ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ Chapter 21 ღ 🥀 ღೋ
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Your touches, are so gentle
Like the petals of a rose
With the aroma of true love
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When you walked into the Chairlady's immaculate executive office, you could feel your heart thumping erratically in your chest. The Publishing Matriarch's narrowing gaze on you thinly strained your nerves.
Ms. Kim ordered you to take a seat on the caramel-colored chair that was across from where she was sitting.
She was on the phone on the small table next to her as your eyes flew around the opulent workplace.
You had plenty of time to admire the gorgeous office. It had light dove gray walls, beige curtains, and gleaming light oak brown laminate flooring. It was neat and well put together. Behind her immaculate dark designer desk, at the back, was a display rack with an assortment of frames. It seemed to be pictures of the family on vacation, some snapped in Europe, one of him in Kenya, in Africa, another of Namjoon and his sister at his postgraduate graduation, and many more. The office's color scheme was very calming to the eyes, with brown, beige, and caramel accents. Although the workplace was beautifully designed, it did nothing to calm your anxiety.
You feel extremely little in Ms. Kim's presence and she scares the living daylights out of you.
Your focus was abruptly returned to the solemn woman in front of you when Ms. Kim re-positioned the phone. You began fidgeting with your fingers as her unsettling gaze gripped you.
She gave you a cold, calculating stare as her eyes narrowed.
She pointed out, "So, you are the little friend that made Namjoon act so out of character these days, making him so distracted that he conveniently forgot he is running a 200 billion won company---" Her chilly voice sent shivers down your spine.
As she seems to accuse you, you take a sharp breath.
You shrugged and replied, "Er... no ma'am," as her tone made you wince. "We had an enjoyable time together and I love to hang out with Joonie."
You nervously chewed your lips as you noticed her face of mild disgust.
"I see that...Despite seeming Asian, you didn't speak native Korean. How did you meet "Joonie" and where are you from?" She saw you gulp terribly while furrowing her brows.
"I'm from Verona, Italy, ma'am.Vincenza Kwon is who I am.My grandmother was the person in charge of creating the bridal arrangements for the Kim wedding. Joonie and I first spoke at the flower store when he came to pick up an order", you calmly reply to her question.
"Do you have a romantic relationship with my son? "Ms. Kim is not persuaded.
Your eyes widen in response to the intrusive question, and you vigorously shake your head while waving your hands in front of you in a dismissive manner," Ah, goodness. I'm sorry, ma'am, I wish. I design book covers for fantasy genres as well as illustrated books for kids. I was requested to draw Joonie so that he might judge my artistic abilities. I agree, and ever since, we have become very close friends", you say quietly.
"So you painted that miniature portrait of him that's on his desk?" Ms. Kim's eyes widened, "What, however, I need to know? Expectations for Namjoon, Do you have any? In terms of age, he is almost 25. A significant number of people are also aware of Namjoon's prominence as one of the nation's most powerful young CEOs, in addition to the fact that he is an accomplished author who is both well-known and humble. His responsibilities are quite intense and relentless."
She was on the roll as soon as she noticed your deep inhalation. "The pressure on him is very high, running a billion-dollar publishing empire, being a prolific writer, motivational speaker, and studying for his PhD in Literature, " she said. Joonie is incredibly talented and youthful.
You can appreciate how valuable his time is now. Your brows creased as you looked downward and then your eyes met hers as she looked at you with raised eyebrows," .Let me be quite clear, Ms. Vincenzia Kwon. You are a little distraction".
You took a big breath, "Ms. Kim---" You wanted to make your point.
"Namjoon missed nearly two weeks of crucial time that he cannot make up for," Ms. Kim took a long breath as if she had not heard you. , "He frequently forgets that he has key clients to see, rescheduled appointments without warning, which irritates the executive, comes in for a brief length of time, leaves before 10 a.m., and then unexpectedly returns after 4 p.m.He occasionally even fails to show up. Do you consider that to be appropriate conduct?"
While you were meeting his mother's brown eyes, your blue eyes were concerned and displayed glimpses of shock. You were aware that he was the target of all of your demands. He did it because you forced him to. Looking into Namjoon's mother's accusing eyes made you feel guilty and ashamed on the inside. She doesn't seem to tolerate you in his life.
