<when i asked you guys about who aera should marry, kevin won over jake by one vote. which is super close, so i think i'm gonna have to do my magic. read till the end and fill this chapter with your comments 😌 and you'll also cone to know why toda's update is a bit special 😉>
"i don't know, that's for you to decide,"
aera's gaze falls to her lap, nodding her head slowly as she heaves out a sigh before standing up and grabbing the keys of her car, "yeah, right. i just thought you should know," she mumbles to jake, and forces a smile for clay, "i'll get going, bye,"
"you should say yes," clay hugs her warmly, rubbing her back and pulls away only to give the girl a smile, "don't mess this up, aera. kevin really loves you,"
"i know, i love him too," aera smiles, stepping away with a more determined expression as jake's uncertainty leaves her mind for a while and she's more positive about what to do. "bye, see you later," she waves at clay, sparing a single glance at jake who doesn't say anything, letting her know that she's free to go.
she takes a deep breath, heading out of the apartment and walks straight into the elevator with a smile as her boyfriend's previous words repeat in her head and how his eyes were shining with hope for a 'yes' from her when he was on his knee. she chuckles to herself, shaking her head and pulls out her phone, dialling jungkook's number right away to tell him about what just happened.
"hey," jungkook says, "can i call you back later? i'm kinda in a recording right now,"
"oh yeah, sure. in fact y'know what? come at jimin oppa's place, i'll meet you there,"
"alright," he hums, "bye. gotta go,"
"bye, see ya'," she says before hanging up and makes her way towards her car in the parking. getting in the driver's seat, aera squeals in happiness cheering for herself for a few seconds until she's calm enough to breathe and think properly.
it was last night after her date with kevin when thr boy took her by surprise, kneeling down on one knee with his right hand extended out for her and he asked her to be his. like, actually his. he said he wanted to marry aera, and couldn't be more sure about this than he already is in love with her. the time passed slower as aera stared at him, too astonished, but in a good way, to react which gave kevin a reason to hesitate and he assured her that she can take her time in giving him an answer.
although aera didn't word it out then, she made sure to kiss him and let him know that there's only one answer to his question. kevin was at ease after that, but that didn't mean he wasn't anticipating an answer. he knew aera had to talk with her family first before giving a verbal affirmation to him. thankfully he was in the safe zone with her brothers, who accepted him soon after he was introduced to them for he left no room for doubts and misconduct.
the way he treated aera and took care of her like she was the most important person in his life; the way he looked at her as though he had never seen anyone as beautiful as her, and the way he never gets mad at her and lets her do whatever she wants even if it meant bothering him— all of it never went unnoticed by the brothers, assuring them of the fact that kevin loved their sister indeed and would take care of her the best.
jungkook grew closer to kevin the most as they both loved games and working out. so as soon as aera and kevin moved back to korea after completion of aera's graduate's degree, jungkook and kevin left no opportunity to hangout out more often. from having drinks together, clubbing, to working out together and sometimes even setting jungkook up for a blind date with the help of jimin and haewon, there wasn't much left undone by the two.
aera loved the fact that her brothers liked kevin as much as she wanted them to, especially jungkook for she knew how protective he is about her. jimin too welcomed kevin with an open heart unlike how he first met the boy, and warmed up with him pretty soon. kevin had some magic which aera was happy that she caught into the spell of.
she has started working now, even represented a few cases in the court, winning three out of five. kevin has worked a lot on his korean with aera's help and some from jungkook for he would mostly try to talk in korean to get the boy more comfortable with the language. about kevin's job, since he graduated three years before aera, he had already joined his uncle's company for a while, then left the job for a better placement— a legal advisor in a multinational company which happened to be the jeon's. aera often teases him still about being his boss and he would kiss her then, claiming that the situation sounds sexy.
kevin has a work experience of a little over five years now, has got a stable job that pays well. he also found a girl whom he loves more than anything and wished to spend the rest of his life with. so without any delay, yesterday he took the chance of asking his girlfriend for marriage. the girlfriend now is beyond happy, smiling even at the signal lights and every other thing passing her way until she pulls over in front of her eldest brother's place.
oh, did we tell you jimin has a daughter?
