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「 Chapter 3 - Radio killed the Video Star 」
–2nd pov–
"Argh-! Oh, please-! Stop!" You watched with unease as Alastor ignored the serpent demon's pleas, laughing maniacally while he continued to destroy Pentious's airship with his shadow tentacles.
"Um, Alastor? I think he's had enough.." You turn your head to gaze at Charlie, who says the exact thing you've had on your mind, as you glance at the princess gratefully.
"Nah, he's got a few more hits in 'im." Angel said with a smirk. When the airship tilted, Sir Pentious struggled and tried to stay on the ship as he clawed into the floor, but then fell through the hole of the glass, straight on his face, making you wince in pain for him.
You then looked up and saw one of his egg minions falling onto the floor as well, but you managed to gently catch him with your palms, carefully to not hurt him.
"Thanks for another forgettable experience." Alastor said smugly, as he spun his cane in the air before leaning on it.
You then glanced at the egg minion once you felt it's stare at you, and noticed how it stared at you with admiration. You smiled at it, and then returned your attention to Sir Pentious who raised his arm.
"Thank.. you..- for letting your guard now!" Sir Pentious lifted himself and with his tail tore a piece of Alastor's red suit, laughing maniacally at his success. "Haha! Yah!" He continued to laugh to himself, before he noticed Alastor's form and antlers growing in size, as he realised his mistake.
"Oh, shit."
In a second, he was shot into the sky while green smoke appeared all over the place from the use of Alastor's powers, and when it cleared off, Alastor turned around to face you.
"Thank you for saving my life, Boss!" You shifted your focus to the egg minion that you were still holding in your hands.
You felt that your head might explode from how adorable the egg minion was. "Aww.. what's your name, little one?" You asked as you tilted your head, not paying attention to anything else.
"I'm Frank!" He said as he threw his hands into the air, and you chuckled.
"[Y/n], my dear! Let's get going, shall we?" Alastor took you out of your thoughts as you shifted your focus onto him. "Uh, wait, what? Where?" You asked confused, making Alastor tilt his head and furrow his eyebrows. "Were you not paying attention, dear?"
"Alastor! We need [Y/n]'s help! Can't you just go to the tailor by yourself?" Vaggie said as she placed her hand on her hip, glaring daggers at the demon.
"Hmm.. I suppose I cannot!" He said as he then walked towards you and linked his arm with yours, dragging you with him. Frank then followed quickly after you, trying to keep up with you two.
"Hmm.. interesting.." You mumbled as you listened to Frank, who was sitting on your shoulder. The radio demon on the other side, was already fed up that he had to listen to the egg's constant talking, as he wanted a moment just between the two of you. "Did you must drag it along with us?" Alastor snapped his head to look at you, glaring at the egg demon, who seemed unbothered.
"Excuse you! He has a name, you know." You said as you glared at him in return, and Frank nodded in your defense.
"My name is Frank!" He said and you chuckled "And [Y/n] is my new, scary, mean, powerful assassin boss!" He said happily, which in return made Alastor glance at you in confusion.
"Scary and mean? You're far from that now, my dear. Did you convince him you still are all that?" He said with a small chuckle, at which in response you just rolled your eyes.
"Awh come on! These little guys always follow bad guys! So I had to convince him I was one. They're just like those yellow minions from despicable me!" You grinned at the mention of these silly fictional creatures. You've found out about this movie's existence thanks to some high demon at Mimzy's bar, who decided to explain the whole despicable me lore to you in twenty minutes, just before the bar closed. And...– the egg minions just happened to remind you of those certain yellow creatures.
"A- what now?" Alastor asked, baffled. You just ignored his question in response and then stopped in front of the Tailor shop. "Looks like here's our stop." You said and watched as Alastor walked inside.
⋆ While waiting for Alastor outside, you noticed that the televisions across the street lit up, attracting the attention of every sinner that was near, including you.
"Ugh-!?" You groaned when you were shoved out of the way by a random sinner who ran towards the televisions and then pushed through the crowd that was standing in front of it.
"Why didn't you do anything, Boss?" Frank, who was still sitting on your shoulder asked. You glanced at him and then back at the crowd, in which the sinner has already dissapeared. "Well, because people like he, just aren't worth my time." You said, unbothered, as Frank let out a small 'ohh'.
You then immediately shifted your attention towards the tailor shop, noticing that Alastor was finally done, as he proudly walked out of the shop.
"What are your thoughts, my beloved?" He said as he showed off his 'fixed' suit. You looked him up and down, trying to find any difference, but after you couldn't find any, you gave up.
