It was the third period of the day. Everyone had their electives and mine was music. I had always found comfort in the smooth rhythms. Some say I have the voice of a nightingale, probably because of the countless times I had to sing to drown out the noise from when my mother would get home.
Through my love of music, I met another dear friend of mine, Freddy. This guy is a musical prodigy. We would always jam out together, our duets on karaoke night with our friends became a regular thing.
Jamie had always been Mr. Popular during our school years, head of the football team, everyone falling at his feet - a total cliché, then there was me, the most important person to him, an average girl who you'd find with her head stuck in a book probably or spending too much time in the music hall.
Normally that would get you made fun of relentlessly but because of Jamie being around, I was just a shadow and I mean that in the best possible way. With him gone the past two years, I really did learn how to stick up for myself. I guess Rose has been rubbing off on me.
I stood at my locker, gathering my music sheets, when a random thot and her muscle head flavor of the week (or day who really knows) approached me.
"If it isn't the third musketeer, all alone," she said.
"Hmm... what a waste of a pretty face, if only you'd open your legs instead of your mouth," the guy said.
I could see Kiandre look up from the nearby water fountain he was drinking from. He had obviously heard how this guy spoke to me and I was sure he was about to come over here and tear into him a new breathing hole, going by the way his eyes darkened.
I gave him a reassuring smile that I wasn't some damsel in distress and had things under control.
"Listen, I'm honored you two took the time to stop and talk to me on the way to your hooking up session in the janitor's closet," I said in a condescending tone. "Seriously though, I have a question, is it possible to get more of the same type of STDs than you already have? Because if that was the case, I'd really be concerned about my choice in partners."
"Why, you little..." Before she could finish her sentence, Kiandre had come over, closed my locker and spoke up.
"Let's get you to class," he said.
"Bellissima, I really have no idea where we are going. It's kind of my first day here yah know," he said whilst letting out a small chuckle before regaining his composure again.
"I'm Layton, and thanks for getting me away from there," I said shyly, like suddenly all the confidence has been knocked out of me just by hearing his enchanting laugh. "To the music hall but I know my way, is there somewhere you need to be? I can show how to get there."
"Don't worry I'm right where I want to be ... umm... I mean my class is around here somewhere. I'll find it. No worries. Now shall we, Bellissima?"
The same guy that entered English class who looked like the kind of trouble any girl would want to get into, was now walking me to class, his tough guy exterior had begun to crack just for a second before his walls went right back up.
He was something out of like a vampire movie- extremely sexy and mysterious, should I nudge him into some sunlight?
Or perhaps throw him down, get on top of him and check for fangs - hell I'd rather be under him, I wonder how his body would feel firmly pressed up against my own, would his muscles relax under my touch?
Okay, is that too forward? Heck what was wrong with me? Why did he make my body react that way? Was it the fact that he was the first guy, well, besides Cassidy and Freddy, to actually be nice to me or was it because I see the same pain behind his grey eyes as my own that makes him so intriguing to me?
"Well, we are here, Layton. I'll see you around."
The way my name rolled off his tongue was pure ecstasy and I was only able to mumble an "Aha!" before he walked away- damn sex on legs.
He was truly an enigma, a man of very few words which led me to believe he was a man of action and that got me really excited.
The rest of the day went by uneventfully and I was glad for that. Heck I'd had enough excitement for one day.
The following morning on school grounds:
Here I am sitting on the grass, my back against the tree we've found refuge under from the rays of the sun. Cassidy laying his head on Rose's lap, the two of them content in their own little world. Cassidy turned his head.
"Hey, there's Kiandre talking to Jeremy and Nigel. We're all in robotics club together," he waved them over
Kiandre's eyes caught my own as they made their way over to us.
"You'll thank me for this later, love," said Rose as she watched Kiandre and I stare at each other
"Jacobsen, I'm Rose. I'm sure you've heard about me from Cass. We're having a small get together tonight and you guys are invited." Just then, she grabbed my phone and handed it to Kiandre.
"Here, put your number in my girl's phone and she will text you the details."
"Let me guess. A back to school party with ridiculous amounts of alcohol and a pool. I bet you guys can tell that's not really my scene but if Layton's going to be there, I guess I just found a reason to show up."
I blushed scarlet at Kiandre's comment
"My gosh! Could there be a sadder looking bunch of people?" said some guy with his minions behind him. "Seriously, new guy, you shouldn't be kissing up to the wrong group of people. I mean you're already an outcast. Why would you want to make things worse for yourself?" he laughed
"And look at the way he is pining over Layton. Seriously, dude, she's hot and all but we all know she's sealed tighter than a drum, so don't even waste your time. She's off limits and if anybody would get to taste her honey pot, it certainly won't be you," said one of the minions
I watched as Kiandre's fist clenched and jaw muscles contracted. I had always been an observer before I said my piece and at that moment I couldn't have felt safer in Kiandre's presence. Rose was about to spring into action when something clicked in my mind.
I stood up and dusted my skirt off. "Off limits? Off limits? What do you mean by off limits and who the hell gave you the right to speak to me in such a manner?" I said with confidence emanating from my broadened shoulders as I stood facing my now enemy in the eye.
"Well, you should really have a conversation with your dear friend Jamie. In his time here, he made it very much clear that no one was to touch you with a ten foot pole. His warnings still echo through the hallways. I guess South boy over here was late to get the memo," the guy said, laughing, before strutting away, his minions eagerly following behind.
"Oh, I have some choice words for Jamie," I said before walking off.
Kiandre began to follow Layton:
"Let her calm down for a moment," said Rose.
"We will go keep an eye out on her," said Nigel, leaving with Jeremy, feeling rather awkward after what had just happened.
"Is Jamie her boyfriend or something?" asked Kiandre with a concerned look on his face
"No," replied Cassidy. "He is her childhood best friend. He just became really protective of her after the incident."
Rose nudged Cass like he had said something out of place.
"It's not our story to tell."
"Huh! Layton Cruz, I knew there was a reason I was drawn to you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. Not only because you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I guess it was this feeling of similarity. Now, I'm going to make it my life's mission to understand your scars and fix your pain because somehow I know you're going to do the same for me. " Kiandre thought to himself.
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