well, haewon was pregnant again after jiwon two years ago, which brought their little family a cute angel, jiwon's sister. the boy helped naming his sister and aera couldn't contain her smile when suggesting him a few names from which he chose, jieun. now baby jieun is seventeen months old to be exact, can walk and say a few words, cackle in excitement whenever her favourite faces enter through the door. but mostly, she reacts the best when it's jimin returning home from work.
aera was once there to witness the scene as haewon pulled her aside, ready with her camera to record her toddler as soon as the sound of jimin's car was heard. the door clicked open and the baby squealed from the back of her throat, tapping the floor excitedly and blabbering "dada" all the way to the front while she crawled in full speed to greet her father. jimin picked her up instantly, showering her with kisses and nuzzling his face against her cute, chubby stomach, talking to her as though she could understand everything he said.
jiwon was the exact same, and it warms up aera's heart to see jimin with his family so in love.
"aera, hi," haewon's voice makes aera stop on her way to the door, turning to see the elder with her daughter coming from the backyard.
"hi," aera beams, quickly putting the keys in her pocket and carries jieun in her arms, kissing her cheek, "hey little baby, did you miss me?" she speaks in a cute voice, nuzzling her nose in the toddler's cheek, making her giggle as she nods her head. "aw, i missed you more,"
"riri," jieun touching aera's cheek, then turns back on hearing the sound of another car.
"ah, jieun's daddy is here," haewon chuckles, standing beside aera, "she was waiting for him,"
"oh," aera laughs, leaving the baby down on her feet and straightens her dress, "go give daddy a big hug," she whispers, getting a determined nod from the baby while she waits patiently for jimin to get out of the car and once he does, she waddles towards him right away.
"dadda!" her arms are extended out as jimin chuckles, taking off his coat before carrying the running baby up in his arms.
"my goodness, was jieun waiting for daddy outside today?" jimin gasps, kissing his daughter's cheek, making her laugh and clap her hands in excitement. "yeah? gimme a kiss then," he says, to which jieun leans in quickly leaving a wet open mouth kiss on his cheek along with some babbled words, making him chuckle.
aera clears her throat, waving at her brother whose attention now shifts to her, smiling at her too as he makes his way towards her and his wife, "is it supposed to be a girls' night or something tonight?"
"nope, i just thought that i should drop by," aera grins.
"okay?" jimin nods, handing his coat to haewon, following her inside with aera. "how's work?" he asks her.
"fine," aera says, "how's yours?"
"fine," the brother shakes his head with a deep sigh, sitting on the couch and places jieun down on the carpet to let her play, "by the way, congratulations on the last case. i heard about how you turned the tables and something like that,"
"wow, good to know you follow the news," aera sighs.
"of course," jimin nods, glancing at haewon who brings them water and snacks before joining them with the talk, "thanks," jimin smiles at her, then looks around with a subtle frown, "where's jiwon?"
"he went to his friend's house. they were going for a movie and his friend wanted jiwon to go with him, so they took him,"
jimin nods briefly, talking to haewon about his day a little while aera takes the time to text someone until jimin notices and decides to pount it out, "kevin?" he asks.
"no, jungkookie," she says, "i was asking when he'll be done with work,"
"why though?"
"i might have some news for you all," aera grins.
"oh my god, don't do that," jimin sighs and haewon laughs at him with aera, "look, if this is about to be another one of your dangerous pranks then please don't do it,"
"why do you think of me like that?" aera gasps, acting offended, "i have a really serious thing to discuss an—"
"i'm here," jungkook's voice interrupts her as he jogs in, not greeting anyone and makes his way straight inside. jimin, haewon and aera give him a weird look, waiting for a while to be met by jungkook smiling nervously at them, "i had to use the restroom really urgently," he confesses, sitting next to aera and takes a deep breath, "i feel so much better now,"
"ignoring that," aera shakes her head, asking for jimin's laptop and gets the rest of her oppas on a conference video call. "i have something really important to tell you guys," she starts once they're done greeting each other.
"like what?" yoongi asks.
"are you pregnant?" taehyung mumbles.
