πππ. ππππ π π. ππππ π
I honestly don't remember much about
this part of the show and manga so
forgive me if I mess up some parts.
I have terrible memory lol.....
also, I don't know if everyone
knows about Shoto's fire yet
but lets pretend they do for the
sake of the story. He just hasn't
used it yet.
The hunting game began and the three walked through the dark corridors with
extreme caution. But all Tomomi could think was how they were going to win this. Between her and Shoto, battle strategy was his strong suit. And her father wouldn't let her forget that. Sadly, things like that made her insecure about this training period. Maybe she felt more comfortable being in a team with her brother. But she didn't want to rely on him all of the time. That was a weak thing to feel and she hated feeling useless.
"Tomo-chan, are you okay?" Midoriya asked, interrupting her thoughts. He began noticing that the area around them suddenly got a little cold the longer she stared into space with a frown in her face. And from what he remembers her saying about herself, she has no control over how her own body temperature. Thus causing areas near her to suddenly feel colder.
And it didn't take a rocket scientist to conclude that her emotions are also tied with her quirk.
Tomomi shook her head, flashing them both a small smile. "I am fine, thank you." her face suddenly turned serious and the area fell back into normal temp after she pushed away her thoughts. "Iida and Bakugou should not be too far. But I have a feeling that he could show up any minute now."
"How do you know that?" Uraraka asked, curiously as she looked around herself.
"From what I have learned from him, Bakugou lacks patience but he is a very good at aggression." She explained. "He'd break this entire place down if it meant he could win."
"She's right, we have to-"
Midoriya was cut off when suddenly, Bakugou popped out of a corner. He threw an explosive punch which would have nearly hit her had not Midoriya quickly tackled her and Uraraka down to the ground, making him hit the wall, instead.
His intentions were to go after him. Bakugou had no idea that Tomomi would be in front of him like that. But none of that mattered now, he wanted to win this and he wanted to beat Midoriya.
"Come, Deku. Don't dodge." He said in a voice that could only be described as menacing. Menacing and full of malice. Tomomi rose up, groaning from the impact she felt when she fell to the ground as Midoriya looked up at him.
"I figured you would come after me first." He said in a serious tone.
Meanwhile, back in the monitor room, the entire class watched carefully. Shoto frowned at what just happened. If Midoriya hadn't did what he did, Tomomi would have surely taken that hit. And from the looks of it, she would have taken some serious damage.
All the more reasons why he didn't like Bakugou. He let blind rage control him and it almost cost his sister's health, in the process.
"I won't do so much damage that this fight gets to stop," Bakugou said as he ran like an animal towards them. "But I'm gonna get close!"
Before Bakugou could land the punch, he was stopped by an ice punch to the face, sending him flying a couple of feet ahead. Midoriya whipped his head right at Tomomi, who was glaring at him. He was shocked to see her defend him so quickly. Obviously unlike her brother, she was actually nice to him but still.
"That's for nearly hitting me, Katsuki-chan." She said as her hands slowly began to be covered in ice.
If all three of them went after the missile, they would be open for attack and lose the game. If Uraraka and Tomomi went over to the hideout, that would leave Midoriya by himself to deal with Bakugou. They have a chance to win but that is assuming Midoriya could get the tape around Bakugou in time. Something told her that even though Midoriya could do it, he had to be mindful of the time. And Bakugou was no easy opponent.
Which means that she would have to help him get the tape around him while Midoriya somehow got him down enough.
"Uraraka, go!" Tomomi yelled at her. "Don't worry about us, just go!"
Hesitantly, Uraraka quickly ran down the hallway, leaving them with a very angry blonde kid. "He'll get up soon." Midoriya said, noticing him starting to stand up. "We have to move quickly, time is running out."
"You hit pretty hard, Frost Bite." Bakugou grumbled, smirking at her as he stood up. His jaw actually really hurt like hell. He wasn't expecting her to hit him that hard. That let him know she was stronger than she seemed. "BUT THAT WON'T MATTER! I'LL TAKE THE BOTH OF YOU ON!"
"You'd have to catch us first." She sneered at him as she threw her hands out to the side. Doing so, caused the entire area to suddenly be covered in a snow storm like environment.
Snow rapidly flew everywhere, covering his vision completely. Rendering him blind to them momentarily. "What the- HEY!" Bakugou roared, trying to look through the rapidly moving snow storm. He growled as he began shooting through the snow with his quirk, melting the ice, in the process. "JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET MY HANDS ON THE BOTH OF YOU!"
