ππ. ππππππππππ πππ ππππππππππππ
And we are back! You
be seeing a little of what
Tomomi can do as her powers
are maturing.
I'm excited to have her see
Dabi again~
i am fully okay with spamming
so you can go as wild as you
want when commenting on
my books......\
happy reading!
Β Β Β Training officially begins the next morning but Tomomi couldn't properly sleep as she kept hearing that ringing in her head. It sounded haunting and melodic at the same time. And everytime she tried to fall asleep, it got louder.
Β Β Β "Agh!" She groaned, tossing her blanket off of her body. Angrily, she got up and carefully walked out of the room to see if she can follow that sound. Looking back, she made sure the girls were still asleep as she quietly stepped into the hallway.
Β Β Slowly closing the door, she turned as the melody kept playing in her ear. "What is that?" She whispered, trying to look through the dark as she walked slowly down the hallway. "Hmmmm.....whatever it is, I wish it would shut up."
Β Β "Good, you're already awake." A voice made her jump and almost attack it.
Β Β When she turned around, she saw Aizawa standing a couple of feet away from her. He was dressed completely but he was wearing a black coat and his hair was pulled back into a low bun.
Β Β "Get dressed now," He said, tossing something at her. "Me and you are going hiking."
Β Β Tomomi caught the object, which she realized was a dark blue umbrella. She knows it's not raining right now. Why does she need a umbrella?
Β Β "Come on, munchkin!" He said again, more demanding than before. "Daylight waits for no one."
Β Β Tomomi blinked a few times before doing as she was told.
Β Β Β Tomomi got dressed in black yoga pants, sneakers, a grey shirt and a black jacket as she and Aizawa had been hiking up a mountain near the campsite for about 45 minutes now. Daylight hadn't begin and she was beginning to wonder what Aizawa was planning.
Β Β Β "Why do we need umbrellas?" She asked in a huff.
Β Β "Where we're going, we'll need it." was all he said as they continued on. Tomomi rolled her eyes, feeling grumpy and tired. "Don't roll your eyes at me."
Β Β She sighed, resisting the urge to do it again. Her legs were sore and she just wanted to go back to sleep before training started. Not like she was getting any sleep in the first place.
Β Β After about 10 more minutes, the two made it to the top of the mountain. Tomomi looked at the view in complete awe. It was so beautiful. It overlooked almost all of the land. Suddenly, as she was enjoying the momentary peace, it started to rain heavily on her head.
Β Β Shocked, she quickly pulled out her umbrella and opened it, shielding herself from the water.
Β Β "That's why we need umbrellas." Aizawa said, standing next to her with one hand in his pocket and the other holding his black umbrella. "This overlook is called Eternal Rain. Ironic name, seeing as it is the beginning of summer."
Β Β Tomomi looked at him as he began telling her all about this overlook.
Β Β "This mountain has a myth to it." Aizawa said, looking over the entire campsite. "Millions of years ago, Okami, the Shinto deity of rain and snow, used this very spot as a crying spot. He was often saddened over the lives lost during war times so he caused an eternal rain storm to be casted over this very spot.
Β Β "Because he was so sad, people who came here often said that they felt an incredible amount of mourning and sadness. Rumor has it, everytime it rains here, it meant that a soul has passed to the afterlife. It became a historical landmark in the early 1940's. Nowadays, no one comes to visit since it's on private properly but the story is beautifully sad, don't you think?"
Β Β Tomomi looked out as the rain violently poured over them. It seemed like the area they were in was the only part that was raining. But her heart ached as she thought abou Okami and his story. How sad the dragon must have been to see people fight in war. Families being torn apart and lives being ruined.
Β Β "Why are you telling me this?"
Β Β "I brought you up here because, I want you to do something for me." Aizawa said, ignoring her question. "Stop the rain."
Β Β Tomomi looked at him as if he was insane. Was he really asking her this? "I can't control water." She replied. "I can only control ice."
Β Β "I didn't ask you about what you can control or not." Aizawa said back, peering at her from the corner of his eye. "Stop the rain."
Β Β "How am I supposed to do that?" She asked, feeling a little frustrated by his request.
Β Β "Temperature control," He answered. "I noticed that any liquids you are near or touching can freeze at an alarming rate. It's only logical to assume that means all liquids, including rain. So stop the rain."
Β Β Tomomi sighed, deciding to listen to him.
Β Β She stuck her hand out in the rain as she tried to focus on at least one rain drop. Her hand glowed light blue as she tried to freeze the rain. Only to come up short when nothing happened.
