Chapter 2
Kayla woke up to deep chuckling. Thinking it was Jeremy, she paid no attention and swatted towards the noise, "Go away Jer." she grumbled. For a few seconds it was peaceful.
Then the laughing started again. Agitated she shot up. Looking around, she realized that she wasn't in her room. Confused, she stared at the bed and started moving the blankets off of her. "Kol?" she asked meekly.
"Finally, you're awake!" Elijah said with hardly any emotion as he moved to stand in front of the bed. Kayla swung her feet off the bed and put her hand on her head. Elijah walked over to be in front of her.
"Are you okay?" he asked quietly.
"You're the only person that would fall asleep at the feet of a dead original vampire." Kol laughed.
"I'm fine." Kayla replied, her voice held a bit of a laugh.
Elijah watched her for a second before kneeling slightly so his face was in front of hers. "How is my brother?"
Kayla laughed slightly as she raised her head to meet his eyes. "Still as annoying as the first time I met him."
"I find that to be a false, highly offensive—" Kol rambled on as Kayla stood up quickly, brushing against Elijah.
"Do you mind if I order pizza?"
Sometime later, Kayla was happily eating her pizza on Elijah's living room floor. She was taking in her surroundings when Elijah walked in to see her crisscross applesauce, with a pizza box and soda in front of her.
"You do know that your family is probably looking for you, right?" he asked her.
Kayla stuffed the pizza in her mouth and swallowed it down with her drink. "Nah, I eavesdropped and heard Elena basically call me a traitor."
Grinning ear to ear, she stood up and stretched. "We can visit them later, me and you need bonding time."
"Uh oh." Kol laughed in her head.
Kayla had led Elijah down the hall of the apartment building, and found an abandoned room.
"Go get us some paint." she ordered as she put her fingers up in a camera shape, looking at the old white wall in excitement. Elijah was confused, but sped off to get paint anyways.
While he was gone, Kayla began laying the garbage bags, and gathering paint brushes. She organized everything perfectly and smiled at her work.
"This is more Klaus like. Elijah won't even have fun." Kol huffed. He didn't like the idea of Kayla alone with his brother.
"Well, I'm gonna make him have fun." Kayla said slyly.
When Elijah returned he started to feel extremely uneasy. Kayla stood in front of him and smirked, a smirk that was eerily similar to Kol's. Grabbing a paint brush, they began to work on a wall together.
"You look like him." Elijah mused. His eyes flickering to hers.
Kayla narrowed her eyes, "Is that a bad thing?" she questioned, as she kept painting the wall.
Elijah's eyes widened slightly, unaware of Kayla's plan. "What? No-" Kayla cut him off, "Are you dissing my man?" she hissed.
"Your man?" Kol smirked smugly.
"Shut up and enjoy the show." Kayla laughed.
Before Elijah could reply, Kayla had flicked her paint brush at him, causing spats of paint to land on his suit.Elijah closed his eyes, trying to keep his temper in check. When he opened them, he did the same to her.
"OH IT'S ON!" Kayla yelled, as she dipped her hands into a bucket of paint. She crouched down slightly and started throwing the paint at him.
Elijah smirked, and with a look in his eye neither Kayla nor Kol recognized, he picked up a bucket of bright blue paint, and dumped it on top of her.
Kol felt proud of his girl. This was just the beginning of what she would do to their family.
Standing in the room, Elijah and Kayla were covered head to toe in paint. They were both smiling like a kid during Christmas.
The room was a mess. The floor had garbage bags on it, along with paint and paintbrushes. Paint was everywhere, all different colors. Every wall had splashes, handprints, and even a couple silhouettes of them. What turned into peaceful painting, quickly turned into a fight.
"So, who's cleaning this? Because I'm not." Kayla said slowly.
Laughing softly, Elijah pulled her into a hug. "Thank you for showing me a good time. I'll send people to clean it. We have somewhere to be."
Slater had just hung up with the Scooby Doo Gang. Kayla watched in amusement as Slater began breathing nervously.
