πππππ. ππππππ πππ πππππ
welcome back to
We are at one of
my favorite arcs
of the show, second
to the camping arc.
are you all excited?
i am
please don't be a
ghost reader, comment
a lot so that I have motivation
to continue because i've been
feeling a little less enthusiastic
about this book but what keeps
me going is my love for the show
and knowing that you all comment
and stuff.......
Β Β Β Β Β Β Some time has passed and the project was done with. But both Bakugou and Tomomi remained friends. They even hang out a lot with each other. And while that was great, he still had jealous feelings over the fact that Tomomi and Tokoyami also became good friends. The two held Literature Club meeting every Thursdays and Mondays, they had Bird Watcher's Club every Fridays and they often volunteered at the Bird Observatory in the middle of the city.
Β Β Bakugou, being very jealous, would often go to their volunteer job because he couldn't stand that 'bird bitch' being near his friend. Many people would say he has feelings for her but he would just yell at them and threaten to blow them up if they say anything about it. Be that as it may, there was no denying that Tomomi had Bakugou wrapped around her dainty finger...
Β Β And it showed tremendously. All of 1-A became closer with each other after the incident at USJ. Tomomi and Shoto somehow became even closer to each other than they have been before. The attack scared him something awful and he didn't want to spend a waking moment without showing how much he appreciates his sister. That attack was scary and he never wanted to think about her in that state again.
Β Β It was the night before a new week of school and Tomomi was currently sitting on the carpeted floor of her room while Shoto sat next to her, reading off of a box of hair dye.
Β Β She decided to get rid of the red streak and dye the bottom back layer of her hair the same shade of red. Will their father be annoyed? yes, he will but they didn't care. He wasn't around long enough to notice.
Β Β "We have three more minutes before we wash the red dye out." Shoto informed, setting the box down.
Β Β Tomomi had foil around the red streak and the rest of her white hair was tied up into a bun. She was wearing one of Natsuo's old shirts. "I am rather happy about this, Shoto." She admitted, smiling to herself. "I feel....new."
Β Β "You'll look a lot like mom, now." He chuckled out, smiling softly at her.
Β Β Tomomi had been so busy lately with school and clubs that she had been missing visits with Shoto and she felt very bad about it. But she promised herself she would visit this weekend for sure. From what Fuyumi has told her, Rei misses her youngest daughter very much and she missed seeing her around.
Β Β "She misses you, you know." Shoto said, standing up and walking over to her. "She would love to see sometime again."
Β Β "I know," Tomomi groaned, standing up and walking to the bathroom with him. "I feel bad. I haven't had the time to see her because of school but I do promise to visit her this weekend."
Β Β "She would love that." Shoto said, turning on the faucet. "Come on, sis, time to see the new you."
Β Β Tomomi giggled a little, ducking her head into the water. Shoto took the foil wrap off of her hair and began helping her wash out the red dye.
Β Β Fuyumi walked past the bathroom when she stopped and saw the twins looking busy as ever. Shoto was currently rinsing Tomomi's hair with the retractable water faucet while Tomomi held onto a black towel. The sight was both adorable and comical.
Β Β It was always funny to see Shoto and Tomomi do such trivial things together. Even cuter when they would often move in sync or even make the same facial expressions. The twins had twin telepathy so they often said the same thing at the same time, could talk to each other through their thoughts and make the same movements. They were that in sync.
Β Β "And what are you little devil twins doing?" She asked, leaning on the threshold with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.
Β Β Tomomi whipped her wet hair back and began drying it with her towel while Shoto dodged her. Her hair was still hip length so when she tossed it, he could still get hit by it.
Β Β "Dying my hair." She said, letting her hair fall all around her.
Β Β The red streak was gone and in it's place, was white hair that matched the rest of her hair perfectly. the bottom back layer of her hair was now bold red and it contrasted nicely to the rest of her hair. The red entangled into the white in soft waves and beautifully. The red hair reached from the back of her ears to the nape of her neck so it was very much noticeable.
Β Β Fuyumi had to admit, she looked beautiful. And she looked happier with the new look. And that made her happy. To know her baby sister was coming out of her shell even more.
Β Β "You look good, baby sis." Fuyumi complimented, walking over to them.
Β Β Shoto looked at her through the mirror with a proud smirk on his face. "And you were worried that I would mess up the back."
