ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ Chapter 3ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ
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"Love is like dried flowers sometimes.
Even though you watch the petals shrink and change color,
you cannot help treasuring them"
― Munia Khan
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You were exhausted after the 13-hour flight and simply wanted to chill. At Incheon, your grandmother came to pick you up. When you stepped off the plane, you were faced with many stares. People's gazes are continually drawn to your natural platinum locks. They mistook you for an idol because of how you carried yourself and the trendy glasses you wore. You did immediately braid your hair and put on your oversized designer sunglasses for the flight so that your blue eyes don't stick out. You're sick of people asking you what color or brand your blue-grey "contacts" are. Your mother made sure that you were flying business class so that you could rest and even sketch.
You were occupied with creating cute illustrations for the upcoming book. Your studio sent you the book's concept, and you were eager to get started on the storyline. He required at least three illustration storyboards.
Your grandmother couldn't stop hugging and kissing your cheeks because she was overjoyed. Your grandmother and mother are both taller than your 1.6 meters. You felt as if your insides were about to burst from dread.
You decline your grandmother's offer to take you out for breakfast because you had just eaten a large breakfast on the plane.
"Oh, my beautiful (agi)baby, Grams misses you terribly. How is "Gina" doing? You are more lovely than ever." She gushed again, hugging and kissing your porcelain cheeks. She is pretty impressed with you.
"Thank you, Grandma...mommy is off to Costa Rica again...to capture some tree frogs." As you follow your grams to her car, you snort.
"Can you tell me where Chiji is? I thought she'd be the one to pick me up at the airport?" You lean back in your seat and fasten your seatbelt.
Your grandmother grinned as she stared at you in awe. She'd never be able to get used to your ethereal beauty. She is well aware that you are oblivious to your delicate beauty. She wishes you a pleasant stay in your new place. Your grandmother is mainly concerned about your straightforward approach to life, but you are a great and honest child who wears her heart on her sleeve, and she will always protect you.
"Do you want to relax at home or go greet Uncle Hiyo and Chiji? We've got a big wedding order to fill. Orders are pouring in at the workshop. The biggest celebrity wedding is coming up next week, and my flowers must stand out." She seemed to be overjoyed.
"Grandma, I'm thrilled for you. Your floral talents are legendary, and you deserve to be successful." You take a glance at your grandmother's bright, beaming smile.
"Yes, it is one of our most important clients. They are the crème de la creme of Seoul's elite." Your grandmother is an expert driver. You also obtained your driver's license, but your mother refuses to buy a new car for you. You don't need it. You can just ride your bike to and from your place.
"Can we go to the flower shop first, Grandma? I saw images of the new renovations you've done. I'd want to greet Chiji and Uncle." Your granny took a shorter route to your flower store, making you look delighted. When you look around Myeongdong, you'll see that there are a lot of beauty businesses. You made a mental note to visit these shops and stock up on beauty products. Perhaps you might take the help of Chiji and Ha-ri, a childhood friend. If your mother discovers you wandering around town alone, she will have a heart attack.
"So, grams, who is this celebrity you're catering to? Everyone I'm familiar with. Is it a k-drama star or a K-pop idol?" You inquire interested. You exclusively watch Korean dramas on Netflix to keep up with your language skills. You're so delighted you can carry on a conversation in Korean, and your grandma made sure you did.
"Oh, it's one of Seoul's young billionaires; his brother is getting married on his big yacht next weekend, and we had a large order. I had to bring in additional staff to help with the flowers for the archway arrangement. We have to give it to their event planner on Friday morning. I'm hoping our delivery vehicle has enough room for two loads; if not, I'll need to hire a little truck." She appeared to be pumped up. All you do is grin. You and your mother share your grandmother's adventurous personality and enthusiasm.
"Grams, you rock!... or I'm free to join you. Although I've seen yachts, I've never been on one. Is the wedding going to be big?" You give Granma a sidelong smile.
"We'll see if you don't cause any problems with your tongue. I'm thinking of allowing you to deliver with Chiji." As you scrunch up your nose, she chuckles. She will never forgive you for that minor misstep. There was only one honest mistake.
