ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ Chapter 1ೋღ 🥀 ღೋ
Love is like flowers
Forever Blooming
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Verona, Italy
You sighed as you gazed out the window at the magnificent cityscapes of Verona. You can't enjoy the charm even though you dwell in a beautiful city of romance-the country of Romeo and Juliet-Shakespeare's star-cross lovers. As the spirit of abandonment weighed on you, you felt deflated. Your mother was frantically packing for a new project that required her to travel to the Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica to photograph tree frogs.
You plead with your young mother, grateful for the effort she has put in to raise you on her own. That's what happens when an 18-year-old Korean girl becomes involved with a married Italian man who is incredibly attractive and smooth-talking. When your so-called father found out he will have a child as a result of his affair with a young photography student in Florence, he rejected her and denied her. So your childhood consisted of only your mother and your Korean grandmother.
You take pleasure in life and accompany your mum on her travels. But, once you became 18 and were enrolled in the University of Verona's art program, you stayed with your nanny, Maria, who looked after you when you weren't with your mother and attended online school. You'll graduate soon, but for the time being, you're working part-time as a children's book illustrator in a small art studio just a few minutes from your apartment.
You're baffled as to why your mother refuses to take you to Costa Rica with her. You have a three-month vacation, which will allow you to spend more time with your talented, young mother. You planned to take a short break to Rome, visiting galleries and museums and simply relaxing at a cute hotel.
"Please, Momma, take me with you. I swear I'll be good and not go out on my own." You whine and complain behind her as she searches for more suitable footwear. With honey-blonde dyed hair and brown eyes, your mother is stunning. She's a stylish mother. Who is adventurous and trendy.
People mistakenly believe you two are sisters. She is a wildlife photographer, and her work has taken her all over the globe. She has won multiple awards for wildlife photographs. She recently returned from a four-week assignment in the Antarctic Peninsula photographing penguins and a trip to Africa to photograph the wildebeest, which earned her a National Geographic International Award. You even traveled to Australia to photograph the reefs' underwater world.
"Stop it already, and you haven't seen your (nonna)grandmamma in nearly a year. She wants you to be with her physically. Her "Frosty fairy" is missing from her life. "Your disgusted face makes her smirk.
It's completely absurd why you've gotten that name. Your platinum blonde hair is thick, and you braid it in plaits frequently, and your blue-grey eyes are a marvel.
According to your knowledge, your "dad's" mother had platinum-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. She's beautiful, but you've never met her because who takes a love child into their family legacy? You're the blemish on his marriage and the root of its collapse. Because your natural eyes make you feel awkward, you've opted to wear lovely brown contact lenses occasionally you've been told that you're the Italian version of Frozen's "Elsa." You've earned the nickname "Frosty Fairy" now!
"I loathe that obnoxious name! She'll let me work my Culo (butt) off in the flower shop, ugh, mommy. She doesn't even want me to sit in the shop and paint and sketch the flowers... I only have to help Chiji in the back workshop with floral arrangements. She doesn't want me to even interact with the customers." You sat down on the couch, anticipating the joyless months ahead.
"You are there to work, not to be a slacker, and your blunt ways can scare away all of her customers. Remember when you were 16 years old, and you told a customer who wanted to buy yellow friendship roses for his then-girlfriend...and you told him to purchase orange roses instead; ones that mean passion because it's apparent that he was thirsty for his girlfriend...they were stunned. Your noona didn't think that was amusing, did she? "She chuckled at your apparent reluctance to visit South Korea.
"He was staring at her with creepy, hungry eyes, which was the truth. What's the deal with that?" You scrunched up your nose.
She only shook her head, and her brows furrowed, looking for something she, her handbag and scarves, wanted to put in her passport inside. "Did you see my handbag, Vincenza? Look for it."
"It's lying on the dining room chair! Why can't I stay with Maria if you're too stingy to take me with you? She can cook for me, and I can go to art lessons in Milan and hang out with Pablo on his boat. I can take care of myself. I'm not a child at all, "You mutter something.
"Vincenza (Bambina) baby, stop whining. It's not an attractive trait on you." She scolds you sharply. You can nag and annoy her till death.
"Momma, I'm prettier than you, so don't even bring up the subject of attractiveness. I want to go with you please". You stood before her with praying hands and a cute pout on your rose-pink lips.
"It's a fantastic opportunity to rediscover South Korea again," she said, her hands on your shoulders as she looked at your pouting face. "Brush up on my mother tongue and bask in the glory of being a stunning Asian woman. Spend time with your Asian friends in the area." She had an ear-to-ear grin on her face.
