πππππ. ππππ πππππ πππ ππ π ππππππ
i'm gonna leave the
cute dates to the special
chapters later on...
above is how her dorm looks
i cant draw it out so i'm using
photos and then i'll jus describe
what else she has in it. I want
to change it from the one i had in
the sleepover special.
i want to finish up this
By the way, for those who do
fan art of tomomi, i will be
making a book to showcase
some i've received after this
book is done.
also for a visual reference,
Tomomi's hair looks exactly
like Eri's hair. Same middle
part and everything but Tomomi's
hair is longer than hers and she
sometimes straightens it.
She does not have bangs or
do not be a ghost reader
please comment and vote.
you are appreciated and
loved. in case no one has
told you that
happy reading!!
Β Β Β Β Β After four more days, Tomomi was officially discharged from the hospital. She was feeling great, all things considered, and she missed her home. Fuyumi picked up the twins when she was cleared to leave later that morning.
Β Β When Tomomi made it home, Fuyumi told her that she would make her favorite dinner that night. Which was cold soba. So it was a win for Shoto, also. Natsuo couldn't make it because he was in the middle of getting ready to go back to college soon. But he did promise to see her when he had time to visit.
Β Β The rest of the night, Fuyumi, Shoto and Tomomi ate dinner and watched movies until 12 am. Tomomi went to bed after a while, though. She was feeling dizzy and tired from the medications she had to take so she wanted to sleep.
Β Β Around 3 am, Tomomi woke up to get a glass of water. She quietly left her room and walked to the kitchen. Thinking she was the only one up, she jumped a little when she turned on the lights and saw her father there, sitting at the table by himself.
Β It was a shocker to see him up this late. Given the fact that he was always an early sleeper and was strict on having an actual bed time.
Β Β Her face turned emotionless as she walked over to their electric cooler and pulled out a water bottle. Before she left, Enji spoke to her.
Β Β "Tomomi."
Β Β She paused and turned around to face him slowly. She leaned her back against the wall, deciding to see what he had to say. "Yes?"
Β Β He remained silent, not even making eye contact with her. His eyes remained on the glass of water in his left hand. Tomomi still remained where she was because she was curious about what he had to say.
Β Β He didn't even visit her in the hospital but he did send flowers. Angry about that, she told the nurses to throw them away immediately. He couldn't even visit her, so why should she take his gifts?
Β Β "I....I just wanted to tell you.." He trailed off, now looking into her eyes. "I know I was a terrible father to you."
Β Β Her face remained stoic. Not showing any type of emotions. Just numbness. A while back, she would have probably gave him a sarcastic remark before leaving him alone.
Β Β But now, she was just tired of it all. She didn't have enough energy to even argue or be a smart ass to him.
Β Β "I just wanted to tell you that...You may not believe it....I don't blame you if you don't," He said, playing with the glass a bit. "I, from now on, will be a way better father to you.....I've had time to recognize everything I've done....Everything I've caused in this family....And I don't want to be that anymore.....All I ask is that you forgive me."
Β Β Tomomi felt a little baffled by his words. He was really apologizing for everything he did. He didn't look like he was lying but....She was not sure of him, yet.
Β Β "I appreciate your apology....and I appreciate that you will try." She said with an unreadable tone. "....But you're 15 years too late.....And I can't forgive you......Not yet."
Β Β Enji nodded, looking at his glass. He was glad she appreciated the apology and the honesty. And he expected that she wouldn't forgive them. There was too much bad history between them. From the moment she was brought into this world to now, he had been a horrible parent and person.
Β Β So it was only natural she wouldn't forgive him. At least not yet. Which meant there was a chance she will forgive him some day. But he was afraid he would die before he saw that day.
Β Β Without saying anything, she left him in there. Enji was left to his thoughts in the night.
Β Β As the summer went on, Tomomi tried to go back to as normal as she possibly could. Fuyumi suggested she sign up for therapy but she declined. Tomomi didn't find joy in telling a complete stranger her troubles. So she opted to just talking to whoever was willing to listen. Someone she knew.
Β Β During the summer, she spent the better half of her summer break with friends. She spent a weekend with Momo's family to a beach resort in Okinawa, trained with Shoto and spent a lot of time with Bakugou.
Β Β Ever since he confessed how he really felt about her, the two decided that they had all summer to date, which they did. He took her on many dates. To a carnival, out to dinner, to the beach, you name it. And for a while, she was happy.
Β Β They've gotten to the point where they can call each other boyfriend and girlfriend, which made Bakugou gloat to every guy he saw after she granted his proposal of being in a full relationship with him after their thirteenth date. It made her happy and she felt herself change.
Β Β And she decided that it was a good change. She needed some good in her life and Bakugou helped bring that.