Β Β "It's not working." She huffed out.
Β Β But Aizawa kept his face neutral as the rain kept pouring over them and the entire top of the mountain. "Don't think about it." He instructed. "If you push yourself too much, you will fail and freeze yourself. So try again but this time, clear your mind of everything. Even act as if I'm not here."
Β Β She nodded, taking a deep breath. Clear mind.....clear mind.....She recited in her head, letting go the stress and the nightmares. Once she felt herself free from any stress, she began.
Β Β As soon as she stuck out her hand, all of the rain around them rapidly turned to ice. The frozen rain stopped in mid air as if it were stuck in time. Happy, she smiled and looked at Aizawa, who flashed her an approving grin.
Β Β Tomomi looked back and began moving her hand.
Β Β The rain started morphing to individual ice needles. She bent her wrist upwards, her palm facing her and the ice needles grouped together in the air, ready to be used.
Β Β "Now, you see that mannequin over there?" Aizawa said, gesturing to the mannequin all the way on the camp grounds. It was used for training purposes.
Β Β "Yes," She said, looking at it.
Β Β "I want you to hit it."
Β Β Tomomi sighed, her eyes zeroing in on the mannequin, which looked very tiny from where they were standing.
Β Β She moved her hand, making the thousands of ice needles ready itself in the air. With a light flick of her two fingers, the horde of ice needles zoomed past them at incredible speed.
Β Β They watched as it blotted out some of the rising sun and zoomed towards it's target. Most of the needles shredded the training dummy while some strayed off, hitting trees and such. Once the mannequin was punctured and torn to pieces, Tomomi nearly gasped at what she did.
Β Β Did she really do that? She didn't know she could do such an act. Her wrist suddenly hurt, making her wince and shake her hand as the rain began to lighten. The sun was beginning to rise above them.
Β Β "That's gonna happen when you're learning new techniques." Aizawa said, reffering to her hurt wrist. "With time, it will go away."
Β Β Tomomi glanced at him once more before looking back at the campsite. She wondered why he knew so much about her quirk? It felt like he wasn't telling her something and although it bothered her, she felt it wasn't her place to ask.
Β Β Β With a sigh, she wondered more about herself.
Β Β Β What else can she do?
Β Β Β Β Β Kurayami walked into the dark bar with his hood over his head, like usual. It was a sunny day, which he hated with a passion. He loved the night. And that's saying a lot because there wasn't much he actually loved or liked.
Β Β But he walked in and immediately walked over to the bar as Kurogiri turned to him, thinking he was another customer. He was thoroughly surprised to his face at his bar.
Β Β "Kurayami, long time no see." He greeted, cleaning a small glass. "You done sulking in your dark hole?"
Β Β "I rather be depressed and suicidal than a blind slave to an ashy kid." Kurayami teased back, causing the villain to chuckle.
Β Β "You can get away with being a sarcastic dick because I actually like you." He said, filling up the cup with ice and straight bourbon. He gave the cup of hard liquor to Kurayami. "What brings you here? You finally accepting Shigaraki's offer?"
Β Β "The day that I join anyone's side is the day this Earth implodes." Kurayami rejected, yet again. This was like the 34th time someone from their League brought up him joining.
Β Β Kurayami was always a neutral being. He wasn't evil nor was he all the way good. He saw the corruption on both sides of the fence and decided that both sides suck completely. So he stayed out of the ongoing cold war.
Β Β Β "You sen my incompetent, sad excuse of a little brother?"
Β Β "Hmm....he usually stops by around this time." Kurogiri said, looking at the time. "Why? I thought you hated your brother."
Β Β Kurayami picked up the glass and stood up from the stool. "Nothing, I just want to see him." was all he said as he went to a booth nearby the door. "Don't tell him I'm here. I want to surprise him."
Β Β Kurogiri chuckled under his breath as he went back to his cleaning. He had heard rumors of the rest of the Ishida brothers being fearful of Kurayami. Seeing as he was the strongest out of his family due to the type of quirk he has. So seeing Shimesu shiver in his inky black boots was certainly a sight to see.
Β Β About five minutes in and in came Shimesu walking in with his permanent smarmy grin. But he wasn't alone, seeing as two other followed him in. Kurayami recognozed both figures to be a little girl named Himiko Toga and a bi-polar villain named Twice. Not far behind him was Shigaraki.
Β Β There were other villains in the bar already but they seemed to not care about his presence.
Β Β "I've never been inside of a bar before!" Toga gasped as she looked at everything. "OOOOHH!!! So shiny!"
