As always, don't forget to
comment and vote. It is
always appreciated....
Now we are closer to the
Sports Festival arch and I
have to ask, who should
Tomomi fight in the Fesitval?
for now, people from different
classes only. ...
Also, a crush is way different
from loving someone and
Tomomi will be the one to realize
her crush on Bakugou way sooner than
he will acknowledge his feelings
I just think it would be cute to
see her attempt to show she has
a crush on him and he's oblivious
at first.
( by the way, to get a feel of how
Tomomi's hair looks when it's wavy,
It looks exactly like Eri's hair, the middle
part and loose waves, just to let you know )
Listen to the song CRUSH by Tessa Violet
That is literally Bakugou and Tomomi's
theme song. ( amongst other songs )
When Tomomi and Shoto got home from school, she did her homework and then decided to do a little research. Which consisted of her watching a multitude of romantic comedy movies in the living room. She was unfamiliar with the feeling of romance and having crushes but she wanted to know why she seemed to always feel her heart beat fast whenever he was around her.....
Or why she seemed to catch herself staring into his volcanic red eyes longer than a friend should. She knew what a crush was but she didn't know how to deal with these feelings. She learned how to make friends through movies, surely she can learn what to do with a crush the same way.
Fuyumi walked into the living room as she fixed her glasses. She paused when she saw her younger sister glued to the tv. There was a familiar high school romcom playing. Tomomi looked as if she was analyzing the actor's every moves. From the shy glances and smiles to the gift exchanges. It was honestly so cute to her to she Tomomi so curious about something like that.
She often forgot how much she missed out as a child because of their father.
"Hey, Icyhead, whatcha watching?" Fuyumi asked, sitting next to her on the couch. Icyhead was an old and cutesy nickname Fuyumi gave to her and it stuck within the family ever since.
"I don't get it." Tomomi mumbled, sighing as she sat back. "It's not telling me anything I need to do."
"What is?" The older sister asked, wondering what was on her mind.
"I have been feeling...strange lately." Tomomi confessed. "And it only happens when I'm around Katsuki-chan."
Fuyumi slowly started to smile after hearing those words. It all made sense. The romcom, the slight blush on her face. Her baby sister has a crush on this Katsuki kid and she doesn't know how to handle it.
"Awww, somebody's been bitten by the love bug~" She teased, poking her cheek. "You're experiencing your first ever crush, Icyhead."
"Crush?" Tomomi questioned, thinking about it. So that's why I have mini heart attacks around him?
"Does that mean I love him?" She asked, looking at her older sister with curiosity. "I think I'm too young for that.
"No, no sweetie." Fuyumi corrected. "It just mean you really like him. Maybe that like goes beyond friendship but it's not love yet. A romantic gesture, yes but you gotta like someone before you love them. That's how it works."
Tomomi understood now. So her crush on Katsuki was evident but she didn't love him yet. But what if this feeling was temporary? Would she be hurting him in the process? How does she show him her crush on him?
"What am I supposed to do, though?"
Another smile slowly graced her lips after she asked that. And something told Tomomi that she might regret it.
The next day came along like a silver bullet. It felt like Tomomi didn't get enough sleep last night even though she was out like a light as soon as she climbed into bed. All she could think about was what Fuyumi told her in the morning before they left to school.
"Remember, try to be yourself and also, when you catch him staring or glancing at you, tuck your hair behind your ear as if you weren't paying attention to him. I guarantee it will work." Fuyumi instructed as she fixed Tomomi's hair that morning.
She even made up her face a little. Just a little pink tint and mascara. There was hues of light blue around the outer corners of her eyes which looked like eyeshadow, also thanks to her quirk. So makeup was never a thing for her. But as her older sister, and since she always gets excited about bonding with her little sister in anyway she can, she wanted Tomomi to experience her first chance at young love.
"But he might yell at me again." Tomomi mumbled, fiddling with her fingers. "Every time I smile at him, he gets mad at me and I don't know why.....Does he not like me?"
"What does he say when he yells at you?" She asked, pausing.
" 'Stop those damn sneak attacks! It's illegal!' " She imitated his voice as best as she could.
'So he DOES like her.' Fuyumi giddily thought, wanting to squeal. It was always cute with how oblivious Tomomi is. Especially when Shoto complains to her that he has to watch every boy in their class because they all think she's beautiful.
The Todoroki curse. Fuyumi knew it would happen. She and Shoto were good looking kids. They were bound to have a few admirers.
"Well, this Bakugou kid would have to an idiot to not like you."
"Good morning, Katsuki-chan~" Tomomi greeted a tiny bit enthusiastic after Bakugou made it to homeroom that morning. Or a little happier than she usually is. Which wasn't much. Given the fact that she tends to keep a neutral face and a cold aura.
Anyone who watched could easily tell she was showing some type of interest in Bakugou. Everyone but Bakugou, of course. Who didn't think much of it as he took his seat next to hers.