"i was going to say the same," jungkook sighs, "she and her boyfriend are really high on hormones,"
"are you really?" jimin asks, "pregnant— i mean,"
"god, no!" she exasperates.
"then what is it?"
"okay so, yesterday me and kev were out on a date. like he planned it all and did everything to surprise me. it was beautiful, and literally the best date of my life!"
"you do know that i rushed here without even using the restroom right? you could've sent us a paragraph about your perfect date later on text," jungkook stares at her in disbelief.
"y'know what? you should leave," aera hisses, "i'm trying to tell you everything from the beginning! but no! you have some serious issues with—"
"it's okay, ignore him," taehyung says, "continue your thing, aera. kook's just bummed that he's the only one single,"
"i know right?" aera scoffs at her brother.
"i swear to god!—"
"stop saying that tae, it's fine if he doesn't wanna be in a relationship," namjoon says, "maybe he's asexual or aromantic or might be going thr—"
"i'm totally fine," jungkook exasperates, "we're here for aera, so let's just focus on whatever the heck she has to say," he sighs, "gosh, girl just carry on,"
"speak to her properly," jimin says.
"aera, you should carry on, sweetheart," jungkook gives her a bitter smile, making the rest laugh while jimin sighs at the brother.
"anyway," aera takes a deep breath, "so at night, me and kev— he was going to drop me off at my place an—"
"please don't tell us about you making out or something," jungkook mutters.
"can you keep quiet and let me finish for once?"
"okay yeah, sorry,"
aera groans in annoyance, feeling her mood getting ruined but hangs on for a moment before continuing as she remembers about her boyfriend to calm herself down, "before he took me home, we were taking a walk in the park, okay? and there he, out of nowhere, got on his knee and asked me to marry him!" she lets out in one breath, staring at her brothers for a reaction.
the room is silent other than jieun's tiny blabbers as she's playing by herself and some rhymes from her toy duck. haewon is the first one to react, gasping loudly as she breaks into a smile, giving aera a tight hug. "oh my god! what did you say?! you said yes right?!" she squeals.
"i mean, yeah, but not really. i mean we both know it's a yes, but i haven't said anything yet. i wanted to talk to you guys first," aera says, "so, what do you guys think?"
"say yes!" haewon says.
"yeah! obviously!" taehyung beams, "i'm so happy for you aera!"
"thanks," aera nods with a smile.
"are you sure you're ready for this?" jin asks, "i mean, kevin is a nice guy and all, but you have to be sure about this. marriage is a big decision,"
"yeah, i agree," jimin says, "i don't know what you guys are thinking, aera. but please don't just end up making hasty decisions, especially about something so important,"
"he's right," namjoon says, "kids these days often say that they can get divorced and remarry, which is true and a good thing considering that there can be bad marriages. but it's also important to know that marrying someone requires a lot of patience, maturity and understanding. it's a big thing, aera,"
"exactly, you should think about it. and maybe even talk to kevin then come to a decision," yoongi says.
"i know, that's why i didn't say anything right away. kev's willing to wait— he told me that. but y'know, honestly, i don't wanna keep him waiting. i know i love him and i don't think there's gonna be any other guy for me if it's not him... i really have a strong feeling that i should just marry him now,"
"how long have you been dating again?" hoseok asks and aera shows him four fingers, each indicating a year, "ah i don't wanna discourage you and honestly, aera i'm really happy you found someone like kevin. so i think, i'd say just listen to your heart and go for it. he really loves you,"
"i know right?" taehyung hums, munching on some snacks, "ri, you should say yes. that boy is amazing,"
"oppa," aera turns to jungkook who hasn't said anything yet, lost in his own trail of thoughts. he snaps out of it, shaking his head and shrugs his shoulders, "what do you think?"
"i don't know. it's too soon... you grew up way too fast," jungkook breathes out, "i'm still stuck in the phase when you were eight. i'm not ready for this,"
"don't say that," aera pouts, "i won't be able to say yes if you're not happy with this,"
"god, it's like i've seen all of this," jungkook say, turning to jimin, "hyung, remember when uh, she was thirteen and i had this weird dream about her marrying someone and freaked out?"
"you had such a dream?" aera asks.