"It's.. really good!" You said and gave him thumbs up, while Frank nodded. Alastor's smile widened, but he then noticed the televisions behind you from the corner of his eye, making his eye twitch in annoyance at the display of his enemy all over them.
"Well, let's not waste any second here and head to the hotel! The others need our help!" He said with a suspiciously, over-excited tone, linking his arm once again with yours.
Once at the hotel, when you and Alastor parted, you walked up to the bar and placed Frank on the counter, grinning at Husk.
Husk in return, gave you and your egg companion a judgemental stare, before his gaze landed on you. "The fuck is that supposed to be." He asked baffled, as you chuckled.
"This is Frank! Frank, this is Husk, our bartender." You introduced the cat demon to the egg boy, who gave him a wave.
"You babysittin' someone's kid or somethin'?" He grumbled under his breath as he then went to prepare you your [ favourite drink ].
You shook your head, but then thought for a second. "Don't go gettin' stupid ideas in that pretty head of yours." He sighed and served you the drink. "You know me too well, Husk." You chuckled and drank it in one-go, as Niffty appeared beside you.
"Wow, [Y/n], you're back! Oooh- who is that? Can I stab him? I want to stab him!" She said excitedly as she giggled maniacally as she pulled out a knife, while Frank hid behind your drink in fear.
"No, Niffty, you can't stab him. This is Frank." You told her with a smile as you took the knife from her and threw it behind you. After that, she stared at the egg minion, not taking her eye off him. Suddenly, she just hugged you around your waist, and glared at him possessively.
You chuckled in nervosity and glanced at Husk, who didn't pay you or Niffty attention. In the meantime, you didn't even notice that Charlie and Vaggie have already came back, with a new recruit who just happened to show at your door.
When you heard footsteps approaching you, you turned around and saw Charlie with...– Sir Pentious??
You stared at him with confusion written all over your face, as Charlie hopped excitedly towards you, grabbing your hands in hers. "Thiss is [Y/n]! Our second guest staying here, and they are on the same path as you are!" She said excitedly while you gave him a wave.
The serpent demon froze in his place when he saw you, not paying any attention to what the princess was saying, as his focus was purely on you.
You..– were the almighty assassin of freedom! Here, in this shithole! And thanks to the Vees he is finally able to meet you! Have you been here all this time? How come he hasn't seen you yet till now?
You felt his gaze on you as you started to feel anxious and let out an awkward cough, turning your attention back to Husk.
His cheeks darkened once he realised how long he kept staring and that you had noticed. He then saw his egg minion on the counter beside you, his eyebrow raising in confusion.
Frank jumped from the counter as he ran towards his 'original' boss, saddening you, while Husk laughed in your face.
"Boss! I thought you'd never come for me!" Frank cheered while Sir Pentious payed no mind to him as he looked around. Your attention shifted to the watches on his wrist. Your gaze narrowed as you looked back at his expression. You definitely saw these watches somewhere.. but where?
"Now! With a new resident, I– think it's important we all get to know each other!" Charlie claimed as she stood in front all of you, while you sat on the floor beside Sir Pentious and Angel Dust, who had his legs sprawled over your own legs.
Frank was sitting on the couch that was beside Sir Pentious, kicking his feet as he payed attention to Charlie.
"Soo.. we are going to play a little game. Everyone, follow me." She placed her hand on her chest. "My name is Charlie!" She clapped her hands together as she started singing. "I like to sing." She kneeled towards Vaggie, who didn't seem happy to be here as everyone else, yet she stared at her girlfriend with a small smile and a look of adoration.
"And when we get to know each other, it's the greatest thing!" She finished while she clapped her hands over her head, and then pointed at Sir Pentious.
"My.. name's Sir Pentious." He said hesitantly as he clapped his hands. "I like to build. And despite my stupid Egg bois, I think I'm very skilled." He finished his own singing more confidently, turning his focus towards you with an excited smile. Both him and Charlie pointed towards you, and you cleared your throat.
"The name is [Y/n], I–uh.. like to sleep? And.. the fact that I can be here is the greatest thing.." you sang awkwardly, copying what Charlie previously sang. But yet, she still seemed pleased as she turned her attention to Angel who was on his phone.
"..This is stupid." He said, looking up from his phone for a second to glare at Charlie.
"This is not stupid..! It's just the game! Pen and [Y/n] did it well so now please try to do the same!" Charlie sang, almost desperately, trying to get Angel to join on one of her games.
Angel glanced at you, and then back at Charlie, groaning.
"I am too sober for this.." he pinched the 'bridge' of his nose, closing his eyes.
"Well.. get used to it and learn how to play. Because this is going to be your whoole day." Vaggie sang sarcastically, irritating Angel even further.
The second game was some sort of play that Charlie wrote.
