella asked.
"forty eight, including both of you." dante told her. "but girls you've got it all wrong. you're not prisoners. we saved you."
"well, in that case, you won't mind if we leave." clarke told him, looking at arabella who sent her a nod. "if there are forty eight of us here, we still have people out there."
"the patrol brought in everyone they could find." dante told clarke and arabella.
"what about the ark?" arabella chimed in. "it came down last..."
"we saw it." dante interrupted, shaking his head. "there were multiple crash sites over a hundred square miles. if there were survivors, we will bring them in, too." dante tried to assure the girls, arabella wasn't sure about clarke, but she just wanted to get out of this place.
"we want to see our people." clarke told him confidently.
"of course you do. i would, too." dante turned around and gestured to two men to bring something over. they opened it up and revealed clothes, footwear and jewellery.
"change and meet me in the hall." dante said to the girls, before turning and leaving the room, his men following behind him.
the two girls stepped forward to the wardrobe, clarke ran her fingers across the jewellery but arabella was interested in the black boots that was with the other shoes. clarke looked at the shoes with arabella and picked up a heel, looking at it for a moment before breaking off the heel, passing it to arabella and doing the same to the other.
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