You were quick to get to the store. As your grandma drove around the back of the shop and the two of you entered by the back entrance, the excitement began to swell within you. You passed through the workshop, where a figure was busily arranging and placing flowers in baskets with two young people. You have a big smile on your face. Your chubby cousin's face was focused while explaining it to the two kids.
When Chiji saw you, her face lit up with joy, and she raced over to you, squealing and jumping up and down while gripping each other's hands. The two kids are staring at you in awe. They couldn't take their gaze away from your lovely blue-grey eyes. You have a mesmerizing quality about you. You just wave as Chiji introduces you to them. Two grade 12 students are working part-time at Kwon Petals.
"Oh my goodness, my lovely cousin has returned after a year away. What's the status of our "Frosty"? With a teasing tone, she exclaimed, "You look so mature--still white though."
"I'm fine, Chi; I'm delighted I came to see you, but the fact is, I wanted to go to Costa Rica with my mother. She, on the other hand, basically begged me to visit Grams. I was under the impression that Grams was busy kicking the bucket, thus the urgency." As Chiji smiled, you grinned back. Your grandmother just sighed.
"Did Mr. Kim call about the lapel flower changes?" Your gran put her handbag in the workshop's tiny office.
"No, but Mr. Kims' other friend will come and confirm, and he'll require a picture of the sample after the adjustment,"
Chiji smiled as she walked with you to the workshop to show you the wedding flowers. You were amazed by the bouquets' sheer creativity. You walked around the gorgeous light pink and Lilac flower petals, caressing them. Your grandmother sat at her office desk, working on her laptop in her small office. At the same time, Chiji and her helpers are hard at work at the workbench. You walked up the small corridor that led to the front of the store. You were standing in front of flowerpots with various flower arrangements. Uncle was busy giving a lady a receipt, and you were keeping an eye on him. She was holding a blue flowerpot filled with lovely white roses and lilies arrangement. The lady says goodbye with a grin and a bow.
When she waved goodbye and walked out of the shop, you crept up behind him and gently poked his waist.
When he saw you, he jumped to one side, looked with alarm, and pulled you into a warm hug. You return the gentle hug with a sweet giggle.
"Oh, my goodness!. You were so close to giving me a heart attack." He smiled as he released you from his embrace.
"Hey, uncle, you don't play when you want to get old? Look at all those grey hairs -- you've almost reached fossil status like grandma." You teasingly stroke his strands of hair. Uncle Hiyo slapped your hand away with a click of his tongue and walked away.
"Young lady, you have no respect for your elders."You snort and grasp the older man's back around his waist, hugging him tightly.
"You're so adorable, Uncle." You set him free and stood before a disgruntled uncle, saying, "I'm so delighted you're still here and not decided just to kick the bucket."
"I am. I'm not sure why Gina sent you back here. You're only going to cause trouble, and with you around, we won't be able to get any rest for our souls." He mumbles something incoherent.
You burst out laughing as you pat your uncle's shoulder, standing near the cash register. You adored your family, but you yearned to be with your mother. Three months without seeing her is a new kind of torture for you. You're worried that something terrible will happen to her.
Grandma appeared in your sight, grumbling over something. You're left wondering what was eating her.
"Is everything all right, Hana?" Uncle is concerned about your grandmother, who is only shaking her head while reading something on her phone.
"Oh, I have to go to the bank right now; Frosty dear, will you be OK with the staff? If the lines aren't too lengthy, I promise I'll be back soon. Tonight, we can go out for a Korean BBQ. Uncle and Chiji'll join us." She looks at you sheepishly, as though she doesn't want to leave you alone with the staff.
You reach out and place your hands on her shoulders. "Don't be concerned. I'm aware of what's expected of me. Stay in the workshop and assist Chiji. But, because it's my first day, I will sit in your office and watch Korean dramas. Maybe I'll text my friend Ha-ri and arrange to meet up at the mall tomorrow. If it's alright with you." Your blue eyes twinkle as you give her a cute smile.
"OK," replies your grandmother, frowning. "But, I do not think she will be around. According to what I've heard, her grandfather died, and she'll stay in Daegu for at least a month. She'll be waiting for the funeral and assisting her granny.
"Oh, no, that's a pity. Then I'll unwind and assist here. I'd like to draw those peonies in the Chinese flowerpot," You look up at your grams with joy.
