Two weeks later.
"Stay please." Imani mumbled, half asleep as she rubbed Saint's shoulders.
"I won't be gone long. Three hours at the most." He told her, and she frowned up at him.
"Okay. Bye Saint." She removed him from above her, raising up from the bed.
"This a attitude?" He asked, amused as he sat at the edge of his bed.
She ignored him, walking in his closet to find her an outfit for the day, figuring she might as well get out the house as well.
"You gone make me repeat myself?" He spoke, and she rolled her eyes, still ignoring him.
"This a fucking attitude or not?" He gritted after roughly grabbing her up from behind, his large hand wrapped around her throat.
"No." She mumbled, a small frown on her face.
"Yes it is. Tell me why fat mama." He released the grip on her neck, turning her around and wrapping his arms around her.
"You've been gone everyday this week Saint. For at least six hours everyday. I don't like when you leave me by myself. I want you to stay with me." She looked down at her hands, shy under his gaze.
"Imani I-baby are you crying?" He frowned, pulling her into a hug, and she wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face in his chest.
"Saint are y-you're not cheating on me are you?" She asked softly, and his head jerked back.
"What? No. Imani I ain't doing shit besides working I swear on my life. On everything I love I don't even look at nobody besides you. Why are you just now speaking up about this?" He held her face to look at him, and she wiped the few tears that fell, shrugging.
"Since we've been together you've never been gone this much. I asked you a few days to stay with me and you ignored me Saint. I just t-I don't know. Sorry, that was a dumb question." She sniffed, attempting to pull from his grip, and he held her tighter.
"Look at me Imani." He assertively stated, and she looked up, meeting his eyes.
"It wasn't dumb. Imani I am not cheating on you, nor am I thinking about it. I swear on my daughter grave I don't want nobody besides you and I never will. You for me. I'm trying to leave this shit alone for good, but it's a lot of stuff I have to get done before I do."
"I didn't realize how much I been gone. I'm sorry fat ma, I didn't know. We talk about stuff like that, don't keep your feelings from me. You understand?" He wiped her face, and she nodded, clearing her throat.
"I'm sorry Saint. I shouldn't have accused you of that but I didn't know that you were serious about leaving. I'm sorry." She wiped her face with the back of her hand, looking down at the floor again.
Saint tilted her head up, leaving a small sweet kiss on her bottom lip, making her pout from how soft and sensual it was.
"I don't want nobody besides you. You my baby. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I'll stay home." He told her, and she shook her head.
"No, it's fine, you can go. I'm dramatic and spoiled. I'll be fine." She mumbled, holding on to his arms as he left kisses on her jaw.
"Nah. I'm staying. You wanna go out to eat?" He asked, and she smiled, looking up at him.
"I'm serious Mekhi. You can go. Just promise to be home by dinner?" She rubbed his face, and he looked at her for a few seconds, before responding.
"I don't wanna leave you now. You got my feelings hurt and shit cause I made you cry." He chuckled, picking her frame up, and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"It's okay, and I'm okay. You can go baby." She closed her eyes, yawning as he rocked her in his arms.
"Ima make it up to you Jae. I love you." He kissed her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around around his neck.
"I love you too baby." She mumbled, becoming sleepy in his grip.
Saint felt bad for how often he'd been gone. He really didn't even realize it, and didn't know that she missed him as much as she did.
He was too focused on getting his business and profits together to officially leave the game, not realizing how much time it was taking.
He needed to speed this process up, because he was ready to settle all the way down with Imani, something he never saw himself doing before her.
After a few minutes, Saint laid her body down under his covers, and then pulled them over her, watching her breathe slowly.
He leaned over, kissing her lips a few times, watching her as she slept. He kissed her again, before standing up and grabbing his keys.
He turned out the lights, before hesitating, pondering the thought on if he should leave or not. He know that she said he could, but he didn't really want to.
"It's okay baby." She mumbled from the bed, and he turned his head, before walking back over to her.
She opened her arms, and he wrapped her up in a hug, burying his face in her neck.