Β Β "Stop touching everything." Shigaraki said, already annoyed with his newest member.
Β Β "Kuro, if you will, a round of shots!" Shimesu said, leaning his elbow on the surface of the bar. "I just beat Toga's high score on Galaga. It's been a good day and I feel like getting drunk."
Β Β "Drinking destroys your liver!" Twice said, before he began talking to himself. "So is being a little bitch, Will you shut up for once? Make me, we're the same person!"
Β Β Β "You so got lucky!" Toga pouted, hopping on one of the stools. "I'll beat your score very soon."
Β Β "Please, you'd have to be this tall to measure up to me." Shimesu said, indicating on how tall he was over her. "Hate all you want, nothing will ruin my day."
Β Β "You sure about that, tentacles?" a very deep and gravelly voice immediately made Shimesu freeze. As he already knew that voice.
Β Β The same voice he both hated and feared so greatly.
Β Β Toga blinked when she noticed that he paused and had a petrified look on his face. "Hmm?" She hummed, looking for the source of the voice. Her eyes found a dark figure sitting lazily in a booth near the door, his hood was covering his face. "Who's that?"
Β Β Shimesu slowly turned around and looked at where the voice came from. His heart dropped when he saw his older brother lift his head, revealing his skull face from under the hood.
Β Β Kurayami's lips formed a tiny grin as he stood up from his seat and walked over to his brother. All eyes were now on him as Kurayami pulled down his hood, revealing his black hair, which was tied in a manbun and his entire face.
Β Β "Kurayami Ishida." Shigaraki said, smirking at him. "Aka, the Grim Reaper."
Β Β Kurayami grimaced at that name. "Tomura Shigaraki.....I'd say I'm glad to see you but lying is bad for my health."
Β Β "Didn't know you can have bad health."
Β Β Β "A guy can dream to die, right?"
Β Β "What the hell are you doing here?" Shimesu cutted in, looking at his brother with ferocity in his eyes. "You think you can just leave our family and then reappear like nothing happened?!"
Β Β "Yeah." Kurayami answered his question, which only pissed him off.
Β Β But Shigaraki stopped the fight before it started. "Are you taking up my offer, finally?"
Β Β "In your fucking dreams." He replied back, sending a cold glare towards his way. "I'm actually here to warn you about something but since my pedophile, tadpole of a brother is here, this only makes it better."
Β Β "Warn us about what?" Shigaraki asked, suddenly curious.
Β Β Kurayami looked at everyone for a moment. Small insects, they were. If only they knew what was in store for them both in the future and very soon. It was almost laughable to watch.
Β Β "You continue your interest in one named Tomomi Todoroki and a life will be lost." He said cryptically.
Β Β Shimesu scoffed at him. There he was acting all cryptic again. Honestly, he needs a better hobby. "And why should anyone of us listen to you, skeleton?"
Β Β "You don't have to." Kurayami said, shrugging his shoulders and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "And I don't always give warnings but I was feeling very generous."
Β Β "What are you getting out of this?" Shigaraki asked, not entirely trusting his words. He had only heard stories of his quirk and his family so seeing one of the brothers here again was suspicious.
Β Β Β Given the fact that he doesn't assocciate himself with anyone. He didn't even really have friends like that.
Β Β Kurayami sighed boredly as he pushed back a few stray strands of his hair. "What I do is for free. I don't indulge in the seven deadly sins like you lot do."
Β Β He turned to leave the bar. But before he left completely, he paused and turned back around to his little brother. With a haunting smirk, he said, "If I were you, I would invest on a parka. You remember how terribly you do in in the cold."
Β Β He looked around the ceilings a little, as well. "And I would get that heater fixed soon. Don't wanna die of frost bite, right?"
Β Β With that, he left them to their thoughts.
Β Β "Woah..." Toga swooned, hearts in her eyes. "He's so handsome and cool~"
Β Β Shigaraki frowned a little at his words. What did he mean?
Β Β He knew he would have to be stupid to not head his warning. For everything Kurayami says, tends to always happen. And he wondered what the grim reaper had in store for them.
I'm gonna try to do long chapters
for this arc but no promises.
Kurayami's role in all of this is
like an all seeing eye or an oracle.
He's not there to make enemies,
he's only there to watch over life
and death.
But mostly, he's a domestic loner
who often wants to be left alone
due to the ways of the world.
But there is more to him than
just being the oracle of this book.
Don't forget to comment and vote!
love you alll and stay safe!
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