Β Β "You informed me that this was the first time you have dyed hair so, of course, I was worried." Tomomi joked, earning a light shove.
Β Β "Don't sass the older twin."
Β Β "Okay, you two, time for dinner." Fuyumi chuckled out, leaving the bathroom. "You two still have school tomorrow."
Β Β Β The next morning, Tomomi and Shoto made it to homeroom some time before the bell rung. Fuyumi had curled her hair slightly so that her new hair color could pop even more so it fell in soft curly ends, a middle part framing her face and light makeup. She had even gotten a proper chain for her broken snowflake hairclip and got it turned into a necklace.
Β Β "Good morning, Miss To-" Iida greeted but stopped when he noticed her new look. "T-T-T-T-T-"
Β Β "Good morning, Iida-kun," She greeted elegantly back, bowing with a closed eye smile. "Lovely morning, is it not?"
Β Β "Uh-um-" Iida stuttered out, struggling to speak as his face grew rapidly red. He cleared his throat "Ahem! What a lovely....morning, indeed."
Β Β He straightened his glasses all while unsuccessfully trying to stop the blushing in his cheeks. Tomomi giggled, noticing his school tie was a bit crooked. She suddenly straightened it for him, causing him to stiffen. She even smelled as beautiful as she was.
Β Β "You're tie is crooked." Tomomi pointed out, standing back. "That is unlike you, Iida-kun."
Β Β "Y-Yes, well I-"
Β Β "Out of my way, Four Eyes." Bakugou's voice rung in their ears as Iida was shovedΒ out of the entrance of the classroom harshly.
Β Β "BAKUGOU, WE DO NOT SHOVE FELLOW STUDENTS!" Iida scolded, waving his hand viciously. Tomomi stood back, not wanting to get hit.
Β Β But Bakugou could care less about him. As he sat down in his seat, he noticed Tomomi and her new look. His breath hitched in his throat and a light blush graced his face. Ever since he became her appointed best friend, he had noticed how many times he has almost died because Tomomi looked prettier in certain moments. And now, he knows she'll for sure be the death of him.
Β Β "Good morning, Katsuki-chan~" Tomomi smiled at him.
Β Β Before he can reply, Shouji interrupted them as he walked into the class room with a big stack of flyers. "Tomo-chan, I printed out the flyers for the Literature Club recruitments like you wanted." He informed. "But the school librarians were having trouble getting more color ink so we'll have to wait another week."
Β Β "Of course, Shouji. Thank you." She thanked, "You're a lot of help."
Β Β Shouji just nodded and left to sit them at the back of the room. Bakugou frowned as he watched the tall student walk away. "Why didn't you ask me to help?"
Β Β Tomomi blinked at him. "Because you were busy that day and I didn't want to bother you."
Β Β "You can get my help anytime you want, dumbass." Bakugou grumbled, crossing his arms. "All you have to do is ask."
Β Β Β Tomomi smiled at him. He had become nicer to her as their friendship grew. He was only nice to her. Everyone else got the same mean and angry Bakugou. There was just something about that smile that made him soft on the inside but he'll never admit it.
Β Β "Tomo-chan, you look really divine." Momo complimented as soon as she walked into the classroom. Tomomi grinned at her as she picked up a few strands of her red hair. "I must say, it suites you dearly."
Β Β "Thank you, Momo-chan." She thanked. "Is that a new bracelet?"
Β Β "Yes, it is!"
Β Β The two rich girls suddenly engaged into a conversation about jewelry. Complimenting each other and even talking about different shops they wanted to go to.
Β Β "Aside from Tomo-chan's new look, listening to them talk is like listening to two royal princesses conversate about tea and other stuff." Kirishima chuckled out as he watched the two girls talk. "Or even two queens."
Β Β "I wonder what they're talking about." Denki wondered curiously. "No matter, Tomomi looks super hot now. Bakugou has a lot of competition now-"
Β Β "If you don't shut the hell up, I will blast you to kingdom come." Bakugou angrily said, knocking him upside the head out of no where.
Β Β "I'm telling Tomo on you!" Denki tearfully shouted, rubbing his head.
Β Β "Do it and see what happens."
Β Β "Okay, class," Aizawa said, making his presence known. "Everyone shut up and sit down, class will start soon."