You bit your lip as you felt a burning sensation behind your eyelids, " I'm so sorry ma'am. Joonie seemed so stressed out. He was like a sour lemon, whose life juices were sucked out of him. His life seems so empty and gloomy---"
Ms. Kim sharply inhaled her bated breath and jumped up from her chair as she waved a well-manicured finger at you, "Ms. Kwon... Namjoon is Mr. Kim for you. He is a very busy man and with his status and position comes stress and fatigue. He needs someone on his level, his social status who will understand his work ethic. Someone who can drive him to become a better version of himself, ---" she gazes at you is distasteful "and someone who suits him well in our circles. "
You purse your lips as you catch the hidden innuendo. In a nutshell, Joonie's mom doesn't approve of you and in her eyes, you are not a suitable fit for him.
She was still pacing up and down before your weary eyes, " Namjoon needs a mature wife of his caliber. Ms. Kwon, you do understand you cannot possibly hope for a future with my son?" She raised one of her eyebrows.
You inhale deeply and softly retorted back," I am well aware of that Ma'am. I am not a gold digger and not an unfit person. I'm well educated and raised well by a very talented and compassionate single mother. Rest assured--your precious son doesn't love me, but I admit that I love him with all my heart and he knows my feelings for him. It's unrequited. Namjoon only offered and I accepted his friendship because I wanted to see him happy ---even if it was not with me. I'm aware as you rightly stated, there is no hope for a future with him and I accept it even if my heart is bleeding daily---"
She looked taken aback and with a new light in her eyes she looked at you, " So, you will accept it if he marries someone else. " She watched with fascination the emotions that flashed over your eyes.
You look his mom straight in the eyes, 'Truthfully... I won't accept it right away. I'm not going to congratulate him on his marriage because I'm not a pretender... But I will not interfere in his marriage if he is happy. "
You thought about your mom's youthful stupidity to fall for a married man who ultimately rejected both of you. You will never pursue a happily married man who belongs to someone else. Your heart aches as you ponder on his mom's revelation. Is there already a suitable wife-to-be for Joonie? You hope not, you'll ball your eyes out.
You look a little fearful when you say in a strangled voice, " Is... Is Joonie about to get married to someone else.? " Your heart starts to race. Please God no!
His mom inhaled and just as she was about to answer you both heard a faint knock on her door Namjoon peeked through with a deep smirk that showcased the dimples you loved so much. You placed a pleasant expression on your face so that he wouldn't notice your inner turmoil. But Namjoon is so in tune with your emotions these days that it will be hard to shield it.
His mom smiled at him turned to a smiling Frosty, and said softly only for your ears " We are done---thank you for assuring my heart of your intentions. "
You nod and stand up with furrowed brows. Ms. Kim didn't answer you about a potential wife for Joonie. You heard Chiji say that Chaebol families usually arrange the best marriage fits for their children. Almost like a business transaction.
You furrowed your eyes with obvious surprise when you noticed Joonie's changed clothes. He exchanged his striped suit jacket, shirt, and pants for a more relaxed casual look. He got his plain black designer jacket that looked like a suit and leather jacket in one. It's so cool. You smile as you think about how stylish your friend is. He exchanged his crisp shirt for a cute button-up white t-shirt and dark charcoal jeans. Seems like Joon has extra clothing at the office.
"Frosty, we can leave now. I hope you enjoyed my Eommas' company for a while?" he smiled affectionately at you and nodded as his mom looked at him with a soft smile.
You smile widely, "Yeah... your mom is one the nicest people I met, --"you look at his mom and bow cordially, "you have a wonderful mom, who loves and cares for you. Thank you ma'am for allowing me in your presence"
You smile up at her baffled expression and walk briskly to the open door to meet Joon.
Namjoon eyes laugh, "I know---" he smirks at his mom knowing full well that Frosty just gave him an answer with a double-meaning. He knows his mother wasn't in the least impressed Frosty doesn't care. She'll give it to you straight. He hoped she didn't alienate his mother a lot. He wouldn't hear the end of it.
When he waved at a smiling Yeji at the reception desk, he and Frosty left the executive office through the wide double doors and got into the awaiting elevator. Inside the confined space Frosty was unusually quiet.
