Next Day.
Saint twisted and turned in his sleep, trying to figure out why he was so uncomfortable, before finally opening his eyes.
He looked over, not seeing Imani in his bed anymore, making him frown, raising up.
"Imani?" He called out, not hearing a response, and he grabbed his phone from the dresser, dialing her number.
It went straight to voicemail, making him frown, calling again. He called twice more, and she finally picked up on the fourth ring.
"Imani what the fuck is your problem?" He frowned, standing up from his bed.
"Nothing. What'd you call for?" She asked, her tone calm and careless.
"What you mean why I call? Where you at and why you ignoring me?" He retorted, brushing his teeth.
"I'm minding my business Saint. Is that all?" She mumbled, and his frown deepened, before he chuckled.
"So you want me to find you? You think this funny or somethin'? Do you think that I won't come find you?" He leaned against his counter, his arms folded.
"We need a break." She said, and his head jerked back.
"Where the fuck is this coming from? Imani stop playing with me. Come home." He ran his hand down his face, feeling himself become irritated.
"I am home. I hit you last night, and I'm sorry for that. I asked you multiple times to let me go, and you didn't. I don't like that Saint. You don't get to do what you want with me." She told him, her voice soft, per usual.
"Wh-? Imani I apologized. I'm sorry, I figured it was a random tantrum, I wasn't trying to k-just come back so that we can talk." He sat down on his bed, his leg beginning to bounce.
"No. I told you when it was happening that I wasn't playing, and you blatantly ignored me. Because you expect everything to go your way Saint, and it won't always be like that."
"And afterwards, you tried to fix it with sex. I told you that I didn't want to do it, to get off of me, and again you ignored me, and manipulated my forgiveness because you know my body. And I didn't like that." She mumbled, and he frowned.
"What? Imani you wasn't serious. I wouldn't fuck you if you told me no. Don't make this into something that it's n-." He started, and she cut him off.
"I'm not saying that you raped me Saint. You know, that I know, that you would never do that. So don't put words in my mouth, because I never said that." She told him, and his jaw clenched, his leg bouncing faster.
"So what are you trying to insinuate then? Because if you really didn't want to fuck you know I wouldn't fuck you Imani. What are you doing this for? Do you need something? What is it?" He asked, standing up from his bed.
"I don't need anything. I think we just need some time to ourselves. We spend everyday together, and I think it's catching up to us. We need some space, because it's turning into something that we said we wouldn't allow it to get to." She said, and he frowned.
"Baby I don't need a break from you, you know I need you. Why are you doing this? Just t-tell me what to do to fix it. I need you Imani." He mumbled, rubbing over his braids as he paced his room.
"I'm not breaking up with you Saint. It's just a break." She spoke softly, and he shook his head.
"No. No, because people in relationships don't take breaks. If you feel that you need a break, then you probably will eventually feel that you don't wanna be with me anymore. And I'm asking what to do to fix it before it gets to that. Imani I love you. Tell me what to do. Please." He stopped pacing, and she sniffed, beginning to cry.
"Don't cry baby. Imani I'm sorry, I need you. Don't do this to me. We good, okay? I made some mistakes, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Just-tell me how to fix it. I can't take no break from you Imani. You don't take breaks from people that you love." He explained, his tone soft as he listened to her quiet cries.
"Saint I don't wanna be toxic with you. I need to figure out what I want to do." Her voice cracked, and he sighed.
"Imani please. Don't fuc-don't do this baby. I'm trying to fix it. Why are you steady pressing for this break? I'm trying to fix it." He gestured with his hands, becoming irritated.
"Because there's nothing you can do to fix it Saint. Nothing is broken. I just need some me time. I'm not breaking up with you, okay? We're still together." She mumbled, wiping her face, trying to silence her cries.
"When you coming back to me?" He mumbled, his tone sad.
"Soon. I promise." She told him, and he sighed, sitting on his bed.
"I love you so much Imani. Promise that it's just a break? That you not thinking about leaving me for good." He ran his hand down his face, resting it over his mouth.
She hesitated with her response, making him shake his head.
"Imani why would you let me get this attached to you? We had one fucking problem. I made a mistake, and you tryna leave after one mistake? It was our first disagreement. I'm not perfect Imani."
"I fucking love you. I love you more than I could ever put into fucking words, and you can't even promise that you not tryna leave me? What are you with me for? Why you doing me like this Imani? Are you dead fucking serious right now?" His voice cracked, his jaw clenching because he hated that she made him this vulnerable.
"I promise that I'm not thinking about leaving you. I'm sorry Saint." She mumbled, sighing to herself.
"That's all? You sorry? This is it? We just about to take a break?" He questioned, a frown on his face.
"I love you Mekhi." She spoke softly, she didn't know what else to say.
