ππππ. πππ ππππ ππ ππππ ππ / ππππππ ππππ
and we are back! How is
everyone? Okay since last
chapter? Again, I'm so
sorry for the tearjerkers
but not to worry, the rescue
team is on the way.....
which also means something
drastic will happen involving
But a friend gave me a really
good idea on how to go about
rescuing Bakugou and about
Shimesu so, this will be the last
sad chapter.
or sad-ish, depending on how
you look at it.
But also, the healing proccess
will begin very soon.
don't forget to comment
and vote.
Β Β Β Β Β It was all over the news the next day. It has been exactly two days since Tomomi was pronounced missing and Bakugou was still under the League of Villains watch. For Tomomi, it felt like years.
Β Β The snow hadn't let up and it has now reached Seoul, South Korea and was now slowly spreading through Asia. Roads continued to be buried in ice, businesses had to close down and the police searched hard to look for where they took Bakugou.
Β Β At this point, all Tomomi could do was think. The only way she could hear her own voice was to think. As she fell into a state of unconciousness, she felt at peace for the first time since all of this has happened.
Β Β Β Β Β Tomomi opened her eyes and noticed she wasn't in the room she thought she was. Instead, the place around her was bright, cold and made of......ice?
Β Β She found that she could move her arms and legs and that she wasn't chained to a metal table. Slowly raising up, she looked to see she was laying on a table also made of cold and solid ice.
Β Β "H-Hello?" She called out, her voice sounding normal. Hopping off the table, she began looking around herself. The room looked like a surgical room but way less dark and more bright and pleasant.
Β Β There were furniture made out of ice and it had a small window behind her. Looking out, she saw there was a snow storm going on.
Β Β "What is this place?" She whispered to herself.
Β Β "You are in a coma." A light and warm voice spoke behind her, making her jump and spin around to face whoever it was. "Or in a state like coma but you are able to hear everything while you're here."
Β Β She saw a woman behind her. She had very long hair, it reached to her knees. Her hair was pure white. Like snow. She was wearing a long and light blue flowy dress with flowy long sleeves over her hands. Her eyes were the exact same shade of blue as hers and her mother, Rei.
Β Β In fact, looking closer, she looked like an older version of Tomomi. If she was 36 years old. Yet she was so beautiful and youthful looking if she was really close to 40.
Β Β She smiled at her in a warm manner that reminded Tomomi of her mother's smile. "Tomomi....It is nice to meet you, finally."
Β Β "I would say the same thing to you but I don't believe we have met." Tomomi said, still very much confused. "Who are you?"
Β Β "My name is Yukina Himura." She bowed her head a little, being as graceful as a royal.
Β Β "Himura?" Tomomi mumbled, recognizing that name. "You're last name is Himura? As in-"
Β Β "Yes, I am your great grandmother." Yukina answered for her. "times 4, actually."
Β Β Tomomi couldn't believe she was seeing an old ancestor of hers in her state of dreaming. She was so beautiful. No wonder she reminded her of her own mother. This was a lot to take in, already.
Β Β "You are a very special child, Tomomi." Yukina said, walking over to her and gently placing her hands on her face. "While you're here, we might as well talk."
Β Β Β Β Β "So, what do you think of the plan?" Kirishima asked Shoto, standing outside his house.
Β Β Β The next day rolled by and Kirishima thought up a brilliant plan to try and rescue Bakugou and Tomomi with Midoriya the other day. He wanted to see if Shoto would be up for it, seeing as they were going to need all of the help they could get.
Β Β But Shoto stood inside his house, looking at Kirishima's snow covered head as if he was stupid. "I'm more concern about how you found out where I lived...."
Β Β "That's not important!" He exclaimed, ignoring him. "What's important now is trying to save our friends and your sister from those freaks. We owe it to them to try and help them."
Β Β Shoto folded his arms and leaned on the threshold of his front door. "That is the stupidest plan I have ever heard." He said, deadpanned. "You realized that if we go in there, we can get ourselves killed. Not only that, whatever we do will reflect on U.A. as a whole."
Β Β "Funny, Iida said the same thing."
Β Β "Well, he's got the right idea." Shoto said, going for the door. "You can see youself out."
Β Β "Todoroki, wait!" Kirishima stopped him from closing the door. "Come on! You out of all people should be wanting to do this the most....They have Avalanche....I know it, you know it, Midoriya knows it, everyone knows it.......She was all alone in that forest and....."
