Layton's p.o.v
My eyes flutter open and I realize I've woken up alone, Rick's side of the bed was cold like he had left some time ago. Thoughts of last night crept over me and I smiled thinking of how we got lost in each other's embrace yet at the same time discovered where we were supposed to be.
My body still burned from Rick's touch, it was like ecstasy and I was already in withdrawal. With him I felt a different sense of the word 'safe' yes I know he would keep me safe from danger but I also know, he'd do anything for me, put me first and would choose me over and over again, maybe that's what was lacking in my previous relationship.
As I exit the bathroom, I'm engulfed by a tantalizing aroma which made me realize how hungry I actually was, after all we worked up quite an appetite last night. I had made my way to the kitchen only to find Rick making us breakfast.
He casually stood in front of the stove, his hair washed but not set, in a pair of denims and an unbuttoned shirt adding to his sex appeal, okay now I'm definitely hungry for something else.
End of p.o.v
"Taking in the view" Rick had caught Layton staring and laughed.
"Well the food looks really good, how could I not" she comebacks.
Rick leaves the stove unattended and makes his way over to Layton where he plants a soft kiss on her lips.
"Only the food huh" he then whispers in her ear.
"Maybe you as well" she runs her hand up his chest.
"The finishing touches to breakfast should be done. I'm going to dish up for us" (Tumi771, told you he'd keep you fed lol)
After some time
"Everything to your liking milady?" Rick notices Layton's empty plate
"God how are you a better cook than me" she whined
"Actually my first was at a restaurant and let's just say I learnt a thing or two" he takes their plates and clears up the table
"Look, I'm too old for games and I'm not going to waste any more time when it comes to us. I want you to be my women Layton and I want to be your man it's as simple as that."
He reaches out his hand for hers and she takes it giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Soy tuyo (I'm yours), Rick de la Rosa" Finally Layton's Spanish was been put to use.
He wears the biggest of smiles. "I'm working night shift today el carino so why don't we do something relaxing till then?"
"Aren't you tired though, maybe you should have a few hours of sleep before your shift." She barters
"Alright on one condition, I get to sleep on your chest."
"Fine you big baby lets go."
A few weeks later
Rick's p.o.v
I've never consider myself a lucky person because I had to work for everything I have, but when I look at Layton I swear all the luck in the world was raining on me.
These past few weeks have been nothing short of amazing, the simple things like going on late night drives or sitting on the beach watching the waves crash against the shore with her head on my shoulder made me the happiest.
My favorite thing about her was definitely her mind, the way she thought about things in general and how passionate and invested she would get when it came to law school stuff had me in awe. I never truly realized how much I liked Layton until she was the women on my arm.
She had a pretty big presentation coming up and I didn't want to overwhelm her, she was stressed out. I promised I would be the supporting boyfriend and that's exactly what I was going to do. See been a cop, you learn how to read and understand people even if they aren't giving you much to go on and I was going to do this to help Layton relax.
End of p.o.v
'Hey el carino, I know you're busy but could you please come over tonight, it's important. Can't wait to see you *mwah*." Layton listened to the voice message Rick had sent and smiled.
"He's a dream I don't want to wake up from." She thought to herself
That night Layton made her way to Rick's place, she had packed some essentials and planned on staying over. Rick opened the door and immediately pulled her in for a kiss.
"Oh how I missed you tots." He mumbled
"Tots?" She mocked him
"Give me a break okay I'm running of a 12 hour shift and a box of oreo's" he laughed
"Rick de la Rosa are you overworking yourself?" she sternly raises her eyebrow at him
"There's a new case and if I can catch the perp I'll be sure to make detective."
"You'd make a great detective, but I'd miss seeing you in your cop uniform, you still get to keep the handcuffs right?" she smirks at him
Rick swallows and smiles at the ground trying to keep his thoughts clean.
"I have a surprise for you, if the lady would please follow me into the bedroom." He ushers Layton
Rick had lit dimmed the lights and lit scented candles all over the room. A masseuse table laid in front of them with a tray of all kinds of lotions and rubs. He kissed Layton's shoulder.
"I thought this might help ease some of your stress, for the next hour I'm your personal masseuse Miss Cruz."
The lit candles and familiar scent instantly reminded Layton of the time Kiandre had drawn her a bath. Two separate incidences yet both done for her pleasure.
She wasn't going to let Rick know what had crept into her mind, she wanted to appreciate his effort instead.
"Esto es lo que necesitaba, gracias amor." (This is so what I needed, thank you love.)
"Cualquier cosa por ti mi angel, ahora dejame cuidarte." (Anything for you my angel, now let me take care of you.)
On the other side of the state, back at Lightwood Heights
Jamie tries to wave down Kiandre, he was definitely up to no good. Kiandre notices and goes to greet him.
"Hey man congratulations on the new girlfriend, a bed selfie is not the picture I would post for everybody to see though." He says almost mockingly
"She's not my girlfriend, just some chick who misunderstood how things where. Did Layton happen to come across the photo?" Kiandre worryingly asked
"Oh yeah I showed it to her, in fact that finally gave her the push to move on from you. She's actually really happy with someone now, he's the type that puts her needs first, they are such a cute match." Jamie at this point was just rubbing salt in Kiandre's wounds
"You know I've always wanted to beat the crap out of you Jamie but since you're a cop and I don't want to be behind bars again count yourself lucky you bitter man." And with that Kiandre storms off, giving Jamie all the satisfaction he needed.
Kiandre's p.o.v
I wanted to be angry at Layton for moving on but I found some comfort in knowing it took her quite a while to - I know how selfish do I sound? I should've asked Jamie who she was with so I could've stalked the guy to see if he was actually good enough for my Bellissima.
Maybe not knowing is better for my mental health, this way I won't be picturing them together, sharing a bed or any precious moment when it should have been me.
It should have been me, oh god what am I going to do? What if her relationship works out with this guy perfectly? What if he's her soulmate and I was nothing but a catalyst to find him? Would I be some sort of a homewrecker if I asked her to choose between me and him?
What if she would choose him?.....
End of p.o.v
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