ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

π—π—π•πˆπˆ. π“πŽπƒπŽπ‘πŽπŠπˆ 𝐯. πŒπˆπƒπŽπ‘πˆπ˜π€

and we are back to the
main plot!

don't worry, I'll have
the third part to the
valentines day special
up pretty soon and I still
gotta do the bird obsevatory
second part so imma be busy.

but before diving into the
seperate chapters, i want to
focus on the main plot more

i like to make stories interesting
which is why i tend to add some
secondary characters into the mix
because if i just followed the
plot line, then it's boring and i
like to have fun.

also for the person that asked me
in my inbox if it's okay to simp
for kurayami, it's perfectly fine to
do so. his role mimicks the grim
reaper so he pops up anywhere he
wants and is just a cool loner.

don't forget to comment and vote!
i love you all and happy reading!

Tomomi sat down in between Iida and Tokoyami as her brother's match with Midoriya was about to start. But all she could think about was what she said to him, what she has told Aizawa and she was begining to think maybe Shoto was right. Maybe she shouldn't have said anything to anyone. Of course, he didn't know she talked to the afirmentioned teacher about what goes on in their house ( or what went down ) but she was about to tell Midoriya a little. Was that the right thing to do? She was begining to doubt herself.

"Tomo," Tokoyami's voice whispered in her ear, bringing her out of her thoughts. She blinked and turned to him, curiously gazing at him. "Today's weather is supposed to be intense heat, not cool winds."

Tomomi blinked again, looking around herself. She started to notice that people around them were starting to shiver a little and some even rubbed their arms vigorously. She keeps forgeting how her emotions are tied to her quirk. Taking back the cool air, she sighed as a cold and blue aura blew out of her mouth, gaining control over the temperature again.

The sun's heat began blanketing them once again and Tokoyami kept his eyes on Tomomi. He could tell she was bothered by something. He has known her long enough to know when something is upsetting her. She has this little pout on her lips and this slight frown adoring her eyebrows. It's the same face she makes whenever she's thinking too hard, is upset about something or doesn't like something.

"Are you okay?" Tokoyami asked, concern lacing his deep voice.

Tomomi forced a convincing smile at him, nodding her head. She didn't want to burden him with her own problems. At least not now. "I'm okay, I am just worried about this match."

Tokoyami could easily tell that she was changing the subject but he decided to not push her on it. "Yeah, Todoroki was being a bit too much during the begining of this all, don't you think?"

"Shoto has always been the more competitive out of the two of us." She admitted, tucking a strand of her white hair behind her ear. Her hair was still in a low bun from her fight with Monoma. "And sometimes, I worry about that but I realized recently that for him to learn, he has to do it on his own."

Tokoyami hummed, crossing his arms. Shoto seemed like he was used to fighting all of his life. For what? he didn't know. But he could tell the twins were hiding something. But it was best to let them say something rather than pressuring them to do anything.


Tomomi frowned a little as she watched her brother stare at her friend so intensely. She could only hope this match didn't hinder anything in him.


"I wish people would believe in him more." Tomomi mumbled, closing her eyes in exasperation.

"I believe Midoriya's figthing spirit will get him through." Tokoyami replied back. "Do not be so worried for him, Tomo."

When Tomomi heard the match started, she leaned a little forward, looking at the two combatants as Shoto started shooting ice pillars at he green haired boy. But Midoriya uses One For All with two of his fingers, sending green shock waves through them, breaking them.

An act that should have suprised her but for some reason, it didn't. She knew her brother was strong but she knew Midoriya wasn't weak, either. He was very smart and he doesn't get enough credit for it.

"Looks like Midoriya is full of suprises," Tokoyami commented.

Tomomi hummed as she kept her focus on the two. It was just a match of how fast can Midoriya break his ice pillars. And knowing Shoto's weakness, she didn't believe he could keep this up. He had to use his fire at some point or he risks damage in his body.

"Endurance match, huh?" Shoto said, smirking a little. Though Midoriya can see he was feeling frustrated. "I'll end this quickly!"

Tomomi frowned, watching Midoriya getting trapped by the foot into his ice. Shoto.....don't let father get to you. She thought, biting her thumb a little.

