ππππ. ππππππππππ π―. πππππ, ππππππ, πππ ππππ
this fight might be relatively
short since i don't remember
what exactly happened so i
apologize for that.....
also this scene will have some
changes because of my shit
memory and i want to fit tomomi
into the story better.
don't forget to comment and
vote! No ghost readers.
happy reading!
Β Β Β Β Β The exams went by pretty quick and before long, it was time for Shoto, Tomomi and Momo's turn to face their teacher. Just as Tomomi made it to the entrance way, Bakugou stopped her before hand.
Β Β "Oh! Katsuki-chan!" She said, surprised but smiled at him, anyways.
Β Β "Hey, uh...."Bakugou mumbled, scowling while rubbing the back of his head. He wasn't used to having a crush on anyone so this was new to him. "G-Good luck out there or whatever."
Β Β Tomomi blinked for a second, deciding that he was just trying to be nice. Or his version of being nice, really. "You must have almost choked being nice, huh?" She asked, being accidentally too honest.
Β Β Her words made him stiffen and twitch his eye. Was she really saying this to him when he was being nice?! Why was she damn brutally honest?!
Β Β "Boyfriend?" Tomomi questioned, her eyes widening.
Β Β Bakugou froze again, feeling his face grow incredibly hot. Did he really just refer to himself as her boyfriend?! Oh, the embarrassment! He will never live this down. Might as well call a reverent because he is dead as hell.
Β Β "Y-YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I'M TRYING TO BE A GOOD FRIEND!" He shouted angrily before turning to leave her. He kept mumbling curse words under his breath, feeling very embarrased by what just happened. "Stupid pretty, gorgeous, smart and perfect girl and her stupid blue eyes."
Β Β Tomomi watched as he left with the others, blinking. Her cheeks were very pink and she almost didn't hear Shoto call for her.
Β Β "Tomo!" Shoto called, standing next to Momo. "Come on!"
Β Β Tomomi shook herself out of her trance and quickly followed her brother. But she couldn't stop thinking about what Bakugou said to her.
Β Β "I'm a little nervous about this." Momo mumbled to whichever twin that would respond first. And like always, Tomomi was there first.
Β Β "Do not worry about it, Momo-chan~" Tomomi reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know you will do great."
Β Β "Besides, I have a plan in mind for us." Shoto added. Tomomi looked at him with a confused look.
Β Β He looked at his sister with a knowing glint in his eyes. You think you can execute my plan properly? He telepathically asked his sister.
Β Β Tomomi's eyebrow twitched annoyingly. You always seem to have hidden agendas away from my own. Shoto...
Β Β Shoto smirked, scoffing a bit. I have to get you back for the Sports Festival, right?
Β Β Before Tomomi could retort, the buzzer went off. Signifying the start of the exams. "Come on," She said, leading them onward.
Β Β Β "The best way we can win this is by escape." Tomomi said as they ran inbetween walls and dark alleyways. "There is no way we can defeat Aizawa, he would already have the upperhand by nullifying our quirks."
Β Β "Yaoyorozu, can you keep making small objects, to lead him in the wrong direction?" Shoto asked her, turning to her as they stopped near a corner.
Β Β "I can do that." She said, not sounding sure of herself.
Β Β I hope she's faster at making objects as she is at making decisions. Tomomi thought, looking out to make sure their teacher wasn't around.
Β Β "Try making those small objects, Momo-chan." She said, as they began moving once they were sure that no one was around.
Β Β "O-Okay." She said, pulling out little red soda can looking things and leaving them in random places. "Will these be okay?"
Β Β "I'm sure they will," Tomomi smiled a little unsure but they were something.
Β Β "What are they?" Shoto asked, curiously.
Β Β "Oh, they're little russian dolls." She explained, looking at one of them.
Β Β Β "Nice plan," Thirteen said, as everyone watched from the monitor room. "Lead him in a different direction."
Β Β "I don't think Aizawa is that easily fooled." Midnight mumbled. "Although he may not always show it but Aizawa can pretty much see through a lot of things and something like this is one of them."
Β Β "Still, it makes me curious to see how well the Todoroki Twins work together." Cementoss said. watching with intrigue. "I heard that together, they make the perfect team."
Β Β Β "You know, I've always admired the both of you." Momo said after a few minutes of wandering around.
Β Β "What do you mean?" Shoto asked, suddenly curious about her words.