"I love you more Imani." He mumbled, and the both of them remained on the line a few more seconds, before he heard the dial tone, making him sigh.
"Fuck, man." He stood up from his bed, wiping his face and tossing his phone on the dresser.
He paced his room, trying to figure out what to do to bring her back home to him. He literally couldn't be away from her too long.
He hated that he allowed himself to get so attached to her. When you make one person your happiness, they literally have everything you do in their control, and once they gone, there's nothing. He felt nothing.
He loved Imani more than anything, and he couldn't believe she was allowing one fuck up to determine how the rest of the their relationship would play out-as if he was perfect. As if she was perfect.
She'd hurt his feelings without even realizing. He didn't understand the point of a break. What was he supposed to do during a 'break'?
Deciding to go to work to distract himself, he took a quick shower, getting dressed in a white Ralph Lauren shirt, with black jeans, white air forces on his feet.
He sprayed his cologne, his head clear of any thoughts because he didn't want to stress himself out.
He grabbed his phone and his car keys, walking towards his front door, and opening it.
He made it to his destination within twenty minutes, parking in the parking garage, and getting out of the car.
He rode the elevator to the top floor where his office was located, and got off once the doors opened.
"Oh? Sir? I thought you weren't coming in today." Alayna followed him, a cup of coffee as well as a stack of folders in her hand.
"Me too. What's on the schedule today?" He muttered, sitting at his desk and turning the computer on.
"Well, um, nothing actually. You had a free schedule today." She told him, confused.
"Find me something to do Alayna." He said, and she nodded, giving him the coffee and turning to walk out.
"Did y'all find his mother?" He asked, keeping his eyes on his computer.
"No sir, in fact, we don't even know who she is. That's what these files are for, I'm trying to find his background. Um-Mr.East, are you alright?" She questioned, never seeing him in such a sad demeanor.
"Yeah. Let me know what you find." He cleared his throat, dismissing her.
Alayna remained there for a few seconds, before quietly walking out of his office and closing the door behind her.
Saint mindlessly tapped his fingers against his glass desk, his leg shaking.
His phone rung, and he leaned back, grabbing it from his pocket. He read over his mother's contact, swiping over on it, putting it to his ear.
"Wassup ma?" He answered, playing with a loose string on his jeans.
"Hi sweetheart. What is this that I'm feeling?" She asked, and he chuckled.
His mom was very spiritual, and in tune with everyone's aura around her, and called whenever she felt his energy shift. He didn't know how she did it.
"I got a girlfriend mama." He told her, sighing to himself.
"That, I know already. Was just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to tell me. Now, what happened?" She asked him.
"I fuc-I messed up last night. Did stuff she didn't like, and tried to make it up with sex. Today she told me she think we need a break, but it sound like she want more than a break mama. I don't know how to fix it." He rambled, feeling himself get choked up.
"Aww, you love her don't you Mekhi?" She cooed, and he chuckled, wiping his face.
"Yeah. A lot." He sniffed, his leg bouncing, his anxiety through the roof.
"Love is hard sometimes Saint. Everything won't come easy, and they'll be times when you two actually need breaks. That doesn't mean that her love stopped, or that she's tired of you. People just need time to think alone sometimes. You can't fault her for wanting a bit of space Saint." She told him, and he sighed.
"I don't understand what's the point of this. What does she need a break from? I made one mistake ma. She doing this because of one mistake." He said in disbelief, because he really couldn't understand.
"Saint, give her some time baby. You have all the time in the world after the break to be with her. She just needs some space. And from the sound of it, you do too. Time to figure out what you both will do so that this doesn't happen again." She explained, and he nodded, sighing again.
"Okay. Thank you ma. You and pops good over there?" He asked, referring to his step father, and she hummed in a positive response.
"Yes. I love you Mekhi. And I'd like to meet Mrs.Break soon." She said, and he laughed, making her smile.
"I love you too mama. I'll bring her whenever I can." He told her, and they remained on the phone for a few more minutes, before saying their goodbyes and hanging up.
Saint arose from his desk, walking out of his office and straight to the elevator, riding it down to the ground floor.
He pulled out of the parking garage, driving home. He just wanted to sleep for the rest of the day, wanted to cease his thoughts.
Pulling up at his house a few minutes later, he approached his door, before sighing, feeling like his heart was pumping from his chest, grabbing the bouquet of blue roses from the door step.
Still yours. I love you stink. Missing your kisses right now. - XO, your brat, Imani ♡
He read over the note a few times, wiping his face as he unlocked his door, walking inside.
He grabbed a cup of water, placing the roses inside, a smile gracing his face. He loved her a lot, she was so sweet. He hoped this 'break' didn't last long.
- i was gonna make him cheat with Alayna, but we not being toxic this book. at least not cheating wise.
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