SHE WATCHES HER BROTHER INTENTLY. His focus is unmatched. The rabbit in front of them calmly eats the leaves, paying the two teenagers no mind. His breathing is soft and repressed. He doesn't want to make a sound. He doesn't want to scare off the rabbit. She wants to ask a question, but she knows better. Shifting her body, she slowly moves to a more comfortable position, resting on her elbows.
His movements are gentle and calculated. As his index finger slowly moves to the trigger of his rifle, the siblings hold their breath. As his finger begins to press on the trigger, a shrill shout scares both the teenagers and the rabbit. His finger presses the trigger, only for the bullet to hit a tree stump to the left where the rabbit had been. Curses slipped past his lips as he pushed himself up off the ground.
"What in blue blazes are you doing out here?" Their mother approaches the two with a glare in her eyes directed towards the younger girl. "What do you think you're doing?" When her gaze landed on the dirt stains on the girl's dress, she lets out a loud huff. "And look at your dress! You've ruined it now!" Her hand roughly wrapped around the girl's elbow, pulling her off the ground.
"It's my fault, Mum." The boy stood up, brushing off the dirt from his own clothes. "I wanted to show her how to hunt."
"And why would you want to show a young lady something like that? Don't you know anything about women, boy?" She drags the girl back towards their house. "I can't believe you, Margaret. It seems you do everything in your power to upset me. Do you do this on purpose? You'e going to give me a heart attack one day."
Mags stays silent, deciding it better to stay silent than to argue. Her father had always told her that, when it came to her mother, it was best to just let her get her rants out and move on. As they entered the house, the eldest girl watched with furrowed eyebrows. "Is everything alright?" She asks, staring at the two women.
"Yes, Elizabeth. Your sister decided she wanted to pretend to be a boy and learn how to hunt." Their mother turned Mags. "Go upstairs and change. And don't be too long. You and your sister are learning how to make bread today."
Mags turns towards the stairs that lead up to the children's bedrooms. Tears began to build in her eyes as she made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. Why couldn't she just hunt with her brother? She wasn't even the one with the gun. She was just there to watch. Her right hand lifted to wipe away a stray tear that fell down her cheek. Shortly behind her, Alex followed with a concerned look on his face. Before she could close her door, his hand quickly caught the door. "I'm sorry, Maggie."
She shook her head, waving him off. It was obvious that she refused to look at him. Don't you dare cry, she told herself. "Get out of my room, Alex."
"Maggie, I'm serious. I didn't think she'd react like that-"
"Because you're her favorite!" Mags shouted, spinning to face her older brother. "You and Liz can do no wrong in her eyes. I'm just the fucked up girl who can't do anything right." Tears spilled down her cheeks as she took a seat on the corner of her bed. Alex took a seat next to his youngest sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Her sobs racked her body. Mags leaned against her brother's warm body. Nothing was more comforting than her brother's presence.
"Maggie, you're not a fuck-up. You're the smartest girl I know. You don't put up with anyone's horseshit, especially not us boys. I don't worry about you like I do Liz. I know if any man tries anything, you could kick his arse better than I ever could." Alex's left hand rubs small and comforting circles against her back. Pressing a soft kiss against her head, he squeezed her into his grip.
"I signed up to be a nurse in the war."
"I'm sorry?" Alex pulled his arm away from her.
"You heard me." Mags wipes away the remainder of her tears. "The Queen Alexandra's came by our nursing classes last week. I volunteered to be one of the recruits they send to the front lines."
Alex pushed himself off of the bed. His glare was sharp towards her. "You know what? You're a fucking idiot. I take back everything I just said. I can't believe you." Running a hand through his hair, he let out a sigh. "Have you even told Mum or Liz?"
Mags let out a scoff. "That's a dumb question."
Letting out another sigh, he reclaimed his seat next to her. He reached into his left back pocket and pulled out a folded paper. Placing it on her lap, he watched her open it and begin reading it. "I got that last week in the mail. I haven't been able to think of how to tell them. Hell, I didn't even know how to tell you."
"Margaret!" Their mother shouted from downstairs. "You're taking too long! Get down here!"
Mags handed the letter back to Alex. "Maybe we'll be in the same area. Then I can protect you." She bumped his shoulder with hers, a soft smile growing on her rosy lips.
A sad gaze formed in his eyes. "I don't want to go, Margaret." He whispered. "I don't want to kill anyone."
Her right hand reached up to give her brother a comforting squeeze. "I wish I could give you comforting words, but... I can't."
The bedroom door flung open. Her mother glared down at the two siblings. "You haven't even changed. Have you two been sitting up here the entire time? That's it. Alex, go to your room. Margaret, get changed this instant. I'm sick of telling you what to do, only to be ignored."
Alex pushed himself off the bed, making his way out of the bedroom. Mags stared down at her hands. Should she break the news now? No, there would be a time, and now was not the time. Though, she only had a week left to tell the woman. Maybe tomorrow. Or maybe that would just be a waste of time.
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