Β Β Now, as the summer was ending and the ice completely melted in Japan ( due to the excrutiating hot weather afterwards ), school would start soon. So every student in UA got the same letter in the mail as school approached.
Β Β Ever since the USJ, Training Camp incident and her and Bakugou's kidnapping, UA decided that they would build Dorms for the students and they get the option to stay in them with permission from a legal guardian or parent.
Β Β Shoto and Tomomi didn't want to ask their father to give them permission so Fuyumi gave the okay when Aizawa and All Might came over to hold the meeting. Which the two of them were grateful for.
Β Β It was about week before they had to move into their new living space, Tomomi wanted to re-dye the red part of her hair, seeing as it was begining to fade.
Β Β Tomomi sat on a stool, reading a book she's been hooked on while Shoto stood behind her, applying the red dye on the bottom back layer of her hair.
Β Β Fuyumi walked into the living room after grocery shopping all day to see the twins just nonchalantly hanging out. It was funny.
Β Β Shoto was applying hair dye to her hair while simutaneously watching tv, which was playing Frozen. And he looked really into it. Especially at the singing snowman.
Β Β Tomomi just kept reading Game Of Thrones. It was Natsuo's favorite book series so must have given her his books before returning back to college.
Β Β "What are you twin devils doing?" She chuckled out, maneuvering around Shoto and entering the kitchen.
Β Β "Stuff." The twins said in unison, not even looking at her once. They even said it in the exact same tone.
Β Β She chuckled, setting the bags ontop of the table. "Are you two excited about school and your new dorms?"
Β Β "Eh." Shoto said, barely paying attention to her as he kept watching the movie. "Could do without it but i'll still go. Hey, Tomo, are you able to make a Olaf?"
Β Β "I like this Daenerys character," Tomomi mumbled, turning the next page in the book. "And to answer your question, I do not know. I'll try when winter comes."
Β Β She was really into that book. Which was one other thing her and Natsuo had common grounds on. Their love for books and fantasy genre. He knew she would love that book.
Β Β "Well, you two need to make sure everything is packed and ready to go before hand." Fuyumi said, placing items in the fridge. "Also, Tomomi, I packed up your LED light strips into a seperate bag for you so that it won't be too hard for you to carry. Also that big mirror you ordered came last night."
Β Β "Thank you." Tomomi said, still so enamored with her book. "I must thank Natsuo for giving me his book series."
Β Β The elder Todoroki just chuckled and continued doing what she was doing. They were barely listening as they were into their own thing at the moment but it was still cute to see them do mundane things togetether.
Β Β She was surely going to miss having them around now.
Β Β Β The day finally came. Moving day came rather quickly but Tomomi was excited about it, nonetheless. She was happy to see all of her classmates again and to see Bakugou again. This time, she had more than enough chances to be able to hang out with him without her father's watchful eyes.
Β Β Ever since he apologiozed to her, he had been trying to get on her good graces. But Tomomi meant what she said. He was way too late for forgivness. At least right now and she didn't know how long it would be before she decided to forgive him and start a new relationship with him.
Β Β So all he got was ignored text messages, denied calls and such from her and Shoto, who received the same apology while she was in the hospital. He told her Natsuo was there, as well and he was pissed so he left dinner.
Β Β Fuyumi forgave him and wanted them to do the same thing but Tomomi couldn't see herself wanting to be close to him just yet. There was too much resentment in between them at the moment. She still hated him. That was a strong word, but it's how she felt.
Β Β So she was happy that Fuyumi was the one to approve the dormitories for them. Besides, she knew Tomomi wasn't going to want to stay home and Shoto was not about to leave her side.
Β Β "Isn't this exciting?" Mina beamed as they made it to the new 1-A Dormitory building. It looked really nice on the outside.
Β Β "This will do." Tomomi said, smiling a little as she looked at the size of the building. "This resembled the size of that vacation villa we went to, Momo-chan."
Β Β "Yes, it does." Momo agreed, linking arms with her. "I'm just happy we get to be close to each other."
Β Β "So we all got the go-ahead to move on campus!" Sero said happily.
Β Β "It took a lot of convincing from my parents." Hagakure said, sighing.
Β Β "I was pretty concerned about mine." Jirou admitted shyly.
Β Β "I'm glad that you were able to come back, Mr. Aizawa." Tomomi said, smiling at her teacher.
Β Β Aizawa offered her a very small grin before placing a hand on her head, like he always does. "I'm happy to know you're okay, munchkin."
Β Β He said that quietly so Denki wouldn't hear and pester him into calling him pikachu. Tomomi giggled as he ruffled her hair a bit.
Β Β "Now, then, I'll explain how your dorm works shortly." He said, turning to the class. "First, however, we haven't forgotten about the provisional hero licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp."
