ππππππ. ππππππππ πππππ πππ πππππππ
Outfit of the chapter is in the
media above because I hate
taking too much time describing
outfits when I can just use photos
from pinterest.
don't forget to comment and
vote! Dont be a ghost reader, please!
happy reading!
Β Β Β Β With the Bird Observatory being closed for renovating, Tomomi had the weekend before the camping trip to stock up on items and to shop for more clothes. So Momo and her decided to shop together before the weekend. Which turned into a big shopping day for most of their friends.
Β Β Once the two rich girls planned the day, Tomomi invited the rest of the girls along, to which they accepted wholeheartedly. Midoriya asked if he could tag along, seeing as he had no plans for the weekend. They allowed him to come with them.
Β Β Tomomi also invited Tokoyami and Bakugou.
Β Β Tokoyami accepted the offer while Bakugou stated he had plans with Kirishima and Denki that weekend. Much to her dismay.
Β Β Bakugou had been acting very distant towards her and then out of knowhere, he'll act like nothing was wrong. She hoped that someday he would trust her enough to tell her when something was bothering him. Which she could tell something was bugging him everytime she looked at him.
Β Β When the weekend came, Tomomi went with Shoto to visit their mother ( which she was happy to see the twins together ) in the morning to spend a couple of hours with her before meeting Momo and the others at the mall in the middle of the city.
Β Β "Sorry if I'm late." Tomomi said, fixing her Chanel purse on her shoulder. "I had to visit my mother first before coming here and traffic got bad on the way."
Β Β "No worries," Midoriya waved off, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. "I just got here, myself."
Β Β "So did I," Tokoyami added..
Β Β "Okay, since we're all here, we can start our day."
Β Β Β Only 30 minutes into the day, the girls stayed together in every store they went in while Tokoyami and Midoriya followed idly behind, making their own conversation. Occasionally butting into the girl's conversation when it was about something they could contribute.
Β Β After a while, half of the group split to go in different stores. Tomomi, Momo, Asui and Uraraka went into a girl clothing store while the rest stopped inside of a small supply store nearby.
Β Β "I think Katsuki-chan has been acting weird." Tomomi said, looking at two different shirts. Not sure of which one she wanted all while thinking about Bakugou. "He's been avoiding me, for some reason."
Β Β "Maybe he's going through something." Uraraka said, noticing what she was saying.
Β Β It was true, Bakugou had been acting rather suspiciously lately. He would always act like he was hiding something from Tomomi whenever she was near him. He would look away whenever she looked at him and he seemed more grumpy than usual.
Β Β "You really think something could be going on?" Tomomi asked, looking at her with worry. She didn't want anything to happen to him.
Β Β "Or he could be acting strange because he likes you." Asui said, as honestly as she usually was. "He does show characteristics of liking someone."
Β Β "Really?"
Β Β "He is always protective of you." Momo pointed out. "He's always getting you lunch at school, he would tell all of us no but will tell you yes for anything you asked him to do."
Β Β "He hasn't called you an extra or a loser." Uraraka added.
Β Β Tomomi sweat dropped when she was reminded of the first time they hung out. How he called her pretty for a loser.
Β Β Β "If you weren't so pretty, I'd call you a loser"
Β Β "I am not immune to his insults, trust me." Tomomi mumbled, sweat dropping again.
Β Β Suddenly, she felt eyes were on them from the entrance of the store. Looking towards the doors, she saw a group of kids huddled around the windows and doors in a small group. It was a mixture of toddlers and middle schoolers. Even some elementary schoolers.
Β Β "What's going on?" Momo asked, noticing the group of kids.
Β Β "I don't know." Tomomi mumbled as they all looked at the group of kids.
Β Β Once the group noticed them looking at them, the kids all started squealing and looking awestrucked of them.
Β Β "Look! That's the Ice Empress, herself!" one little boy gasped, looking right at Tomomi. "She's the one that made it snow and fought so cool against her own brother!"
