Chapter 7
Kayla had been staying with Gloria for the past few days. Instead of paying, she had to work at the bar. She was wiping off tables when she heard Gloria say something strange.
"You got to be kidding me!"
Curious, Kayla walked over and was surprised to see Stefan and Klaus standing at the door.
"They just can't stay away." Kol growled.
"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender..." Klaus smiled widely as Gloria cut him off with a wave of the hand.
"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny."
Kayla laughed and leaned on the wall, already bored."That was a good one G."
"I remember you." Gloria pointed at Stefan with a small grin on her face.
"Yeah. You're Gloria. Shouldn't you be..." Stefan trailed off, not wanting to be rude.
Kayla laughed at his weird manners, "Old and dead?"
"If I die, who's going to run this place, huh?" Gloria asked.
"I will!" Kayla said, raising her hand with wide eyes.
Stefan started to smile, but quickly covered it up and forced himself to be serious.
Gloria scoffed, "You'd burn the place!"
"I would not!" Kayla threw back at her. She crossed her arms and poured slightly.
"Gloria's a very powerful witch." Klaus said, trying to change the subject.
"I want you to get out of there." Kol said, his tone of voice leaving no room for debate. He didn't want Kayla around Klaus or Stefan, he was afraid she might end up hurt.
"I can slow the aging down some Herbs and spells. But don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day." Gloria said, a hint of pride was in her voice and a slight smile was on her face.
"Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar." Klaus suggested, he sent a look toward Kayla telling her she should go to. She obliged and trailed after Stefan.
Kayla smiled mischievously at Stefan as she grabbed a cup and filled it with bourbon... she also added her own 'special' touch. "Drink this."
"Oh darling, you shouldn't have." Kol scolded teasingly.
Stefan took a sip and instantly started coughing. He dropped the bourbon and it broke on the ground.
"I'm actually surprised he trusted me enough to drink it." Kayla told Kol, amusement being in every word she said.
Kayla pouted, "Now I have to clean it."
While Stefan and Klaus talked, Kayla started cleaning up the glass. She started to realize little changes in herself ever since she got to Chicago.
When she would accidentally cut herself, she would heal almost instantly. When she's angry, her eyes turn blue. At first it scared her, but then Kol explained that it had something to do with the fact Kol has been sharing his strength with her. But she still doesn't understand why her eyes change to blue. She would assume the color they'd turn to would be red.
"Hey Klaus, can I ask you a question." She looked up only to see that they had already left.
Hours later Klaus and Stefan sat at the bar once again. Gloria sat two beers in front of them, whilst Kayla played angry birds on her phone while she sat on top of the counter.
"Where's Rebekah?" Gloria demanded.
"She'll be here. I can't just conjure her on demand." Klaus said angrily, glaring at the witch, he turned back towards Stefan, "What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground?"
Kayla rolled her eyes at Klaus and tried to make conversation with her soulmate. "Didn't you have some fun here?"
"You know it. Slaughtering people and enjoying the good times." Kol said smirking, he was able to send Kayla a mental picture of him killing tons of people , causing her to gasp audibly. She loved seeing him. Sure the violence was always good, but he was so much better.
"So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?" Stefan asked sarcastically, taking a sip of his beer.
"Well, that's certainly half of it." Klaus laughed slightly.
"What's the other half?" Stefan asked hesitantly.
"The other half, Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman." The hybrid replied with a far away look.
Getting bored, Kayla quickly snatched a bourbon when no one was looking, and began to take small sips. She could tell it was going to be a long day. The strangest thing was happening, she could feel her bond with Kol growing even stronger the longer she stayed in New Orleans.
"So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, why do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire?" Stefan asked. Kayla laughed loudly at his Stefan. Sadly, that caught Gloria's attention and her bourbon was taken away.
With a pout, Kayla sat in front of Klaus as he continued to speak, "All good things must come to an end."
"You compelled me to forget." Stefan said in realization.
"It was time for Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate." Klaus shrugged nonchalantly. He was only protecting his family, even if he did lose a friend.
"But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks... Unless you're running from someone." Stefan said.
Kayla's eyes widened in fear. There was only one man the Originals ran from. "Storytime's over." she snapped.
Stefan turned away slightly and sighed, "I need another drink. A real one." When he was gone, Kayla snatched a vodka from behind the bar and gave Klaus a warning look.