Β Β Kirishima had a flashback about that night. Which still haunted him at night. And to think what Tomomi was going through, he didn't even want to imagine the fear that was in her in that moment. He didn't know if he would have survived that night, if her were in her shoes.
Β Β "To think.....how scared she must have been in there is too much to think about." He said, looking at Shoto with determination in his eyes. "She's always been a great friend to all of us.....a great person to those she didn't even know....and the fact that she ran into the forest just to save a child she barely knew....has to be the most heroic thing I have ever seen someone do.....So we owe it to her to at least try and save her.....And I know she's going to need her twin brother there...."
Β Β Kirishima saw Shoto's face gradually become softer the more he spoke about Tomomi. Was it a little cruel to use her as leverage? kinda. But he needed him to be on board with their plan.
Β Β Shoto stared at him with a soft look on his face as he thought over everything. How much he missed Tomomi and how lost he has been without her. This was the longest he has been without her and it was immensely difficult. But Kirishima was right. He did owe it to her to try and do something instead of just being stuck in a state of depression all the while the investigation was going on.
Β Β "Okay," He said. "I'll go along with it."
Β Β "Good!" Kirishima smiled happily at him. "We're gonna need you to come with us now."
Β Β "Wait, we-" Shoto almost asked until he noticed more people behind him. It was Iida, Midoriya, and Momo not too far behind them. "How do you all know where I live?"
Β Β "Not important, come on!"
Β Β Aizawa and Vlad King had just got done doing a press conference about the incident. They basically had to sit there for hours, apologizing and telling everyone how they will keep the other students safer, this time. It was all vexatious to him. No matter what they say, someone in the crowd always has doubts.
Β Β The public was scared. Rightfully so, two kids were abducted. But when civilians are scared, things tend to get messy.
Β Β "Hey, Aizawa." Vlad spoke up, as they walked out of the conference room. "Do you think this snow storm and Tomomi's kidnapping is all a coincidence?"
Β Β "What do you mean?" Aizawa asked.
Β "As soon as Tomomi was pronounced missing, the snow fell." He replied, thinking about the other night at the hospital. "And now, all of Japan is encased in a snow storm that only gets more violent by the hour.....Could that mean that they are-"
Β Β "Don't...." Aizawa stopped him there. Before he said something that would make him angry. ".....Don't say what I think you're going to say.........and to answer your question, no, I don't think it's a coincidence."
Β Β He paused to look out one of the windows of the building they were in as the snow fell gently. "When I watched over Tomomi, I noticed that her mood tends to change an area around her into colder weather." He says. "When she was in great amount of stress, anger, sadness or even embarrassment, the air felt cold.....At the time, it would only spread all around her and the only way anyone can feel it is if they were next to her......Now, Tomomi is a hostage, under extreme stress and we have a blizzard in the begining of summer....There's no doubt in my mind that she's the one doing this."
Β Β Vlad King hummed, also looking outside the window. He never really gotten to know the girl but from what he saw that night and at the hospital....The way Aizawa had gotten so angry when the police mentioned she went missing.....Aizawa cared so much about her. It was like Tomomi was his daughter.
Β Β "The way you talk about her...It's almost like you're her father." Vlad joked slightly. Trying to lighten up the mood a bit.
Β "Well, someone has to be." Aizawa said under his breath, walking past him.
Β Β "Eraser, Vlad." Mountain Lady urgently called out to them from the other side of the hallway.
Β Β By the look of pure terror on her face, whatever it was, it was very serious. "What is it?" Vlad asked, sensing how serious she was being.
Β Β "It's the League of Villians..." She said, hesitantly. "They've sent something to the police and......It's something you two have to see."
Β Β Β If there was ever a time in his life where he can say he was angry enough to destroy an entire building, Aizawa would say now was that time.
Β Β After Moutain Lady urgently notified them about what happened, they made it to the police station. Where All Might, Endeavor, Gran Torino, Miruko and Hawks were already there. Judging by the looks on some of the detective's faces, it was very very serious.
Β Β And their suspicions were right. As soon as they made it there, Aizawa saw about five photos on a table. All of them were horrifying photos of Tomomi Todoroki, chained to a metal table and a big smiley face carved into her collarbone and parts of her lower neckline.
Β Β "It was sent in this morning." a police officer said, cutting the silence short. "The envelope only had the photos and a smile painted on the surface. No address. No name."
Β Β "Did you test the blood?" All Might asked, seeing as no one else wanted to.
Β Β "Yes and....It belonged to Miss Todoroki." the officer confirmed, very hesitantly.