"Oh, I'm a badd man on the streets, who never got enough hugs." Angel read from his script with no emotion, annoyed.
You were in the background leaning against the wall, waiting for when you would be a part of 'the play'. At first, you wanted to take the role of the drug dealer, but instead, Alastor insisted that you'd perfectly fit the role of a 'mother'.
He even insisted that he could play the role of an absent father that never returned after he went out for milk.
While watching the scenario between Angel and Sir Pentious, you were holding Frank, who played the role of your son and Sir Pentious's 'brother'.
"Now... where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to? ...– Wow. Who wrote this?" Angel remarked sarcastically, slapping the paper with his hand annoyed.
"It's great, right? Keep going." Charlie said excited with confidence, cupping her cheek with one of her hands.
"Hey, you." Angel pointed towards Sir Pentious, who turned to face him dramatically, placing his hand on his chest.
"Oooh, mee??" He said excited, living up to his role. That guy was definitely a theatre kid.
"Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some... 'devil's dandruff'..? Oh for fuck's sake." Angel groaned, even more annoyed with the script.
"Not me! I have to go home and help my mom with chores and ssstudy!" Pentious said sassily.
"C'mon kid, it'll make you cool like me.. 'the crack head.'." Angel said, his frown deepening as he dropped his hand that was holding his script.
"The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!" Sir Pentious finished, placing his wrist proudly on his chest. You took that as your cue to get onto the 'stage',
"That is correct, Pen. You're a good boy." You said with a small smile, placing one of yours hands on his hat. The snake demon felt like he would explode with happiness at your praise and at your touch. Even if it was just for the game. His smile widened even further, his cheeks taking a darker shade.
"Now, let's go home and prepare you and Frank your favourite food, shall we?" You held his hand and Charlie jumped from her seat, clapping her hands excitedly. "Yes! Oh, bravo, bravo!" She walked towards you and Pentious, clapping.
You placed Frank on the floor, and got immediately enveloped in a tight hug by Charlie. She then looked over at Pentious, still hugging you.
"Wow, Pentious! At this rate, you'll be redeemed in no time!" She said proudly, letting go of you.
"I-..I'm going to bed." You shifted your attention at Angel Dust, who left before you could say something.
No one said anything while he left, their focus shifting back to Sir Pentious. Expect yours.
"I am so proud of you, Sir Pentious! That was amazing." Charlie praised him, who in response bowed to her praises. "Thank you."
"That was beautiful work today!"
"Thank you! You like me. You really like me!" Sir Pentious said happily, looking over at you with a huge grin. His grin turned into a frown once he noticed you were leaving.
"Uhm, Mx. [Y/n]? Where are you going? Let's play more games!" Sir Pentious offered as he held onto your hand before you could leave, making you turn around to look at him.
"Sorry Pen, I'm pretty.. tired. I'm going to sleep now, let's play more games tomorrow, alright?" You offered him an apologetic smile, before hurrying after Angel.
Sir Pentious watched you leave with a small frown, ignoring Charlie's ranting.
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Finally arriving at Angel's door, you softly knocked three times, before waiting in silence for a response.
"Go away, Charlie.. I'm not in the mood.." you heard Angel shout from his room. "It's not Charlie. It's me, [Y/n]."
For a few seconds you were left in silence, before you heard footsteps coming towards the door from Angel's room.
When the door to Angel's room opened, you were met with Angel who was leaning against the doorframe, staring at you with a seductive smirk.
"Hey sugar cheeks~ finally decided to take up on my offer?" He purred, his finger trailing down your jawline.
You shook your head and pushed his hand away gently, holding him by his wrist. "You can drop the act, Angel.. I've noticed you were acting weird and came to check on you.." You told him sincerely with a small frown, while his seductive expression changed.
"...It's not an act.." he whispered, but shook his head. "It's nothin', i'm alright just.. feelin' tired, you know?" He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. You stared at him hesitantly, not trusting a word he said.
"I understand, but still.. please.. if something's troubling you tell me about it.." You took his hands in yours, making him freeze in his place as his words got caught up in his throat.
He fucked more than hundred of demons while feeling nothing, and yet, you simply holding his hands made him loose his mind.
"Can I come in?" You asked softly, taking him out of his thoughts. He nodded and opened the door wider for you. "Yeah, sure, c'mon in." He mumbled as he let you walk in first, followed by him after he closed the door.
You looked around his room in curiosity, being in it for the first time. You then stared at the multiple photos he had taped on his wall, your smile widening when you noticed there was already a photo of you two.
"Is that.. Cherri Bomb?" You asked as you pointed to one of the pictures, making Angel smile at the thought of his best friend.