" It's easy for you to say! With black hair and black eyes, you and the rest of the Koreans looked alike. Only when they are kpop singers and actors, do they colour their hair? When was the last time you looked at me, Mom? I'll stand out like a large, yellow zit on a nose. How many Koreans have "white" hair and blue eyes naturally? Grandma is practically a living fossil. Even so, she has dark hair. Even the sun despises my albino skin and forgets about poor me here on Earth, and I have Asian eyes that are blue...blue eyes, mother! Mom, you're the worst! Why didn't you hook up with a dark and attractive Italian? It's all because of you that I'm an outcast. I have the look of an alien! Some people assumed I'd coloured my hair for a role in a medieval movie. Everyone will question Grandma about my father's ancestry, and the Korean girls will hate me. "You have a sad expression on your face and grumble to yourself.
"At least you are lovely and draw attention wherever you go... " When you look at your mother, you raise your brows. "Bambina, you know how much your mommy loves you and that we only have each other. We are all in this together. If you give South Korea a chance, you will fall in love with it." She smiles as you groan and fall flat on your face on the sofa, your feet dangling to the floor and your fists slamming into the couch.
" You didn't just throw that line on me. We're not in a setting like that, Momma and it's not a "high school musical!" You snort as she pulls one of your thick, silky plaits and bursts out laughing. You wince and push her hand away.
"I promise I'll take you on that Spring Cruise when I return. It will be only you and me. Please understand that this assignment came at the worst time possible, disrupting our travel plans. But please bear with me. These projects help put food on the table and pay for tuition and extra art classes. And I don't want you to hang out with Pablo alone on his boathouse; he likes you more than a friend, and I'm not comfortable having hormonal boys around you." She has a stern expression on her face as she looks at you.
"Well, he respects me, unlike my "father," who popped multiple cherries. I swear I'm not going to be as promiscuous as you are. I've got my virtue! ...and I have higher standards than you," you mumble, unconcerned at your mother's astonished and horrified expression. She has no idea why she gave birth to a child that is brutally honest with her feelings and opinions and tackles and has no concern for the feelings of others. She can be so outspoken and obnoxious that she doesn't keep friends, and she doesn't even want or need them.
"Vincenza quit being ridiculous, and no, I wasn't promiscuous. I made a massive mistake by falling in love with the wrong person. I'm also too busy to date. But, bambino, you weren't a mistake. You are stunning and one-of-a-kind. Even with your loose mouth, you will find someone who will love you one day. "She hugged you with a warm embrace that you didn't expect.
You sigh deeply when you realize you've lost and say, "No one will love me like you, Mommy. He wouldn't be able to understand me fully. Perhaps you should let Pablo marry me when I reach the age of 25. He cares a great deal about me. We could happily live in his boathouse and make art all day..."
"Making art all day with Pablo!" your mother says sarcastically." He is a good child, but he lacks focus and motivation. He's a struggling artist, Vincenza! How will he take care of you? I've given you a lot of gifts. You haven't graduated yet, but you have more focus than he does, and you already have a job illustrating children's books at a thriving studio. So far, how many book credits do you have? Twenty! I envision you with a perfect, attractive Korean man who will understand you and be firm with you but lavish you with affection, spoil you, and care for you."
You snicker, "Please, Momma. That perfect man lives in heaven. If I can't marry Pablo because he loves me, I'll hire someone to have a baby and live alone like you."
"You will not make such a mistake. Make sure you're safe. You're still too young for love and all the other physical stuff. So forget about dating, and even more importantly, forget about Pablo. He needs to get his act together and his life and accomplish something with his art. I know he's a talented artist, but he can't rely on selling his work on the street corners. "Your mum says, "he needs to obtain an art agency, exhibit his work, and start thinking about the future." You sigh and roll your eyes. Pablo will have his work cut out to prove his worth to your mother. You're well aware that he likes you.
Your mother pushed her luggage to the front door. Her uber will pick her up and take her to the airport in an hour.
"--so he can ask for my hand in marriage, and we can live on his boat, " you inquired, wide-eyed and beaming. You enjoy annoying her.
Your mother looked back, disgusted. "You don't even love him. Do you ?" She immediately appears concerned. She likes the boy, but she wants you to have the most refined life possible and be settled with someone caring for you. A native Korean man is preferred.
"He's not my type, no. I'm simply going to use him so I can sleep with him legally- "You said it teasingly and casually. Your mother looks to be on the verge of passing out. She strikes you on the shoulder as you shriek loudly.
