πππ. πππ ππππ ππ ππππ
just to let you all know,
i do tend to change things
about the series because I
want it to fit the plot of
my character's story......
i've said this many times
and this will be the last time
i say it. I know some of the things
aren't accurate to the show but
in order for it to make sense
to my oc, i change some parts
up to fit it in the story.
because i believe in giving depth
to my ocs and not just have them
be there just to be there.
anyways, do not be a ghost reader
i love reading your comments, they
make me laugh so much and they
cheer me up on bad days.
love you and happy reading!
Β Β Β Β Β Β Snow continued to fall over all of Japan as newpapers and Broadcasts worked around the clock to bring updates on the extremely cold weather and snow. The next day wasn't any better. Businesses were forced to close due to the extreme conditions, the pavements became more snow than cement, roads were a little dangerous and everyone either stayed inside or had to bundle up before leaving their home.
Β Β "It would appear that the snowy weather has just hit islands around South Korea."
Β Β Rei looked out her window, at the snow and held her necklace. She sighed, a solemn look on her face. Her baby was missing and she hadn't been able to sleep since she heard about the news last night. And while she worried sick for her, Rei felt strangely comforted.
Β Β Everytime she looked at the snow, she felt comfort, for some reason. Like the snow was telling her that her little girl was alive and okay. She couldn't explain it but it was like the snow was talking to her. Even when it raged through the night last night.
Β Β "Mrs. Todoroki?"
Β Β Β Rei blinked, turning around to see a nurse walk in after knocking. "Yes?"
Β Β "You're daughter and son are here to see you." She said, poking her head through even more.
Β Β Rei smiled a little, turning away from the winow. "Let them in, please. It's uncommon for them to visit this early in the week."
Β Β The nurse nodded before leaving. About 5 seconds later, in came Fuyumi and Natsuo,Β both of who were dressed warmly. "Hey, mom." Fuyumi said, unwrapping her scarf from around her neck.
Β Β "Hey," Natsuo greeted, pulling her into a gentle hug.
Β Β Rei hugged her son back before reaching over to hug Fuyumi. "If I would have know you two were going to stop by, I would have looked a bit better." She joked, as they laughed a little, sitting down on her bed.
Β Β Fuyumi sat on one side of her while Natsuo sat on the other.
Β Β Rei held each of their hands with both of hers. Their hands all equally cold.
Β Β "How is Shoto doing?" She asked, concerned for her youngest son.
Β Β Fuyumi sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "He....he just doesn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone." She explained. "The only time he would come out of his room was if he needed to but other than that, he....."
Β Β Rei looked disheartened. Out of all of her children, Tomomi and Shoto were very much inseperable. And this was possibly the longest he has been away from his twin sister. Some call it a twin thing. But Rei believes they were born like Yin and Yang. It was no accident that they were twins, she thinks.
Β Β "It's only been a day and the police are still searching the forest at the camp site." Natsuo mumbled, quietly as he stared at his hands. "An ember alert had been set out for her and her classmate, who was kidnapped that night."
Β Β "We went to the station today," Fuyumi added, hestitantly. ".....And I saw dad there with All Might and a few others.....He looked stressed....or more stressed than usual."
Β Β "He did?" Rei asked, mildly surprised.
Β Β "Yeah..." She confirmed, pursing her lips. "It was strange......He actually looked rather worried for Tomomi's safety......He looked like he hadn't slept all last night, either."
Β Β "So he does care." Natsuo mumbled sarcastically. "He sure doesn't act like it when she was around......What right does he have to act like that now?"
Β Β "Natsuo!" Fuyumi scolded him. "Don't say such things like that!"
Β Β "Please, Yumi, you and I have the same exact father." Natsuo argued back. "You know how he really is. To the public, he's this grand hero Endeavor. But when he is home, he acts like we don't exist.....And now he wants to act like he cares about Tomomi?"
Β Β "You know just as well as I do, Natsuo, that-"
Β Β "Stop it, you two." Rei said sternly, stopping the argument. "No matter how you two feel about your father, the more important thing is to remember that your sister is still out there."
Β Β She turned her eyes to the snow outside her window. "Everytime the snow falls.....I think of her....It's as if the weather is telling me to not worry.....that Tomomi is still out there....."
