"Hey, Pogues." Bali said as she walked through The Wreck, making it toward the trio, "Kie, your mom just told me to tell you she needs those setups done."
Kie groaned, "Does she ever just give it a break?"
"Hello, handsome fella." Bali grinned as she sat next to JJ and bumped his shoulder, "I don't see a ring on that finger. Wanna get a drink?"
"Sorry, missy, i'm off the market." JJ said with a a southern accent, popping his collar.
"Can you guys not be gross and affectionate right now?" Pope asked with hopeful eyes, "I do hope to keep my lunch down."
"So, we going to the Bahamas or what?" JJ spoke up as he slung a arm around Bali.
"You know what happened the last time I was in the Bahamas?" Bali asked as JJ hummed, waiting for an answer, "I dropped a bottle of forty year old rum and cut my foot open with it. Talk about painnnn."
"You know, I can literally picture that happening right in my head right now." Kie said with a nod and a shut to her eyes.
"There's no way we're getting to the Bahamas." Pope cut the idea short.
"John B's gonna get nabbed sooner or later. So if we're gonna clear his name, we needed it done by yesterday." Kie spoke honestly as she crossed her legs. Bali reached over and untied her shoelace.
JJ dropped his arm from around Bali and stood, "I'll tell you what we're gonna do."
"Oh my god." Bali mumbled as she squeeze the bridge of her nose, "Please tell is, love, go on."
"So you have it all planned out?" Pope asked with a cross of his arms.
"As a matter of fact, I do." JJ said as he popped his hip out with a point of his finger, "We kidnap Rafe."
"JJ!" Bali scolded him.
"I'm sorry, what?" Pope was next.
"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up, and stick a gun in his mouth and just wait till he starts squawking." JJ explained, making violent hand guessers as Bali grabbed his wrist to make him stop.
"We're not kidnapping Rafe." she said back sternly, "How exactly do you expect us to do that anyways? Break into the Cameron house, get past Ward with a good ol' fashion 'Hey man, no worried, we're just here to kidnap your son and shove a gun in his mouth.' This is not Fifty Shades!"
"Do you have any plans, Bal? Because i'm listening." JJ said as he held his ear out dramatically.
"I've been telling you my idea but you say nope! And pop the P every single time." Bali argued back.
"Because you're not just gonna go talking to a murderer about him being a murderer." JJ threw his hands up in disbelief, "We tie him up, then you talk."
"You know, torture is a war crime." Kie pointed out as JJ looked her way.
"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony." Pope hummed as he put a hand over his mouth with a shrug, "One your rich girlfriend won't even be able to bail you out of."
Bali felt her body heat up at the girlfriend name, leaning into JJ as she rubbed his back.
"Well, what do you got Pope?" JJ asked as he looked across Bali.
Pope huffed, "Guys, all we need is a material witness. We saw Wards plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If someone else flew, they were there on the tarmac. They saw Peterkin get murdered. We just have to find whoever that was and get them to confess on record."
"How do we do that?" Kie asked.
"A little light espionage." Pope smirked her way.
"A little ghost recon." JJ added in.
"I do have the password to Wards computer. I can easily figure out who was on that plane." Bali suggested with a eyebrow raise, "You know what this calls for!"
"Woogity Woogity?" Pope suggested.
"Give me some Woogity, baby!"
"Just be carful, dude, okay?" JJ asked as Bali unbuckled her seatbelt, "You get in, you get out."
"JJ, don't be John B." Bali said, grabbing his face and laying a kiss on his lips, "I'll be back."
"Watch around you." Kie warned her, earning a thumbs up as Bali headed through the bushes, ducking down and watching to make sure the cost was clear. She made her way through the backyard and up to the small steps and to the back door. She knew it was always unlocked during the day but had a horrible creek in it if you tried to open it slow. Bali grabbed the handle and pulled it open quickly to avoid it, sighing in relief when it opened quietly.
Bali took off her shoes, her socks much softer on the flooring. Peaking around the kitchen corner, she saw Weezie in the living room, watching reruns of Pretty Little Liars. Bali glanced at the office at the end of the hall, taking her chances and hoping across the wooden floors before gliding easily. She looked inside the office, making sure Ward or Rose wasn't in there. Bali was thankful it was empty, hurrying inside.
When she got near the window, she saw Rose on the docks, talking frantically on the phone. Bali hurried to sit down on the office chair, pulling the computer open and typing in Wards birthday. Sarah had told her that was always his password, and Bali had watched Rafe type it in multiple times. Bali looked back at the dates that Peterkin died, finding the exact one and reading over the names. She found the pilot in no time, writing his first and last name down on her palm.
She recognized it, he was a common hotel check in. Bali figured it had been were he had his affairs, most people did when they'd live on the island but commonly check into the hotels anyways. Bali shut the computer back with a minor smile to herself, standing up and making sure everything was set up exactly how it was as she left. Rose was still on the docks, though she'd hung up the phone by now.
When Bali headed back down the hallway, she stopped for a second. The worst and most stupid idea came to mind, peaking up at the stairs. She'd surely make a noise, and the Pogues were waiting for her as she stood still. Bali shook her head but went up the stairs anyways, stepping over the creeks as well as she could and hoped Weezie's show was turned up loud enough to drown out a faint squeak.
She made it to the top, looking left and right because she still had no clue where Ward was. Bali hoped he'd been out as she walked down the hallway, looking over her shoulder every few moments just to make sure no one was behind her. The door was pretty much begging for her as she stood infront of it, the handle yelling for her to reach out and pull.
Bali had no clue what was going on behind the room, but she'd came up here for a reason and she wasn't the type to ignore it. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, but she'd ignored it and turned the black handle. The door didn't creek like the back one did, meaning she could open it slowly and with ease. Peaking her head around, she sighed in relief.
Rafe was asleep, though it had been later in the day but she could imagine she'd sleep all day too if she didn't have school. Bali shut the door back, if anyone walked up the stairs, they'd see right through the room and blow her cover. Rafes room was oddly clean for a boys, though the average clothes thrown across the floor and empty water bottles knocked over on the desk. Bali ignored all of them as she walked closer to his bed and kneeled down next to his sleeping figure.
Rafe slept on his stomach, arms under the pillow while the right side of his face was smooshed down slightly. He looked a lot young when he slept, more at peace then anything. Bali checked his pulse, nodding when she felt it and fixed the blanket over his shoulders a little better. Bali hasn't spoken to Rafe since the night he cried in this very room and then she left him to deal with her own problems while he had no one. She felt guilty for it, even after he killed the sheriff.
Bali kissed Rafes forehead as she stood up again, taking a step back before tripping over the carpet and falling on her ass. Bali groaned as she hit the ground, huffing in disbelief. Rafe hummed in his sleep as he began to move around. Bali gasped, standing up and running out of the door quickly before taking her chances of charging down the stairs, missing each step.
"Rafe?" Weezie called out when she heard it, not seeing Balis figure running back toward the kitchen and b lining it out the back door. She grabbed her shoes, fell over the bottom step, and was up and running again.
"Oh, what the hell?" Pope asked in disbelief as he saw the Pandaros girl sprinting back to the car.
"Bal!" JJ hollered as he looked out the window, "Did they see you?"
"I don't know!" Bali said as she jumped through the window, "Just go!"
Kie hit the gas and pulled off the Cameron street. Bali dropped her head into JJ's lap and took a deep breath, "I got his name!"
"Yeah!" The pogues cheered.
Bali didn't realize that when she fell in Rafes room, her phone in her back pocket had fallen out and now was laid across his carpet.
kylie speaks
are we all screaming?
bc i am. ahhhhhhh
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