WINNER: Best Bet Phase
Interviewee- amerewanderer
Interviewer- Nandini_001
Nandini: Hello dear! Bundles of congratulations to you for winning this award and here I am taking your interview... shall we start?
Amerewanderer: Yup!
Nandini: So here we go...
Who doesn't have a desired destination. Everyone has their one desired destination, be it in their own country or in the world. What's yours? Why is that your favorite one? What attracts you in there?
Amerewanderer: They say you always want what you don't have. The same applies for me as well. I've been in different parts of the world, but never truly in my home country. And that's how an India tour made itself known to my bucket list.
Nandini: Food can never remain behind whenever talking about places around the world because every place has its own food speciality. I believe that everyone is a foodie from inside. What's your favorite food? Does it originate from your hometown?
Amerewanderer: The kind of food that I like depends on the mood I'm in. So if there's one dish that can vary with my occasional mood swings, it's pani puri. Sometimes sweet, mostly spicy!
Nandini: We often end up gaining fats whenever we choose our cravings over fitness. Does that happen with you? Do you pay heed to how much fit you are? Is fitness important to you? Is it difficult for you to kill your cravings like me?
Amerewanderer: The need to remain fit lingers in the back of my mind, but often succumbs to my cravings for chocolates, pizza and maggi! At the end of day, I believe my heart should be content with the way I've spent my day.
Nandini: Being fit is a significant part of our lives. Life. The word itself creates numerous visuals and meanings in different brains. This common question is asked several times, "How's life?". How would you describe 'your life' in atleast one word? Are you satisfied with your current state/stage in life? What would you like to do in order to improve something?
Amerewanderer: Wholesome would be a good way to describe my life. There are days when I feel accomplished, and then days where I feel extremely low of myself. Sometimes a week passes by too quickly and at times even a day is too long to bear. Each day brings a plethora of emotions; some which I bask to remember and others that I long to forget.
Nandini: So beautifully described! Btw, was the previous question tough to answer? Well, here's an easier question for ya! So the fifth question is, list the most important things that you wanna add in your bucket list before you die.
Amerewanderer: Now that certainly is a tough question since I do not have a set bucket list as such. But yes, I'd like to experience love, make my family proud, and travel around the world. And yes, I'd like to leave a positive impact on our society and our planet.
Nandini: Such a lovely answer! Omg I just forgot to ask this question before! I'll ask it now. Would you like to reveal your real name to your readers? We would love to know it but it's totally fine if you don't want to.
Amerewanderer: I'm Muskan Surana but I like to use my pen name as it reflects who I really am - a wandering soul in search for and walking towards her true purpose in life.
Nandini: Loved both of your names! All in all, name is just a way to identify a person. The importance should always be given to the very person's deeds. Your deeds define YOU. It's always the 'karma'. I totally believe in this concept. Do you? If yes, then have you experienced it? If no, why so?
Amerewanderer: Tu kaam karta jaa, phal ki chinta mat kar' is something I say to myself whenever I feel defeated. While I believe prayers are important too, and at time they can work miracles, ultimately it boils down to your karma. You can't escape it's consequences; good or bad.
Nandini: I believe that karma applies in our studies as well. Have you ever heard this quote that, "Education is the key to success"? I'm sure the answer is yes. What is your opinion about this concept? Are you satisfied with your perticular education system? I'll be glad if you jot down your opinion related to your education system (it's pros and cons, etc.).
Amerewanderer: Education is definitely important in our lives, it plays a crucial role in shaping our personality and mindset. I've happily graduated from an IB school. While it has always encouraged me to critically analyze everything around me and form my own opinion, there are some things that are simply inevitable. You can never escape the pressure, the expectations and the stress overload.
Nandini: The word 'education' straight away relates to the word 'career'. Personal life and career life are like the two sides of the coin of our lives. Both of these are completely different from each other, yet they must be handled by one person and that too at the same time. Have you acheived your career goals? If yes, then how do you manage to balance both your personal and career life at the same time? If no, then what things are you doing to accomplish your goals?
Amerewanderer: The balance between the two is a difficult one to find, but not impossible. Ever since I've embarked on the path to my career, my passion for writing has often had to take a backseat. But I've no regrets. My career path is a passion equivalent to my passion for writing which is why neither is ever forgotten.
Nandini: Would you like to get refreshed with the form of questions being asked? I'm sure you would! So, your first situational question is: If you have to leave your hometown right now due to sudden unfortunate circumstances, what three most important things would you carry with yourself? Remember that you don't have enough time to even start your car/vehicle.