"All fine, Hiyo, let me go. Just take a look at the Kim wedding quote. There's a picture of the bride's new favorite sample image. Please e-mail it to her, but give Mr. Kim the fresh sample, as he may arrive by noon. OK." Grandma waves and walks back to the back door after giving you additional instructions.
Sighing, you return to your grandmother's office. You sat down on the couch with your tablet. The office is quite welcoming.
While you were preoccupied logging into your Netflix account, Chiji walked into the office and apologized.
"Please, Frosty, get me a roll of Lilac and purple ribbon as soon as possible. The box is hidden beneath the counter. Please. I'm sorry for any bother." She looks at you with a begging face.
You sighed and stood up after placing the tablet on the sofa next to you.
"There's no worry. Is it the entire box or simply the ribbons you're looking for?" You inquire, raising your brows.
Chiji appeared to be anxious because the congratulations flowers would be delivered at 2 p.m. to the client.She wants the ribbon rolls.
"Oh, OK..." you say as you walk to the front of the store and hear a ping. Perhaps a customer. You know your grandmother's rules, but you'll just bow to whoever comes along, get the box with the ribbons for Chiji, and be OK. You're not going to cause havoc. Grandma is going to have a heart attack.
As you approach the front, you observe your uncle conversing with a tall, well-built guy. From the back, his body structure is defined. Another guy was going through several red rose arrangements, he had a lovely smile on his face.
You sigh and take a slow step toward the counter. Your Uncle saw you entering and smiles as he returns his gaze back to the quotes book.
When the guy raised his head, your breath became painfully caught in your throat. In front of you stood the most amazing guy you've ever seen as you move with astonishment around the counter where the guy stood, your artistic instinct kicked in. Your Uncle tensed up and halted in surprise as he noticed your clear eyes fixed on the man. You could almost hear your uncle softly, "oh dear."
As the man turns his head to view the most ethereal person in front of him, the man's eyes widen. She resembled a phantom from a dream.
You were standing in front of a guy who was both tall and lean. You have no idea what hit you. You started hyperventilating just by looking at his visuals.
As you stood in his personal space, your gaze was drawn to him. Your body is practically touching his. The guy was, but it didn't bother you. He was the epitome of virility and masculinity.
You whisper breathlessly in Italian, "(Y... Sei così bella... per favore non muoverti )Y...You so beautiful--please don't move," as you glance into his furrowed, surprised eyes. In your chest, your heart was pounding erratically. He had a very unique, almost western, but more exotic appearance. You'll note that his eyes are big, yet they can pierce your soul with a single intense gaze.
As you reach out your hands and caress every contour of his face, the guy's eyes widen even more. Your touch on his face elicited a reaction from him. As you glide your fingers across his thin brows, gently, softly cheekbones and jawline, he looks at you in wonder, dumbfounded. His monolids were captivating, and he was "hot." Your fingers had their mind as both your hands traced over his soft, kissable lips, with a beautiful mole under his bottom lip. You're not sure if your cool fingers were on his warm skin or shock. If you only give it a little soft kiss, you can imagine how smooth his lips must feel.
The guy was frozen, unable to move. He was stuck in one spot. Your Uncle was speechless, his jaws almost touching the floor and his palm over his mouth. The eyes of the guy's friend were full of curiosity and amusement, and he even recorded the entire episode on his phone, snickering the whole time.
You suddenly heard a gasp.
"Kwon Vincenza!!!!!"
You swiftly laid your hands on the man's well-defined chest. Dread filled your heart with fear. You closed your eyes as the guy smirked amusingly down at your wincing face.
The most shocked face in the doorway drew everyone's attention-your grandmother.
She was furious as she rushed to where you were standing. As your granny breathes deeply, your eyes widen in terror. She snatched your arm and yanked you away from the customer in front of her. Her nails dug into your skin, making you grimace. She bowed multiple times and looked remorseful to the customer. Your brows furrow as you see your grandmother's bizarre behavior.
"Greetings, Mr. Kim. I apologize profusely for my granddaughter's misbehavior. Please accept my apologies for Kwon Petals."She seemed to be exasperated.
Mr. Kim looks at your anxious "blue eyes" fixated on your grandma's with a cute smirk on his lips as he bows slightly toward her.