"yes, and today feels exactly the same," he says, hugging aera tightly, "do you really wanna marry him?"
"yeah," she nods, "yes. but i won't, if you don't want me to. i promise,"
"really?" jungkook arches up a brow.
"uh... no, i— please don't be upset. kevin is the perfect guy for me. you like him too don't you? you saw for yourself how much he loves me. i don't wanna lose him,"
jungkook chuckles softly, nodding his head and kisses aera's forehead, "that idiot," he whispers, "he's stealing my little riri from me,"
aera looks down, hugging jungkook tighter, "he's not," she hushes out, "he's just taking aera, the one he loves. but you'll always your riri with you, oppa. you know she can't live without her brothers," she smiles, glancing at jimin too who has tears in his eyes. 'i love you, please don't cry,' aera mouths to him, making him chuckle.
"well, go and tell kevin that you'll annoy him for the rest of his life now," jungkook pulls away with a deep breath, "and also wish him luck from me,"
aera hits his shoulder, making him laugh despite the tears he tries to hide and stands up, glancing at haewon, "noona, i uh, i'm kinda hungry,"
haewon nods, leading him to the kitchen but never starts cooking as she just watches jungkook taking a seat and burry his face in his hands, "it's okay, kook. aera's going to marry someone she loves, don't you think it's good for her?" she asks, rubbing his back.
"i know. but noona, i'm seriously not ready for this. she was so small a few years back... she— she used to cry to sleep with me and hyung, wouldn't even eat until it was one of the hyungs feeding her. and now, suddenly she's all grown up, working and dating and even getting ready to marry her boyfriend... it's too much to take. i kept ignoring the time and now it's just coming all together,"
"it's okay," haewon smiles, leaning down to hug him from the side, "do you think your hyung is not finding it hard too? i understand how close you both are to aera, you raised her afterall. of course you're going to have a hard time accepting this— all three of you. but this is life, kook. the time doesn't stop for anyone, and it's not like you didn't know this was going to happen some day,"
"yeah," jungkook nods subtly, "yeah, you're right. i just hope everything works out for her. i can't see my aera upset,"
"she'll be fine, don't worry. kevin really cares for her," haewon says, glancing up as jimin walks in as well, while aera's busy talking to rest of the boys on the video call. "here's another emotional big brother,"
"you don't understand," jimin shakes his head, "i can't believe i have to go through this twice,"
"yeah, aera for now and then when my jieun marries someone," jimin says, hugging haewon, "god, baby i can't tell you how i'm feeling right now. my heart is going to explode,"
"same here," jungkook sighs.
"are you really sure, kevin is right for our aera?" jimin asks his wife, "i've seen him, and i trust him but i have to be sure... he'll be marrying my princess, afterall,"
"you both are so cute," haewon chuckles at her husband and jungkook.
two months later
"you look beautiful," jimin cups aera's cheek, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead, "my riri's a big girl, all grown up,"
"yeah," aera chuckles lightly, moving her dress a little to the side and steps forward, hugging jimin tightly, resting her head against his chest, "i never thought i'd marry someone guy and leave you. i used to believe that we'll stay together forever,"
"i used to believe that too," jungkook wraps his arm around her as he joins the hug with his siblings too, kissing her cheek, "we're gonna miss you so much, aera. trust me if it was in my hands i would still cancel all this and just take you home so we can watch frozen all over again for the first time,"
"aw, yeah, i know right?" tears come evident in her eyes as she hugs both of her brothers together, "my make up will be ruined if i cry..." she whines, tears brimming dangerously in her eyes, "god! unnie, my mascara..."
haewon chuckles at her, grabbing an ear bud and uses it to absorb the tears from the corner of her eyes, checking any other issue with the make up and nods, "you look perfect, just don't cry too much," she jokes.
"yeah, let's save the crying for later," jimin pats aera's back, "just smile and enjoy today. it's your big day,"
"yeah," she nods, glancing at jungkook who smiles as well.