He grumbled, not being a morning person at all. "Why are you so damn smiley in the morning, Half and Half Weirdo?" He mumbled, still very much tired and not wanting to be there. "But good morning."
Tomomi smiled softly at him. That meant he was happy to see her, right? "I drew this for you." She said, pulling out a very detailed picture of Bakugou in his hero costume, comicbook style. It was even colored and shaded really nicely.
He had to admit, Tomomi had a very gifted talent in art. Bakugou took the picture and looked all over it. Apart of him was very impressed with it and another part of him wondered why she suddenly decided to draw him. She was surely acting a little out of character today.
"Not bad." Bakugou complimented with a condescending smirk. "You're making me look like even better than I already do."
"I even drew comic books for you and everyone, look." She said, happily pulling out one of her sketch books. The two suddenly got into a quiet conversation about her drawing and even started sitting closer to each other as she showed him all of the comic books she made.
Unbeknownst to them, most of the class were looking right at them.
"They are so cute!" Mina squealed, snapping a photo of the two. "This is so going on social media someday."
"Bakugou must be the luckiest guy in the world." Denki sighed, dreamily. He pouted as he rested his chin on his hand. "He managed to get Tomo-chan's attention effortlessly. Oh, how I wish to be him."
"I think at some point we all wish we were him." Sero added, also pouting a little. "But I must admit, they do somehow look good together."
"Todoroki-kun, does Tomo-neechan act like this when she likes someone?" Asui asked, after tapping his shoulder to get his attention.
"Let's put it this way, Tomo doesn't show her drawings to everyone. Only to those she feels are special." Shoto explained, still glaring at Bakugou. He still didn't like him and he was genuinely being a over protective big brother.
Maybe he was a little jealous also. He had been so used to it being just them two ever since they were kids so to see her suddenly becoming interested in boys, it made him a little jealous knowing that it wasn't gonna always be just the two of them anymore. But no matter how he felt about Bakugou, Tomomi's happiness came first.
And he was always happy to see that she was coming out of her shell more. Class started once Aizawa finally climbed out of his sleeping bag and the rest of the morning went by pretty slowly.
"For today's hero training, it's now a class with three instructors." Aizawa informed the class the next day during hero course. "All Might, me and one other instructor."
"Excuse me, what will we be doing?" Sero asked, raising his hand.
"Disasters, shipwreck, and everything in between, it's rescue training." Aizawa replied. But before he could continue, everyone began chattering away in awe and excitement. "Hey, I'm not done!"
Once everyone silenced, he continued on. "You can decide if you want to wear your costumes or not because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too. The training will take place off-campus so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready."
Tomomi followed the girls to the girls locker room in silence. She wondered what they will they be doing this time. She hoped that it wasn't too tough like the last time.
After everyone got into costume, everyone met at the buses. Iida began taking his Class Rep role very very seriously as the bus doors opened. He made everyone get into a line as he instructed everyone to climb in the bus in a orderly fashion.
Tomomi sat next to Tokoyami near the middle of the bus. He sat on the outer seat while she sat next to the window. Shoto sat in a seat behind her where he laid on the window and fell asleep. He didn't get much sleep the night before and the effects were finally hitting him.
She felt bad because she knew why he sometimes couldn't fall asleep. Like her, he experienced nightmares or fever dreams. Causing him to often bolt out of his sleep and not be able to go back to sleep.
Once the bus ride started, everyone started talking about who would be the most popular heroes once they graduated. Tomomi only listened to bits and pieces of the conversation. Like how Denki said that Bakugou's personality was garbage, making said explosive boy lash out at him. Or how Asui concluded that Shoto and Midoriya would be very popular.
Meaning Bakugou wouldn't because of his personality and quickness to getting angry at every little thing. Which made him yell at her, proving her point.
"I also think Tomo-neechan would be very popular." Asui continued. "She has a strong quirk and she's very popular with the boys. Also, she's role model and she's wicked tatical and smart."
"Obviously, I mean, look at her." Mineta butted in. "She has a very curvaceous body and her looks would get her pass a lot. I wouldn't mind being crush by thi-"
"You finish that sentence, you sticky sack of smashed assholes, and I'll make sure to make grape juice out of your head." Bakugou threatened, letting his hands ignite a little. To show him that he was not playing around.
"We're here, stop messing around!" Aizawa yelled as the bus came to a stop.
"Everyone, I have been waiting for you!" Some guy said as they exited the bus. They all recognized him to be the Space hero, himself. Thirteen.
"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!" Midoriya exclaimed in complete awe. Uraraka looked at him with the same awestruck expression on her round face. Tomomi even found herself a bit awestrucked. She has drew manga of him many times. You can consider her a fan of him.
"The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disaster." The three mumbled as they looked at him, clearly starstrucked.
"Shoto, it's really him." Tomomi whispered, tugging at her brother's costume sleeve.