"Yeah, that's 'er." He said as he sat on his bed. You sat beside him and looked at him with sympathy. "Do you.. want to talk about it?" You asked carefully, picking at your fingers as you avoided eye contact.
"It's just.. my boss.. Val.." He sighed as you bit your tongue. "Oh.." you mumbled. He turned to look at you, raising an eyebrow. "It's just that I know his co-worker, that's all." You chuckled awkwardly and then let Angel continue.
"He just can't leave me the fuck alone! He's obsessed! Ever since I moved here to Hazbin Hotel, he keeps sending me messages, voicemails, keeps calling me and sends me multiple threats.." He groaned, lying on his bed, while you stared at him with a frown, not knowing what to say.
★ "I'll see you soon, baby..." You listened to the voicemails that Valentino sent Angel Dust with a scowl, Angel hugging you from behind for comfort as he stared at his phone over your shoulder.
"Fucking piece of shit." You cursed under your breath, handing the phone back to Angel.
"Hey.. if it ain't much to ask.. could you spend the night here? I know t–"
"I'd love to if it'd made you feel better." You said with a smile, making Angel hug you tighter. "..Thank you.."
He then let go of you as he stood up from the bed. "I'll go fetch us a drink. Mind stayin' here?" You shook your head, resulting in Angel head out.
You then felt something nuzzle into your side, making you turn to look at Fat Nugget, Angel's pet pig.
You smiled as you grabbed the pig and placed it on your lap, petting it's skin until your friend came back.
After Angel hasn't returned back in the span of ten minutes, you grew suspicious and decided to go out of his room to look for him.
On your way downstairs, you met Niffty in her pyjamas, who immediately ran towards you once she noticed you.
"[Y/n]! Were you also woken up by the loud noises?" She asked as she tilted her head, confusing you. "..What loud noises?"
She then grabbed you by your hand, leading you towards the hotel's old library.
"...ourney's underway!" You heard someone sing once you got closer, confusing you even further. Was that.. Charlie?
"It'll take time to cover, my/your vast multitude of sins. But sorry is where it begins." You heard Charlie and Sir Pentious sing clearly once you were almost there.
"It starts with sorry." The two finished while you and Niffty stood in front of them, while they held each other's hand.
Niffty let go of your hand, glaring at Sir Pentious, pissed. "I hated that song! Why are you so lame?" She whined as she stomped her leg, before walking to Sir Pentious and kicking him and then storming away with her arms crossed, while Pentious winced in pain.
"Good first day.. let's get some rest." Charlie said as she and Vaggie walked away, passing by you. You then noticed Pen's watches on the floor, finally realising why they were so familiar.
"I'll catch up to you in a minute, Angel." You told him with a smile as he nodded in response, walking off with Pentious following after him. You walked into the room soon as everyone left, grabbing the watches from the floor.
You then felt someone beside you, noticing Alastor who was looking at you with a smirk, waiting for you to turn the watches on.
When you did, you saw Vox with his back turned to you. "What?!" He shouted but stopped once he saw your face. "[Y/n]?! Dear?!" He shouted, almost desperately. Alastor took the watches from your hand.
"You'll have to try harder than that next time, ol' pal." Alastor said and then destroyed the watches in his hand, dropping them on the floor while Vox's glitched out screams still could be heard from it.
At that, Alastor started laughing maniacally, offering you to link your arm with his, as the both of you left the room, with you heading towards Angel's room to spend the night with him.
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[A/n] – yayy another update!! <33 a looonger chapter this time guys!! Hopefully you liked it because I for sure don't 😞😞 but no fr whenever I read my chapters it just makes me feel so weird. But still writing is literally my hobby and your support makes me so happy<3
Also, [Y/n] having the role of a mother has nothing to do with gender, I swear. ( if yall know Alastors lore then u might have an idea 😋 )
They let him stay just because they were genuinely interested in the movie btw.
Also, hc – Angel Dust is like the type of person who just needs to be touching you in some way. Like, not in a sexual way.
Even if you two are friends or partners, he's just always holding your hand, or having his hand on your thigh, lying his head on your lap, having his hand wrapped around your shoulder etc. Etc.
Also I can imagine [Y/n] just trying to comfort someone and all thats on their mind is saying "I can kill them if you want to". They don't know how to comfort ( being forced since a teenager to be a 'killing machine' )
Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 9K GUYS <33 Your support means everything for me oml 💕 Please vote or leave a comment to know you enjoy the story or this chapter in general! Thank you guys, I love you all so much <3
「 4000 words 」
[ 17.2.2024 ]
╰┈➤「 Secret achievement unlocked – You have found Alastor! 」
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[ 4/17 ]
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