ππππ. ππππ πππππ
what are some of the things
should Tomomi do during her
time interning with Miruko?
it can be as funny as you want
it to be...
Also i've decided to skip the
last fight because i am exhausted
at this point and i want to save
my energy for the camp arc.
which will be pretty long and
btw, the number of hero offers
will be made up since i have terrible
memory and I don't remember the
exact numbers so bare with me.
it's fanfiction. don't take everything
too serious.
( her hairstyle for this chapter
is in the media above. )
do not be a ghost reader! make
yourself known! I welcome everyone.
Β Β Β It had been two days since the Sports Festival. Tomomi won 3rd place for her fight with her brother and how she performed during the event. Shoto won second because he wanted to do one last thing that would make their father mad. Which, in result, caused Bakugou to win the Sports Festival as the 1st place winner. Much to his dismay.
Β Β Β He wasn't mad about being 1st place. He was mad at the fact that Shoto didn't put up more of a fight during the battle. He really wanted to fight him and see his fire side up close. But because Shoto didn't give him that satisfaction, he was pissed off. Or more than usual.
Β Β Β Tomomi and Momo hung out together as soon as the twins made it to school that morning. Shoto left to class rather early that morning because he didn't get much sleep the night before and he didn't feel like standing around.
Β Β The two rich best friends began talking about the festival and other random things as Tomomi rummaged through her locker.
Β Β "That fight you had with Shoto was....intense." Momo said, clutching her books in her arms as she was brought back to the festival. "I swear, I have never seen two people fight so hard before."
Β Β Tomomi chuckled, closing her locker. She moved a stray strand of her hair out of her face. Her hair was braided in a loose fishtail braid with a few pieces of wavy white hair framing her face. Courtesy of Natsuo and his weird talent for braiding hair.
Β Β "That's nothing. The both of us rarely ever argue but when we do, its much worse than what we showed two days ago." She said as they began making their way to class.
Β Β Momo frowned a bit. What was worse than nearly shredding your brother into ribbons? Surely, she's joking. Because if their fights weren't as bad as their arguments, she would hate to have to be around when they get each other mad.
Β Β "Besides, Shoto and I are used to it." She mumbled, shrugging. "We train together on our free time."
Β Β "You and your brother are surely interesting beings." Momo chuckled a little.
Β Β Β As soon as the two girls entered the class room, Tomomi was bombarded by most of her classmates. All expressed worry for her and her brother. She had to still be in the infirmary during the award ceremony so Shoto accepted her medal for her and gave it to her as soon as she was cleared that same day.
Β Β So none of them saw her after that day untill now.
Β Β "TODO-CHAN~!" Mina yelled, tackling her in a big hug like always. This time, Tomomi was prepared so she skillfully caught her before she could cause them to fall. "I was so worried about you!"
Β Β "Yeah, you and Todoroki really beat the hell out of each other." Kirishima added. "But it was so cool how you changed the weather like that."
Β Β "What do you expect from our very own Khione." Denki praised, grinning a prize winning grin.
Β Β Everyone, except Tomomi and Momo, looked at him with confusion. "Who?" Sero asked.
Β Β "Khione?" Denki tried again, looking at everyone with an expectant look. "You know...Greek Mythology? The goddess of the northern winds and snow? Am I the only one who is interested in history in this class?!"
Β Β "We're surprised that you're interested in school, at all." Kirishima replied, deadpanned.
Β Β "Be that as it may, that fight was so awesome." Denki said, ignoring his insult. "We had no idea the two of you could do so much."
Β Β "Well, yes-"
Β Β Β "Out of my way, losers." Bakugou interrupted her by shoving Denki out of the way of the door. He had a sour look on his face as he made his way to his desk. "Hey, Frost Bite."
Β Β The rest sweat dropped. Of course, everyone else gets his asshole remarks while Tomomi gets his kind greeting. That guy had it bad and he refused to acknowlege it.
Β Β Β "Good morning, Katsuki-chan." She greeted back, smiling at him as she made her way to her desk.
Β Β Β Soon, Aizawa entered the classroom and he was without his bandages. He looked way better than what Tomomi remembered at the Sports Festival. It was good to see he was healed up, finally.
Β Β Β "Ribbit, Mr.Aizawa, your bandages are gone." Tsu pointed out. "I'm glad."
Β Β Β "The old lady went overboard with her treatment." Aizawa grumbled, setting his cup of coffee down on his desk. "More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today."
Β Β Β The entire class looked at him either confused or nervous. So before he could say anything, Tomomi beat him to it. "He means code names or hero names."
Β Β Β Soon, the class finally got it and cheered. But Aizawa shut them up quickly by using his quirk, making them fall into silence.
Β Β "That is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day." He explains. "The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assest to the pros. In other words, for them to extend the offers to first years like you, shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."
Β Β Β "So even when we are picked, we still have to worry about keeping the interest alive?" Tomomi asked, thinking everything over.
