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Again, I will be updating
my other books very soon
I just want to do all that I
can with this book first....
We will be diving deep into
Tomomi's evolving powers
and even find out where she
get's it from. Because it has to
come from somewhere, right?
don't forget to comment and
vote. Love you all and happy
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β The semseter was done and it was now time for summer break in UA. While some students travelled outside of Japan during vacation, there were some who much rather stay behind and enjoy the hot weather. Which was what Tomomi did on the first day.
Β Β The entire class decided to go swimming during the first day. While that was a good idea, both Denki and Mineta were highly disappointed to see that the girls were wearing school issued swimsuits instead of bikinis and such. It was more like testing their endurance but still, they can have some fun, huh?
Β Β Midoriya texted everyone else, wondering if they wanted to come by and also practice their endurance. Which brings us to now.
Β Β "Look at out goddess~" Mineta said, his eyes zeroing on Tomomi while she stretched her arms. "Even with a swimsuit so tamed, she manages to look so sexy! Her curves come out way more!"
Β Β Tomomi blinked, looking at Mineta before ignoring his rather thirsty compliments. "How annoying." She said, turning away from him with a small frown on her face.
Β Β Which only made Mineta that more desperate for her. "She's so hot when she finds me annoying!"
Β Β "Have some standards, dude." Denki said, deadpanning.
Β Β As some time went on, the girls played water volleyball while some of the boys took breaks. Tomomi rung out her hair and decided to sit on the side lines for a bit. Her wet hair was slicked back and away from her face as she sat on one of the beach chairs, watching her friends play around.
Β Β She suddenly felt her veins in her wrist start to pulse a little. "How strange..."She mumbled, looking at her left wrist. It was glowing a little and pulsating ever so slightly.
Β Β Frowning, she looked closer. She wasn't in any pain so this was a strange phenomenon occuring. What did it mean?
Β Β "Tomo-neechan." a voice brought her out of her thoughts.
Β Β Tomomi looked up to see Asui shuffling over to her, looking rather tired for the moment. She had a towel wrapped around her shoulders as she sat right next to her, resting her head on her shoulder.
Β Β She smiled, circling an arm around the frog girl and allowed her to rest against her. "Tired?" She asked, patting her wet hair a little.
Β Β Asui nodded a little, yawning. "I'm gonna take a....break..." She said, falling into a light sleep.
Β Β Tomomi couldn't help but think how cute she looked right now. Suddenly, their moment of peace was broken when they heard a familiar loud and angry voice yell as it entered the pool.
Β Β Out came Bakugou shirtless and wearing swim trunks issued by the school. He was yelling about Midoriya being a nerd but honestly, Tomomi wasn't paying attention as she stared at Bakugou's exposed chest.
Β Β Her eyes widened as they slowly traveled from his muscular collarbone to his entirely sculpted six pack. She had no idea that he was this fit. She knew he liked working out by himself but she didn't know he was this built.
Β Β Also, this was the first time she has seen a boy shirtless ever so the fact that he and the other guys were also shirtless made her blush and suddenly, cold air started emitting from her body, quickly surrounding the entire pool in cold air.
Β Β "Why is it suddenly cold?" Midoriya asked, feeling chills run down his spine.
Β Β Momo, just getting out of the pool, turned and noticed her best friend staring right at Bakugou with widened eyes and a rapidly reddening face. She also noticed that Asui was sleeping in her arms. She must be a heavy sleeper to not have woken up from the cold atmosphere.
Β Β "Tomo-chan?" Momo walked over to her and playfully nudged her with her knee. "You're changing the winds again."
Β Β Tomomi almost didn't hear her as she kept her eye on Bakugou, who had not noticed her eyes yet. When Momo noticed she wasn't listening, she nudged her again.
Β Β This time, snapping her out of her daze. "Huh?" She said, confused as she wondered when did Momo get there.
Β Β "You're changing the air again." She giggled out.
Β Β Embarrassed, Tomomi controlled the temperature again, letting the summer air come back to them. "My apologies, I-I-" She stuttered out, glancing back at Bakugou.
Β Β She squeaked, hiding her face with her wet hair. She knew this was proper attire for men when swimming but she felt rather overwhelmed by the fact that Bakugou was 10x attractive when his body was on full display.
Β Β "EEP!" She squealed cutely, closing her eyes with her hands, careful not to wake Asui. Who now moved to her own chair, sleeping with her towel on her body.
Β Β She's so cute! Momo thought, laughing at her reaction.
Β Β Across the pool, The boys all hung out together when they heard Tomomi's squeal in their ears.
Β Β "Was that Tomo-chan?" Midoriya asked, looking at the flustered girl, who was now hiding her entire face with her hands.
Β Β While some didn't get why she was hiding, Denki quickly caught on to why she was was reacting that way. "Oooh, I get it!" He said, snickering. "She must not be used to seeing this many handsome men shirtless. We got her flustered."