"If he finds out about him, he will use him against you." she hissed angrily. She knew Stefan, Damon, and the rest of the Scooby Doo gang would want revenge. Or just simply want to kill Klaus.
"He won't find out." Klaus insisted, "So what brought you to Chicago? Don't tell me it was me?" he said teasingly.
Kayla laughed and shook her head, whilst Kol growled possessively. His possessiveness had been getting out of hand lately. "No, I just came to see an old friend." she said as she motioned toward Gloria.
Suddenly Damon was sitting next to the hybrid. He stared at Kayla for a second, confused. He quickly shook himself out of that trance and focused on Klaus.
"I see they've opened the doors to the riff raff now." Klaus said angrily.
"Oh, honey, I've been called worse" Damon tsked.
"Get out of there darling." Kol said anxiously.
"You don't give up, do you?" Klaus asked annoyed.
"Why? It's just getting good." Kayla replied back to Kol.
"Give me my brother back... You'll never have to see me again" Damon insisted. He had to hurry before Elena screwed something up.
"Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so..." Klaus threw Damon across the room, causing him to crash into a table. Kayla rolled her eyes, knowing she was gonna have to clean that mess.
"What can I say? I'm a thrill seeker." Damon said, wincing at the glass cutting into him. All of a sudden he was in the air, Klaus' hand wrapped around his neck.
Klaus started stabbing Damon with a toothpick. Each time, he would bring it closer to his heart. Kayla grew concerned, but knew she had to stay out of it.
"Oh, dear, what was that? I'm a little boozey, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries." Klaus taunted as he stabbed him again, Damon groaned in pain.
"Ohh! No, that's not it. Hmmm." Once again, Klaus moves closer towards Damon's heart. "Ohh. Almost."
"You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan and Kayla. I'm so much more fun." Damon choked out.
"You won't be any fun after you're dead." Klaus growled. He threw Damon on the ground, broke a chair and went to stab him with the leg of it. Kayla sent a panicked look toward Gloria, hoping she would intervene. She did. The witch burned the stake with her powers and put her hands on her hips.
"Really?" Klaus asked annoyed.
Kayla signed in relief and though about going to check on Damon.
"You shouldn't have stopped it. We would've gotten rid of that pest. " Kol said with aggravation in his voice.
"Not in my bar. You take it outside." Gloria said, pointing at the door. Klaus looked towards Damon, a feral look in his eyes. "You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom. When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back."
"Come on Kayla, we need to go get Rebekah." Klaus demanded after Damon had left. Kayla rolled her eyes and sent a look toward the hybrid. "Can we 一"
"We're not leaving without her." he cut her off.
Kayla began following after him, a confused look on her face, "Why not?"
Kayla and Stefan stood behind a wall and waited for the single as Klaus walked into the warehouse with his families coffins. Kayla couldn't breathe. She could feel Kol's presence and it was overwhelming her.
"Deep breath darling, I'll see you soon." Kol said, concern filled his voice. He didn't want his love to be too overwhelmed. He also didn't want her to try anything stupid. They both knew that Klaus would do anything to keep his siblings daggered.
"Rebekah... It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are!" she heard Klaus yelled tauntingly.
Kayla peeked around the corner and caught a glimpse of Rebekah shoving a dagger in Klaus' heart. "Go to hell, Nik!"
Kayla stepped around the corner laughing and clapping in excitement, "Oh that was awesome." she exclaimed, a dark look in her eyes.
Klaus pulled the dagger out of his chest with a slight flinch.
Rebekah frowned at Kayla, "Who the bloody hell are you?" but the brunette didn't answer, she was too distracted by the feeling of Kol.
"Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me, and this is Kol's soulmate." Klaus replied as he got off the ground.
The feeling began to get stronger as she slowly walked up to one of the coffins. Tears slowly pooled in her eyes as she lifted the coffin. She saw Kol laying with a dagger in his chest. Dark veins crawled over his skin, and his body was grey. She slowly trailed a finger down his cheek. She glanced at the dagger 一 contemplating whether or not to take it out.
Before she could even attempt to grab it, Klaus moved her hand at vampire speed and slammed the coffin shut. "Sorry love, but I can't let you do that."
The next thing she saw was black 一 one thought ran through her head, "Again?"
[ it took me a while to write this chapter. I was thinking about making Kol appear in this one 一 but I want to explain more about the soulmate bond, and how it feels in the next chapter. I'm also gonna explain how the dagger will be coming out.. ]
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