Β Β "That's right." Aizawa said, showing the offers to the students. "So here are the totals for those offers with offers."
Tomomi Todoroki : 51523 offers
Shoto Todoroki: 51422 offers
Katsuki Bakugou: 41022 offers
Fumikage Tokoyami: 670 offers
Tenya Iida: 534 offers
Denki Kaminari: 520 offers
Momo Yaoyorouzu: 489 offers
Eijiro Kirishima: 342 offers
Ochaco Uraraka: 22 offers
Hanta Sero: 14 offers
Β Β Β Tomomi was very shocked to see her name as first on the list, having the most offers. She was a few offers ahead of Shoto. She, for sure, thought Shoto was going to get more than her. Or even Bakugou.
Β Β "In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three this year." Aizawa pointed to their names on the board.
Β Β "Woah, Tomo-chan, Todoroki and Bakugou are the top three!" Mina gasped looking at the amounts next to their names.
Β Β "Its the opposite of their placements in the Sports Festival." Kirishima added.
Β Β "Some people are too scared to ask for a guy who had to be restrained on the podium." Sero said, chuckling a little.
Β Β "WHAT'RE THE PRO SCARED OF?!" Bakugou yelled with fire in his eyes.
Β Β "I can understand why the Todoroki twins are top two." Mineta said. "Their fight shook the entire arena, literally! So a lot of pro heroes would be interested in them."
Β Β "Especially with them being the kids of Endeavor, the second best hero known." Denki added, agreeing. "They saw what his kids can do so naturally they would want them to work with one of them."
Β Β Tomomi grimaced at the mention of their father. She didn't want nor needed her father's name to get her anywhere in life and she wishes she could tell people to stop without spilling their secret.
Β Β Β "Keeping these results in mind whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in interships with pros." Aizawa said, interruping the talking. "Which also brings me to this. Miss Todoroki."
Β Β "Yes, Mr.Aizawa?" Tomomi replied, slightly jumping at the mention of her name all of a sudden.
Β Β "I was told to pass on a message to you." He informed. "The Famous Hero, Miruko, wants to let you know she's interested in having you intern for her and would like to know your answer as soon as you can give it."
Β Β "WHAT?!" Nearly everyone in the classroom exclaimed so loudly, Aizawa was so sure that the entire school could hear.
Β Β "THE Bunny Hero, Miruko?!" Denki yelled, stunned.
Β Β "She is known as like...the toughest female hero ever!" Kirishima added.
Β Β "And she wants to work with Tomo-chan?! That's so cool!" Hagakure cheered. "You're so lucky!"
Β Β Β Everyone turned to see Tomomi's reaction but all they got was a girl staring blankly into space at the news. Her face slowly began to turn hot and red, her eyes were the size of dinner plates and she seemed to be stuck in time.
Β Β Her....her favorite hero and one of her role models.....wanted her to intern with her? Was this reality? What was happening?
Β Β "Miss Todoroki?" Aizawa waved a hand in front of her face, trying to get her to come back to reality.
Β Β "I think you broke her, Mr. Aizawa." Momo said, chuckling nervously.
Β Β "Miruko must be her favorite hero." Shouji pointed out.
Β Β "You have no idea." Shoto said, nearly chuckling at his sister's frozen state. "She draws and writes made up manga about all of her favorite heroes. She's currently 23 books deep into hers."
Β Β "Your sister draws and writes manga?" Denki asked, incredulously. "Can this girl get any better?"
Β Β After Aizawa explained the interships, Tomomi finally snapped out of her daze enough to see that they have already moved on to the hero names. She even noticed that Midnight was in the classroom now.
Β Β "Well, that's how it is. So Midnight will be making sure your names are okay." Aizawa said, sitting down. "I can't do stuff like that. When you give yourself a name, you get a more concrete image of what you want to be like in the future and you can get closer to it. This is what it means when they say 'Namea and Natures do often agree' like "All Might" or something."
Β Β Β "You all have 15 minutes to think up a name." Midnight said, signalling them to start.
Β Β Β After 15 minutes, Tomomi had trouble thinking up a name as her classmates presented before her. She didn't really hear all of their names as she kept thinking of a name that best suited her.
"King Explosion Murder." Bakugou's voice made her pay attention.
Β Β She looked up and saw his white board did, indeed, say King Explosion Murder. Which made her sweat drop. How....violent.....
Β Β Β "This is what I thought of: Uravity." Uraraka said, after Bakugou was sent to think of another name.
Β Β Midnight smiled at her. "All that is left is Bakugou, who needs to rethink of a name, and Miss Tomomi Todoroki."
Β Β Tomomi sighed, making the final decision on the name she randomly put together. She looked at her whiteboard nervously before making her way to the front of the class. Midnight gave her the floor and an encouraging smile, allowing her to speak.