Β Β "The two of you don't have the title The Perfect Twins for nothing." She explained more. Moments of the Sports Festival flashed in her head. "Even during the Sports Festival, you two demostrated unpresidented leadership qualities. Especially when you two were fighitng each other. It was so well done, I've always wanted to be kind of like you two."
Β Β Tomomi looked at her with sincerity in her eyes. She had no idea that Momo felt this way. She was a strong girl with a strong quirk. Tomomi wishes that she wasn't so unsure of herself all of the time.
Β Β "You are just as strong as me or Shoto." She said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You have to believe that you are all that you want to be."
Β Β Momo smiled at her, thankful for having a friend like her. But before she could say anything, Tomomi cut her off, noticing how her hands were slowly covering in frost bites. Which can only mean one thing.
Β Β "STOP, HE'S HERE!" Tomomi yelled, alerting Shoto and making Momo jump.
Β Β "I would suggest you prioritize evasion." Aizawa's voice suddenly sounded super close to them. "Since I've taken your power."
Β Β Shoto turned to see he was right behind. Too late to react, Shoto lost his quirk and was quickly strung up in the air by his scarf. Which was used to tie his hands behind his back.
Β Β Thinking fast, Tomomi quickly grabbed Momo's hand and surrounded themselves in a very thick cloud of snow. Right before Aizawa could get to them, they had already disappeared from his visual.
Β Β She's a quick thinker, I'm impressed Aizawa thought as he went to tie his scarf around a post, keeping Shoto in the air.
Β Β Running towards the nearest exit, Tomomi and Momo ran hand in hand. Damn it! I should have went with my first gut after all.... She thought gingerly as they kept running.
Β Β Suddenly, Tomomi felt something wrap around her waist. "Huh?!" She exclaimed, before being yanked into the air by her waist. "Ah!"
Β Β "Tomo!" Momo yelled, getting her own wrist wrapped into the grey scarf.
Β Β "You two are pretty quick on your feet." Aizawa said. "I'm not gonna hit you both where it hurts. Let's see who's the stronger one out of you two."
Β Β Tomomi struggled to get free from his scarf when she remembered. He didn't take away their quirks. They were still there. And it seemed like Momo remembered, as well.
Β Β "MOMO, NOW!" Tomomi yelled. Momo used her quirk to get free from Aizawa.
Β Β Once she was free, she ran away from the two. Tomomi quickly made ice spikes emit from her skin, traveling up his scarf and to his hands.
Β Β Which meant he had to let her go before his hand was painfully pricked by her ice. Once he loosened up, Tomomi broke her hands free and shrodded the air in a snow storm. Which bought her time to quickly catch up with Momo.
Β Β By making a makeshift snow storm, I can't take away their quirks..... Aizawa thought, moving carefully through the storm. She learns very quickly.....much like Enji Todoroki.....
Β Β Β Damnit! That was close.... Tomomi thought as they made their way back to her trapped brother. I was not expecting that at all....Mr. Aizawa is full of surprises, for sure.
Β Β "Shoto!" Tomomi called as they made their way over to where he was still hanging from.
Β Β "Tomomi! Yaoyorozu! Don't come any closer!" He yelled, making them stop in their tracks.
Β The two girls noticed the amount of sharp weaponry all around him. "I'm so sorry, Todoroki! I didn't know what to do!" Momo apologized profusely.
Β Β "Now isn't the time to apologoize." Tomomi said sternly. "We have to think of a plan. Any ideas?"
Β Β "His plan didn't work, what makes you think mine would ever?" Momo said, inconfident in her skills.
Β Β Ever since the Sports Festival, Momo seemed less confident in herself after the results of the events. And it made Tomomi rather angry and upset for her. It seemed like no amount of words was going to get through to her and make her see that she was more than what she thought herself to be.
Β Β Momo became Tomomi's best friend since she met her and she wouldΒ hate to see any of her friends not feel confident in themselves because of stupid rankings and such.
Β Β "Momo-chan." Tomomi said, making her look into her icy blue eyes. "No one should ever dictate how you feel about yourself. You are a smart student and will be an even better hero. Don't let self-conciousness ruin you."
Β Β Momo looked into her hard eyes, trying to detect anything that might say she was lying but she found nothing. Tomomi has always been a honest person. Often too honest, yes but that added to her charm and it was one of the reasons why she admired Tomomi a lot.
Β Β Also because she had a way of speaking, which just filled anyone up with confidence. Suddenly feeling a little bit better about herself, she gave Tomomi a thankful grin. Thank you so much for being my friend, Tomo-chan....