Β Β "She look so much prettier up close!"
Β Β "Look, they were also on TV! Woooah~!"
Β Β Tomomi smiled a little, hearing their words. "It seems like we've gathered a following." She said, looking at the girls.
Β Β "The Sports Festival really is nationwide, huh?" Uraraka said, blushing pink at the attention she was receiving.
Β Β "Try worldwide ribbit" Asui said, not really paying attention as she was looking at a sweater she was considering buying.
Β Β A little girl with long hair as black as the nightsky and eyes as green as emeralds gasped when she noticed how close her and her friends were to Tomomi.
Β Β Tomomi looked down, feeling a few pairs of eyes on her. It was three little girls. one with blonde short hair and blue eyes, another with pink hair and brown eyes, another with wolf like features and long brown hair and the last one with long black hair and emerald green eyes.
Β Β "That's the princess from tv!" The wolf like little girl gasped as her eyes sparkled in amazement. "I told you all she's a real princess!"
Β Β "I've never seen a princess up close like this!" The blonde girl said, smiling giddily. "She's so pretty!"
Β Β "Woah....." The black haired girl gasped softly. "I wanna be just like her when I grow up."
Β Β Tomomi smiled a little before turning to them. The little girls froze a little when she looked right at them. Tomomi walked over to them and kneeled in front of the black haired girl.
Β Β With a kind smile, she said. "I heard someone wanted to be a princess."
Β Β "We are big fans of yours~" The blonde girl said, boldly and proudly.
Β Β "Especially Tsuyami~" The wolf like girl said with a mischievious grin, pushing her friend closer to her.
Β Β Tsuyami shyly held her tiny fists to her lips as she looked at Tomomi. "I-I wanna be like you when I grow up."
Β Β Tomomi grinned softly at her. She waved both of her hands over her head, making snow fall from her hands and onto the girl's hair.
Β Β Tsuyami looked as she noticed an ice crown was forming on her hair. She gasped when the crown was done sculpting, crystalizing into shape to keep from melting.
Β Β "Woah~" the girls said in unison as Tsuyami carefully touched the tiara on her head.
Β Β "Now you can be a princess anytime you want." Tomomi said, before standing back up.
Β Β The three little girls giggled together before thanking her and running off to their moms. They couldn't wait to tell them who they metΒ just now! All of their friends from school will be jealous, for sure!
Β Β Tomomi smiled softly before going back to her shopping.
Β Β Β From across the mall, Kurayami leaned in a darker part of the mall, observing Tomomi's movements. His hood was over his head, hiding his skull face from the public as he watched on.
Β Β From what he can gather from following her, she's a beauty. But she was drenched in pain and surpressed memories. A sad beauty, he saw. One of his abilities was that he could see the life expectancy of every single person he looks at and he saw her entire future and past.
Β Β He thought Dabi was bad, this girl....She's been through a world of hurt. He could see why Dabi cared so much for her. They were two halves of the same coin, basically.
Β An though Tomomi's life span is very very long, there was a lot of things that will happen to her before she reaches that happy finish line. Kurayami felt bad, essentially.
Β Β Tomomi was a good kid. She didn't deserve the things that were about to happen to her. But because he can't disrupt the natural order of time and other things, he had to watch everything play in front of him.
Β Β And as much as he cared for Dabi as his friend, he couldn't tell him what was in store. He would only mess up everything.
Β Β "Couldn't stay away, huh?" Kurayami said, smirking as soon as he felt another presence right next to him.
Β Β Dabi stood right next to him as they watched Tomomi laugh with her friends. He flicked a used up cigarrette behind him as his face remained blank.
Β Β Kurayami could tell what he was thinking. He didn't need to use his quirk to see what he was thinking about. As much as Dabi wanted to bury his past behind him, Tomomi kept popping up like a weed that won't go away.