Β Β Β The rest of the school day went by particularly fast. All anyone could talk about was the upcoming Sports Festival and how much each class wanted to win. Tomomi was a bit excited about it but was more reserved about it. Her and Momo talked about it all lunch while Bakugou went to get her lunch.
Β Β Β She tried to do it herself but Bakugou yelled at her about him trying to be a gentleman for once and that she should go sit down and wait for him. So she and Momo waited for his return with Shoto, who just wanted to hang out with his sister, as they went to the lunch line.
Β Β By the time school ended, no one was able to leave because students from different classes crowded the doorway, whispering and chatting as they stared at them.
Β Β "W-What's going on?" Uraraka asked as Tomomi stood next to her.
Β Β "What business do you have with our class?" Iida tried asking them but no one answered.
Β Β "We can't get out!" Mineta exclaimed, shocked by the amount of students outside their class.
Β Β "Scouting out the enemies, Small Fry." Bakugou said, gaining their attention as he stood next to Tomomi. "We're the one's who made it out of a villain attack. And one of us was fatally injured by one."
Β Β Β Tomomi looked down at her stomach, remembering the stab she took. He was right. Once this news of the attack hit the school, she had been getting a lot of stares and whispers everywhere she went. It didn't bother her but she wished they didn't have to be so noticeable with it.
Β Β "There's no point in doing stuff like this," Bakugou continued as he stood right in front of the suddenly nervous crowd of students, glaring daggers their way. "Out of our way, extras! We got a club meeting to attend to."
Β Β Tomomi frowned a little as her classmates scolded him for making them seem like arrogant kids. Which she could tell that was what the other students now thought because of his reckless banter.
Β Β Wanting to calm the situation down, Tomomi quickly walked over to the door to apologize for him but was cut off by a tall student with dark eyes and purple hair. "I came to see what the famous class 1-A is like." He spoke, looking at all of them with a bored expression. "But you seem pretty arrogant. Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned."
Β Β "Not all of us are like that." Tomomi said, not liking his attitude towards her friends. "Katsuki-chan might be a bit reckless but you shouldn't judge a class by the actions of one student. It makes you look bias and, quite frankly, generic."
Β Β The purple haired student looked down at her and raised an eyebrow at her. He noticed she looked a lot like the other kid with half red and half white hair. The Todoroki Twins, they were. He had heard whispers of them being Endeavor's kids and of her nearly dying during that villain attack.
Β Β She was an ice quirk user and, from what he has heard, she is very skilled in using it. It also was a bonus to see how beautiful they say she was. And she lived up to the expectations.
Β Β "Now, on behalf of Katsuki-chan, I apologize for his behaviour and I assure you that our actions do not reflect his." She apologized kindly and diligently. Which shocked him and the other students around him. "You're here about the Sports Festival, correct? Well, may the best class win and I wish you all luck."
Β Β The purple haired kid, named Shinsou, stood there flabbergasted as she grabbed Bakugou's hand and tugged him along with her through the crowd. But not before stopping to inform her classmates of club duties.
Β Β "The meeting will be held in the library in the west wing today." She said with a kind smile. "I will see you all there."
Β Β With that, She tugged Bakugou with her to the direction of the library as eyes followed them.
Β Β "Wow, what a woman." Kirishima marveled with stars in his eyes.
Β Β "She looks so pretty when she's being a leader." Denki swooned dreamily, smiling goofy as he imagined himself marrying Tomomi.
Β Β "The prettiest~" both Midoriya and Sero followed along, also flashing goofy lovestruck smiles. They looked like they were drunk, if anything.
Β Β "Hey, I wanna join!" some boy from a different class yelled, taking off running to the library. And soon after, many other boys all had the same idea and ran after him, screaming "I wanna join!"/ "Me too!" / I like clubs, I wanna sign up!"
Β Β "Well, that's one way to get people to sign up." Tokoyami said sarcastically, gathering his bag as Shouji carried the flyers. "See you all in the library. Don't be late."
Β Β Shoto sighed almost annoyingly. He could tell that this was only going to get worse from here and he would have to stop himself from freezing people if they get too close to her.
Alright, who's here for the
I am legit giving Tomomi
a small harem but like, not
really since they all just think
she's pretty or whatever. It's
all for fun...
Hope you all are ready!
I am! love you!
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