Next Day.
"Um sir, may I speak to you? Alone." Alayna asked after being granted permission into his office, seeing Imani sitting on the couch with a MacBook in her lap.
"No. Say it in front of her." He said without looking up from his own computer.
"What's your issue with me?" Imani asked Alayna, folding her arms, and Saint looked up, his eyebrows furrowed. He didn't know that she had a problem.
"I just don't see why you're here as if you didn't do what you did." She boldly shrugged, and Imani chuckled.
"And what did I do?" Imani asked, standing up from the couch.
"No." Saint grabbed her waist before she could approach Alayna, making her frown.
"No, you. Stop tryna save this bitch from the ass whooping that she want. She been fake having a problem with me since the first time I came up here." She grabbed his hands, and he looked down at her.
It was the first time they'd spoken to each other to yesterday. They hadn't said not one word before now.
"Fake problem? Bitch you're a nobody. Mad over a girl who died years ago." Alayna frowned at her, and Imani snatched out of Saint's grip, swinging hard on Alayna.
She continuously threw her fist into her face as she tried to keep up, but was too slow for how quick Imani was thrashing her.
"Bitch don't speak on shit you don't know about. Mad cause I got the nigga you want. Bitch you can have him. Fuck is you saying." Imani hawked up her spit, before releasing it from her mouth, and it landed on Alayna's chin, near her mouth.
She shrieked in disgust as Saint called security to take her out as he held Imani back.
"Saint get off of me. How does she even know that?" She tried to pull from his grip once his office door closed, now just the two of them.
"Stop it Imani. I didn't say nothin'. Weird ass was probably listening from the cameras." He picked her up, and she frowned.
"Let me go. I don't need you to carry me." She mumbled as he sat her on the counter in the bathroom.
He didn't reply, grabbing the first aid kit and beginning to clean her bloody knuckles off. He didn't know that she fought as well as she did.
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" He asked, his tone softer than normal.
"I was afraid." She mumbled, watching as he cleaned her hand.
"Of what? You know that that's all I want with you." He said, his hands on the sides of her, finally looking in her eyes.
"Because I knew that this would happen sooner or later. Saint, I wasn't faking my love for you. Nothing was fake with me. And I didn't do anything with the money we took either, it's sitting in a random account. It was just to get your attention." She explained, and he searched her eyes.
"Imani I don't care about no money mama. Why couldn't you just tell me? You been playing in my face this whole time over a mistake. I regret that shit everyday. I'm sorry. I didn't know she was there Imani." He told her, and she looked away from him, tears brimming in her eyes.
"My parents didn't deserve that Saint. They were trying to make it back. It was only $5,000." She sniffed, and he sighed, looking down.
Saint remembered the situation as if it happened yesterday. He usually didn't care much about the bodies he caught, but that night stuck with him.
Imani's parents had borrowed $10,000 from Saint back when he used to do loans for the community. He made sure that everyone knew that there was a deadline, and there were consequences after you missed the deadline.
Everyone knew who Saint was and how he handled business, so no one ever played with him. He was nice enough to give people extra time though because he didn't want to come off as threatening, but he didn't play about his money.
Imani's parents were given an eight week grace period, and when they still didn't have all of his money, he broke into their house when they were sleeping, and released multiple bullets from his machine gun into their bed.
What he didn't know, was that a six year old little girl who'd had a nightmare, was sleeping peacefully in that bed with them.
He didn't find out about the child until the cleaning crew had brought their bodies to his building to take their organs. Once he did, it'd hurt his feelings like never before.
Saint had always loved kids. He loved how innocent and easily impressionable they were, he loved to teach them about the world and things that they'd experienced. He honestly didn't know the little girl was in the bed.
He didn't even know the two parents had children, otherwise he would've punished them in a different, non life-threatening way.
The body of the young girl was still in the decomposing freezer, that's how much he regretted it. And he recalled his mistake every time he made himself aware that her little body was down there.
After that, he stopped doing the loans, and he always checked before he caught a body. He never wanted a situation like that to happen again.
"Imani I didn't know. I thought your parents died in a car accident? I would've been apologized. I'm sorry." He told her, and she wiped her face.
"I made fake backgrounds. It's not that hard." She mumbled, before sighing, realizing that she was being harsh.
"Sorry. I'm just here to help you find your mom to prove my innocence, and then I'm leaving. Excuse me." She spoke, trying to walk past him, and he blocked her way.
"Leaving? Leaving where?" He frowned, looking down at her.
"Leaving. I'm breaking up with you Saint." She mumbled, and his frown immediately deepened.
"You b-what? What? Imani I know what I did to you was wrong, but under the circumstances I-." He started, and she cut him off.