Β Β Tomomi winced a little, knowing where this was going.
Β Β "This is important, listen up." Aizawa said. "Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Iida and Midoriya. You five are the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Bakugou and Tomomi that night."
Β Β I think I know where this is going.... Tomomi thought, looking at them all. Such a brave act but they could get in serious trouble for it...I don't think they should because they were successful...mostly...
Β Β "Based on your reactions, I assume the rest of you were at least aware of their plans." Aizawa said, noticing how almost all of his students reacted the same way. "I'm going to set aside a number of issues. If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the Hero scene, I would have expel everyone except Bakugou, Tomomi and Hagakure. The five of you went, of course. But also the remaining twelve of you who didn't stop them."
Β Β Tomomi felt that it was a harsh punishment but she could understand why he almost did it. They broke the rules, were only students and nearly died doing it. But still, she didn't feel the need to have them expelled for it.
Β Β Especially for those who knew of the plan but didn't actually go through with it. They didn't deseved that.
Β Β She looked at Shoto, who looked rather unapologetic with the entire revelation. He got his sister out of there. That's all he cared about.
Β Β "You betrayed our trust. Even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble. In order to regain our confidence, you need to obey every rule to the letter and live as modeled students."
Β Β What happened to All Might? She thought, confused. No one told her something happened to him.
Β Β She looked at Shoto for answered but he looked back at her and just shook his head. Meaning Not now.
Β Β So something serious must have happened to him that night. She wondered if she could send him something. A basket? Baked goods? She hoped he was at least okay.
Β Β "That's all." Aizaw sighed out. "Now, look alive. Enjoy your new home."
Β Β No one was excatly cheering as much as they were before after Aizawa left them to it. But they were still happy to know that they weren't going to get expelled for it.
Β Β Suddenly, Bakugou grabbed Denki by the shirt. "Come here!" he said, dragging him into a nearby bush.
Β Β Confused, everyone watched as they heard muffling argument. Then there were electric shocks and mini explosions before Denki came out looking like he fried his brain. "Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay." He said, giving them a lazy thumbs up.
Β Β Bakugou walked over to Kirishima and gave him a wad of money. Which suprised him and everyone who wasn't paying attention to Denki. Which was only her and Kirishima.
Β Β Tomomi knew what Bakugou was doing and smiled as she walked over to him.
Β Β She stood on her toes, kissing his cheek quickly. Which shocked him and Kirishima.
Β Β "S-Stop those damn sneak attacks!" Bakugou yelled at her, blushing. "But....Me and you are going out tonight."
Β Β "Wait a minute!" Kirishima exclaimed, cutting them off. "Since when have you two started dating?"
Β Β "None of your business, shitty hair!" Bakugou yelled at him, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "And don't say I never did anything for you! Let's go, Frostbite."
Β Β Tomomi nearly yelped when he pulled her along with him. She gave him a quick smile before leaving into the dormitory with him.
Β Kirishima looked at the two of them as they walked in together. He wondered what happened during the summer because they looked really comfortable with each other.
Β Β Either way, he was very happy to see Bakugou was happy.
Β Β Β Tomomi spent a good amount of the day decorating her room.Β Her room was located on the third floor of the girl's side of the dormitory. Right next to Momo's room.
Β Β Moving her bed in wasn't a problem, given she had people do that for her before they got there. So she set up her hanging chair, her led light strips all around the ceilings and some around her body mirror, she made a big collage of posters and other photos on one empty wall of the room and added a fluffy pink carpet in the room.
Β Β She had white shelf, which she filled it up with albums, vinyl records and other plushies. Her bed had a canopy over it and she added twinkling lights to the sheer cover.
Β She had a desk near the balcony opening, which she placed all of her drawn out manga and school related things on it. The police gave her necklace back after she was discharged from the hospital so instead of wearing it, she placed it over a medium sized Panda plushie Bakugou won her during their date at the Carnival, during summer.
Β Β She affectionately named it "Katsuki jr."
Β Β After filling up her closet with her clothes, she got dressed into pajamas. Which was basically white and fuzzy pajama shorts, knee high black socks, and Natsuo's old black over sized shirt with Monkey D Luffy on the front of it. Her hair was in a messy single braid, resting on her left shoulder.
Β Β Her room looked like a dream. She set up cloud ceiling lights over her room, she had a projector that, when turned on, projected little star lights and other colors.
Β Β In hindsight, her dorm looked like a tiktok room. But she was happy about it.
Β Β Once she was done, she got a text from Uraraka, asking if she wanted to join them on seeing who had the best room in the dorms. So she placed on some fuzzy slippers and met up with them.
Β Β Β "Where's Asui?" Tomomi asked as soon as she met up with the group, who were waiting in the common room for her.