"Put a watch in front of your lips and stop spewing nonsense!!! Remember that grandma doesn't have time for such useless talk." She waggles a well-manicured finger at you. You shrugged. You've never encountered love before.
Pablo is your best friend and has always been there for you. He is respectful and adores you but is reluctant to ask you out due to your strict mother. As a result of your online education, you'll never have your first kiss with any boy. You first encountered boys at university, where you met Pablo in his second year. On the other hand, your looks became a snare and a novelty.
"In South Korea, please be respectful. Consider what you're saying before you say it. I'm serious about this. Vincenza. Try helping your grandmother with the cooking and housework. Uncle Hyo and Chiji are still working for your grandmother. You will have a fantastic time with them. Maybe you'll fall in love with it so much that you'll want to move to Korea." Your mother had a pained expression on her face. She was considering sending you to Seoul on a long-term basis. Meet Koreans who are native to the country.
"I'll never leave you alone...ever," you exclaimed as you hugged your mother. I love you, momma...please stay safe and return soon. OK, don't travel alone to unfamiliar areas or drink with perverts." As if she were a child and you were the parent, you issued a warning to her. She wrapped her arms around you and kissed you on the forehead.
"I love you, bambino, but remember that your flight is tomorrow evening. Remember to pack the proper clothing for all weather conditions and your medications. Pack light because Korea has many fashion stores. Chiji will pick you up at Incheon Airport. Make sure that all of your documents are within easy reach. We can't allow the airport crew to return to the plane's luggage compartment to retrieve the documents from your bags. Ok, you'll have to be bold and trust no one at the airports, and don't tell anyone about your personal life, ok." You nod and agree to all of the frantic instructions. Because of your dad's past, she wants to protect you. She is well aware that you are overly trusting and naive.
You made your mother one last cup of herbal tea with "ginger, honey, and lemon" before she was ready to depart. You heard your apartment's bell ring after you hurriedly cleaned the rest of the dishes. Your mother's Uber arrived, and you exchanged tearful goodbyes. You were clinging to her like a chimp. You're going to miss your mother terribly.
She's the only one you have. As you imagined being alone in Myeongdong, Seoul, your heart raced irregularly. Are they going to accept you...?
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Pablo spent the day with you, eating ice cream and pizza and even taking you to the movies. He was heartbroken to hear that you would be gone for nearly three months. You promised, though, that you would text him often. He was a little nervous after he said, "Don't fall in love with cute Korean guys." You could chuckle and tell him that you aren't their type. To remember him, he gave you a beautiful bracelet.
When Pablo drove you to the airport, Maria was sobbing. He stayed with you until you were ready to board the plane. You had your neck pillow and your carry-on luggage with you. Before you went, Pablo pulled you into his arms and hugged you tightly before kissing you. The tenderness he showed you made you blush bright crimson.
"Please return to me," he said quietly. His voice had a slight crack in it. His nose tingled as he inhaled the fresh scent of your hair, which was his favourite combination of strawberry and sweet mint essence. You smiled as he released you. It felt great to be in his embrace. As he cupped your cheeks and gently stroked them, he looked saddened.
You caressed his hands on your face and nodded, smiling with hot cheeks, "Ok...(occuparsi)take care." You gave a quick wave and dashed to the gate. With exaggerated waves, you turned around and smiled at Pablo. People can't help but grin when they see this lovely girl. Perhaps dating your closest friend won't be such a bad idea.
Pablo remained standing for a few minutes after you had vanished from sight.
"Ti Voglio bene (I love you) Vincenza...I promise to work hard to win your love," he muttered gently to himself. He turned around with a pained expression, and his heart constricted as if an unknown force was trying to warn him of the impending doom that you might meet someone who would sweep you off your feet.
For him, you are the most gorgeous girl on the planet. He has to get a steady job to compete for your hand...
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A/n. I hope you enjoy your mother-daughter interaction.
Thank you to everyone who voted in the Namjoon CEO -story'. Please participate by leaving a comment or a vote so that I can get to know all the shadow readers.
Shout out to @Ishani50 @Snowcrystal2004@XxAhana22184xX @DEVIL_QUEEN2007@-Teshina-@SuGaMiLkUe
Question 1: Will your unusual appearance be a burden or a plus in Seoul?
Question 2: Do you think Korea is the best place to live?
Question 3: What are your thoughts about her mother?
Question 4: Do you think your mother would accept Pablo if he worked hard at his craft?
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