"Two hours. That's it. I'll be back before you get up I promise." He mumbled, more so trying to reassure himself. He didn't want her to feel neglected.
"I believe you stink. I love you." She kissed his cheek, before laying back on the bed.
"I love you too fat mama." He pecked her lips, before raising up. She chuckled as she watched him hesitate again, and she lifted from the bed.
"Do you want me to go with you baby?" She mumbled, and he immediately nodded, making her laugh.
She stood to her feet, stretching her body, before walking over to the closet. She pulled his shirt from her body, looking through her clothes.
"It's crazy how much I love you." He told her as she pulled on a pair of leather jeans.
"Yeah whatever, help me pull these up." She frowned, and he laughed, grabbing the hem of her jeans, pulling them up over her thick thighs.
"These gone chafe the fuck out yo thighs girl." He pulled them over her ass, and she laughed.
"No they won't. Ok, maybe. But it costs to be a bad bitch." She shrugged, holding his arms as he buttoned them for her.
"You so rough. Go away." She frowned after he slapped her ass, and he chuckled, watching her pull on a fitted polo shirt, tucking it into her jeans.
"Nah. I don't like this shirt." He grabbed her boobs in his hands, and she swatted them away.
"Move Saint. Oh my god." She laughed as his hands roamed her body, grabbing his shoulders.
"You so damn sexy." He grabbed her ass, playing with it, making her laugh again.
"Thank you. Which heels should I wear?" She asked, and Saint looked at her side of his closet.
He picked up a pair of black, red bottom, Louboutin heels, and then a red Hermes birkin bag.
Imani slid her feet into the heels as she held on to his arm to keep herself stable. Once she put them on, Saint squatted, tying the loop, rubbing over her toes afterwards, making her laugh.
"You look good girl." He grabbed her wide hips as he stood upright, leaning over to kiss her jaw, and she smiled.
"Thank you. You think you a fashionista or somethin'." She said as she grabbed the purse, walking out the closet.
He chuckled, watching her spray herself with perfume, then touch up her hair.
After about thirty minutes, they were riding the elevator towards the top floor.
"You scared?" He looked down at her, and she shook her head no, her long milky white nails with a navy blue outline tapping on the screen of her phone.
"Should I be?" She asked, and he chuckled.
"You in a building full of drugs, guns, and dead bodies. I'd be." He shrugged, and she turned her head.
"Bodies? What do you need those for?" She rose an eyebrow at him, and he pretended to zip his lips and throw away the key, making her roll her eyes.
"Things like that, I don't really wanna know about. Okay?" She told him, before closing her eyes as he softly pecked her lips a few times.
"My fault. I was kidding." He lied, and she nodded, chuckling.
"You weren't. Asshole." She led the way off the elevator, and he shrugged, following her.
Saint watched as she unintentionally strutted, her red bottom heels tapping against the ground as she walked, her curly black hair flowing down her back.
He pulled his hand back, slapping her ass as hard as he could, the slap echoing through the quiet area, and she hissed, immediately grabbing ass.
"Saint." She whined, the stinging sensation prolonging, a pout resting on her face.
"You fine as fuck. Damn." He grabbed her neck with his right hand, the other grabbing a handful of her ass.
"You are so aggravating." She frowned at him, her hand over his as he backed her into his office.
"Lemme see you. Turn around." He let her go, licking over his lips.
"No Saint." She chuckled, mushing his head as he smiled, kissing her cheek.
"Sit in here. I be right back aight?" He sat her at his desk, and she nodded, crossing her legs.
She held his face as he kissed hers, before letting him go, laughing as he hugged her.
"Mekhi you are so obsessed with me." She shook her head at him, hugging him back.
"Yeah cause you my baby." He mumbled, kissing her lips, and she smiled, returning the kiss, before pulling away.
"Byeeee." She ushered him away, and he laughed, kissing her forehead, then walked out of his office.
Saint walked towards the elevator, waiting for the doors to open. Once they did so, Alayna was about to walk off, a binder in her hand.