Shoto managed to get close to him but Midoriya created another wind pressure to break away from his trap and Shoto on his back. "That's a lot more powerful than before.....Are you trying to tell me to....stay away?" He made all of the ice that was used to block him from getting out of bounds to get up.

Midoriya's arm and fingers were broken, he noticed. "What? You're that beat up just from running and defending?" Shoto mocks him, a tone of voice that reminded Tomomi of their dad's condescending attitude.

But both Tomomi and Midoriya noticed something. Shoto was shaking. Like he was in the middle of a snowstorm.

"Oh no..." She mumbled, looking at her brother in worry. Tokoyami and the rest of the class noticed the look on her face and all were curious.

"What's wrong with Todoroki-kun?" Mina asked curiously.

"Unlike me, Shoto has two sides of one quirk." She began explaining. "Fire and Ice, as you all might know. While I only have one, he is very much restricted to a lot of things that only I can do and endure."

"Like what?" Kirishima asked.

"Quirks are a physical ability. There are limits to all quirks no matter how powerful." Tomomi began. "In Shoto's case, if he keeps using his ice like this, he could risk his health at a alarming rate. His body is equipped to hold both elements. It is what balances him out. But......" She trailed off, frowning even more.

"He is purposely not using his fire, right?" Tokoyami finished for her. "It seems like he's doing this to not hurt himself....but to hurt someone else."

Tomomi looked at Tokoyami, a bit shocked. To which, he just gave her a knowing gaze before returning to the fight in front of him.

"Everyone's fighting with everything they've got!" Midoriya said, trying to talk some sense into him. "To win and get closer to their dream to be the number one hero.....Tomo-neechan was right.....It's not his quirk."

Shoto's eyes widened at the mention of his sister's name. He didn't know rather to be mad or shocked. But he let Midoriya continue. "It's yours....You want to win with half of your strength?! You haven't even put a single scratch on me!"

Tomomi watched, also with widened eyes as Midoriya was purposely antagonizing him. What is he doing?

"Tomo-neechan is supposed to be your other half! She is supposed to be there when you're too weak to use your ice!" Midoriya shouted at him. "But she's not here to help you! That means you have to use your own strength which I know you can do!! SO COME AT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!"

"We don't wanna, mommy!" little Shoto cried and cried. "We don't wanna be like dad....I don't wanna be someone that bullies you or Tomo, mom!"

Tomomi hugged her weeping brother as he cried, covering his face. Rei held both of the twins close as Shoto continued to cry. She sighed, moving a strand of her daughter's hair out of her face while trying to calm her son down.

"You don't have to be like your father, Shoto." Rei said, comfortingly. "You can be the hero you want to be...same goes for you, Tomomi."

Shoto stopped and looked at their mom, Tomomi did the same while keeping her brother in a hug.

Everyday.......Every single day....... Shoto looked more and more like Enji and even acted like him in some sense. It was driving her crazy. So crazy, that he started looking like him. Exactly like him and...Rei couldn't take anymore. She couldn't do it anymore.

"M-Mommy?" Tomomi called out softly as her and Shoto entered the kitchen slowly. There was water boiling on the stove but Rei remained frozen, as if she didn't hear them.

But, in a flash, Rei picked up the kettle all happened in a flash. Tomomi remembers screaming as Shoto screamed in pain, holding his now burning left eye. His hair was slightly drenched in scalding hot water.

Crying and more crying could be heard as Tomomi felt her own tears drench her face. Shoto kept screaming and sobbing and Rei, finally coming to her senses, realized what she had done. She looked at her children in horror as she realized what she just did. "Oh my god...." She whispered, backing up and dropping the kettle.

Wanting to stop the pain, Tomomi attempted to freeze his burns by placing her hand on his forehead, where he was also burned. But because she couldn't control her quirk, it only made the pain worse and Shoto began crying even more, jumping away from her.

Terrified, Tomomi cried as she covered her ears with her hands and began apologizing even more. Her small body shook as if she felt the same pain Shoto was in.

