"Her hand in marriage?"
Layton's p.o.v
It's been 6 months since Rick and I started dating and each day has been better than the previous, we were as strong as ever. He finally got promoted to detective and I was so proud of him.
We actually just got back from a 2 week vacation in Spain, it was a surprise gift from Rick for my 21st birthday.
How I wish we could have stayed there, Rick would walk around the villa shirtless and I would lounge by the pool
The rich and vibrant culture of the streets and its people made us feel right at home since we both came from Spanish ancestries but alas we had to get back to the real world. I was nearing completion of my bachelor degree in law and now I needed to start looking for internships ASAP.
Cass and Tessa were actually still going strong, she's become a good friend of mine. Rose had seemed to fall of the face of the earth, she stopped sending postcards and when I would try to reach out her phone would go to voice-mail, okay I got the message.
Jamie was a bachelor still and frankly it suited him, he wasn't the type to be tied down, did I mentioned he moved here about 3 months back? So yes we have our new little 'gang' 'squad' 'posy' whatever you'd like to call it in one town, let's just say when we all went out together there was never a dull moment.
Good thing Rick was 'law enforcement' so he could get us out of any real trouble- yeah abusing my boyfriend's work privileges, sorry not sorry.
Oh how could I forget this, my dad, Senator Romero Cruz started dating someone and I think it's his soulmate, Akemi Kimura was a warm and nurturing women, the total opposite of she who will not be mentioned.
Those two are seriously a powerhouse couple you wouldn't want to be put up against them, I've been destroyed on game nights and I'm supposed to be 'daddy's little girl'.
Akemi was been awarded for her activism against 'product testing on animals', she had taken down a huge conglomerate and was finally getting the recognition she deserved. Rick and I were going to the ceremony to offer our support.
He had seemed a bit on edge these past few days but I'd like to believe it's due to work stress, I know he will come and talk to me when he's ready.
End of p.o.v
The night of the function
"Wow, I didn't expect for so many people to be here, is that a TV crew?" Akemi asked in disbelief
"Yes my love, you made a statement and people listened, this is a simple 'thank you'." Mr. Cruz kisses her cheek and places his hand on the small of her back.
Layton and Rick arrive and make their way over to the couple.
"You look beautiful angel." Mr. Cruz hugs his daughter
While Layton and Akemi chat, Rick asks to have a word with Romero
"What seems to be on your mind son? I noticed the worry wrinkles on your forehead." Asked Mr. C
"Is it that obvious sir?" Rick starts wriggling his eyebrows hoping the lines would appear less visible.
"I've been in politics for over 20 years now, I just have a very skilled eye for these kind of things." He places a hand on Ricks shoulder and gives it a pat
"I wanted to do things right and ask..."
"Wait you aren't asking for Layton's hand in marriage because I'm going to have to say no." Mr. Cruz interrupts him
"What no no, we aren't there yet for sure, let me rephrase. I do want to take my relationship with Layton to the next level, I want her to move in with me."
"Now that's something I can get behind, living with a person definitely puts compatibility to the test and well if you two survive then your'll will have a future no doubt about it." Mr. C shakes his hand "Now let's hope she says yes."
Layton and Akemi approach the men
"It's about to start, let's go to our seats." Akemi mentions
The four make way to their table, Rick and Mr. Cruz pull out their ladies chairs for them.
After a few tedious speeches it was finally Akemi's turn, she delivers beautifully rendered words about her work and urges the people to keep fighting for what's right.
"Finally I'd like to take a moment to thank my partner Senator Romero Cruz who would stay up with me till all hours of the morning trying to bring justice to this cause, please come up here. As well as his daughter Layton Cruz and not forgetting the man by her side Rick de la Rosa, could you two please join me as well? These people are my family, they may not be by blood but they are by commitment and love. Thank you everyone and enjoy the rest of the night."
Kiandre's p.o.v
I hear Elle clapping in the living room like a mad child so I decided to see what all the fuss was about.
"What's up Ell's?
"My favorite environmentalist/activist Akemi Kimura is getting honored tonight and they're broadcasting it on TV."
"Sounds fun"
"Hey shut up she's my role model okay"
I chuckled and was about to make my way to the kitchen when I heard something that caught my attention.
'My partner Senator Romero Cruz'
Way to go Mr. Cruz I thought to myself as I settled on the couch to watch with Elle, nothing could have prepared me for what was about to come
'Layton Cruz and not forgetting the man by her side Rick de la Rosa.'
Shut the front door, Layton and Rick, he's the one she has been dating, somehow I'm surprised yet not fazed by this revelation.
"Ki, I didn't know I'm sorry"
"Why should I care Ell's I have plenty of girls I could call up right now that will stand by my side so proudly and hold onto me the way she's doing to him"
I sank to the floor, Elle tried to comfort me.
"I knew they shared some spark, how would I ever match up to him, fuck."
In one swift motion the contents of the coffee table were tossed right of in a fit of rage
"You don't have to match up, Layton fell in love with you once and I'm sure when the times right she will again."
"I hope you are right Ell, because the thought of someone else that isn't Layton been my soulmate is a freaking scary one."
End of p.o.v
Back at Ricks loft later that night
The two changed out of their formal attire into something more comfortable. Rick seemed in his own staring at the floor rug.
"What's wrong amor?" Layton sat next to him and took his hand in her own
Rick gets up suddenly and this worried Layton. "Was he going to break up with me?" she thought
"Move in with me el carino, quiero empezar a construer nuestras vidas juntos (I want to start building our lives together)."
She gets up and wraps both her arms around his neck and starts kissing him, Ricks one arm snaked around Laytons waist, bringing her in closer.
"I would love to move in with you, for a moment I thought you were ending things with me."
"The only ending we will have is a happy one, that's my promise to you mi amor."
"I'm so excited, although I will miss Cassidy, I wonder if he will ask Tessa to move in with him wouldn't that be great, also can we get a puppy? I always wanted one." Layton goes on and on, Rick can't help but smile at how happy she is.
"Cass is always welcomed over, if my baby wants a puppy she will get one, heck let's get two, a dozen while we at it."
The two laugh and embrace each other. The night couldn't have gone better for either of them.
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