Bali was in the bushes for a while, picking at the bushes and slapping mosquitoes off of her. She messed with her black bandana a few times, tying it and retrying it. It wasn't until both Sarah and Kie scream, making Bali gasp. She looked for any sign of them running out of the house, cursing when they didn't.
Bali ran up the porch, stepping over the hole she made two years ago. The door was already cracked, indicating they'd gone inside. Bali kicked it open and shined her flashlight around, "Kie! Sarah!"
"Leon, get over here!" Mrs Crain called as she turned around in the hallway, Bali's flashlight shining on her. The Pandaros girl screamed at the sight of her, running into the kitchen and down the small hallway. Mrs Crain threw her cain at her, missing Bali as she ran into one of the rooms.
"Kie." she whispered into the dark room, "Sarah? Where are you?"
Another scream went down the hallway, panicking Bali as she threw the door open and ran down the hallway again. She saw Mrs Crain beating down a door with a fire poker, the yells of her friends coming from the side. Bali thought about John B, about how he told her to be a distraction.
"Hey, lady!" Bali yelled over the yells. Miss Crain turned at the sound of her voice, though the hadn't seen her, "Leon doesn't wanna see you anymore!"
"You! Leon!" Mrs Crain said as she pointed the fire poker toward Bali. Kie swung the door open, hitting Mrs Crain in the back of the head as she fell over.
"Cmon, Bal!" Kie hollered as Bali ran down the hall, getting past Mrs Crain before her wrinkled hands wrapped around her ankle. Bali hit the wooden floor face first.
"Bali!" Sarah called as she reached down and helped her up, yelling in fear when Mrs Crain pointed the fire poker once again.
"Crazy ass fossils foil." Bali spoke in a panic as she ran with the pair down the wooden steps where the boys had been.
"Woah, woah." Pope panicked as he looked at the trio.
"Bal! Your nose!" JJ spoke as he looked at her bleeding nostrils, though it seemed to be worse on the right side.
"Crain, shes up there!"
"She tried to kill us with a fire poker, guys, we gotta get the fuck outta here."
"She tripped me in the hallway and now her old lady germs are all over my ankles." Bali spoke fast as she looked down at her ankles, cringing.
"Okay, that's code red! That's code red!" JJ agreed as he grabbed hold of the rope better, "Hey, John B! Get back on, man!"
Sarah grabbed Bali's face and whipped the bit of blood off of her.
"Everyone pull, cmon." Pope said as the five grabbed hold of the rope, "Three, two, one."
They each pulled, but the rope gave in and they all fell back.
"Where the hell is he?"
"John B!"
"Shh, guys, shh." Kie shhed them all quickly as they went silent a moment. A faint yell echoed off the well.
"It sounds like he's drowning." Bali said quickly as she backed up.
"We gotta pull him out!" Kie was right next to her as they grabbed the rope again while Pope yelled for John B to get on the rope.
"I'm on!"
"He's on!" Bali called back as she was in the front the Pope, hearing John B loud and clear.
"Okay, lets go!" Pope said as the five began pulling him up together, going as far back before coming forward again. A gun shot when through the air, the bright light hitting the wall behind Kie. They all let go of the rope a seconds before Pope got it tied up to the wall, another shot came.
"Kie, duck down!" Bali yelled, seeing as though she was the one closest.
Bali turned and grabbed both Pope and JJ, pulling them behind a old pottery set while the girls hid closer toward the opened. JJ put a hand over Popes mouth as he moved Bali in closer. Another shot went toward the girls.
"Go! Go!" Kie yelled as her and Sarah took off, Bali and the boys not too far behind as they charged through the over grown glasses. Bali collided with one of the statues and hit the ground.
"Bal, cmon." JJ said as he lifted her up and they were running again. Jumping into the van was easy, JJ starting it in the front while the rest searched for John B. Another gun shot went off in the distance.
Bali screamed as she saw someone running after the van, "It's Mrs Crain!"
"That's John B!" Kie cheered as the taller boy jumped into the van while Pope speed off. Bali sighed in relief when her and Sarah shut the van doors, leaning back and all trying to catch their breaths.
"Oh, my god!"
"JJ, drive!"
Bali gave John B a hug but gagged at the smell of him, "You smell like a old tampon."
"Are you okay? Are you shot?" JJ called back to John B, trying to keep his eyes on the road but looking back.
"No." John B called back.
"I think i'd know if so was shot, right?" Kie questioned as she held her hands to her chest.
"All-Time Pogue Hall of Fame, baby!" JJ cheered from the drivers seat.
"That bitch is a nightmare!" Bali said in disbelief as she caught her breath on the seat.
"That bitch is possessed." Kie went along with Bali's words.
"That bitch can't aim." Sarah added in as she grabbed Bali's ankle, "You better soak this."
"Hell yeah." Bali agreed with a laugh, "JJ, are you shot?"
"All good, all good." he called out to her, reaching his hand back and placing it on her head.
"How does she move that fast?"
"She's possessed?"
"She's a fucking demon fossil."
"She's blind!"
"Like Master Yoda."
"Like fucking voldemort."
"What is that?" Kie asked as she saw the small block of gold in John B's hands. Bali screamed as JJ swerved at the sudden noise.
"No, you didn't!" Sarah yelled in disbelief.
"John B!" Bali said a she shook his shoulders harshly.
"We did it, baby!" John B yelled as he held the piece of gold up.
"We did it!"
"Oh, my god!"
"I did it!"
"Holy shit!"
"The gold!"
"Guys, we're gonna be rich."
"Like kook rich!"
"Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook!"
Bali's parents had a business meeting over in Bodie Island and left early that morning. Bali let the pogues stay with her since they had been closer to Figure Eight while John B and Sarah went back to the Cameron house hold. Bali let Kie have the guest room while JJ and Pope crashed on the couch. After a small celebration, they'd all crashed nearly immediately after the long night.
Bali hadn't been asleep long when she felt the bed dip behind her, JJ's arm wrapping after her. Bali hummed as she leaned back some, giving his hand around her a small squeeze, "The couch isn't comfortable, is it?"
JJ kissed her shoulder and curled up behind her, digging his head into her shoulder, "Bal."
She hummed again.
"I'm sorry about earlier." he whispered into her ear. Bali rolled over some so she'd been on her back and he was leaning over her slightly, "I'm not mad at you."
Bali touched his face, "Is it about Sarah?"
"What?" JJ asked with a odd tone. It was hard to see in the dark room but the faint moon light shining in gave her enough light to see his eyes.
"Do you wanna break up because of Sarah?" she asked him, her hands came off of him, "If so, it's okay."
"No, no, it's not anything to do with Sarah." JJ reassured her quickly with a lost expression, "Where'd that even come from?"
"Really?" Bali smiled as she looked up at him, "JJ."
"Bal." he repeated with a giggle, letting her arms wrap around him in a minor hug, "Would you ever break up with me for a Kook?"
Bali pulled back to look at him again. JJ laid on top of her when his arms got tired. Bali ran a hand through the bright blonde locks, "No, never. Why would you even say that?"
"I'm just wondering." JJ shook his head before tucking in her neck, "Thats all I was wondering."
Bali hummed as she kissed his forehead and drifted back to sleep.
kylie speaks
really out here making
me go soft and believe
In love again.
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