Β Β "More like Bakugou's got her flustered." Tokoyami said, crossing bis bare arms. "She was staring at him the entire time."
Β Β Bakugou paused his drinking when he said that. Wanting to see if he was lying, he whipped his head to see Tomomi stealing glances at him but when she noticed he was looking, she quickly looked away. Hiding her face again in her hands.
Β Β Man...can she get any cuter? Bakugou thought, smirking softly. So he decided to wait for her to peer at him again.
Β Β Sure enough, a couple of seconds later, Tomomi peered at him, placing her hands on her lap. So Bakugou took the oppurtunity to wink at her and flashing her a coquettish grin.
Β Β Tomomi's face slowly turned red as she looked at him with an awestricken expression. She squeaked again and hid her face into her hands again. Causing Bakugou to chuckle under his breath a little.
Β Β So cute
Β Β Β Elsewhere, Hawks flew down to a very dark alleyway where abandoned buildings rested and where not many people travel along. He had been in a meeting with some of the other heroes about Shigaraki and the Villain's new group. But what also came up in the meeting was Tomomi Todoroki aka Sub-Zero aka the kid Miruko was mentoring for the internships.
Β Β It was weird hearing her name come up but with the information they now have on her and from what Aizawa has said about her, even he felt a little uneasy about the situation.
Β Β "This is Tomomi Todoroki." Aizawa said, a school picture of Tomomi popping up behind him as he spoke to the heroes in attendance. "Just recently, Recovery Girl discovered something in her that can be proven detrimental if not contained properly."
Β Β "What is it?" Mount. Lady asked, looking on curiously.
Β Β Aizawa placed a photo of her DNA charts for them to see. To say that the heroes were rather staggered by what they saw was an understatement. Her DNA chart had more purple covering the very top than what Aizawa saw at first.
Β Β "The blue represents the cells that makes up the quirk." Aizawa explained on. "It shows that the person does have a quirk. It's what generally makes us have quirks. Everyone who can relate has this in their DNA. Now this...."
Β Β He made the hologram zoom into the purple area of her DNA molecules. "This is what we found alarming." He said, pointing at the purpler area.
Β Β "What's that supposed to be?" Miruko asked, a little concerned. "A secondary quirk? A disease?"
Β Β "No, not a disease or a second quirk." Aizawa replied, his face remaining as stern as it always was. "We've concluded that the quirk she has now is only a premature version of what is inside of her."
Β Β "What? You're saying her quirk isn't done yet?" Hawks asked, shrugging "So she's a late bloomer, it happens to the best of us."
Β Β "I would be able to shrug this off if that was the case." The UA Teacher said bluntly as he played a clip of her fight with Shoto. "Look at this....Look at how she is able to change the weather drastically."
Β Β Everyone looked at the clip. It showed Tomomi's eyes glowing blue as she made an ice gate circle the fighting grounds. Then it showed her sending an ice beam in the sky, making the clouds block the sun and snow started to fall.
Β Β "Now, I've looked through her mother's family history and the only one who matched this level of power was her 4x great grandmother. Who is obviously long gone." Aizawa continued explaining as he stopped the video. "But even she wasn't going through what Miss Todoroki is going through."
Β Β "It's like her quirk almost have a mind of it's own." Recovery girl added. "It's evolving at a rapid rate. When I first found it, it was only a meer hue and now, it's like it's moving at a rapid rate to evolve and I'm afraid to say this but her quirk might become so powerful that she will soon be able to revert all of Earth back to the Ice Age."
Β Β Silence fell within the room as Aizawa looked at all of them. Their faces were either in shock or thinking deeply. Which he could relate to a lot. When he was told of this, he was first worried about Tomomi's well being before anything else.
Β Β That much power in one small 15 year old...He didn't know if her body could hold it. Assuming her body can mature faster than her quirk, she was going to need a lot of practice controlling something like this. One false move, she can kill many many people.
Β Β "I'm not saying any of this to make you all wary or scared of her," Aizawa spoke up, thinking about his past moments with the young Todoroki. "Tomomi Todoroki, aside from being one of my best students, is only a young girl and she clearly needs help harnessing her quirk....
Β Β "She's an outstanding student, she often doubts herself but she makes up for it when it comes to helping others. I would hate to have anything happen to her because of something like this..."
Β Hawks played with a stray feather as he thought over what Aizawa said. On one hand, he was rather uneasy about her situation. He didn't want an accident to happen and someone end up getting killed because she doesn't have proper control. But he was right, Tomomi was just a kid.
Β Β A rather sweet kid, also. And he would hate to have something happen to her. She was very much innocent in this regards. And he knew someone who knows all about this type of stuff. It was a good thing he knew where to look.
Β Β Β "Hey, Kurayami!" Hawks yelled out, looking around the dark alley. Night time had fallen by now and the air was rather cold. Summer breezes, you can never predict them. "I know you're here, Grim! Come on, I need to talk to you!"