Β Β Rei looked at both of her children, giving them a hopeful smile. "And that's enough for me to keep the hope alive....I know the other heroes and your father will find her just fine.....And I can only hope that you two will remember that."
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Tomomi coughed roughly, waking herself up again. She slowly peeled her eyes open to see the room she was in. But it was as if her own eyes didn't want to show her what had happened to her. Even then....She looked up and looked into the swinging lamp above her.
Β Β The entire room had no windows, it looked like a surgery room but everything was frozen and covered in ice.
Β Β Tomomi's body began growing frostbitesΒ as she noticed a needle stuck in her wrist. The tube was connected to a big plastic blood bag as her blood was traveling through the tube. And as much as she tried or even wanted to move, she couldn't.
Β Β The pain from last night paralyzed her limbs completely and the only thing she could move was her own head.
Β Β She couldn't talk, either. And she was paler than the day before. Her eyes had black rings underneath them, frostbites framed her entire face and covered different parts of her body. Her hair was all around her and her lips were getting more blue from the extreme conditions.
Β Β She couldn't see straight or think straight as she heard someone walk into the room.
Β Β As soon as Shigaraki swung the door open, a blast of cold air blew past him. The room was still covered in ice, he sees. It had gotten worse outside and it was barely morning.
Β Β Last night, that kid they took, Katsuki Bakugou, caused them troubled when he was set free from his restraints. Admittedly, it was stupid to so do without thinking about the possible consequences. But, after the fact that the heroes found him, Shigaraki ordered them to move Bakugou where Tomomi was currently residing in. Which was another base on the outskirts of the city.
Β Β An underground place, if you will. He couldn't risk them getting cause again. Even if it meant a few of them got arrested. Now, it would be harder for them to find them now.
Β Β "Good morning, Miss Todoroki." Shigaraki greeted in false kindness as he walked in, closing the metal door behind him. In his hands were two cameras. One for photos and another for video.
Β Β "You are going to be a star today, you know." He said walking over to her body. He saw that she was awake but emotionless as he stood beside her. "Your precious heroes will....let's say, they will have a a glimpse of what we have in store for you."
Β Β Setting the cameras down on a nearby metal table, Shigaraki walked over to the foot of the table and pulled down a chain, which made the table rise upwards from the head vertically. He stopped midway, seeing as she was now in the perfect angle for camera view.
Β Β Tomomi's eyes followed him as he began to walk over to the cameras.
Β Β "Those heroes will be getting some really nice photos of you send in today." He said, chuckling to himself as he picked up the camera. "Forgive me if I make you seem a bit unflattering, photography isn't really a strong skill of mine."
Β Β She could say anything but stay silent as he kept on talking. "After that.....Your friend, Katsuki Bakugou needs to be motivated and broken..." Shgaraki said darkly as he walked over to her, leaning his face close to hers. Looking into her ice blue eyes.
Β Β "He wasn't too courteous of my generous offer. He, quite literally, let it blow up in my face when I wanted him to join out cause.....And since he needs to see what he will lose if he doesn't comply.......what better way to show him than to let him see the effects of the poison we gave you?"
Β Β Tomomi's eyes widened as he laughed, gently tracing a finger down her neck and onto the bruising puncture wound on her neck. It was red and it looked like veins were pressed against her skin with the puncture wound still open.
Β Β Shigaraki traced it slowly, staring at it for a while. "......It's only a matter of time before take over this unjust society.......and you are going to be a great contributor to our plan...."
Β Β He suddenly rose up and took the camcorder and set it up on a tripod in front of her. Once he was done, he picked picked up a knife nearby.
Β Β "Sorry, I sort of lied when I said we would really hurt you physically." Shigaraki said walking over to her with the other camera in hand and the big knife in the other. "But don't worry, it won't be permanent or anything. Just for show."
Β Β He moved her chaines lower, pulled down her sweater to expose her collarbone. He pressed the tip of the knife on the left side of her shoulder.
Β Β "Now, hold still and don't scream." Shigaraki joked, laughing cartoonishly. "I highly doubt you will be able to feel anything.....side effects of the poison, you know."