(what aera's wearing)
(jimin's suit)
(jungkook's suit)
"guys, it's time," haewon says, nodding towards the door as she picks up the bouquet of beautiful white flowers, handing it to aera, "i'm really happy for you, aera. and i wish you the best life ahead with your man,"
"my man," aera repeats with a grin, "thank you. i'm gonna tell kev that,"
"of course," haewon chuckles, "let's go now,"
"come," jimin says softly, holding out his hand for aera, smiling as the girl accepts it quickly, following the brothers out of the dressing room. she takes a deep breath, glancing towards the main garden, adorned with white and light purple flowers, fairy lights, some balloons and ribbons. soft white fabrics along with the pastel ones drapes the stage and the sides, while round tables are placed on either side of the aisle, chairs circling each table where people are already sitting.
aera glances down with a frown, about step on the aisle carpeted with white velvety ground, attractive bunches of white and purple roses, and baby breaths lining the way all up to the stage where kevin is standing. something tugs on her left ankle and she realises that maybe it's the strap of her heel that probably wasn't secured well by the stylist they hired.
"what happened?" jimin asks, following her gaze, not waiting for a reply for aera tugs up the flair of her princess gown, sighing on seeing that it's her sandal indeed.
"i'll do it," jungkook mumbles, kneeling down quickly and lifts up her foot gently, placing it on his thigh. he secures the strap around her ankle, glancing up with a smile after he fixes her dress like it was earlier and stands up.
"thanks," aera smiles back at the brother, walking on the aisle with both jimin and jungkook.
the way to the stage feels like a quick run round memories from the very day the brothers recieved the news of having a new sibling. jimin was more than just happy, but jungkook sulked for a few days as he remembered namjoon telling him that a new sibling means saying bye-bye to love and attention from his mom. for the nine months, jungkook never showed much enthusiasm other than sometimes when eunmi had started feeling the baby move in her womb and could also feel the gentle kicks.
then finally aera came into this world and jungkook realised how wrong he was about the new sibling. now he can laugh at his younger self, claiming that he would give all the attention, luxury, his favourite things and literally anything for the sister he got. within the first few days itself, jungkook realised that he loved her more than anything and if they were ever in danger, he would run to save his little sister first.
jimin on the other hand reminisces all the moments he had held aera in his arms from the very day she was born, when she said her first word or walked her first steps with jungkook. his eyes fill with tears, glancing sideways at the same sister, now grown into a beautiful woman and ready to start a new life today with the man she fell in love with, who won't be one of her brothers.
but still jimin knows and believes that far before kevin came into aera's life, jimin loved her more, without an exception. he loved her first and held her first, so no matter who says what, his heart knew that he was the first man to love his little girl and be loved back by her.
aera glances at him, pouting as she notices the tears and uses her fingertips to wipe it off jimin's cheek, "you'll make me cry like this," she complains, getting a chuckle from jimin as he mumbles out a small 'sorry', giving her hand in kevin's.
"i'm letting you steal a piece of my heart, kevin. please take care of her," he smiles at the groom, giving a gentle squeeze to the couple's intertwined hands.
"i will, always," kevin smiles assuringly at jimin, then at jungkook too.
(what kevin is wearing)
aera grins at them, making the people laugh amusedly for the brides aren't that giggly up on the stage unlike aera. as the brothers leave to their respective seats, the ceremony starts with the priest saying some words. kevin recites his vows, as expected he had prepared it like a pro he was, all romantic and deeply thought of their relationship. while aera's vows made everyone smile and sometimes chuckle a little for adding a point or two about how she might not be in her best mood all the time, but she'd definitely try not to be a bitch to kevin, and how he also needs to be patient and is supposed to fall her charms every day. kevin laughed at that, nodding with a thumbs up for his girl and she winks at him, sending him a kissy face glancing at the priest if they can kiss already.
"are you sure she's ready to get married?" yoongi chuckles, glancing at his wife and the rest of his guys.
"she's just playful," jungkook smiles fondly, taking a deep breath.
"now when is your turn?" hoseok asks.
"yeah, c'mon man, you're getting old," taehyung jokes.
"i don't wanna get married,"
"don't you want a family of yours?" namjoon asks, handing over his twins to his wife and faces jungkook, "look, i know you've had bad experiences with your life, but that doesn't mean you have to isolate yourself from love like this,"
"i agree," jimin nods.