Namjoon folded his eyes and looked amused at your serious demeanor., "And now? "
You raised your eyes at him, "And now... what Joon?"
He looked at you with a deadpan look, " How was your little meeting with my mom. Sorry for taking too long but this client is one of our most difficult divas. "he sighed.
"It was quite interesting- she loves you a lot" you uttered softly.
" I know and I don't want to disappoint her. She is my rock and I want her to be happy." his eyes looked softly into yours.
You looked down at your entwined hands, "Yeah... I can imagine that---you'll do anything for her. She is very lucky to have a son like you. "
"Yeah, so what are we going to do after breakfast---" he smirked.
You shrugged, "Maybe just breakfast, then you can take me back to the flower shop. I feel that I'm keeping you away from your important work. I forgot what a busy man you are. "
He gave you a deadpan look, "Excuse me... Since when did that bother you? I'm always busy. "
You chuckle softly" Yes, but I realized that I was keeping you away from your duties. I'm selfish Joon. We only had a few days left to spend time with each other. Let's see how far we can come with the bucket list. You've been far too long away from your office. Joon, I'm sorry for being a distraction, " you quietly stare in front of you.
Namjoon grinned as he folded his hands over his torso, "I thought you were adamant about completing the 60-point bucket list. "
You looked at him and giggled, "Yeah and you said who in their right mind would come up with something as ridiculous as that? I admit, I was a little ridiculous for coming up with something like that...Even if we had lots of fun... I was just wasting your precious time"
Namjoon shook his head, "Oh no! Frosty flakes---even if I had to spend the whole month with you but that bucket list needs to be complete. It's our sole responsibility to stick to the task and you sweetie have to endure another week or two with me---"
Your eyes lit up like fireworks, "You for real! You...you willingly spend more weeks with me? "
Namjoon looked at your surprise, after the elevator opened at the underground parking and you got out, yes! "
Oh, my word! Joon wants to spend another week or two with you.
Namjoon grinned when he sensed your uplifted and excited demeanor. He hoped his mother didn't upset Frosty. He came to know that Frosty was very sensitive and intuitive.
When they drove out of the parking, he felt elated that Frosty was upbeat again. He smiled gently at her sparkling eyes.
You looked perked up, "So where are we going? "
" Well, to a very pricey restaurant...so it will be our item 21: Eat at a very expensive café. " he laughed when he saw your jaws drop.
"Oh, my word! Joonie. I thought I wanted to scratch a few items off the bucket list. " you mused.
"We can sit and maybe bring the bucket list to a doable list. One of these days you'll be back in Verona. So, let's review the list and see which ones can be done together or we scratch it permanently off the list. " you suggested.
" What about only doing maybe 30-40 items? "Namjoon asked quietly.
You nod, "We can do that, but let's do it at home. I only want to spend quality time with you today. "
It's a very happy couple that parked near a very interesting building in the affluent district of Cheongdam-dong, Seoul. Joonie took you to ' The Cafe Dior by Pierre Hermes'
On the top floor is the cafe. The ground floor is the retail floor.
It's one of Diors' flagship stores that cater also to fashionable foodies.
"Oh, my goodness! Wow. This building is designed like a Tulip. It's so stunning Joonie, " you exclaimed in awe as Joonie took your hand in his and led you in.
When you reach the top floor your breath hitched at the cute layout of the restaurant. It was minimalistic and classic and you dragged Joonie to the window seatings.
The waitress was in awe of the Elite club member. It was his second visit to this cafe. He once came with the Hyungs- Seokjin and Hoseok alone to eat some breakfast as Yoongi was in the USA for the Grammy Awards.
You and Joonie ordered breakfast from their English Cuisine menu. A real heart English breakfast. You both ordered a bottomless espresso and cappuccinos.
You and Joon enjoyed your time so much that you ended up spending almost two hours talking about your life, art, travel, and family relations. You share some fascinating countries you visited with your mom on her numerous photographic working vacations. Your face glowed as you talked about the sacrifices your mom made for you during your formative years.
