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I have a Devilman Crybaby
book out. I'll start writing
for it soon after I'm done
with this book and the MHA
movies book I plan on doing.
Because I know many people
like to skip the authors notes
( Don't do that, I hate repeating
myself ), I plan on making a section
for the special chapters on here and
I plan on writing the MHA movies
in a different book so that it won't
interfere with the story.
By the way, the winner of the polls are
as follows:
Hero Name: Sub-Zero
Internship: Miruko
But I'm sure you all knew that already.
Either way, I will be deleting the poll
since I have my answer now. Thank you all
for voting.
Do not be a ghost reader. I shouldn't have
a greater amount of reads than votes and
followers. Make yourself known, I love you all
and I love reading reactions and such.
Happy Reading!
Dabi was a liar. That much was figured out the day he left his entire family behind. The day he left his siblings behind, his mother and his old dreams. He was no longer Touya Todoroki, a boy with hopes that he can make his abusive father proud. He was now a man with too much blood on his hands and too much evil in his heart.
He knew he wasn't always like this. This.....monster.
He was someone's son, someone's older brother. He was Tomomi's older brother and only other happiness besides Shoto, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Rei. And for a while, he was her only reason to live on.
But the pain that stained his once pure heart was too much even for him to stay the way he was. So he had to kill Touya in order to be Dabi. And that's exactly what he did. And he didn't even look back.
Dabi knew someday their paths would cross. Especially since he was so hellbent on killing Enji Todoroki. He knew some day he would have to face his younger siblings. Perhaps all of them, perhaps only Shoto.
But he knew he would never be prepared to face his youngest sister. Tomomi, as dead as his heart was, still remained in it. Even if she was shadowed by his agenda.
A part of his brain, in which he refused to acknowledge, kept making him feel guilty for leaving her behind and breaking his promise to her. To this day, he wished he had went with taking her with him in the dead of night.
She was a lot like his old self, he realized. She was a lot like Touya. So calm, collected, smart and skillful. But she would never be like Dabi. Angry, vengeful, vindictive and manipulative.
And as fucked up as it he may be, he wasn't so evil as to push his views on his baby sister like that. Try and convince her to understand and join him, maybe. But he couldn't push his deadly agenda on her.
"You've been staring at the tv all day." Kurogiri interrupted is deep thinking. "What's eating you?"
Dabi grumbled a little, his eyes never leaving the tv as the Sports Festival played. There was a moment where a news reporter pointed their camera right on Tomomi Todoroki.
She got rid of the red streak, he notices. Bottom layer of her hair was red now. She noticed the camera on her and smiled kindly, waving hello to it with some girl with a wild ponytail standing next to her, doing the same thing.
Tomomi Todoroki, one half of the Todoroki Twins, Ice Empress. That's what they called her on tv. A face that haunted his dreams.
"Mind your business," Was all Dabi told Kurogiri. "Shouldn't you be bothering someone else?"
"Well, I was but I see you sitting a the bar, all alone and so I thought Why not guess what's Dabi thinking? and here I am." Kurogiri sarcastically explained before looking at the TV. "Bunch of idiots, huh?"
"Hmmm." He hummed, barely paying attention to him.
"I think they would be fun to play with." A new voice entered the bar. Dabi and Kurogiri looked to see Shimesu sitting to the right of him at the bar.
Dabi never liked this guy. In fact, he didn't really like most of the people he met but Shimesu, though as young as Tomomi and Shoto ( only two year apart, to be accurate ), was a strong asset. Handsome but creepy, he was. His long black hair could turn into tentacles and he was always dressed in a black shirt, a black and white striped long sleeve undershirt, black pants and black shoes. And array of e-boy looking chains around his neck.
If anything, he looked like a teenage e-boy rather than a villain. But since when do villains have that much of a costume design choice?
"Especially that Tomomi," He continued, nearly licking his lips as he watched her on the screen. They were showing recaps of the past games and every time they showed her, he would have this grin on his face. A grin that Dabi wanted to burn off his stupid face.
"Isn't that the one Shigaraki is interested in?" Kurogiri asked.
Last meeting, Shigaraki told them of his interest in Tomomi Todoroki. For some reason, he stated how she would be an asset to their cause and one of his plans, the next time they infiltrate UA, was to also capture her. She would make good ransom for Endeavor and by some convincing, she could be persuaded into joining them.