Β Β She knew Bakugou would be sleep right now. Given he had a strict bedtime he gave himself so he was most likely asleep.
Β Β "She was feeling rather sick." Momo said, sympathetically.
Β Β Tomomi frowned, feeling worried for the younger girl. "I hope it's nothing too serious." She said, thinking for a moment. "I'll have to make her something."
Β Β "Let's go look for the boys and see if they wanted to join us." Uraraka said, leading the way to the elevators. Which lead to the boy's side.
Β Β "Katsuki-chan is sleep right now so it's best that we don't pester him." Tomomi said as thet walked into the elevator.
Β Β "Speaking of," Mina started, with a teasing grin. "Kiri-chan told us how Bakugou and you are now dating. When did this happen?"
Β Β "What?!"
Β Β "You guys are dating now?!"
Β Β "I knew it!"
Β Β Tomomi pursed her lips. The only person she told was Momo and it was during their weekend together at a beach resort during the summer. She completely forgot that no one else knew but Kirishima and her.
Β Β "I-It's a long story." Tomomi said, giggling nervously. She couldn't tell them exactly what he said otherwise that would be invasion of privacy. She had a feeling he only wanted her to hear everything he held in.
Β Β "Come on! Don't leave us out!" Hagakure said, nudging her. "How were you able to tame the beast?"
Β Β "Pure luck," She replied, vaguely.
Β Β Β When they got to the boys side of the dorms, they saw some of them also come out of there rooms in pajamas or comfortable clothing. They informed them of their game and, without waring, the first room they went to was Midoriya's. Who was rather nervous and secretive about his room.
Β Β But before he could say anything, it was too late. Mina swung the door open to reveal his room to everyone.
Β Β It was mostly decorated in All Might merch and action figures. But it looked really clean and homely.
Β Β "You have the limited addition All Might Golden Action Figure?" Tomomi asked, looking at it with sparkles in her eyes. "They only sold 3 of these!"
Β Β Midoriya looked at her with shock and giddy, seeing as she was just as much of a fan as he was. "Yeah! It was so hard to find!"
Β Β "And you also have the All Might TV special on dvd?! I missed the Christmas Special!"
Β Β "I didn't know you were a fan!"
Β Β "He is one of my favorites, amongst Thirteen and Miruko. I have his Special Edition Silver figurine!"
Β Β "You have got to show me sometime!"
Β Β Everyone else looked rather perplexed by their geek out session. No one knew Tomomi was a big geek like Midoriya so this was shocking but cute.
Β Β "Can this girl get any better?" Denki whispered to himself as he looekd at her in awe.
Β Β "I had no idea Tomo-chan was a big nerd." Momo giggled, thinking it was cute to see them geek out together. The girls agreed with her.
Β Β Then they went to Kouda's room for a bit. It was nice and he had a bunny. Which made the girls squeal and wanted to pet. But after a moment, Kouda didn't want them in his room, in fears of upsetting the buny, so they left him to it.
Β Β He was very shy so Tomomi could understand his reserved attitude.
Β Β Once they were done with the boys side, excluding Mineta's room because....ew, they went over to the girls side.
Β And since Tomomi's room was the nearest to the elevator, they started with her's first.
Β Β Before opening up, she turned to them to speak. "Before entering, please be delicate with the carpeting. It was imported from out of Japan."
Β Β "We promise we will be careful." Uraraka promised.
Β Β Tomomi opened her door, revealing her dorm. And everyone was in awe of her room. She turned on her light stripes to light pink so it glowed from the outside.
Β Β "Wow~" Everyone gasped as they entered her room slowly.
Β Β "It looks like a dream land." Denki said in pure awe. "You even have clouds on the ceiling!"
Β Β "Whoa! Look at this shelf full of records and albums!" Kirishima gasped, walking over to her tall shelf. "You even have a huge collection of manga and comic books!"
Β Β "I used to collect them." Tomomi explained, scratching her face with her finger. "I wanted to get back into collecting after Shoto and I were able to move here."
Β Β "Your bed is so plush and soft!" Mina said, laying ontop of her bed. "It's like a big cloud."
Β Β "And she has a canopy!" Uraraka gasped at the steel rods on all four sides of her bed, which had sheer curtains hanging all around.
Β Β "Your room has to be the most aesthetic room I've ever seen!" Sero complimented, having fun swinging on her hanging chair.
Β Β Tomomi smiled at them as they all kept talking about all the things she had in her room. "Thank you, Sero."
So this was a light
hearted chapter. kinda.
don't worry, you'll see more
of Bakugou and Tomomi next
I have a lot planned for them
now that they are together.
don't forget to comment and
love you and stay safe!
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: Truyen247.Pro