vi. 𝗺𝘆 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿
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my fairy god mother.
"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery of deception." Ms.Thornhill explain to her students as she held a plant in hand. Xavier gave a groan as he reached down to get his book.
"What's the matter?" Blake looked over at him with a worried look.
"Tweaked my back fencing." he lied to her, and she knew it.
"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in." Thornhill went on with a nod of her head, indicating with her hands. "Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?"
"Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N." Bianca shrugged with her arms crossed, laughing echoing through the classroom.
"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which if why I haven't assigned any homework." Thornhill smiled as she caused her class to cheer. "But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interest, come and see me up here."
"What, you're not gonna volunteer?" Xavier asked Wednesday as Blake got up and walked to her teacher.
"Ms.Thornhill?" Blake floated through the crowd of students so she would be at the front, making them all cringe at the feeling. "I can't really help but I have some great ideas."
"You're names on the list." she smiled at her, making Blake smile. A perfect opportunity to figure out why her teacher cared so much about her dead body.
It killed Blake not to involve Xavier in her plan, but she knew how disappointed he'd be. He'd probably lecture her for hours and then get all upset and not want to talk to her, making this a her and Thing mission only.
"Did you hear that?" Blake gasped from where she'd been sitting in Xavier's art studio. She floated through the wall.
"Blake?" he waited to see if she'd come back but never did, walking out of the door and behind the shed where she stared out at the woods. "What?"
"I heard something." she looked out. "A human foot was walking."
"How could you have heard a human foot?" he asked as the two looked over the woods. "How'd you know it wasn't an animal?"
"It's easy to tell, based off the human weight and an animal weight." Blake walked deeper into the woods as he followed close after her, pausing to stare down at the foot print in the mud. "I told you, someone was out here."
The two leaned down on sync to stare. Xavier nodded. "Looks like a guys foot, unless you know any girls with big feet."
Blake looked around more, trying to see if she'd seen anything else. "Measure your foot with it."
Xavier stood up, hovering his foot over the print. Blake nodded. "You're is slightly bigger, meaning it's a large possibility that they are a little shorter then you unless they are one of the few people that have short bodies and large feet. I'm guess...5'11 or 6 foot even. Appears that they are wearing vans based off the print, and weight an average due to the mud not being pushed extremely far down."
Xavier smirked as he looked over. "Anything else?"
"Could be Ajax, we go into the woods together all the time. Something near here." her words made his smirk fall, thinking they'd been having a moment but he wasn't aware of how on edge Blake had been considering Xavier's studio was close to the place her body had been at. "Could it not be Thornhill?"
Xavier stood up with an exhale as Blake looked up. "Where are you going?"
"Just to pack everything up before you explain to me what's going on." he walked back to the shed, leaving Blake to continue to obsess over this. She looked back and made a run toward the Mosuleum, looking at the door as it was slightly cracked. Someone had been here, and they were in a hurry to get away when hearing her and Xavier near by. Last Blake had checked, Thornhill didn't have big feet and had never worn Vans in her life.
"It's kinda my private art studio." Blake heard Xavier talked as she began to walk back over, hiding behind the shed and peaking around to see he'd been talking to Wednesday. "I cleared it out and fixed it up so Weems let me use it."
"How very entrepreneurial. I would love to see inside." Blake frowned her eyebrows as she listened to Wednesday, hadn't heard her say she'd love to do anything. "Why don't you give me a tour?"
"Not right now. It's a total mess." he lied to her, not wanting to see the Hyde paintings he had coating the walls. Blake rolled her eyes as she continued to listen in.
"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer." Wednesday stared at him as she recalled a past memory. "I'm not easily fazed."
"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?" he questioned her. Blake leaned in a little more, also very interested as to why.
"I wanted to go over Ms.Thornhill's homework assignment." she said in return after a moment of hesitation.
"She didn't give us homework." he shrugged his shoulders at her. "Remember?"
Wednesday was quiet, Blake gave a wild look in confusion as she practically passed through the shed doors trying to listen in. "Why are you really out here? Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps? I'm all ears."
Blake's jaw fell in disbelief, mouth a quick. "Are you kidding me?"
She was quiet. "Are you really going to make me ask?"
Blake gaped even more, from what she'd seen Wednesday had nothing but annoyance for Xavier. "Oh, absolutely."
A weary sigh left Wednesdays lips so loud Blake could hear. "Would you...would-would you possibly consider going to the Rave'N dance with a certain...would-would you go to the dance with me?"
"Yes, Wednesday, I would love to go to the dance with you." Xavier said back, Blake could hear the smile in his words as she picked her jaw off the ground. "I thought you'd never ask."
"That little-" Blake began, stopping as the birds chirped loudly from above her when a snap echoed deep in the woods.
"Blake, why such a sad face?" Thornhill walked over to her student that night at the decorating committee. Blake had clearly been very bummed out, she didn't even want to give her amazing ideas. "Is it because you can't help?"