"will you guys stop bugging me about marriage if i get a girlfriend, move in with her and maybe get her pregnant?"
"no, that's a douche move," yoongi shakes his head.
"then what do i do to make you all leave me at how i am?"
the elders sigh at him, saying nothing further as haewon gives jungkook a gentle pat on his back and he cracks his neck, leaning towards her, "see how they are? i've told everyone a million times i don't wanna get married, but they just don't understand,"
"it's okay, they just want the best for you," haewon smiles at him, stroking his hair properly and fixes his hairstyle, "do what you feel is right, there's no use of forcing yourself into marriage just to satisfy your hyungs, kook,"
"i know," jungkook nods, looking down, "i have my reasons..."
"and maybe you'll feel less bad if you share them with anyone," the elder girl gives him a hopeful smile.
"it's complicated," he sighs, "and i don't wanna ruin today. it's an important day for riri,"
"talk to anyone you want when you're ready, okay? and just in case if you want someone, you know my number," haewon says, making jungkook chuckle as he nods, hugging his noona warmly.
"thanks noona, you're really the best,"
"okay, now go up there, it's your turn after jimin," haewon says, pointing at the stage where jimin is already standing to deliver his speech.
"damn, i remember your wedding," jungkook sniggers with her.
"you were so cute that day," haewon pinches his cheek, "i didn't take a video of you back then, but today i'm ready,"
"wow, noona's whipped," jungkook teases, laughing when haewon hits his shoulder.
"shut up!"
"okay," he grins, and pulls out a paper from his pocket, handing it to haewon, "how's this?"
meanwhile a slideshow starts with all of aera's pictures, solo and with her brothers, frowm the day she was born, and jimin has started with his speech, glancing at the bride and the groom, "okay, first of all, you look great, aera—"
"like pwincess!" namjoon's three-year-old daughter chimes as she's sitting with her twin next to aera and kevin with all the other kids, including jiwon, jieun, doyun and minsuk (jin's sons), iseul and yunae (yoongi's son and daughter), heechul (hoseok's son), isa and iris (namjoon's daughters). all the kids fascinated by aera's wedding gown and how pretty the couple looked.
"yeah, like a princess. thank you issy," jimin chuckles, "i'm not even surprised how these kids believe aera is the princess of their stories," he says laughing with everyone, aera and kevin too.
"can't help it, i'm beautiful," aera shakes her head in fake pity.
"you are," jimin smiles, "just like this, aera's always been an active enthusiast of the princess land. disney has been her best buddy for as long as i can remember. from there she learnt the the term 'prince charming' and started pointing at every handsome guy, saying that he might be prince charming,"
"like you," aera says.
"yeah, i mentioned handsome," jimin says, making her laugh, "but for real, i am someone's prince charming," his eyes move to his wife who's busy recording him but smiles at him fondly. "a few years back it was aera standing in my place, emotional because she had just realised that i'd leave the house after getting married. now it's my turn i guess? but it's more emotional for me considering that i've to let go of my little girl whom i raised with all my heart to this day.
"i'm never going to forget all those times when you held my hand, ran in my arms for a hug and hid behind me when you were scared. i'm keeping every moment of us safe with me in my heart, so that if i ever wanna go back in time all i would need to do is close my eyes and think of my little riri. although it's emotional and no matter what i said earlier, i want you to know that i'm really very happy for you, princess. i hope you get all the happiness in the world, you smile more everyday and enjoy this new chapter of your life to the fullest with your husband. love each other, support each other and take care of each other. love you," jimin lowers his head, blinking the tears away and clears his throat.
"i love you more!" aera chirps from her place, clapping for the speech he just gave for her.
soon enough as jimin goes down back to sit with his wife, jungkook's up on the stage, standing in front of the podium where jimin earlier stood, "shit, it's so real," jungkook mumbles, "i uh, sorry. i didn't want to start like that. not with a curse," he sighs deeply, glancing at aera and her husband, "i won't say much about riri, my speech is mostly for you kevin," he says.
"oh no, i'm scared now," kevin scrunches his face, looking for some support from aera who just shrugs her shoulders.