"No. I don't even care about you putting your hands on me. You damn near killed my brother, and threatened to kill my sister. There's no coming back from that. I wasn't even supposed to fall in love with you Saint." She told him, avoiding his gaze. He held a soft grip on her face, tilting it to look up at him.
"You pregnant with my baby Imani. I love you. We can still do what we was planning to do. I'm sorry. What you want from me? I'm sorry Imani. Don't leave me please." He mumbled, and she shook her head, wiping under her eyes.
"I was stressed out about my moms. After finding out that you played in my face, that all of this was some mastermind scheme, I was mad. Can you blame me though? I understand I should've took my anger out a different way, but come on Imani. Cut me some slack. I'll do whatever you want."
"I been waiting to start a family with you, and I don't want this to stop it. You all I got if something happen to my mama Imani. I love you. I know you still love me, let me make it up to you. We can start all the way over, we can do it foreal this time. No hidden motives or nothing. I can't do this life shit without you Jae." He softly kissed her lips, and she held his face, slowly kissing him back.
His tongue slid against hers, his hand around her neck as she deepened the kiss, moaning as he sucked her tongue.
"I don't wanna make it up with sex. I wanna do it right this time Imani. Me and you can do better for our baby. I just need another chance." He spoke softly against her lips, and she sighed in a sad manner.
"I don't know Saint. It's just so much going on right now. I don't know what to do baby." Her voice cracked, and he tilted her head to look at him.
"That's what I'm here for. That's what I signed up for when I told you I was going to marry you. To be here for you, and we figure stuff out together. I love you so much. Wait." He walked out of the bathroom and over to his desk, and then back over to her.
"Look. This not how I wanted to do it, aight? And I'm sorry that it's under these circumstances. I try to make life so easy for you, but this time, I couldn't. I can't make up what I did to your family Imani. I'm sorry, if I could, I'd go back to that night and stay at work instead of going to their house-regardless of if I'd know you today or not.
"I make mistakes Imani, even in this life that I'm in. That's why I need you. Cause you keep my head on straight and you make me feel normal and disciplined. You show me what's right and wrong, and make me aware of other people's feelings and how I treat them."
"I need you. I need you with me everyday, doing this life shit with me. You the only person I see myself with. These eight months ain't been fake and can't nobody make me believe that they've been, regardless of what we got going on right now."
"That's why we got each other. So that we can make it through shit like this-together. Baby I love you. I want you to be the mother to all my kids, I wanna grow old with you and be with you forever, even in whatever the afterlife is. I love you so much. You all I want Imani."
"I ain't never experienced love like this before, and you done made every single second of it perfect, even after knowing what I did to you. You all I want in this life of sin. I need you, Imani. It ain't no me without you baby. You done changed my whole world around for the better."
"I love you more than I can ever put into words, more than all the gifts I buy, more than all the money I got. I'll give all that shit up as long as I got you with me, cause you all I need. I love you, Imani Jae. Will you marry me?" He opened a blue velvet box, now on his knee, and Imani was damn near bawling.
"Oh my god. That was so beautiful Saint. Oh my god." She covered her face, sobbing into her hands. She hated how emotional pregnancy made her. Everything made her sad.
"I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I'm sorry Mekhi." She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he stood up, hugging her tight.
"Baby I need you. I love you so much man, you can't leave me. Marry me Imani. Do this shit with me forever baby. Please." He had tears falling from his eyes, scared of losing her.
He knew that he loved her way more than he thought he did, for the simple fact that he couldn't see life without her anymore. He needed Imani like she was the air that he breathed.
"Yes. Yes, let's do it. Let's get married." She laughed through her cries, and he smiled, hugging her tight.
"Oh my god I love you. How do you got me like this?" She cried, trying to stop the tears from falling as he held her.
She felt so safe in his arms. He never failed to make her smile, to brighten up her day regardless of past-and present-events. He was her entire heart, and she couldn't deny it.
"I love you. I can't explain how much Imani. I promise Ima make up to you. To your brother and sister too, okay? Let me start with this." His voice rasped, sliding a fourteen carat halo shaped diamond ring on her finger.
Both of their names were engraved on the inside of the bands, Imani noticing as she slid the other ring on his ring finger.
"It's so beautiful Saint. Oh my god baby I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around his neck in another hug, to which he returned. She didn't even know what she was really apologizing for.
"I hope you don't think this is a manipulative tactic or anything, you know I'd never do you like that. I just know what me and you can be. I know where to start-but I can't, if it's not with you. Just give me some time and I'll fix everything. I promise." He kissed the side of her face, and she sniffed, rubbing his back.
"We. We'll fix it. Together." She mumbled, and he kissed her forehead, making her smile.
"Yeah baby. We. Me and you. I love you so much Imani." He rubbed her face, softly kissing her cheek as it flushed a light shade of red.
"I love you too baby."
Nigga done forgot about his moms lol
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