Amerewanderer: My passport as it's my proof of identity. My laptop since it contains all my work related documents and my precious little first drafts of my stories. And my phone so that I can easily get in touch with my family.
Nandini: Assume that you've got a one time offer to travel in space. What would you do there? Also, assume that you can literally go anywhere as in this scenario, the whole space has all human favourable conditions. So in short, you can survive wherever you choose to go.
Amerewanderer: Ever since I first saw it on Google images, I've often wondered would it would feel like to see our planet from outside. So I'd like to stay in our orbit and explore planet Earth from afar.
Nandini: Suppose that you wake up from your sleep and realize that you have slept for fifty years. Everything has changed and you're completely zoned out! What will be the first thing that you would do in such a situation?
Amerewanderer: Oh God, this feels like reliving 'Baar Baar Dekho'.🙈
I think I'd let myself decide on the answer to this question in 50 years time and let myself live life as the day comes until then.
Nandini: Imagine you've this offer to polish off ten full plates of the food that you hate the most in order to win one million bucks. Would you ever do that? Why or why not?
Amerewanderer: I don't think I would. As I've said before, my preference for the type of food varies with my mood. So I might end up liking something I don't particularly like right now and would not want to let go of that chance. As for the one million bucks, don't worry, I'll earn that regardless.😎
Nandini: Had fun answering these situation based questions? I had intentionally put these different situations in a row without making any connections because I wanted you to do some brain exercise. So here ends the situational segment. Now, the 'jaan' of this interview is on its way as we're gonna move on to the questions based on our dear show, YUDKBH. This show has given a lot to each one of us. Would you like to share your journey of watching this show?
Amerewanderer: I'm not a 90s kid, so exploring stories of that generation captivated me. The innocence of hearts, the purity of feelings, and the uncanny nostalgia all drew me in to watching that show. It's probably the reason I still binge watch it at times🙈
Nandini: Amazing answer! It would be even more amazing if you let us know about your favourite character from the show? It's absolutely fine if they're not the leads. Also, we would love to know the reason what makes that character your favourite.
Amerewanderer: I think my favorite character would be Preeti. While I loved (and still do love) Sameer and Naina for their personalities, choices and their magical love story, Preeti is someone I admired. Her jovial nature, her loyalty towards Naina and her sensibility were all things I absolutely admired about her!
Nandini: My lazy brain just cooked up a question related to the previous question. I HAVE TO ask this question if we're talking about characters. Here's the question: If you ever get a chance to live like one of the characters of the show, who would it be? I'm curious if it would be your favourite character or not.
Amerewanderer: I'd consider living like Naina. One, we both share a passion for writing, so I'd be able to relate. She's got strong morals in place, similar to the way I'd like to think about myself. And thirdly, I'd be really happy to spend my time with Sameer Maheshwari!
Nandini: In the end, it's our Wattpad that is connecting us to this collective of YUDKBHians. We shouldn't forget that despite it's unwanted glitches (laughs hard), Wattpad has given a lot to us and we're a part of this interview just because of Wattpad. Please let us peek in the fortunate event when you decided to install Wattpad. Why did you choose this app over every other reading/writing app?
Amerewanderer: When the hesitant writer in me Googled platforms to share my stories, Wattpad was the first thing that popped up. And the rest is history! What I love about Wattpad is it's sense of community. I've found a lot of friends on this platform, and a lot more readers who've always liked, supported and appreciated my work. And I've gotten a chance to read their work; stories that I love and have taken inspiration from!
Nandini: It was really fun overall asking you these questions! Now, unfortunately we've reached to the last question of this interview. Here's it: Would you to say ANYTHING to ANYONE present here on Wattpad? It can be me, this community, or one/some/all of your readers/writers.
Amerewanderer: To everyone who came across my stories and took the time out to read it, I am so thankful to you all! I know I haven't been a very cooperative author; life gets in the way and my writing ends up taking a backseat but you all have supported me and encouraged me to never give up on my love for it! I wouldn't have been the writer I am without you all! So thank you so much.
Nandini: This interview was real fun! I hope I didn't annoy you with some questions that seemed stupid. I hope I get more chances to conduct interviews with you. Once again, many many congratulations for winning this award! Thanks a lot for sparing your precious time.
Amerewanderer: You're most welcome. And Thanks to you too!
Hope you had a good time with us amerewanderer 🥳
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