"No." Blake frowned as she staring at her bracelet on her wrist. "Xavier is going to the dance with another girl."
Ms.Thornhill frowned as she sat next to her. "That's very unlike him."
"I guess so." Blake shrugged, looking over at her. "Ms.Thornhill?"
"What is it?" she offered her a smile.
Blake hesitated. "You haven't been visiting my body, have you?"
She blinked in shock. "Your body?"
"My dead one." Blake said back. "Have you been?"
"I can't say I have, no." she admitted, Blake could tell she wasn't lying either. She was shockingly good at that sort of thing. Blake frowned as she looked away, she was wrong about that too. Ms.Thornhill stood up. "Tell you what. I'm gonna go get my notebook and you can tell me all about those ideas you have."
Blake crossed her legs from where she sat on top of a couple of the mats. Ajax hesitantly walked over. "Did you say Xavier didn't ask you to the dance?"
"Yeah. He's going with someone else." she looked up to give him a small smile.
"That's weird." he sat down next to her. "He told me he was gonna ask you, that was just last night."
"Well, he didn't." she sighed and looked over. "What about you? Are you gonna go with Enid?"
"I wanted to but I think I messed that up a couple nights ago." he chewed on the inside of his mouth. "I heard she's going with Lucas Walker."
"That townie bully?" Blake expected more from Enid, she didn't expect her to ever want to go with him. "Very off brand of her."
"Yeah." he shrugged his shoulders. "Who's Xavier going with?"
"Wednesday." Blake shrugged.
"Wednesday Addams?" he laughed, bringing a little grin onto Blake's face. "Also very off brand."
"Must be something in the water." Blake admitted as she turned her head. "So, what do you say?"
"Say what?" he blinked.
"Well, you wanna win Enid back and I don't want Xavier to think he won by me not going." Blake exhaled as she forced a smirk, standing up with a dramatic bow. "Ajax, would you care to accompany me to the Rave'N in hopes of getting a reaction from our original dates?"
Ajax smiled at her. "Sounds like a plan."
Xavier looked up when Blake came to his room, sat on his bed with a notebook. "I was wondering where you ran off to."
"I had important matters to discuss." she shook her head.
Xavier turned his notebook her way, a drawing of the two of them on the paper with Rave'N? written at the top. Blake's face fell, Xavier smiled at her. "I heard what you said to Wednesday."
He didn't know that, his face fell next. "We're not going together."
"Because you'd rather had gone with me?" she gave him a questionable look, hope in her tone.
He heard it, guilt hit him. "Actually, we had a fight. Me and Wednesday. But, I was gonna ask you this whole time since we already pretty much agreed on going together, you can even ask Ajax. I was just t-"
"I did." Blake cut him off, he'd hurt her feelings and she wasn't gonna give in after the fact that he made it seem like she was a second choice.
Xavier blinked at her. "You did?"
"Ask Ajax." she pointed out. "We're going together."
Xavier's eyes narrowed just slightly. "I thought we wanted to go together?"
"Yeah, and then you agreed to go with someone else." Blake looked at him in disbelief. "If you wanted to go with me, why'd you say yes to Wednesday?"
"Because you started talking about another guy right before I was about to show you this." he tossed his notebook on the bed.
"So because I bring up our friend you go and get another date?" Blake asked him with a roll of her eyes. "We've literally been talking about the Rave'N since I died. No one is gonna wanna take a ghost that they can't even touch to a dance with them. I thought you were my safe bet on that one, that I wouldn't have to question if I even wanted to go or if I was good enough."
"Oh, so you only wanted to go with me because you think no one else wanted to take you?" he nodded his head as Blake sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well, turns out you were wrong, Blake. Since you and Ajax are gonna go together now."
"That's not the only reason I wanted us to go together." she looked as him with more hurt in her eyes now then anger, turned around. "I thought that was clear."
It'd been a while she actually had actually stayed in her own dorm at night. Ever since Rowan, she'd usually stayed in Xavier's room to watch movies all night while he slept. But, that wasn't an option tonight. Blake didn't want to, she wanted to go wallow and think about all the words she refused to say despite always being there.
A small package was waiting for her at her room. Thing had already opened it, rolling around on her floor as Blake sniffled. "Why are you here?"
She watched him. "You wanted to check on me?"
He gave a thumbs up as Blake smiled. "What's that?"
He pointed to it as Blake walked over, seeing him lift up the note that was inside. Blake didn't recognize the hand writing one bit. "One night to live again. I've been working on it for a while now with the help of someone else. Follow the steps on the back, but be back in your coffin by midnight. Enjoy your night, Cinderella. I'll see you there."
Blake looked at Thing as he flipped the card over, blinking a number of times. "Who the hell would do something like this for me?"
The thing was, he didn't know either. And Blake wouldn't have ever been able to piece it together despite how smart she was, mainly because she'd only met him once when he ran past her after destroying her best friends mural.
kylie speaks
ily ty ty
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