"you better be," jungkook chuckles lightly, "as i've said before, aera's our only sister. the only princess, as she liked to call herself, of us. so i'm hoping and praying that you'll treat her no less than that. she can be stubborn at times and i'm already sorry for that, because i know it's somewhere my and yoongi hyung's pampering, jimin hyung's love, hobi hyung, tae hyung and namjoon hyung's support and their always let-it-slide tendency when it comes to aera," he chuckles, "y'know it's gonna be a lie if i say she didn't have us wrapped around her little finger. especially me and yoongi hyung," he glances at aera.
"well, me too now," kevin adds, rubbing the back of his neck and aera laughs beside him.
"sure," jungkook nods, "no matter how much i try to ignore this, the day is here and i'm already giving my wishes to you both. aera really loves you kevin, and it really brings me peace to see that you love her back. as already hyung said that you're taking a piece of his heart with aera, but boy let me be honest, my sister has been my everything ever since she was born. so when i say that i'm letting you take her from me, that means i'm really trusting you with her and hoping that you'll keep her as happy as i did.
"love her more than me and my hyungs if possible. hold her hand tight through thick and thin, give her the warmest hugs and please don't ever let her feel like she felt her home, okay?" jungkook speaks directly to kevin, tears brimming his eyes while kevin nods subtly, smiling back at jungkook as though asking the elder to trust him. jungkook clears his throat before glancing at his sister who's trying hard not to sob, so he decides to lighten the mood a little, "and you too, aera, be a good wife to kev. support him, love him and make sure he doesn't complain about you,"
"oppa!" aera whines, dropping the tear from her eyes but she's not actually crying and chuckles, "i can't promise about the complain part," she shrugs.
"i can deal with it," kevin assures jungkook, laughing with the guests.
"you have to now. you kinda asked for it," jungkook jokes, "but just in case, kevin, i don't mean to scare you or anything," he sighs, glancing at the front tables where his hyungs are all sitting, watching him on the stage, "they're six, plus me makes seven. that's the amount of trouble you might be in if our aera isn't happy,"
"jesus!" kevin gasps while the rest of the people laugh.
"and those two," aera grins, pointing at jake and clay.
"yeah, you might be in serious trouble making her upset," jake raises his glass of wine at kevin.
"damn, i wouldn't have married her if i knew i was getting myself into this," kevin says.
"hey!" aera hits his shoulder, "they won't do anything if you love me," kevin chuckles at her, nodding at her words.
"c'mon, it's okay," kevin pats aera's back, trying his best to assure her that she can come back whenever she wants and meet her brothers and best friends. aera, however, doesn't seem to care and continues clinging onto jungkook's arm, regretting her whole idea of getting married.
"goodness, aera you can back tomorrow," taehyung chuckles, "do you wanna keep your husband waiting?"
"i'll miss you," aera sobs, hugging taehyung now and he holds his laugh, nodding his head, "why are you laughing? you won't miss me?"
"i will, but it's just a few blocks away y'know? we can visit you anytime and you can visit us too whenever you want,"
"but..." aera shakes her head, going back to jungkook again, "i don't wanna go... hey kev, do you mind if we stay at my place for today?"
the elders chuckle at her, shaking their heads and haewon steps forward, rubbing aera's arm, "go with kevin, aera. you just got married today. you should be with him in your new home,"
"yeah, but i'll miss, jungkookie..."
"i'll miss you too," jungkook kisses her head, "but you should go,"
"okay fine, i'll come back tomorrow okay?" she looks up at him.
"okay yeah," he nods, pulling away and wipes her tears with his thumb, cupping her face with his large hand, "now listen to me, stop crying and go with kevin. be a big girl, yeah?" he says, getting a nod from aera as she takes a deep breath, "good, that's it you look better now,"
she smiles at him, giving him and jimin one last hug, then goes to yoongi as well, "bye appa, thanks for always being there for me and treating me like your princess," she says to him.
"you are," yoongi hushes out, "—my princess," he hugs her then, closing his eyes so she won't see the tears that just dropped from his eyes. and before he pulls away, he makes sure to smile at her, "best of luck, have a happy married life both of you," he says, patting kevin's shoulder as well.