Β Β "Curious, aren't we?" He asked again, crossing his arms.
Β Β "Hmmm...."Dabi hummed, his eyes never leaving his little sister's being. "I guess I just had to see her again....."
Β Β "Ara ara, you never ceased to amaze me, Dabi." Kurayami said in curious amusement. "She will suffer quite a lot sometime soon."
Β Β Dabi raised an eyebrow at him as Kurayami turned back to the shadows to leave. "You want to give me a heads up, Grim Reaper?"
Β Β "If I tell you, it might not happen." was all he said before he completely disappeared into the dark, leaving Dabi by himself.
Β Β He sighed, turning back to watch his sister leave with three other girls to a different store.
Β Β Kurayami, you sure know how to piss off someone with your crypticness.....
Β Β Β Else where, Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero and Denki were at a shopping district just up the road of the mall. Denki was trying on different ridiculous clothing while the other three were waiting to see what he made up.
Β Β "So, Bakubro, when are you planning on telling Avalanche you love her?" Kirishima asked, looking through a nearby rack of shirts.
Β Β "Could you keep your voice down?" Bakugou whispered harshly, making sure Sero was still waiting on Denki. "You're the only one who knows this, stupid. If I told Spark plug and Scotch Tape, they would've told Frost Bite by now."
Β Β "Oh, sorry, dude." Kirishima whispered back. "So, when are you planning on telling her, anyways? The training camp will give us plenty of time, eh?"
Β Β Bakugou grumbled, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. He just figured out that he loved Tomomi, he wasn't sure if he was prepared to tell her so soon. Besides, he had been doing a lot of thinking lately.
Β Β Tomomi was always ahead of things, she was kind, calm, soothing and well-achieved. She was someone who was very independent and that scared him a lot.
Β Β What would a girl like her need from a guy like him? He was so sure that there were way better candidates for Tomomi's attention. And he wasn't sure what was doing the thinking. His pride or his insecurities.
Β Β "I don't know if I will be able to tell her." He answered honestly, looking into space. "Someone like Frost Bite is too good for someone like me. She has her whole life ahead of her and I feel like the last thing she needs is someone professing their love for her. And I don't know if me telling her that I love her will benefit her in anyway."
Β Β Kirishima paused, looking at Bakugou with a deep expression. He can tell that Bakugou really feels deeply for Tomomi. This was the first time Kirishima really saw how Bakugou felt. A vunerable side of him. Something no one sees everyday.
Β Β But he felt bad because he can tell Bakugou was letting insecurities get the better of him in this moment. And it was so sad to see him be so blind to Tomomi's obvious interest in him. He even rememebered what Shoto said about her drawings.
Β Β "Lets put it this way, she doesn't show her drawings to everyone." He said, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes. "Only to those she see as special."
Β Β Β If that isn't a dead give away, then you need a little push, bro Kirishima thought as he looked at Bakugou one last time before Denki hopped out of the dressing room in a very colorful outfit.
Β Β "How do I look?" Denki asked, striking exaggerated poses. "Do I look camping ready?"
Β Β "You look like you lost a fight to a can of spray paint." Bakugou said, with a smirk on his face.
Β Β Sero laughed at the joke while Denki just deadpanned. "Way to boost my confidence, bro."
Β Β Kirishima smiled a little, watching the entire scene in front of him. He was glad that Bakugou was experiencing love but he knew he would never confess to her unless there was something or someone there to push him into doing it.
Β Β Because he believed that Bakugou deserved this. He deserved someone like Tomomi in his life. Someone to keep him calm when he wants to explode.
Β Β Don't worry, buddy, I'll see to it that you get your dream girl!
I am kinda on a roll
here with the updates.
I think it's the excitement
and I prewrite chapters in
a notebook.
I will be updating Red Devil
more soon and Hail Mary.
I will be starting Red Queen in
about a week or so, so I hope
you all will look forward to it.
don't forget to comment and vote
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