After everything that happened, the twins hadn't seen Rei after that. Their father told them that they won't be seeing her now that she was sent to a hospital. But the hate had already branded itself into her heart as she thought back to everything he has said and did to her mother. This was all Enji's fault. Her mother going crazy, her brother's passing, their broken family. It was all his fault. It was Enji's fault.

That same day, both twins vowed that they will never ever be like him......And they promised that they will forever resent Enji for what he caused.

"SHOTOOO!" Tomomi suddenly stood up and shouted, gaining his attention from the battle ground. And to everyone else in attendance. But she saw no one but the two people who were fighting. "IT'S YOUR POWER!! DON'T LET HIM TAKE AWAY YOUR POWER!"

Her words began echoing in his trembling, weak body. And like a flash, everything he remembered what his sister and his mother has told him.
You don't have to be like your father, Shoto....

Shoto suddenly began breathing heavily as everyone noticed sparks of little flames started slowly igniting on his left side. Tomomi watched with widened eyes and a heart that beated loudly. Everyone watched in fascination as Shoto's left side burst into red flames, heating up everything around him.

Tomomi raised a hand to cover her mouth as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. He was using his fire side....He actually did it.

Everyone watched as the two classmates began powering up dangerously. Midoriya kept dodging all of the ice pillars Shoto shot at him as they charged at each other. Shoto used his fire to ignite a huge cool wind blast. But Midoriya created a wind pressure, colliding with his attack. Which sent a huge shockwave throughout the entire arena. The attack sent the both of them back at a rapid pace, destroying Cementoss' walls.

The shock wave was too much for everyone. Tomomi nearly fell but Tokoyami quickly caught her and held her steady as the shock wave moved through the arena. Not noticing how she was being held, she quickly looked to the battlefield and saw that both Shoto's and Midoriya's bodies were covered in debris as it slowly began fading.

"Hey, who won the match?" someone from the crowd asked, something that everyone began wondering.

Midoriya's body began to come to view but he looked really bad. He needed a hospital now. Tomomi looked at him with such concern as she couldn't help but remember when they began Hero Training and almost hit Bakugou with his quirk. Like then, she felt her heart break for him. She knew he was going to be okay once he's in the infirmary but still.....

Midoriya had succumbed to his injuries, causing him faint out of bounds. Shoto's body also came into view as the dust cleared. His shirt was half gone due to the burning from his fire.

"Midoriya is out of bounds...Todoroki advances to the next round."

The crowd began cheering and clapping as Shoto looked up into the crowd. His eye looked over at his classmates until he spotted Tomomi, who was smiling at him very softly. She silently made a small heart with her pointer finger and thumb to him. Shoto smiled a little, almost shaking his head at her. There was always some wisdom to whatever Tomomi says. He learned to listen to her more.

But he also had to thank Midoriya for his words and believing in him. He owed a lot to him.

Thank you......the both of you.....thank you so much.....

Just before the next round started, the arena needed to be repaired so everyone was taking a break. Tomomi decided to go and visit Midoriya after everyone else did. She wanted to talk to him privately and also see if he's going to be okay.

"May I come in?" Her sultry voice ringing in Recovery Girl's ear as she noticed the Todoroki walk in. She smiled at her, beckoning her to come in. "Of course, you have time before his surgery."

Tomomi walked in as she pointed to a closed curtain. Slowly opening the curtain, Tomomi peered in to see Midoriya still knocked out, skin was bruised and wrapped up. She sighed, walking right by his bed. She looked over his unconcious body and sighed as she placed a soft hand on the side of his face, gracing her thumb over his cheek.

"Oh, Midoriya...." She mumbled, grinning lightly. ".....You sure do have a way with people, don't you?"

For a moment, she felt Midoriya subconciously lean into her hand a little, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he fell completely back into his deep sleep state. Tomomi giggled a little, not being able to stop herself from thinking he was so adorable.

You did good,, sleep...

That was a cute way to end this
Midoriya is so adorable, who could
hate that baby?

Also, I will be speeding past the
more smaller fights because I wanna get to
the internships so next chapter is:


I'm excited! I can't wait.
Don't forget to comment and vote,
please do not be a ghost reader.

love you all and stay safe.

BαΊ‘n Δ‘ang đọc truyện trΓͺn: Truyen247.Pro