level 3;
shiori loved and hated being alone.
it was the heavy breathing, the delicate footsteps slugging against the cold ground that sounded like raindrops plopping onto a windowpane for her.
"oh? you're new", the bleached blonde girl marveled, her eyes hungrily taking in every feature of the tall half-russian boy.
"haiba lev. here to deliver your lunch", the male smiled, sliding the plate of food and drink over as kozume had done in the morning.
shiori glanced over at the security camera, grinning as she walked over to the edge of the cage.
"call me shiori, lev".
"well, you have 30 minutes to eat lunch, prisoner #520. I heard you skipped breakfast, and dinner isn't until 6:30", haiba informed.
shiori sighed. "if only I had a clock...being trapped in his white room...this cage...doesn't really help you tell time does it?", the girl chuckled.
"it's currently 12:32", haiba said, to which shiori had laughed even harder, seeing as the boy was serious.
"you're funny lev, really witty. say, has anyone told you how pretty your eyes are?"
haiba zipped his lips shut, as he knew kuroo was currently on security cams and he didn't want to be yelled at later.
he was only allowed to answer practical questions, ones like asking about the time, or what day it was.
but other than that, haiba was instructed not to answer, no matter how much he wanted to converse with the criminals.
"they're emerald green, quite the peculiar color", shiori mumbled, staring at haiba as his eyes darted to the side.
"am I making you comfortable? my apologies, lev. I didn't mean to. it's just...been so long since I've had a conversation with someone you know?", shiori mumbled, combing through her tangled locks with her roughed up fingers.
shiori wished that she had a brush and a mirror. she was never one to care much about her looks, but she could feel her hair become a rat's nest.
and she was desperate to fix it.
"will I get to shower?", shiori questioned, dropping the honey sweet tone in her voice as she was done playing nice.
"yes. however, since all the other inmates are men, you will be showing at 9:30", haiba stated, to which shiori had scoffed.
'men...it's always men first isn't it?'
"shiori. I thought I gave you my name, lev?"
haiba glanced over at the security camera, hesitating.
shiori sighed, lowly chuckling. "oh who am I kidding? it's fine. I don't even deserve to have a name do I? I get it", the girl spoke, making haiba feel a tinsel of guilt.
haiba bit the inside of his cheek, parting his lips slightly as he struggled to make out a sound.
"I think time's up, officer", shiori stated, turning her back towards haiba as she laid on the rock hard bed, covering herself with a thin white blanket.
"but...you haven't ate yet..."
"your commander's going to reprimand you. leave this instant", shiori demanded, not even sparing haiba a glance.
the half-russian boy softly sighed as he picked up the plate and styrofoam cup, leaving the room as kozume had locked it up once more.
"she didn't eat again", haiba stated, dumping the cold pasta into the trashcan.
"they all start out like that, but the longest one that lasted is ten days. and I doubt she could surpass that", kozume mumbled, heading with haiba towards the other cells, where they were filled with filthy criminals.
"ah! would ya look at that! it's officer kenma and lev!!", a blonde with a black undercut and large, hooded eyes exclaimed.
"shut up! yer disrupting my nap!", an identical boy, with gray hair and the same undercut, gritted.
kozume and haiba momentarily stopped to stare at the twins before kozume had started walking again.
"say, I heard that there's a new inmate and that she's a girl. is she pretty? can I kill her?", the blonde crazily grinned, to which haiba had slightly flinched as he quickly caught up with kozume.
the boy laughed as he turned his head back to look over at his twin.
"did ya see that, 'samu?! he was scared as shit!"
"no, I didn't. and stop annoying me, 'tsumu".
miya atsumu, prisoner #236 and miya osamu, prisoner #237, resided together in the same cell, where they've been living there for the past two years.
"say, do ya think the girl's pretty? do ya think we'll get to meet her?", atsumu questioned, daydreaming about how he would make his first impression.
after all, that's how he picked those squealing pigs off the streets. with his good looks and a quick pickup line, it wasn't too difficult to convince them to come home with him after a date or two.
"who cares? she's probably batshit crazy anyways", osamu scoffed, flipping around on his bed as he faced the blood stained wall from when he would punch at it.
"tch! ya make it sound like yer any better", atsumu scoffed, standing up as he started pacing around their shared cell.
indeed, osamu wasn't any better. he helped atsumu in killing all those girls who drooled over them, breaking them until they reached the brink of insanity.
osamu just loved their faces when they screamed in agony and begged for a chance to live. it made him seem superior, and he liked playing god.
"probably in two weeks", osamu mumbled, to which atsumu had hummed in confusion.
"all of us had to be isolated for two weeks before we got to socialize with the others. it'll be another two weeks or so until we see her", osamu explained.
"ahhh...right right. then I've got two weeks to prepare on my introduction. do ya think she'd be like the rest of them?"
osamu sighed, only wishing for a quiet nap.
"who knows?"
dinner was served by haiba once more, though this time, the girl didn't even get off the bed as the half-russian had left with a full plate of food.
as 9:25 p.m had rolled around, shiori heard the cage unlock, to which she had shed off the blanket as she was met with a pair of dull brown eyes.
"shower time", the commander informed, motioning for the girl to follow.
"you came to get me. how sweet, shin-chan~"
author's note: hello my lovely readers!! if you're still reading this, istg, ily!
please don't forget to vote and comment, b/c I'm lonely and I like seeing people comment.
anyways, see you next chapter, where my bby kita's making an appearance! <3
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