Β Β Β "The Arctic Hero: Sub-Zero." She stated, showing her name on her mini white board.
Β Β Β "Badass name, Miss Tomomi." Midnight complimented. "It's nice to see strong female heroes taking their stance and that name speaks volumns. May I ask what made you think of this name?"
Β Β Β "Very well." Tomomi turned back to the class after glancing at Midnight. "I was born with my quirk developing at an early age. At a young age, I could already freeze half of my entire home, I could stop and make snowfall, and I was able to change the temperature in any place I am in. I thought this name would suit me better than anything else."
Β Β "How well thought out that was." Midnight praised. "What a way to use your past to make such a nice name."
Β Β Β Tomomi smiled at her, causing the male students ( excluding Shoto ) to suddenly fall in a love struck daze again. She blinked when she noticed the looks she was getting from them.
Β Β Midnight hid a chuckle as she watched the entire moment. This girl must also have a hypnosis quirk or something because she has this whole class in the palm of her hands.
Β Β Β After Tomomi sat back down, Iida came up and decided to just use his name as his hero name, much like what Shoto decided to do. And then Midoriya went up and he used the name Deku.
Β Β Which she learned he didn't like at first but decided to change the meaning of it by making the name his own. Something Tomomi found so admiring about him.
Β Β Bakugou went back up but his new name was just as violent as the other one so Midnight gave up trying with him and allowed it.
Β Β Β "So Miruko wants you to intern in her agency, huh?" Tokoyami said as he leaned on a locker next to his friend's.
Β Β Β Lunch time rolled in and Tomomi told Bakugou and Shoto that she and Tokoyami will meet them in the cafeteria because they had to do last minute prep for today's Literature Club meeting.
Β Β "Seems so." She mumbled, pulling out two stacks of greek mythology books. "I am reluctant, though....I know Shoto is sticking with our father and I don't want to leave him behind."
Β Β "What does Shoto say?" Tokoyami asked, taking the books from her.
Β Β "He wants me to go for it." She said, closing the door and leading the way to the library in the West Wing. "He says if one of us has to be tortured by actually spending time with him, then it should be him."
Β Β "Maybe it's because you are more likely to actually do something if you were interning with him." Tokoyami scoffed out humorously.
Β Β Tomomi chuckled a little. With what little she has told Tokoyami about their father, he already could tell the level of hate they had for him. Even though his information as to why is next to nothing. But he doesn't want to question her about it. It's better if she told him, when she's ready.
Β Β Just as Tokoyami was about to say something, he was interrupted by another voice.
Β Β "Well, hey there, princess."
Β Β Β Tomomi recognized the voice belonging to Shinso. The same student who gave her that advice about Monoma at the Sports Festival. Tokoyami remembers him because he insulted him and his class when they first met.
Β "Shinso-san, hello." She greeted, bowing a little and flashing a smile at him.
Β Β Shinso rubbed the back of his head and fought back a small blush that was forming on his face. "Uh....You and your friend doing light reading?"
Β Β "No, these are for our literature club." She informed, gesturing to the stacks of books Tokoyami was currently holding. "The library didn't have enough for all of the new members so I bought some of the same issue. This week, we're talking about Greek Mythology."
Β Β How can I not know about the literature club? There's a waiting list to even be in the club because of her. Most of them are guys. Shinso thought to himself.
Β Β Tomomi and Tokoyami's literature club got so full in a short period of time, they actually have a waiting list just to gain access. Mostly by the male students. And it didn't matter which grade they came from, either.
Β Β Tokoyami likes to think Tomomi became an unknown spokesperson for their club. Because most of the male students that join the club aren't actually into books and the history of reading and stories. They only joined because they wanted to get close to Tomomi, thinking they all had a shot with her.
Β Β Some boys are even placing bets to see who would have the balls to go up to her and talk to her in the hall ways. Their only obstacles, Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki. Two of which are known around the school to be very protective of her.
Β Β With Shoto, they can understand. That's her twin brother. But with Bakugou, most thought they were dating with how protective he was with her. So they got too scared to say anything to her.
Β Β "You're welcomed to join us, if you'd like." She offered.
Β Β "No, reading mythology isn't my thing, princess." Shinso smirked a little at her. "But that doesn't mean you won't see me there some other time."
Β Β Tomomi turned pink at his nickname to her while Tokoyami raised an eyebrow at him. Shinso was definitely an interesting character. He just hopes that Bakugou doesn't run into him when he's talking to Tomomi.
Β Β "See you around, princess." Shinso said, flashing her a lazy grin before walking away from them.
Β Β Β "What an interesting character he is." Tokoyami said. Tomomi chuckled lightly at his words.
Β Β Β "Come on, Bakugou is an impatient boy."
should i write a mini chapter
of one of the literature club meeting?
i feel like i should.
anyways, i might update another
groupchat soon, who knows
love you all and do not be a
ghost reader! I like talking to you
love you and stay safe!
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