You looked at your time and gasped, " Joonie oh my gosh. I don't think we can do anything else today. It's after 1 pm. You need to meet up with Celine. "
Namjoon's eyes widen, " Oh my, let me quickly inform Celine and I can drop you off at the flower shop. Your grandma will be elated to have you with them."
You pulled a face," She's going to overload me with chores, but I would like to spend time with Chiji."
Namjoon made sure you took some cute selfies of both of you from your food to both of you embracing each other.
After the bill has been settled you both left fulfilled and satisfied.
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A few hours later at an upmarket Irish Bar... downtown Seoul.
Namjoon and Celina chuckled at an event that they both recall happening at the University.
Celine had tears of laughter in her eyes, "Oh gosh! Namjoon. Professor Kang wasn't impressed. He couldn't believe that nobody from our year group wanted to sign up for the famous "shot put club". Who in their right mind loves that sport as a club. I made sure I signed us up for Archery."
Namjoon grinned, "Yeah, but Yoongi wasn't impressed that you signed him up also. Those practices were running during his official nap times. "
"I miss those days," Celine said with a loving smile," Nothing can make up for living on campus. " Namjoon's beautiful eyes met hers as they were locked. A noticeable shift occurred in the atmosphere. Namjoon took a big breath before downing his drink.
With a quivering voice, Celina softly said, "Joon, I'm so sorry for hurting and crushing your hopes for a future with me." She then looked downward and gently grasped his hand, caressing his knuckles, "Joon, there was no choice. I...I was asked to let go of you after discovering that you were already betrothed, and..."
"Wait...what!?" Namjoon said with wide-open eyes. Visible shock laced his expression.
Celines' eyes started watering and she said, "I had to make an agonizing decision between seeing you at the altar with someone else or accepting a job at one of the most prestigious architecture firms in the US, which was a dream come true. My study visa almost expired, so I had to leave, but it hurt so much to leave you my true love behind. I couldn't fight for you and when I informed you I was leaving, you dumped me since you knew I was in the running for that position and I knew your stance on long-distance relationships. "
Namjoon shook his head incredulously and asked, "Why didn't you tell me the truth, Cel? We could have agreed. You were conscious of my love for you. Where did you find the betrothal ideas from? "
Celina inhales. "Your mother visited me at the apartment and told me that while she understands our love for one another, she will never accept me as a daughter-in-law. I'm not up to the standards of an affluent Korean girl. And that you genuinely care about her and wouldn't act in a way that might upset her or defy her choices. Joon, I can't let you choose between us. You have my undying love."
Namjoon was still incomprehensible, and he had no idea why his mother would have played such a role in their breakup. He was so broken and even Mi-young couldn't get him out of that pit. He started to overwork in his career just to forget the woman he loved. When he recommended a permanent breakup, Celine was distraught. He was furious by what she had been doing behind his back mainly when they discussed starting a life together.
"Why didn't you tell me Cel. You knew you were the only woman that I loved. I missed you so much and I was so hurt and I felt betrayed for years---"
Warm tears flowed down Celine's flushed cheeks as she pursed her lips and said, "I know, but I didn't know how to tell you. I just tried to swallow it and move on, assuming that you were comfortable in your intended marriage. Theo had been pursuing me for years and I finally gave in and started dating him to put our love and Seoul behind me... but he knew I still had feelings for you and it pained him. I felt so guilty".
Namjoon grasped her hand in his and shook his head," Cel, I'm sorry. You're so naive sometimes."
"You know how trustworthy I can be", Celina replied with a smile despite her tears," I put too much faith in people. But now that I know you're not married,... No rings are visible on your ring finger. Joon, I still love you just as much as I always have. I am sorry for my question. If your relationship with Frosty isn't serious, can we perhaps start over again?"
She observed Namjoons' bewildered gaze with hopeful eyes...
N/A An update to celebrate RM's birthday.
Namjoons' mom is on the roll.
Thank you for your support. A big shout-out to all new readers, voters, and commenters. And those who added the book to their readers lists.
@CherylLemme @thebtsff @farahtubbies94 @grumpyin75
1. Must Frosty ask Namjoon about what his mom told her?
2. Do you think Frosty must conclude the bucket list and leave Namjoon or fight for love?
3. Will Namjoon go back to Celine, the girl who 'might' still have his heart?
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