Dabi didn't show it but he felt like it was a stupid plan on his part. If only he knew that Endeavor didn't give a rat's ass about his own family, he would have pushed that plan aside. But he knew what Shigaraki meant when he said convincing.
He meant torture. He wanted to break the heroes spirit by breaking her down emotionally, mentally and, in some cases, physically. Because a televised torturing of a child will surely bend them to the League's will. Even worse if they could make her join them.
It was to show that heroes can't save everyone. But because Dabi had a plan, he had to go along with some of the agenda. Even if there was something in his mind telling him to stop it.
"Yeah, the same one that knocked your ass out at the USJ," Dabi said snidely, downing the rest of his alcoholic drink. "Getting your ass handed to you by a first year student was the highlight of my day."
Shimesu glared at Dabi, also never liking him. To him, Dabi was too cocky, reckless and less tactical to be in this league. But he was ruthless and that was enough for them. Still, Shimesu hated his entire being.
"It was very interesting to see that you weren't there." He replied, sarcastically. "In fact, it seemed like most of us did the work. Where were you? Sleeping on the job?"
"No, I was learning how to make fried calamari. Wanna volunteer in contributing? I'd be happy to teach you." Dabi shot back, getting himself another drink.
Kurogiri sighed, knowing that Shimesu was quick to anger and Dabi knew how to push his buttons. Even he had to admit, Dabi often underestimated his ability to drive a person to the brink of insanity solely based on the fact that he can be a huge pain in the ass. But that was what made him fun to be around.
There was never a dull moment with Dabi.
"You wanna say that again, burnt bitch?"
"I do, in fact..." Dabi dranked his second glass of whatever he was given and stood up, flashing Shimesu a smirk. "You want me to turn you into calamari? Oh wait, isn't that what happened to your brother? No, no...I just remembered he's getting fucked in prison for his interest in little boys, isn't he?"
3...2...1... Kurogiri thought, watching the would be fight that was about to happen.
Sensitive about his brother, Shimesu stood up, taking his hair out of the low ponytail and allowing his tentacles to come alive as he burned a hole into Dabi with his glare. Everyone knew of his older brother being in prison and that the reason he was in there was a sore spot for the kid. And yet, here Dabi was using it against him.
Dabi smirked at him, lifting his hand as it surrounded itself in blue flames. "You really don't want these problems, Shimesu...I suggest you sit your slimy ass down and shut up like the kid you are."
"Afraid of getting beat by a kid?" Shimesu taunted. "Of course you are. You're all talk and no bite."
"How about I show you how vicious my bite is since you're so curious?"
"How about the both of you shut the hell up and act like adults?" The gravelly voice of Shirgaraki interrupted the fight from happening as he looked at the two with annoyed glances. "If you're gonna kill each other, do it elsewhere. I don't care where, but not here."
Dabi scoffed, dropping his hand before shoving them in his pockets. "Whatever you say, ashtray." With that, he began leaving the bar. "Call me when some fun actually starts."
Shigaraki sighed inaudibly. He really really despised Dabi and his smarmy attitude to everyone. If it weren't for the fact that he was good at his job, he would have been killed a long time.
Shimesu scoffed at him after Dabi roughly bumped his shoulder as he passed him.
"Find me when you want to die, Davy Jones looking bitch." Dabi said to him before completely leaving.
Yes, Dabi was a liar. But he was also an evil man with many secrets. Many things no one will never know about him. Including why he cared so much for his sister still.
I just wanted to give some insight
on Dabi's current state of mind pertaining
to Tomomi. You can start to see how good of a
liar he is and how he can keep his care for her
under control.
Dabi is still an evil man now but he is an evil man
that cares. Even if it is a very small part of him. I
don't want to change his character at all.
Also Shimesu may or may not be Tomomi's arch enemy.
By the way, I prewrite chapters in a notebook
and I am at the camp arc. I gotta say.....That
arc, when I type it here, is going to hurt you all
like hell. Because I started crying while writing it.
I both dread getting to it but I'm excited to do it.
Nothing like trauma to bring a couple together....Right?
Don't forget to comment and vote.
I love you all and stay safe wherever you are.
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