Β Β "Okay, hold on." Tomomi said, waving her left hand around the trap.
Β Her eyes glowed as light blue tendrils emitted from her hand in sparkling snowflakes, covering the spiked ground in solid ice. So that they were able to walk towards him without hurting themselves.
Β Β Carefully walking on the ice, Tomomi made an ice dagger and cut Shoto free, letting him fall on his feet. "I want to apologize for not asking if you were okay with the plan, Yaoyorozu." He apologized as the twins walked over to her.
Β Β Tomomi took back the ice as they stepped off it. "We can save that for- WATCH OUT!" She suddenly yelled, pushing Shoto out of the way of Aizawa's scarf.
Β Β Β The three jumped out of the way as Shoto was about to use his fire side but he quickly noticed that Aizawa nullifyed their quirks. Damn it! He took our quirks away again!
Β Β "Let's hide, you two!" Momo called, leading the way as the twins quickly followed her.
Β Β "Mr. Aizawa's eyes have become a bit unstable!" She said as they ran away from him.
Β Β "Yes, he didn't take our quirks away when we ran off." Tomomi added, remembering earlier. "I think it's because he is still injured from the USJ attack."
Β Β "So we have to exploit that?" Shoto asked.
Β Β "No, for now, we have to get out of his eye sight." Momo concluded.
Β Β "How do you propose we do that?"
Β Β "We only have so much time." Tomomi reminded them. "Whatever we do, we have to do it now. We can still win this!"
Β Β "Just listen to me!" Momo said, as they turned a corner. "Check if the both of you can use your ice?"
Β Β Tomomi flexed her fist, seeing that she can use her quirk still. It covered itself in crystalized ice. She grinned, proud of her best friend. I see what you're talking about....Nice thinking.
Β Β "You three have to be quicker if you don't want me to catch you!" Aizawa exclaimed, dangerously behind them as he shot his scarf at them.
Β Β Β Thinking that we can't use our quirks is a bad assumption to make. Momo thought determinedly. There will definitely be a single moment...an interval of time when Mr. Aizawa blinks before he can look at us again!
Β Β Just as she thought that, Shoto's hand started freezing.
Β Β Shoto noticed and skirted to a halt, facing Aizawa just as Tomomi stopped right beside him.
Β Β Looking at each other, the twins quickly threw their hands out, making aa 50 foot wall of spiky ice bergs block them from Aizawa's line of vision completely.
Β Β Which meant they were safe from his vision, for now. But time was still running out. So they had to make a plan to win this before 30 minutes was up.
Β Β They were waiting for this....Aizawa thought as he landed on a roof, away from the gigantic ice wall. He smirked a little. I see....hit your opponent where it hurts....nice planning.
Β Β Β Behind the wall, Tomomi, Shoto and Momo stood there, brainstorming ideas. "This wall can only be held up for so long." Tomomi said, plcing her hand on the ice.
Β Β She pulled down her hood and turned to the other two. "We can use our quirks for now." Shoto said, igniting his left side with fire to keep him warm.
Β Β Tomomi, being able to take extremely cold atmospheres, just let out an icy breath as cold smoke escaped her lips.
Β Β "Tell me, what's the rest of your pla-" Shoto stopped when he turned around to see Momo facing away from him and it looked like she was undressing herself.
Β Β But a long and grey scarf was coming out of her chest.
Β Β Tomomi flashed her brother a disapproving glare and blocked his eyes from her. "It is unbecoming of you to stare at a lady, Shoto."
Β Β Shoto grumbled at his sister, blushing a bit. "I wasn't staring..." He mumbled, looking away from her. "Mr. Aizawa's weapon?"
Β Β "Not exactly." Momo said, as she made a catapult come out of her body and a few other things. "I can't exactly make the same thing he has but I can make a replica made out of something that can help us. If our plan works."
Β Β "Our?" Shoto questioned, not daring to turn to face her. In fears of her still being indecent. He maybe a growing teenager but he was not someone who likes peeping at women. It was rather unbecoming and wrong.
Β Β "Tomomi and I thought of it." Momo clarified.
Β Β "When was this?" Shoto asked again, feeling rather shocked by this turn of events.
Β Β "You don't think best friends hve telepathy, as well?" Tomomi teased, only joking. She already knew the jist of Momo's plan when she noticed the things she made.
Β Β Momo giggled as Shoto sighed exasperatedly. Women......always knows everything...