"Oh! I'm sorry sir, I didn't realize you were coming today. Should I get you coffee?" She asked, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"Nah it's cool. Actually, run down to Chick-fil-A real quick. I'll send you the order." He said, referring to the fourth floor of his building which contained a cafeteria of small fast food restaurants.
"Yes sir." She headed for the stairs since it was only two flights, and Saint stepped on the elevator, pulling his phone out to send her the order for Imani.
He walked off the elevator at the first floor, the smell of chemicals and a foul sewer smell instantly invading his nose.
He grimaced, grabbing a body suit protector so that the scent didn't get on his clothes, as well as a face mask.
"Mr.East! Is everything alright?" One of the head surgeon's approached him, confused.
"Yeah. I'm just lookin'. Continue." He gestured him away, and the surgeon nodded, walking off to the previous patient he was just attending to.
Saint looked at the many bodies rowed across the floors, tables, and some in the dead body refrigerator lined up in the cooled walls.
Saint made more money off of organs than drugs and his business investments combined.
The least he could make off of one healthy body is $525,000. Nowadays, more sadistic and psychotic buyers were on the black market, pushing for different organs, and Saint was the key provider.
He was one of the top organ distributors, and he shipped out at least a million dollars worth of organs daily. It brought in way more money that he would've thought.
Saint specifically went after healthy people, mostly ones who owed him money, or committed a vicious crime that they thought no one knew about.
He'd received many requests before, asking for body parts that he didn't even know existed. Still, he did what was asked for certain prices.
He didn't really visit the first floor often. He hated being reminded of what took place on this floor, the gruesome screams of people having their orgasm surgically removed while they were still alive, under no anesthesia. But he wasn't going to stop.
Saint walked towards the farthest back body cooler, pulling it open and looking at the small body that occupied it.
The little girl inside reminded him of his daughter. Both bodies that he hated seeing. Children dying was something that hurt his feelings the way that nothing else could.
The body lying in the cooler was one of the only bodies he regretted having. Her death happened way before Solana's, way before he found out how much he loved kids. He'd never forgive himself for it.
He shook his head, walking back towards the elevator and pulling the suit off, throwing it in the waste bin.
Riding the elevator back to the highest floor, he got off, walking back in his office.
Imani looked up from her phone, chuckling as his arms wrapped around her.
"Boy it's been like fifteen minutes." She smiled as he pulled her up, sitting down in his chair, and then pulling her down in his lap.
"I missed you. That's fourteen minutes too long." He told her, rubbing his hands down her inner thighs, shrugging.
"You aggy. I missed you too." She shook her head at him, and he laughed, wrapping his arms around her torso.
He laid his face in her neck, leaving kisses there as he rubbed her stomach, and Imani let him, continuing to scroll on her phone.
"You get that money I sent you earlier?" He asked, and she nodded.
"I don't know why you continue to send me money as if I'm not an authorized user on all of your bank cards." She mumbled, leaning her head on the side of his as he watched her phone with her.
"Stop telling all my business." He said, and she laughed, shrugging.
"You make me crazy, like deadass. How I got you in my accounts already?" He fake sighed in disappointment, making her laugh again.
"You are so in love. I honestly don't know how either. I think I'm pretty regular but you treat me like I'm top tier." She chuckled, and he looked at her.
"Cause you are? Duh. Ain't shit bout you regular. Especially this ass." He told her, and she laughed, shaking her head at him.
"Yeah but like, you've been in love before right? Were you like this with her? Princess life?" She asked, rubbing his large hands that rested on her stomach.
"Who was I in love with? I told you that you my first." He said, and she turned her head to look at him.
"Solana's mom? You wasn't in love with her?" She asked, and his head jerked back.
"Fuck no. Solana was born from a drunk night. My dumb ass ain't realize my condom ripped and got a stripper pregnant. Soon as Lala was born, she dipped. Ain't ever heard from the bitch since." He shrugged, and her jaw dropped.