"Very nicely done." Elijah praised.
"Your brother can be evil." Kayla
"Thanks, I have a degree in theatre. How can you compel me? A vampire can't compel another vampire." Slater replied shakily.
"I'm a special vampire." Elijah mused.
"Special my-" Kayla began, but Kol cut her off. "Now now darling, be nice."
Kayla grinned deviously. "Since when am I not nice?"
"What, because you're an original?" Slater asked. He was scared. Never in his life did he think his life would end by an Original.
"M'hm, now I want you this and drive it through your heart." A cruel grin appears on Elijah's face as he handed him a stake.
Kayla nearly jumped in glee at the sight of someone about to die. The pure fear in his eyes brought some sort of sick enjoyment to her. She blamed it on watching all of Kol's memories.
"But that will kill me forever." Slater protested.
"Shut up and die!" Kayla snapped angrily.
Elijah ignored her and began compelling the young vampire, "I know, but it's necessary."
Slater drove the stake in his heart with one push. Blood started to pour out of his mouth. Kayla's mouth tilted up in a sinister smirk, her eyes getting darker. "That was beautiful."
Elijah glanced at his newly found sister, "You're so much like him." he marveled
"Thank you." she replies as her eyes flashed a darker brown.
Jonas, Elijah, and Kayla all stood in a room. Things stolen from Elena's room sat on the table. Smiling slightly, Kayla took back the necklace Elena had taken from her.
"So how exactly does the spell work?" Elijah asked. Jonas almost groaned in annoyance. "Give me your hand." he demanded.
Elijah gave him his hand with no questions. Jonas cut his hand and blood began flowing out of it. "Place it here." Jonas said as he pointed to a picture. The picture was Elena in a cheer leading costume.
Kayla glared at the photo, hating the way she looked so happy. Elijah put his hand on it. "Now take my hand, Close your eyes, relax your mind and look for her." Elijah closed his eyes and Jonas began speaking in Latin.
Suddenly Elijah gasped and lookedat Kayla. "I know where she is."
Kayla sighed, "Of course you do."
"Well don't sound so happy." Kol said sarcastically.
"The last time I tried to be nice to her, she basically threw my efforts into the trash." Kayla said, annoyed.
Elijah sped Kayla and himself to Slater's apartment. There were three men are standing in front of Elena and Damon, the latter not being able to keep his eyes off of Kayla.
"He's staring!" Kol growled angrily, making Kayla's eyes flash dark brown.
Elijah pulled one of the men's heart of of his body and threw it off to the side.
"I killed you. You were dead." Damon says bewildered.
"For centuries now," he says monotone. Kayla covered a laugh with a cough, and Elijah turned to Cody, "Who are you?"
"Who are you?" Cody said with sass.
"Big mistake." Kol mused. Kayla giggled, making Damon glance at her.
"I'm Elijah." he replies with equal sass. "We were gonna bring her to you for Klaus. She's the doppelganger. I don't know how she exists but she does. Klaus would want to see her." Cody rushed out, stuttering over some of his words nervously.
"Does anyone else know that you're here?" Elijah asks. Kayla's eyes gleamed in excitement, she knew exactly how this was going to end.
"No." Cody replies.
"Well, then you have been incredibly helpful." Elijah stated. He ripped out the other two men's hearts and let them roll off his hands onto the floor. Kayla leaned on the wall and smiled in amusement, sometimes she wondered if something was wrong with her. It must not be normal to enjoy this sort of violence.
Damon prepared himself for a fight, but all Elijah did was look at them, observing the stance Damon took. Finally, he grabbed Kayla and sped out of the building.
Once again Kayla was bored. Sighing deeply she looked at Elijah. "You do know that I meet Alaric every day after school. Right?"
Elijah just hummed. "We're having a dinner at Damon's house."
Kayla just groaned and rolled over on the bed.
(I'm not explaining the dinner details because as we all know Elijah gets daggered, all Kayla does is laugh through the whole thing XD so the next chapter will start with Kayla's reaction to it)
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