Β Β Β Β "We have a show for you~!" Toga sung, skipping into Bakugou's containment area as Twice, Shimesu, and Kurogiri wheeled in a big television behind her. After some of the villains escaped with Bakugou from their main base to an underground base, he was placed in a big and dark room. But this time, he was chained to the chair he was sitting in.
Β Β His hands were locked back into much stronger gauntlets.
Β Β "Shigaraki has a surprise for you~" Toga continued to sing as she skipped over to him, poking his angry face.
Β Β Shimesu chuckled, standing in front of Bakugou as he glared at the two of them venomously. He leaned close to his face and smirked very condescendingly at him. "You don't look so tough, you know."
Β Β Bakugou smirked back at him and said. "And you look like you got your ass handed to you. I'd get that black eye checked out....You might need some ice."
Β Β Twice couldn't help but snort really loudly as he set up the tv. "I know he's our hostage but that was really funny!" He laughed out, bending over in hysterics. "You got your ass kicked by a first year high school girl ahahahahaha! TWICE!!"
Β Β Shimesu glowered at Bakugou, who just smirked back at him before turning to Twice. "Shut up, you bi polar imbecile!"
Β Β "Fine, I'll let you have that one." He said, turning back to the ash blonde kid. "But you won't be the one smiling as soon as you see what Shigaraki has in store for your beautiful friend, Tomomoi Todoroki."
Β Β Bakugou's eyes shot open wider when he mentioned her name. He thought he was the only one who wa taken! They have her!
Β Β Panicking and angry, Bakugou jumped at him, thrashing against his restraints as Shimesu jumped back, laughing at his reaction.
Β Β "If you bastsards did anything to her, I'll-"
Β Β "Aww, he must love her!" Toga taunted, giggling girlishly as she leaned on one side of his chair. "That's so sweet! I wish I had someone to love me before I die."
Β Β "Die?" Bakugou whispered as even more panic started to fill his veins.
Β Β "Oh, you didn't hear?" Shimesu asked, standing on the other side of him. "Shigaraki plans on draining that pretty little bunny's blood. Seeing as it is valuable on the black mark, and I mean worth millions, why not use her?"
Β Β "Tomomi's quirk is no ordinary quirk." Toga continued. "Not many people in the world have the type of condition she has. Which makes her organs and blood very profitable to the black market. We couldn't find anyone else who's DNA has the same evolving cell as hers so...."
Β Β "You're using her as a blood bank." Bakugou whispered, piecing together their plan. His hands shook under the metal gauntlets and he felt adrenaline and fury take over. "Because of the fact that her quirk has that rare evolving cell attatched to it...."
Β Β "It will sell for millions!" Shimesu exclaimed in excitement. "Certainly making all of us richer and more powerful than most Yakuzas and Mobs in this country HAHAHA! Who knows?! Maybe even in the world!"
Β Β "And you, lucky one, get to see it first hand!" Toga cheered, poking his face again.
Β Β Bakugou watched with wide eyes as Twice turned on the tv.
Β Β The screen turned on and showed Tomomi chained to a metal table that was reclined to show her entire face. Bakugou watched with a horrified look as Shigaraki came into view.
Β Β Her wrist had a IV needle in her skin as her blood slowly filled a large blood bag next to her. She looked beyond broken as her skin was too pale, her eyes had black rings underneath and she had a bloody wound across her collarbone.
Β Β "What did you do to her?" Bakugou hyperventilated as he began thrashing again. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!"
Β Β "Don't worry, kid." Shimesu said, grinning evilly at him. "She won't die a violent death but she will make us very rich."
Β Β Bakugou watched as Shigaraki walked out of camera view for a few seconds before walking back, turning to the camera with a sinister look in his eyes. "Smile for the camera, Miss Todoroki." He said, pulling her hair harshly, making her limp head turn to the camera.
Β Β Her eyes were closed as her body had frost bites all over her. The room looked frozen, if he was honest. Shigaraki looked into the camera, waving his hand, which held a syringe filled to the brim with light purple substance.
