"It's Jamie, he's been shot" murmured Rick
My ears began to ring as I tried to comprehend what he had just said, a blank expression slapped upon my face.
"What" I finally speak up before hyperventilating, tears begin streaming down my face, this was truly one of my worst fears
Rick tried to console me by bringing me against his chest for a hug but in that moment all I wanted to do is throw up.
"We have to leave now"
"I knew you would say that, let's go" agreed Rick
An hour into the drive and no words had been spoken yet we were in a comfortable silence, the radio on a ever so slight volume, the coffees Rick had brought us in the cup holders
and the bright lights illuminating our way. I watched has Rick would grip onto the steering wheel a bit harder whenever a pondering expression would come across his face.
"Did they say how it happened" I spoke up
"Yeah, he was on a ride along, you know preparing for when he enters the field, the officer he was with responded to a robbery and well Jamie ended up taking a bullet"
I turned my head to look out of the window. Rick notices
"Hey there's nothing good on the radio at this hour plus it couldn't compare to your voice, why don't you sing something"
I knew we both needed the distraction so I obliged
"In all the good times
I find myself longing for change
And in the bad times I fear myself
I'm off the deep end
Watch as I dive in
I'll never hit the ground"
To my surprise Rick was tapping the steering wheel and bopping his head along. Then at the climax he joined me in singing "in the sha ha sha la la llow" we had a little laugh
"You really are something Layton Cruz" he whispered and smiled to himself
At the hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Becker along with Layton's dad Romero (after all Jamie was his best friend's son) were all present. Jamie's mum began smothering him in kisses, her burgundy lipstick staining his skin "my baby boy" she whimpers
Layton and Rick walk in, a wave of relief washes over them seeing that Jamie isn't in a vegetative state but looking rather normal, not a hair strand misplaced, a book casually resting on him. The two snicker at the lipstick marks on him.
Layton sees her dad and runs to him for solace while Rick chats to Jamie
"Did you really have to go get shot, I mean if you just wanted to see me you could've asked"
"I have a flair for dramatics, it just pierced my shoulder nothing serious"
Everyone rolls their eyes at the two
"Come here sweets" Jamie calls out to Layton who seemed to be keeping her distance
"Let's give them a moment" Mr. Becker suggests
Layton sits beside Jamie, he reaches a hand out, and she reluctantly takes it.
"I'm okay, in a few days' time I'll be back to normal, as good as new"
Layton signs "but what if you weren't"
"Nothing will take me away from you"
"It was weird when the robber pointed his gun at me and I heard the trigger been pulled, I wasn't scared of the pain of dying, I was scared of leaving her, she was the last thing that entered my mind, it's time to be honest with myself, I am in love with Layton Cruz" Jamie thought to himself
A week had passed and Jamie was in a clean bill of health. He decided to celebrate this by throwing a party at his penthouse
Saturday afternoon arrived, Rose, Cassidy, Layton and Kiandre drove up together to Jamie's. Cassidy had booked hotel rooms for them to stay over in. Rick and a few other officers and friends of Jamie's was already at the party- it surely was a hunk fest
As time went on and after a few drinks Layton and Rose began dancing together, their bodies moving in sync, much too every man's approval. Cassidy offered Kiandre a drink but he planned on staying sober tonight, the two watched their girls and beamed pride. Jamie walks over and Kiandre brushes him off "excuse me I'm going to get MY girl" obviously emphasizing the last part.
He had noticed how Jamie watched Layton like she was some sort of siren and the he was the prey been drawn in- Kiandre was not impressed about this.
Kiandre joins Layton, he picks her up and gives her a warm hug
"Wait stay like that" begs Rose as she take out her phone to take a photo of the two, beaming bright smiles plastered on their faces. Kiandres leather jacket contrasted against Laytons faux fur coat. They looked truly happy.
They then continued dancing together, Cassidy joining in. Layton dances against Kiandre, his hands firmly placed on her hips swaying them. She extends her neck backwards so that he could nibble on it.
All this made Jamie's blood boil and naturally he drowned his sorrows in alcohol
Now stumbling about, Rick advises Jamie to take a seat and he joins him, whiskey glass in hand.
"Staring at her isn't going to do you any good" says Rick
"Can't help it, she should be dancing like that with me" If looks could kill surely there would be a murder here. Despise was written all over Jamie's face.
After some time
Kiandre and Rick had found themselves deep in conversation in the kitchen about the races- a mutual friendship seemed to be brewing between the two
Jamie wobbles into the kitchen
"That's it you're sobering up now" commands Rick to his friend as he begins looking for some aspirin
Jamie picks up a photo frame, a picture of him and Layton at the beach resting in it
"She's beautiful when she's happy huh, sure is something, I bet you both can agree huh"
Rick and Kiandre both look at each other acknowledging that Jamie is wasted and shouldn't be payed attention to
"I couldn't protect her then but I can now, come hell or high water I will protect her with everything I have and am"
"You're not the only one willing to protect her" Kiandre speaks up, tired of Jamie's rants and riddles
"Oh yeah then where were you when her mother tried to sell her or when she would...."
"Enough" Cassidy bursts into the kitchen just in time to stop Jamie from blabbering on
Kiandre appalled by this revelation stormed out, a look in his eye with one purpose "I have to find my girl"
"I think it's time for everybody to leave, I'll show them out" Rick barely able to finish the sentence, like something was caught in his throat, after what he just heard who could blame him, he too was worried for Layton
"What have I done" realization slapped Jamie in the face like a splash of ice water waking him up, sobering him up- he just let out one of his best friends biggest secrets
"I have to find her" he tries to leave the kitchen
Cassidy steps in front of him, a serious tone in his voice "You've done enough"
Jamie didn't argue, perhaps because he had no idea what he would even say to Layton, all he did know was that he had to get his shit together or risk losing Layton forever - if he hasn't already.
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