"Look, I don't know. He wouldn't want a funeral or anything." Aria paced around, talking on Rafes phone. She had one of her own, but after her dad died the bill wasn't paid and she wasn't in any mood to go get it at her house anyways, "If you wanna come down here then do it, but they don't even have his body from the water yet."
Rafe peaked around the corner, watching carefully as Aria ran a hand through her hair, her boots heavy as she walked, "Why do you care now that he's dead? You never gave a shit when he was alive. Feelings guilty? Wanting the shack? Good luck with that one, the bank already has a sign up. They're taking it."
Rafe winced slightly as he listened to her speak. He didn't wanna talk about his dad, and Aria didn't wanna talk about hers but she'd clearly had been under a lot of stress and needed to get something off her chest. When her aunt Hollis called, that's who she'd taken all the anger out on.
"No, I don't care. I can't sale it anyways, it's a shit hole there." Aria continued on, pausing as she stood still, "No, i'd really rather you not come down here, actually. You didn't come down when he was arrested, but everything changes when someone dies, doesn't it?"
Rafes foot creaked against the floor, cursing himself but Aria didn't seem to hear. Her own foot was tapping in annoyance, listening to her aunt on the other line, "All right, I'll let you go. You wanna call someone? Call that fucker, Blade, in jail for a change!"
Rafe was glad he'd put a screen protector on his phone, because when she hung up, her hand come down and hit the phone against the table. He waited a moment, watching her shoulders move up and down heavily a second. Aria didn't move or even pretend to care he had walked in when he finally did, "Aria?"
"What?" she was snappy, keeping her back turned and inhaling for longer then average.
"Wanna talk about it or something?" Rafe asked, not really sure how to comfort someone like Aria. If he hugged her right now, she's probably snap his neck. But talking clearly wasn't the best bet either.
"Do I wanna talk about it?" Aria chuckled as she turned to him. He hated that he thought she looked so beautiful, even with the sadness in her eyes and the clear anger radiating off her body, "What would I wanna talk about, Rafe? My dad? My piece of shit aunt? What, tell me."
Rafe rolled his eyes at her, "I'm trying to help."
"You wanna help?" Aria scoffed as she stormed past him and was heading into the hallway, "Find the gold, that would help."
"Is that all you care about?" Rafe rose his voice at her, standing at the end of the hallway and she neared the stairs, "Because if it is, you can go ahead and drop your little act."
"What the hell do you expect from me?" Aria spun around on her heels with a crazy look in her eye, she started yelling now, "You think because I offered to fuck you that means I'm gonna fall at your feet? I mean, do you really think I forgot what you did?"
"What? What did I do?" Rafe mocked her with annoyance in his tone, squinted eyes.
"You completely abandoned me!" Aria waved her arms around in disbelief, "I had no one when my dad got arrested, no family, no friends. You said you wouldn't let anything happen and instead you sat back and listened to everyone talk shit on me after they found out I was related to Crain. You're a liar! You act like you're so sorry but you're not, if you were you wouldn't have cared what anyone else thought about you and been there for me!"
"What did you want me to do, Aria? After all that shit about your family got out, I didn't even know how to think either. You lied to me too!" Rafe yelled at her, his face reddening.
"All I wanted was someone to go to the stupid court date with me! To just be a hand to fucking hold, or something. I lost every single person in my life when that happened, I didn't expect you to be one of them." Her voice lowered, but that freaked him out even more. She had a dangerous look in her eye, like she wanted to hurt him, like she wanted to hurt anyone, "Then you lied and said I would stay with you. But no, that doesn't happen when you block my number and ignore me when I go to your house. So what happened? I go into foster care because my lovely aunt doesn't want me, my dad and uncle are in jail, and my grandma is so mentally unstable she can't even take care of herself. You know what happens in foster care, Rafe? Abusive foster moms and creepy foster dads."
Rafe sighed as he stared over at her, "I told you I was sorry. I was stupid, I'd never do that to you again. Don't you see that? You're not even giving me credit for that!"
"I don't even care anymore, I let it go." Aria shrugged as she walked down the stairs.
"Aria!" Rafe called to her as he followed close after, "Where are you going?"
"No where, because i'm finding that gold, and the old bitch is the only way we can." Aria ignored him, going to walk off before she heard the scratch of a chair against the floor. Turning around, she found Rafe sat down in the bar stole and staring at her.
He waved his wave to signal her over, "Come here, cmon."
Aria rolled her eyes, walking over. Rafe reached his arm out to latch onto her wrist, pulling her to stand between his legs. Both hands came up to cup at her face, narrowing his eyes to be on her level completely. Aria huffed in disbelief as he held her there, following her eyes around when they moved. Rafe gave a single nod of his head when she finally relaxed her face, "You know i'll take care of you, all right? We're gonna find that gold, and you'll get your cut. If you wanna run off with it, hate me, do whatever you want. Just, relax a little. We're gonna figure it out."
Aria sighed, body becoming less tense, "It's not you, I was just being an asshole. Hollis wants to have a funeral for my dad but she doesn't even live around here. It's just annoying because she never tried to reach out after she left. And now that's he's dead she's gonna pretend to care."
Rafe pushed strands of hair behind her ears before cupping her face again.
"Whatever, ignore her." Rafe shrugged, "They're stupid, you don't need to worry about them. Seriously, she's just gonna piss you off and you don't need to be, all right? We're gonna figure all this shit out, yeah?"
Aria nodded her head with a sigh, "Yeah."
Rafe pulled her head in closer, tilting her neck and planting a kiss to her forehead, "You can blame me if you want to. But i'm sorry, for what I did. I wouldn't do it again, i'm gonna be better."
Aria hummed as he moved back to tilt her head up better again so they'd been on the same level again, "It's okay, it was a long time ago."
"And I'll back off too, with this whole thing." Rafe spoke, though he still had her face in his hands and was looking at her in a "this whole thing" way, "I thought you were feeling it too, I got it that you're not."
Aria remembered she'd said unnecessarily things as her head shook.
Rafe rose a eyebrow, "No?"
"I'm feeling it." Aria shrugged as Rafe grinned, "I just said that to hurt your feeling."
Rafe hummed with a nod, "Ouch."
"That's it." Aria grinned, "That was the reaction I was aiming for."
Rafe let her face go to run down her shoulders, feeling the fabric of the mesh shirt she wore. Aria leaned in more, her hands placing down on his thighs suddenly. Rafe jumped, not expecting it but flexed his thighs against her touch to get her to move them. And she did, just a little before a car pulling up was heard. Aria turned to look out the open window, Rafe huffing in disbelief, "Who's that?"
"Don't go anywhere." Rafe held her shoulders, moving her to the side and walking outside.
kylie speaks
they really went from
yelling at each other to
feeling each other up.
crazy asses.
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