Β Β "That's something called Lyre poison." Shimesu said to the traumatized teenager. "It won't kill you right away, in fact, she'll be in pain for a very long time before it kills her. The effects are meant to make you feel the worst pain in the world. Anything you fear, it will manifest into reality in the form of an excrutiating sensation which lasts 30 minutes on and off. And thats only in small doses."
Β Β "After last nights test run, Shigaraki found a way to make the effects last for an hour." Toga added. "And you, my explosive friend, get to watch while you still think over our generous offer."
Β Β Bakugou couldn't hear any of them as Shigarki slowly injected Tomomi's neck with the entire needle, injecting the contents into her veins completely.
Β Β His heart began beating so fast, he was sure it will explode. Tears began to form in his eyes as his entire body shook violently like a leaf.
Β "No..." He whispered, shaking. "No, no, no! Stop it!"
Β Β They just laughed as Tomomi slowly started to twist her face as the effects began to spread all through her body. He watched as she began thrashing against the metal chains like she was experiencing a violent seizure.
Β Β "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"Β She screamed as her veins turned dark around her neck. Tears spilled out of her closed eyes as she continued to thrash and shake and scream. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
Β Β "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!" Bakugou yelled at the top of his lungs, yanking at his restrains, desperate to get free. He growled loudly, trying to get himself free as Shimesu, Toga and Twice began laughing at him.
Β Β "You good for nothing bastards can to whatever you want to me!!" Bakugou growled at them. But soon, his anger was accompanied with desperation as his entire body shook violently. "But......please.....I beg you......please don't hurt her......"
Β Β "Aww....Look at you." Shimesu said, using a tenticle of his to move Bakugou's head up to face him. With a psychotic smile, Shimesu leaned close to his face. "You're a teenager in love after all........Such a shame, too....Because once Shigaraki has no use for her......I get to have my fun with her.....and there's nothing you can-"
Β Β Bakugou head butted him so hard, his nose broke and blood spilled out.
Β Β "AGH!" he groaned, stumbling back, holding his bloody and broken nose with his hands. "YOU LITTLE FUCKING BASTARD!"
Β Β "I PROMISE I WILL DO SO MUCH WORSE THAN THAT, YOU SLIMY BOTTOM FEEDER!" Bakugou yelled louder than him as he kept thrashing against his chains. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!"
Β Β "Let's leave him, Shimesu." Twice said, stopping him from hitting the angry kid. "Besides, our orders were to leave him alone and make him watch the girl."
Β Β Shimesu glared at him before turning back to Bakugou. "Fine!" He pointed at the kid. "You and I will have our moment soon....Let's go."
Β Β As the three left, the only that could be heard was Tomomi's screams and Bakugou's harsh words as he kept fighting to get free. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!!!!"
Β Β Β Β Β Back in the city, Shoto slid the door to his room open. He rubbed his eyes and looked around. Fuyumi and Natsuo left to see their mother in the hospital about an hour ago and they were going to be there all day. So that meant he had the house to himself until tonight.
Β Β Well, he thought he was alone. For, when he walked past Tomomi's room, he noticed that it was open. Thinking it could be an intruder, he slowly hid against the wall and peeked in carefully.
Β Β Only to relax when he saw his father there. But soon shock shot through him as he wondered what he was doing in her room? Shoto thought he locked her door last night.
Β Β Enji sat on her bed, just staring at his own hands as they shook a little. He said nothing. Not even noticing Shoto entering the room at first until he heard his feet against the wood floor.
Β Β Shoto looked at him with his eyebrows furrowed a little as he leaned his back on the wall next to the door.
Β Β "What are you doing in here?" He asked, his voice deep and rough as he stared at his father.
Β Β "I don't even know." Enji answered in the same tone, not even looking at him.
Β Β Shoto remained quiet, sensing he had something else to say.
Β Β ".....You know, your sister....." Enji spoke, turning his eyes to her desk filled with her old class assignments and drawings. "She reminds me of your mother......and Touya...."
Β Β "......And that made her weak, you said so yourself." Shoto replied with no remorse in his voice.
Β Β Enji expected that. He really did. He wasn't the best father in the world to her and yet because she reminded him of two people he really did love, he tried to keep her close. Not in the best way, but.....at least she was close, right?