Β Β After some time, Momo explained what the scarf, catapult and the coverups were for. The material made into the scarf hardens back to its original state. If they can get this scarf around him, Shoto can cause the scarf to harden with his fire and Tomomi can quickly freeze it with her ice.
Β Β "I believe this has a higher chance of succeeding than trying to escape, right Todorokis?" Momo said as they looked at the catapult. "I think we can pull this off, right?"
Β Β "No complaints here." The twins said in unison
Β Β Β "The escape gate is behind me." Aizawa said, watching the wall from a roof, waiting for them to come out. "It'll be better to watch their approach rather than chasing them down...."
Β Β Β Suddenly, he noticed three hooded figures coming from the far left of the wall. Disguises, I see.... He thought, looking at them. If I can't see them, I can't take away their quirk.
Β Β Β Aizawa sprung into action, readying his scarf for attack. There's also a lot of disadvantages to that, too!
Β Β He rounded all three of them together with his scarf, slamming them together. Only to find out that those were makeshift mannequins. There upper bodies were mannequins?
Β Β Momo launched the decoy scarf off of the catapult, blinding Aizawa for a moment. He couldn't tell which one was the real one for a moment, but it was just enough time to execute their plan perfectly.
Β Β "Todoroki!" Momo signalled.
Β Β Shoto quickly blasted fire his way, revealing himself from under a black cloth. Aizawa thought he was going to hit him but soon realized that his flames weren't aimed at him. But at the scarf floating around them. What are they....?
Β Β Β "That's nitnol alloy!" Tomomi exclaimed. "When heated, it returns to it's original hardened state."
Β Β "It's a shape memory alloy!" Momo added, watching as the scarf wrapped itself around Aizawa tightly.
Β Β The weight of the scarf weighed him down as Tomomi quickly sealed in him ice just as he was about to crash. Which meant they officially pass their exams.
Β Β With a sigh of relief, Tomomi smiled and turned to Momo and Shoto. She quickly made her way over to Momo and engulfed her into a big hug.
Β Β Shocked, Momo blushed slightly but soon, she hugged back. Tomomi smiled into her shoulder. "I knew you could do it." She whispered to her friend.
Β Β Pulling back, Momo smiled at her. "Thank you for being my best friend, Tomo-chan." she thanked before turning to Shoto. "And thank you for also being my friend, Todoroki-kun."
Β Β Shoto just shrugged her thanks off with a small smile. "Don't mention it."
Β Β Β After the test, Tomomi couldn't help but to ask...was all of that planned? Did he let them win? It seemed too good to be true, the way that Momo's plan was executed perfectly.
Β Β "Mr. Aizawa?" Tomomi said as she approached the teacher, who had just gotten the handcuffs off of his wrist.
Β Β Aizawa looked at his student, noticing that something was on her mind. "Yes, Miss Todoroki?"
Β Β "Did you let us win?" She asked in her true, brutally honest nature.
Β Β Aizawa was slightly shocked by her straightforwardness, but he answered her, nonetheless. "What makes you think I would let you three win if I didn't think you three could work well together?"
Β Β He got her there. It was a little odd that she was paired up with her brother, seeing as how everyone wanted to see how well they worked apart from each other. No one really wanted to see how well they worked together. But still....She couldn't get over that inkling feeling in her stomach.
Β Β "Do you think our battle was too easy?" Aizawa asked, noticing the look on her face. She was doubting everything again.
Β Β "N-No." She answered, still frowning a bit. "I just....I don't kno-"
Β Β "Tomomi, look at me." He said, kneeling down on one knee, placing both hands on her shoulder. "You've proven yourself to be good at everything you do....The way you gave Yaoyorozu the confidence to plan the attack and the way you three worked together, showed much promise in the three of you."
Β Β Tomomi smiled a little at his words. "You have to say that, you're our teacher."
Β Β Aizawa grinned slightly, ruffling her hood covered head. "And you ask too many questions. Now get out, munchkin."
Β Β Giggling a little, she nodded. "Goodbye, Mr. Aizawa." She said before leaving.
Β Β Aizawa watched as she left, standing back up. Damn.....He thought, rubbing the back of his head. The kid's making me soft.....
I said this might be short and
yet it's literally over 3000 words
This is the end of act two!
Act three: Camping will be posted
sometime today or tomorrow, if
i don't waste this day sleeping all
who the fuck is excited but scared?
because im laughing through my
tears right now! hahahaha......ha!
I am so sorry. I gotta say that now
before I start anything.
and for those who want more
romance, don't worry it's coming.
don't forget to vote and comment!
love you all and stay safe!
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