"thank you," he says, then glances at aera, "shall we go now? mom, dad and everyone has already left,"
"yeah, i'm sorry," aera holds his hand, "let's go,"
"it's fine, i know it must be hard leaving your brothers," he says, "say bye to them,"
aera smiles at his words, looking back at the seven men who played the most important role in raising her. she waves at them, sending a flying kiss and chuckles with teary eyes when jungkook catches it in the air, placing it near his heart, while jimin mouths 'love you' to her. yoongi and jin smile fondly. taehyung returns the flying kiss with his own and hoseok waves bck at her, namjoon smiling at her fondly. all of them looking like they were proud of how she grew up.
she smiles at them, then glances to her side with sad eyes as she still didn't meet her best friends yet. the boys, although, show up before she gets in the car, making her gasp abd break into a sob, throwing herself in jake's arms. he hugs her tightly, burying his face in her shoulder. clay joins the hug as well, rubbing aera's back and kisses her head, "we're happy for you," he says, getting a nod from jake as well.
"are you?" she glances at jake, who smiles for her, nodding again. aera sighs softly, kissing his cheek and closes her eyes, letting out more tears, "i love you, and i'm so happy you came. i didn't want go without seeing you both,"
"i dragged him here," clay says.
"thanks," aera tells clay, kissing his cheek as well.
"don't cry," jake uses his hand to wipe the tears off aera's cheeks, cupping her face instead, "doesn't matter that you're married now, you'll always be my favourite girl and my best friend, remember that,"
"he's right," clay nods, "we love you so much, aera,"
aera smiles at them, hugging them together and nods, "i know, and that's why u'm the luckiest girl. i've got the best boys, be it my oppas, friends, boyfriend and now husband,"
"i'm not a part of husbands party," jake clears his throat, "i'm still gonna sneak in your room, just so you know,"
"no, you won't,"
"i will, and i'd like to see you stop me," jake smirks, getting a hit from aera while clay rolls his eyes, making him laugh.
"you should go now," clay says, "bye, hace fyn being a wife now,"
"yeah, thanks," aera nods, separating from the boys and stands with kevin.
clay gives him a hug and so does jake, but the latter steals the opportunity to sneak in a whisper to the new husband, "take care of aera. i don't like seeing her upset," he pulls away with a smile, patting kevin's shoulder. the man couldn't smile back, but nods hesitantly, not wanting to ruin the moment as aera and everyone seemed to gave enjoy the day.
"alright, finally," kevin heaves out getting in the car beside aera as the driver ignites the engine. "are you tired?"
"yes," aera sighs, "this dress is so heavy, and the heels oh my god,"
"c'mere," kevin opens his arm and aera snuggles to his side, smiling at him, "you must be hungry as well?"
"a little i guess?" aera asks.
"i'm hungry like dessert kinda hungry. that's why i'm asking," he chuckles, glancing at the driver, "stop by an ice cream parlour, please,"
aera gasps at that, kissing kevin's cheek, "i'll marry you again if you keep getting me ice cream," she gushes, making him laugh.
"you're not planning to sleep later are you?"
"tonight?" aera arches up a brow, "depends,"
"oh no, you're not," he leans in, kissing her lips and she chuckles, "there's no way i'm letting doze off tonight. i've waited for you like two months, not anymore,"
"it wasn't my idea to stay apart till the wedding day," aera laughs.
"yeah, but i thought it'd be fun. but guess it was more of a torture," he sighs, burying his face in her neck and i hales deeply, "you smell so sweet, aera,"
"thank you," she grins, wrapping her arms around his neck, as she pulls her head back to look at his face, "y'know what mr husband? i might stay up if you're willing to put in the work,"
"you said that, not me," he smirks, kissing her lips again.
"mmh! ice cream first,"
"no buts, just ice cream,"
"okay fine,"
"yes! i love you!"
a/n- happy birthday to me i guess? 😁 yes, this chapter is basically a gift for you guys from me on my birthday! i hope you liked it ❤️ did you know my birthday already or you just came to know? because i know some of you already know it 😂
can i ask for 90 votes and maybe about a 100 comments from you guys today? c'mon it's my birthday do it pleaseeee! 😌❤️
6.9K words
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