"It's all right, Mrs. Hanna. I don't believe she intended any harm, "He attempted to salvage the situation. The blonde female with the fake "blue-grey" contacts he swears is almost tangible.
Your grandmother returns your stare with daggers in her eyes and her gaze shifts to uncle Hiyo. Whose eyes are enlarged?
"Hiyo, what was the Vincenza rule?" she inquired harshly. He responds uncomfortably.
"I'm sorry, Sir...just it's that -I-" you nervously bite your trembling bottom lip as you look at the lovely man with shame. Mr. Kim's gaze was fixed on your tear-filled remorseful eyes.
What on earth have you done? You're never going to hear the end of it. You've never had such an intense reaction to a guy before. You've known Pablo and a few other guys at Uni for three years, but this is different. This guy knocked the wind out of your tiny body.
Grandma interrupts with a stern tone, "--I...nothing, you'll officially apologize to Mr. Kim...go to the office. Now!!" She points to the back door with her finger.
You take one final glance at Mr. Kim, bow, and flee from the embarrassing situation, away from your grandmother's wrath.
Mr. Kim stood still, his brows wrinkled, as you walked to the workshop. He shivered just thinking about her gentle, cool touch on his heated skin.
When Mr. Kim simply dismissed it, Hana felt relieved, but she told him that she would make up for her grandchild's inappropriate behavior.
Hana chastised Uncle Hiyo for not obeying the rules regarding Frosty's scandalous behavior after the two clients had left. When she left the front and walked after her granddaughter, Uncle Hiyo just shrugged and exhaled a sigh of relief.
"Vincenza...Vincenza! Please come to my office!" She shouts angrily. Chiji was taken aback. When she and the two hires glanced through the front door and heard the altercation, they dashed back in, determined not to be caught up in Frosty's antics.
Mrs. Kwon glanced at Chiji, who was wrapping present paper around the flowers.
Chiji put on her earbuds as though she couldn't hear anything.
"Can you tell me where Frosty is?" Mrs. Kwon was furious.
Chiji stated, pointing to the restroom," she ran to the restroom."
Mrs. Kwon entered the restroom and heard faint sobs coming from one of the cubicles.
"Vincenza, sweetie, please accept my apologies for being so harsh. That guy is a member of the wedding party. They spent about 4 billion won on floral arrangements. "You heard your grandmother explain the situation." I have a sterling reputation to uphold."
"I'm sorry, grams. He's so handsome, and I'm not sure what possessed me to reach out and touch his face like that... I felt like I was sketching his face." With a strangled voice, you told her.
"I'm sure he's a charming young man. But this is South Korea, after all. You can't simply walk into a person's personal space and feel him up. It isn't the liberal western world. You must show respect towards older men. There is a social protocol in place here. Didn't Gina teach you the basics of etiquette? You owe it to him to thank him for not doing something worse" Your grandmother shudders at the prospect of losing her high-ranking professional career among the celebrities. Her flower shop is thriving, and she can now leave her daughter and granddaughter a sizable cash inheritance.
"With our custom-made custard chocolates and champagne from our celebrity catalog, you'll make him a bouquet. And you'll be the one to pay the bill. You and Chiji will seem professional as you deliver it in your uniform. Understand." You heard Grandma's severe tone.
You emerged from the restroom, where you had spent the entire time crying. Your blue eyes have a red tint around them.
"Sorry, Grams...you might have to send me back home. I don't want to sabotage the shop's reputation. You put in too much effort...but I'm not sorry for making the guy awkward. He was flippen hot ... We might have been sued if you arrived a second late." With pursed lips and a determined gaze, you check your grams.
Your grandmother smiled and shook her head. She extends her arms to draw you in for a free hug. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around her waist.
She kissed your forehead and said, "Just be careful with your behavior in the future... OK."
"OK," you say with a nod.
You left with your grandmother, still thinking about the guy who made you feel feelings you didn't know existed.
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A/n: "Frosty" arrived in Seoul.
Thank you for all the reads and votes. You are amazing.
Question 1: What would you have done if you were the "guy"?
Question 2: Do you believe you were in the correct mindset when you saw "him"?
Question 3: Did your grandmother have a valid reason for her anger?
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