He couldn't help but to give her a soft amused smile. Tomomi had always been a fan of Thirteen and Miruko. Two of which she had always wanted to meet before. Shoto never really cared about having favorites but he endured it for his sister.
Once they were inside the building, the students were very shocked and amazed by the inside of the place. They were even more shocked to know that Thirteen was the one to make it. "Woah! It looks like Universal Studios Japan!" a student exclaimed.
"It is a training ground I made with different types of accidents, and disasters." Thirteen said "It's called Unforeseen Simulator Joint or U.S.J for short."
"Woah..." Tomomi gasped slightly, looking around the place. "How amazing...."
"Thirteen, where's All Might?" Aizawa asked, walking up to him.
Thirteen chuckled a little nervously while rubbing the back of his head. "About that...." He trailed off.
Tomomi didn't pay no attention as she was still looking at everything. But suddenly, a chill went up her spine and frost bites began to form. That only happened when she was either very very stressed or she felt something was going to happen. And she didn't feel nervous about anything at the moment.
"You okay, Tomo?" Shoto whispered to her, noticing the frost bites over her hands.
Tomomi pushed back those feelings and quickly rubbed the thin frost bites off of her hands before anyone else could notice it. "I don't know, I-"
"Everyone, I'm sure you all are aware of my Quirk, Black Hole." He began. "I can suck up anything and turn it into dust."
Uraraka kept nodding her head vigorously and Tomomi listened diligently, still at awe of his presence.
"You've been able to use that quirk to save people from all kinds of disasters, right?" Midoriya spoke up.
"Yes, but it is a power that could kill easily." Thirteen said, "Some of you also have quirks like that, right?"
Tomomi looked down at her hands, feeling insecure with her quirk. Whenever someone brought up how far she could go with her quirk, even to a deadly measure, she began to feel insecure. But she pushed those thoughts aside and continued to listen.
"In a superhuman society, personal quirks have been certified and regulated, so that doesn't seem to be a problem at first glance," Thirteen explained. "However, please do not forget that there are many quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step. With Aizawa's physical fitness test, you have found out about the possibility of your hidden powers and, with All Might's person-to-person combat training, I think you experienced the dangers of using your powers against each other."
Midoriya and Bakugou couldn't help but look right at Tomomi when he said that. The both of them has seen what she could do and were thoroughly surprised at how strong she can be when in dangerous situations.
The way she held her quirk long enough to block Kaachan's blast was very impressive. Midoriya thought, looking at her hands. He remembered how her body nearly froze over. Her body became so weak after that, he was shocked to see she had fight in her after that. But I can tell she has her limits....and she nearly went over that.
Not gonna lie, that ice punch she gave be nearly broke my jaw. Bakugou thought, having a flashback to that exact moment.
Tomomi quickly delivered a swift punch to his face, her fist covered in solid ice. The punch was so hard, he flew a couple of feet away from them. "That's for nearly hitting me." She sneered at him, glaring right at him.
But even she has limitations, huh? He thought again, remembering how near the end, her body was covered in frost bites.
"This class is a fresh start." Thirteen continued. "You shall learn how to use your quirk to save people's lives, you do not have powers to harm others. I hope you leave here understanding that you have powers in order to help others. That is all. Thank you for listening."
Thirteen ended it with a bow and a graceful smile. Everyone wholeheartedly began to applaud him, cheering and yelling. It was all fun and games for a moment. Until that cold chill hit Tomomi again.
She looked to see her arms were emitting little frost bites at a rapid rate, letting her know that there was something going on. Or something was about to happen. She suddenly looked up to see a strange portal forming.
Something about it felt very serious. So she urgently called to Aizawa.
"Mr. Aizawa! Look!"
Aizawa, along with everyone else, looked to where she was looking. And just like she expected, Aizawa quickly became serious and horror strickened. "GATHER AROUND AND DON'T MOVE!"
Tomomi's heart rate increased the more she tried to stop the frost bites from forming on her skin as, what it looked like, villains were coming out of the portal. "What's that?" Kirishima worriedly asked. "Is this like the entrance exams? Where the test has already started?"
"No, those are real villains." Tomomi mumbled, her eyes widening. Midoriya tried to move forward but Aizawa stopped him. "Don't move!"
All the students suddenly felt the reality of the situation as both teachers suddenly got into defense mode. Those were real villains and they were terrified at the moment. It was truly a adrenaline filled moment for everyone.
Tomomi couldn't stop her heart from beating too fast as the area around her grew cold. She could only pray they make it out alive.
oh shit! we getting close to the sports
festival arc and we have finally arrived
to the attack at usj arc.
which means once the sports festival
arc start, tension between Shoto and
Bakugou will thicken and part of the
reason will be because of Tomomi and
their care for her.
also Tokoyami and Tomomi
seems like they will have the
cutest bro-ship in this story
because of how both are so
calm and collected. They could
quietly judge idiots together.
don't forget to vote and comment
I might do a double update today
if I get a shit ton of comments .
Love you all!
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