level 13;
"ushiwaka~ could you carry me to my next session please? my feet are tired from wearing heels all day", shiori whined, to which the olive-haired male had immediately scooped the girl up, carrying her with one arm as he kept his other arm by his side.
"tch! if yer feet hurt, then why'd ya wear heels?", atsumu sneered.
"what can I say? beauty is pain, but I suppose you won't relate, so I won't blame you", shiori giggled, to which atsumu would've probably punched the girl right there and then if it weren't for ushijima's presence.
"I'm just kidding 'tsumu. why so serious", the girl laughed, hopping down from ushijima's arms as she entered the same room as the rest of her inmates, along with kuroo.
"HEY HEY HEY SHIORI!! I WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT YOU LOOKED NICE THIS MORNING BUT I FORGOT!!", bokuto yelled, to which shiori just smiled as he thanked the male.
"it's the thought that counts, and I really appreciate it, kōtarō", shiori said as she took a seat beside him, much to osamu's dismay.
ushijima had hastily left, as he still had his own group to teach. so meanwhile ushijima was responsible for physical education, kuroo was in charge of math and writing.
which shiori supposed that it somewhat made sense, as they didn't want the inmates' brains to rot.
and thankfully, math and writing was every other day, so not too much information was shoved into their heads all at once.
kuroo also made a great instructor for these subjects, as the man was highly intelligent, a nerd, if you will.
but shiori supposed that all the commanders were smart, as she realized that oikawa also had a knack for reading people and analyzing them.
"because I'm such a nice person, I got everyone their own notebooks so that you all can write in it without having to worry that others will see", the bed-head male grinned as he had kozume and haiba pass out one to each of the inmates.
"it's for your own use of expressing your emotions, so feel free to write to your heart's content", kuroo announced.
as haiba handed shiori her notebook, the male reluctantly let go as he still had felt bad about their last interaction.
"do you have an issue with me, officer?", shiori lowly muttered, to which the half-russian had cleared his throat as he shook his head.
"nothing, shiori..."
haiba quickly went back to the front as bokuto gave a surprised look at shiori, who didn't seemed fazed at all.
in fact, the girl had almost smiled in content.
'would you look at that? everything's slowly but surely falling into place~'
"say, what are you going to write in here?", bokuto whispered, to which kuroo was setting a timer meanwhile everyone had already flipped to the first page.
shiori thought about it for a moment before glancing over at kuroo, who was just sitting at his desk in the front meanwhile he watched over everyone.
"do you think they'll read it?", shiori questioned.
"probably...I mean, it's not like you're going to write your darkest secrets in there are you?", bokuto joked, to which shiori had just chuckled along.
"most definitely not, and what about you?", shiori asked.
before bokuto could answer, a cough was heard at the front of the room.
"I hear more talking than writing", kuroo stated, to which atsumu had snickered as shiori picked up the number two pencil and started writing in cursive.
bokuto glanced over, wowing in amazement at how pretty the girl's handwriting was compared to his own chicken scratches.
"hey! can you teach me how to write like that?", bokuto questioned, to which shiori just nodded as kuroo cleared his throat once more.
"prisoner #48 and priso—"
"nuh-uh. you know the rules", shiori interrupted, to which kuroo had silently cursed her out in his mind.
"and shiori, why don't you two share since you both have so much to say".
the white-haired girl gently nudged bokuto's arm, to which he had stood up first with his notebook as everyone turned around to listen.
usually the male was pretty confident, however, he didn't really have enough time to write much, hence the stuttering.
"well, my turn!", shiori exclaimed, standing up as she just patted bokuto's shoulder, letting him know that it wasn't the end of the world for not having anything to say.
after all, her writing wasn't much better, or even presentable in the slightest.
"are you sure you want me to read out what I wrote? I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate. after all, I just wrote down my feelings".
kuroo nodded, having to have heard all kinds of rants about being here and curse words embedded into the gory moments of their past life before they arrived here.
shiori cleared her throat as one hand ran through her bleached locks, meanwhile the other balanced the spine of the notebook.
"this is one of my most memorable moments before I came to this hell hole", shiori started, to which everyone—especially osamu—was quite curious on what type of life shiori had before being detained here.
"it was a normal monday, and mind you, I hate mondays, so I decided to make it a little special by greeting the world with a morning fire that had burnt down one of the famous museums in kyoto.
then I had a great lunch and dinner, though all that shit doesn't matter because my favorite part was when I met this really attractive man on the street.
he offered me a few drinks and we fucked at a nearby hotel. and let me go into detail since you and the other commanders are so fucking interested in my personal life.
when I unbuckled his belt and—"
"that's enough!", kuroo stopped, to which shiori had glanced up with a cat-like grin as she saw the embarrassed faces around the room, with the exception of a few of course.
"heard enough?"
"did you really write all that?", kuroo inquired, to which shiori had flipped her notebook around for everyone to see.
it was a blank page with the exception of one sentence written at the very top.
"it was just a joke", it read, to which kuroo had clicked his tongue at the girl's play.
'she's fucking with us all'.
anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to comment + vote!! I live for y'all's kind support! thank you so so much!! <3
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