level 14;
with shiori's palms fully healed—though the scars were still visible—the girl was able to finally teach bokuto how to write in cursive.
it was currently after dinner and there was still quite some time before the males had to go shower, hence they all sat in the cafeteria, chattering amongst themselves.
"most of the alphabets are the same, with lowercase z and f being a bit weird. oh, and uppercase q looks like a two for some reason", shiori explained as she started writing the entire alphabet in bokuto's notebook for him to copy.
"where'd you learn how to write like this?", bokuto asked as he started horrendously copying the letters.
shiori had found the question a bit funny as she assumed that it was taught to everyone in elementary school.
"school. did you not attend?", shiori asked, meanwhile osamu was bargaining with tendō about giving him an extra piece of lime cake.
bokuto shook his head dejectedly. "no, my parents couldn't afford much so I went to a really crappy elementary and junior high. and then I didn't even get to finish high school..."
shiori just smiled. "school's overrated anyways, don't be sad about it", the girl said, remembering bits and pieces of how she had started becoming the "it girl" of her high school.
"how about you? did you like school?", bokuto asked.
'ah...that question again...'
"no", shiori bluntly replied, to which bokuto could hear the distaste in her voice, so he decided to change the subject.
"anyways, what do you plan on doing after spending your time here?", the male asked, to which shiori just chuckled.
"I'm bound here for eternity".
bokuto's lips pressed into a thin line as he should've picked another conversation starter.
"it's quite alright. I'm not too sad about it. I mean, look at all these toys to play with", shiori grinned, skimming the room as bokuto make a confused sound.
"I meant boys, yeah...boys", shiori giggled, watching as atsumu and osamu had headed towards her and bokuto after they got two extra plates of lime cake.
"satori actually caved in?"
"he just couldn't resist my charms~", atsumu haughtily replied with a smirk.
"yes he could. ya were so annoying that he couldn't stand all the bullshit so he gave it to us to get us to leave", osamu stated, sitting beside atsumu as they were across from shiori and bokuto.
"shut the fuck up! I got us the cake didn't I?", atsumu growled, to which osamu had just clicked his tongue at the attitude that atsumu was giving him.
"say, I've actually been wondering, but how did you three end up in here?", shiori asked, intrigued.
"oohhh!! I'll go first!!", bokuto volunteered. the golden-eyed male loved sharing stories, or more so talking and being the center of attention.
halfway through his story telling, the boy realized that it was somewhat embarrassing and perhaps was not the best idea to share.
"and then I got arrested because I didn't know how to pay for insurance and taxes, and apparently I attacked the tax collector but I didn't even remember any of it!", bokuto exclaimed.
atsumu snorted meanwhile osamu stifled a laugh.
"they just think you're cute", shiori smiled, running her fingers through bokuto's grayish-whitish hair with black streaks.
though bokuto usually always had his hair gelled up, prison was not a place that provided hair gel, at least not for him.
"do you think that too?!", bokuto asked, to which shiori just nodded as she twirled some of bokuto's soft locks, enjoying herself.
osamu looked away as he wasn't sure whether it was normal to feel a sour feeling rising at the bottom of his heart, but decided to ignore it anyways.
"and how about you two? how did you both get in here together? I've got to say, you don't see many related people in here", shiori chuckled, leaning her chin against the palm of her hand, careful not to apply too much pressure to it.
"I pick up random girls from the street and bring them home to have a good fuc—"
"I end up doing the killing", osamu interrupted, to which atsumu let out an offended noise.
"excuse ya! I help too!! I'm the one that actually brings them home. ya know how hard it is to seduce those squealin' pigs?!"
"ah~ and you did this for fun? did you force my poor baby 'samu into your shit?", shiori cooed, leaning across the table as she wiped the white frosting off the corner of osamu's mouth, then sticking it in her own as she made a popping sound after her finger had slipped out.
"hah?! what the hell is that supposed to mean? I didn't make him do shit!", atsumu scoffed, to which osamu was still stunned by the girl's actions, feeling his heart beat just a bit faster than normal.
shiori slyly grinned, crossing her legs as she diverted all her attention onto atsumu.
"what? got something to say?!", atsumu scowled.
the white-haired girl simply stared at the blonde, not saying anything as she watched him slowly tense up.
"I fucking hate you", atsumu lowly muttered, to which bokuto had flinched as he immediately looked over at shiori, wondering if she was okay.
shiori just shrugged. "hate me all you want, but in due time only your heart will tell".
before atsumu could utter out another word, the officers had gathered all the inmates for shower time, excluding shiori of course.
"I'll see you tomorrow shiori!", bokuto waved, to which the girl had waved back as she watched everyone file out, leaving only her and kita.
"commander kita~ would you mind?", shiori pouted as she stuck her arms out, to which the dual-haired male obviously didn't want to, but it was warden's orders.
picking shiori up, to which the girl's legs had trapped kita's body by clenching the male's waist with her thighs, kita felt shiori's arms linger across his broad shoulders as they crawled up to the collar of his uniform.
"shinsuke, do you loath me?", shiori whispered into kita's ear, making a few of his locks sway.
kita wondered if it'd be rude to answer honestly, hence the hesitation as he walked down the halls to bring shiori back to her cage.
shiori lightly chuckled, leaning so close that her cheek was pressed against kita's as he could feel the girl's lips curl up into a wicked smile.
"well, no matter, because I like you, and I'm going to keep you for a while".
author's note: lmao, not me trying to make a patreon- maybe I should make a youtube channel instead like, please help, lol.
anyways, hope you all enjoyed!! no worries atsumu stans, there will be moments with him coming up soon.
stay safe loves!! see you all next chapter <3
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