"It ripped? And you didn't know? Did she rip it?" She asked, and he shook his head no.
"My dick too big. Or maybe the condom was just small. Ion really remember. And she ain't really let me around while she was pregnant either. But when Solana was born, it was just me and my baby." He told her, and she held a frown on her face.
"Was abortion ever on the table? Or you knew you wanted her?" She questioned, now curious about the story.
"She wanted one bad. She was a lil hot, fucking a few niggas here and there and she knew a baby would get in the way of that. I didn't want her to get an abortion because of my religion, so I paid her a million to keep Lala, and let her leave once she gave birth. $500,000 before she was born, and the rest after." He explained to her, chuckling at the wonder on her face.
"That's...different. Never heard of nothing like that before. I'm glad you got Solana in the end though. I know you were an amazing father." She said, laughing as she grabbed his hand the gripped between her legs.
"I was. So make me one again." He held between her legs, attacking her face with kisses as she laughed again.
There was a knock on his door, and he granted them permission inside, Imani attempting to pull his hand from off of her slit.
"Move girl." He pretended to bite her face as she smiled, Alayna walking inside.
"Oh, I d-I didn't know you had company?" Alayna confusedly spoke. She'd never in all four years of her working for him seen him with a woman-at least not this close.
"Yeah. Alayna this is Imani, Imani, Alayna. That's my assistant, and this my fiancé." He introduced the two of them, and Imani smiled at the name, shaking her head at him.
"Nice to meet you." Imani held her hand out, and Alayna shook it, a small frown on her face. A ping of jealousy stung through her body, seeing how affectionate East was being with this girl who she'd never seen before.
"Uh, here's your order sir. Was that all that you needed?" Alayna sat the bag of food and drink on his desk, and he passed it to Imani, making Alayna's frown deepen.
"Yeah, that's all. You can go." He said, not looking at her as he helped Imani set her food up.
Alayna walked out of his office, and Imani frowned once Saint stole one of her chicken nuggets.
"You fat ass boy." She mugged him, and he laughed, licking the small amount of Polynesian sauce from his lip.
"I ate one chicken nugget and now you're body shaming me? That's fuckin' crazy Imani." He chuckled, and she rolled her eyes, a sly smile on her face.
About half an hour later, after showing Imani a few things with his accounts and her finishing up her food, they were heading out of his office.
"I'm all up in her like a wee wee dinner." Imani danced, leading the way out as Saint laughed, shaking his head at her.
"I hit her from the back, I skeeted in ya eye." He sung with her, making her laugh as well, before a throat cleared.
"Um Mr.East, may I talk to you? Alone?" Alayna's asked, holding a manila file folder in her hand.
"Nah, you can say it in front of her. Wassup?" He wrapped his arms around Imani, a frown on his face.
"Sir its a business matter." She gestured moderately with her hands. Saint was about to say something, and Imani looked up at him.
"It's okay baby. I'll wait right there." She told him, pulling his face down to kiss his cheek, and he returned the kiss, before letting her go.
Imani walked to go stand by the elevator, pulling her phone out, being her usual nosy self as she discreetly tried to listen in, though she was sure Saint would tell her either way.
"Sir, it's about Spider. I think something's up." She could hear Alayna say, making her frown as Saint was passed a folder.
He held a frown on his face as he opened it, Alayna telling him things that Imani couldn't quite hear due to how low she was talking.
Imani watched as Saint read over the papers in the folder, his jaw clenching as he closed it, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Don't fucking do nothing, I'll be back tomorrow with some plans." He spoke low to her, but Imani heard him.
She quickly put her attention back on her phone as Saint walked over to her, pressing the button for the elevator.
"Is everything okay?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his torso as he stepped in the elevator with him.
"Yeah. You good?" He failed to lie, leaning down to kiss her lips, and she returned the kiss, nodding.
"Saint?" She questioned, a frown on her face.
"Not right now fat mama." He kissed her forehead, before pulling her off the elevator.
She held a small frown on her face, nonetheless letting the situation go. For now.
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