Β Β "Haven't seen you in a long time, Keigo-san." a voice appeared right behind him.
Β Β Whipping around quickly, Hawks saw Kurayami's skull face under his hood. He was sitting ontop of a fire escape with his knees huddled up to his chest and his arms hanging over his knees lazily. The only thing visible were his face, glowing red eyes and his hands.
Β Β He looked at Hawks with a bored expression. "What brings you here, boy scout? Let me guess, you're either here to recruit me again, you're here because of Tomomi Todoroki or you're hiding from people again?"
Β Β "How did you-" Hawks began to ask but remembered that Kurayami is like an all seeing eye. He tends to know everything about everything. "Nevermind, you mind letting me in? I have to ask you something."
Β Β Kurayami considered it for a second. He had just saw Dabi a day ago about his sister and now Hawks was here for one of those three reasons. He didn't look like he was hiding from someone so he obviously was here to ask about one of the other two reasons.
Β Β Deciding to give him the time of day, Kurayami gestured for him to fly up as he stood up, climbing into his large window. Which lead to the inside of his home.
Β Β Hawks flew up to his window and followed him in as Kurayami turned on all of his lights just by lazily waving his hand to the side.
Β He took off his hoodie, revealing his black tanktop and his shiny black hair in a loose man bun. His skeletor tattoos over his entire body was on display through the top of his tank top and on his arms and shoulders.
Β Β Kurayami pulled out a cigarette and lit it with a black lighter as he leaned against his home bar.
Β Β "Those could kill you, Kura." Hawks said, playfully scolding him about his smoking habit.
Β Β "Not like I can die anyways." Kurayami mumbled, blowing smoke rings his way. "Now, what brings the youngest hero ever to my side of the city?"
Β Β "There is case with a student from UA Academy." Hawks started, walking over to lean next to him on his bar. "I'm still getting more information on it but basically, she's going through the same thing you went through years ago."
Β Β "Ah~ her quirk has not matured yet." Kurayami said, blowing smoke through his nose after taking a long drag of his all black cigarrette. "How curious....What makes you think I can help?"
Β Β "You're the only one alive who can relate to her." Hawks replied back, sighing. "She's a good kid, Kura....A really smart one, too. Artistic and very well mannered. I feel like you can help her better than anyone else."
Β Β Kurayami looked at Hawks. Now although Keigo has never been a selfish man, he tends to turn a blind eye to things that don't concern him. So to see him actually care about another before himself, it was a bit of a shock but also amusing.
Β Β He was a firm believer that picking sides will only cause chaos. He was right about it, look at the villains and heroes. And he was a firm believer that the Hero Society was very much corrupt.
Β Β He has seen it all. There were heroes that only saved people for the fame and the money. Heroes that forgot what it meant to save lives in the name of gluttony and greed.
Β Β But there were heroes that were actually genuine in their occupations. Heroes that saved people for the sake of saving people. Those who has become everyone's hope in this hopeless world. And Kurayami was friends with Hawks when he attended UA Academy as a teenager.
Β Β And to this day, he doesn't know which spectrum Hawks fell on now.
Β Β But he knew why he was asking him this. The heroes and civillians often don't know what to do when something like this happened. So, in true human and other nature, they panic and try to contain the 'problem' making it bigger than it should be.
Β Β And that's what Kurayami saw the moment Hawks mentioned her.
Β Β Crossing his muscular arms, Kurayami sighed out the last bit of smoke before he flicked his cigarrette into a near by trashcan. He looked at Hawks with a hard stare in his hellfire eyes.
Β Β "In order for her to gain control of her maturing powers, she would have to go to the source of the lineage." He explained after a while. "This effect only happens when it's hereditary. Meaning, it's happened before somewhere in her family. She just needs to find out who she inherited it from in order to gain control. That's what happened to me"
Β Β "So...who in your family did you inherited it from?" Hawks asked a little cautiously, knowing about the history of his family.
Β Β Kurayami looked straight ahead, glaring into nothing as he kept quiet. Thinking about anyone from his family only made him irritated as he didn't get angry often. But in this situation, it was required for him to answer him.
Β Β "My dead father." He answered coldly. "After he taught me how to harness my quirk.....I watched him die in front of me."
Β Β Hawk's blood ran cold as the tone of his voice made him rather wary of Kurayami. He was already an intimidating figure, anyone in their right mind would be scared of him but....Knowing the history of the Ishida Crime Family, was it really impossible to think an old friend would actually do this?
Β Β Not at all. Hawks remembered how much Kurayami hated his parents and brothers. Like there was no love for them in his dark heart. So to know that Kurayami really let his father die wasn't too farfetched.
Β Β Still....it made him wonder. What would happen if Kurayami was a villain?
A lot of information is being
dropped so I hope you all
can catch on to it. It's vital
to know all of this before the
training camp happens.
don't forget to comment and
vote! love you all and stay safe!
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