Β Β But be that as it may......He couldn't help but feel an incredible amount of pain. Knowing that she was missing, presumed kidnapped. It actually hurt him like hell and what hurt more was that he knew he didn't deserve to feel this way. He had no right. Not with the way he treated his family all of their lives.
Β Β Shoto glared at him. He could see he was feeling the effects of Tomomi's absences but it made him pissed off to see him act as if he cared an ounce about her.
Β Β "You wanted this." He said, coldly. "......You said if she ended up disappointing you again, she would end up like Touya......You're getting what you wanted...right?"
Β Β Enji didn't speak at all. All he did was look back down at his hands. Scoffing, Shoto turned and left the room, slamming her door room shut behind him as he angrily made his way to the front of the house. Leaving his father to think about what he just said to him.
Β Β Β Β Β Dabi walked through the empty halls of the west wing of their base as the day went on. He was still recovering from getting his lights knocked out in the middle of the heroes raid. While he was still going through a minor headache, he still made his way to where they were keeping Tomomi.
Β Β Shigaraki had filmed her as she was suffering from the effects of the Lyre Poison for Bakugou to see. After hours of screaming from both parties, one out of pain and other out of anger and desperation, he ordered Dabi to turn off the camera. Which he thought Shigaraki was being lazy for asking him to do it. But he complied because he wanted to see her.
Β Β He had to see her again and any chance he could, he would take it. Making him look way less suspicious.
Β Β Dabi pushed the metal door open, letting the gust of icy air fly past him as the room was now covered in more ice and snow stopped in mid air, as if stuck in a pause. He walked in, makind his body warm up so that he wouldn't freeze.
Β Β He turned off the camera and was about to leave when he pause, looking at her over his shoulder. She was out like a light. Little strands of hair were stuck to her sweating forehead as she looked worse than last night.
Β Β Blood began to dry around where Shigaraki carved into her collarboneΒ earlier, revealing a big happy face wound. Her skin was super pale as more frostbites covered her hairline and around her face.
Β Β The other side of her neck had an identical dark bruise which looked like veins, now reaching under her chin and down her collarbone and chest.
Β Β She looked like she's been through hell.
Β Β Dabi walked over to the left side of her, looking over her entire being. Slowly, he raised his hand up and towards her face. His hand hovered just a couple of centimeters above her cheek when she opened her eyes a bit.
Β Β He pulled back as she slowly looked around and turned her head towards him. She looked at him as if she didn't recognize him. Up until she reached his eyes.
Β Β Dabi looked at her before sighing. She wasn't supposed to wake up right now, he wanted to see her when she was sleep. But it was too late. She saw him.
Β Β ".....You may not recognize-" He started, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke. But was cut off when she said his name......His real name.
Β Β "T-Touya?" She croaked out, her voice nearly completely gone as she looked at him, dazed and confused.
Β Β Dabi didn't know what to say as he was at a lost for words. He hadn't heard that name in so many years, he nearly forgot it was his name. But the way she said it....His mind immediately went back to the times where he would sooth her from nightmares.
Β Β But soon, he realized that she was hallucinating. Another side effect of the poison. She let a very small and lazy smile graze her lips. "T-Touya.....you came back." she whispered a little happily. "You......I knew you would come home..."
Β Β "Yeah.....I did," he decided to play into her hallucination. He slowly took her cold hands in his as he began warming it in his palm. "I told you I would always be there to take away the monsters, didn't I?"
Β Β Tomomi slowly began to start crying through her smile before letting it fall. Tears slid down the corners of her eyes as he held back a sob. "I-I....I missed you so much."
Β Β If Dabi could cry, he would have a few tears in his eyes right now. His hand instinctively gripped her hand a little tighter as her tears fell.
Β Β "I missed you too, Toto..." He whispered. "You have no idea how much I missed you....."
Β Β She sobbed out softly. "P-Pinky promise?"
Β Β Dabi wrapped his pinky around her limp pinky. In a moment of weakness that no one thought he could ever have, He replied in a shaky whisper.
Β Β Β "P-Pinky promise."
I'm crying right now like
I'm actually sobbing.
I am so sorry for this I
really am this is too emotional for
anyways, I hoped you enjoyed
this update and don't forget to
comment and vote
love you and stay safe
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