Β Β Endeavor closed his eyes and just walked away from them. Miruko looked very horrified by his words as she stared at the photos. Hawks couldn't even look at the photos for long before he turned his head away.
Β Β Aizawa felt like he was about to snap at any given moment the longer he stared at the pictures. He could see how distressed and drained Tomomi looked. And it broke his heart because she was a good kid. Her and Bakugou were good kids. They didn't deserve any of this.
Β Β "Toxicology reports came in, as well." The officer said, pulling up the papers. "She has an incredible amount of poison in her vein."
Β Β "Lyre Poison." Grand Torino said, picking up one of the pictures. He examined it for a while before speaking again. "It's a rare plant that can be melted into lethal poison. The effects causes pain throughout the entire body for a long period of time, depending on the dosage. It's also called Satan's Hellfire. Because it was used as a torturing method back in the early 1970's when war criminals would hold soldiers hostage. It kills very slowly but the pain will make you wish you were dead already."
Β Β "So what you're saying is Miss Todoroki is on a time limit?" Hawks asked, his tone of voice very serious.
Β Β "That's exactly what I'm saying." It was no use sugar coating anything.
Β Β "Is there any cure or anecdotes?" Miruko asked.
Β Β "It can be neutralized by plantains." He answered, setting the photo down. "The poison maybe deadly but, if we find her and Bakugou in time, it's quite easy to cure her of it's side effects."
Β Β Aizawa said notihing as his eyes remained on the photos the entire time. His hands were shaking under his coat and he was seeing red. ".....Then that means we have to act fast and now."
Β Β Β Β "So what you're saying is, my quirk is not mature?" Tomomi asked Yukina as they sat on ice chairs, in front of an open window, just looking at the snowy plains and mountains.
Β Β "You have a cell that not many has." Yukina explained. "It was a medical phenomenom back then so no one took it too serious but, as you can see, it is."
Β Β "But....How do I have it and Shoto doesn't?"
Β Β "I don't know." She answered as honestly as she could. "Maybe it was fate that made you extract it. Rei has it and now you do."
Β Β "Did you have it?" She asked after a moment of hesitation.
Β Β Yukina sighed, tossing her hair behind her back. She stuck out her hand and little snowflakes shot out of her palms, displaying a hologram like display of the entire Himura family tree. It had the entire family's name there. All down to Rei's name.
Β Β "Your ancestor, Fuyuko Himura was the first one of us to have been born with it." She began explaining. "After that, and some time has past, Your 10x great grandfather, Kazuyuki Himura, a father and even better soldier in the army, had it. More time has past and my father, Shizuya Himura was born with it and then I was the only one of myΒ seven siblings to be born with it."
Β Β Tomomi looked as the snow flakes moved to her name. "And like the ones in our past, I had to learn how to control it before it was too late....I only wish there was a way I could have taught Rei or any of my children could have learned the ways to control it before I died.....Then the rest of the family wouldn't have been in the dark about it.
Β Β "The cell amplifies what we already have as out quirk. It makes us stronger, our powers more deadly but we are more prone to getting hurt easier than the normal human because of it. Without proper control, our own quirk can kill us while in the maturing state." She says, fiddling with her fingers. "I mean, look at what you did."
Β Β Tomomi furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
Β Β Yukina gestured to the outside. The blizzard that was currently happening. "You caused an eternal winter over all of Japan.....It's the evolution in your DNA....You're evolving."
Β Β Β "I'm evolving?" She whispered, looking down at her hands. Maybe that's why her quirk had been acting up lately. Could that explain why she kept hearing ringing in her head, as of lately. "But wh-"
Β Β Β "You get the syringe ready for tomorrow, I'll check in on our little blood bank."
Β Β Β The sounds of Shigaraki's voice brought their attention as the both of them looked up.
Β Β "Hmmm....We gotta do something about that." Yukina said, pursing her lips playfully.
Β Β "What can I do?" Tomomi asked. "I'm chained to a table and I am far too weak."
Β Β The way Yukina slowly smirked made her think she might have some crazy plan in mind. And she didn't disappoint.
Β Β "Before you go, I'll teach you a useful trick my father taught me. Your physical form might be weak and in pain but I can tell you how to use your quirk to escape from your shackles."
This is the only time
you will see Yukina
She's just a stand in
character for now.
unless you all want to
see her again, I might
do something about that.
anyways, don't forget to
comment and vote!
Love you all and stay safe!
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: Truyen247.Pro