In the mean time, Tomomi grabbed Midoriya's hand and ran to a different hall way.
"That's not gonna stop him for long, we have to go." she whispered as they ducked behind another part of the building.
"Wow, did you see that?!" Momo said in pure awe at what she saw. The students all began talking amongst themselves in shocked.
"She started a blizzard indoors!" Kirishima exclaimed, widening his eyes. "That is so cool!"
Tomomi Todoroki, daughter of Enji Todoroki aka Endeavor....It is true as Aizawa says, she is very skilled with her quirk. All Might thought as he watched her. He began to think about Enji and Shoto. He has known Enji for years and if he remembered anything about him, he knew how much Enji despised losing.
He cared about winning more than he cared about the people around him. Hell, even more than himself. Looking at Tomomi, he could tell she picked up his competitive nature but unlike him, she was more tamed and actually cared about those around her.
Shoto looked on proudly. Proud that he had a sister that was this smart and also because that ice punch really did a number on Bakugou's jaw.
"Hey, Todoroki, can you do that?" Denki asked, turning to him.
"I can't." Shoto answered honestly. "Unlike Tomo, I am restricted with my left side."
"What do you mean?" Asui asked, tilting her head.
"While I was born with both a fire and ice quirk, Tomo was born with only ice." He began explaining. "Which means because I hold two elements, I am restricted many types of attacks and techniques that she can only do.
"Her body is equipped to have the ice in her. It is the reason why she is able to cause a cold aura around her, no matter the weather or if we were indoors or not. While we share some of the same abilities, she can do way more than I can ever do with my ice."
"So if Tomo-chan also had fire, she wouldn't be able to use it because her body isn't equipped to have it?" Sero asked, trying to understand them. "What would happen if she was burned?"
Shoto grew quiet after that. In a way, he ignored his question as he remembered his brother Touya and what he had heard his father say about him. How Touya, who was born a fire quirk user, had the body that could only hold an ice quirk. Like Fuyumi and their mother. Every time Shoto saw him, he was always wrapped up in medical bandages almost all over his body.
And that was because his own quirk word burn him.
"Something tells me her body is way more flammable than yours." Tokoyami pointed out to Shoto, seeing as he wasn't directly answering Sero.
Shoto didn't need to say anymore as he kept his eyes glued to the screen.
"Where are you, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked through his ear piece as he and Tomomi cautiously walked through the building. Tomomi held up one had that was glowing light blue and had ice crystals floating around it while he held out the tape.
"The middle of the fifth floor." She replied to them.
Hmmm....that's good. She thought. They were on a good path now. If only they can find Bakugou, then they can-
"ARGGH!" a rage filled scream went off right as they were about to turn to another hall. At the last minute, Tomomi quickly made an ice wall just as Bakugou threw another explosive attack at them. The ice wall softened the blow, sending shards of ice everywhere.
"Ah!" She winced as a few pieced let her with cuts on her arm. She held her arm, noticing the minor bleeding before looking back at Bakugou.
"What? Can't fight your own battles, Deku?!" He taunted. "Why don't you use your quirk? Are you can win even if you don't use it? Are you under estimating me, Deku?!"
"I don't need Tomo-chan to fight my battles, Kacchan." Midoriya said, standing right in front of her. "And I'm not scared of you anymore!"
Tomomi looked at the crazed look in Bakugou's eyes. It was something that scared her and it was something that she had not seen in the boy who hung out with her at the shopping district the other weekend. The Bakugou she was with was a complex teen. Strong willed, tough, but also secretly generous and deep.
This Bakugou....This one scared her and she didn't know if she even wanted to be around this one if he was really like this. He truly looked like a villain and that terrified her. She was so into her thoughts, she didn't realize that he began loading up one of his canons, aiming at the both of them.
The more he powers that gauntlet, the bigger the blast! She thought, watching him point it at them.
"Young Bakugou, stop!" All Might yelled through his ear piece as everyone gasped at the scene in front of them. "Are you trying to kill them both?!"
Shoto looked on, containing his nervousness as he watched Midoriya cover Tomomi's body. Bakugou was truly crazy. He was letting his hatred for Midoriya control him rather than thinking this was a training session. And all he could think about was that Tomomi could get seriously hurt because of him.
Bakugou was completely on Shoto's shit list, if he wasn't there already. If she came out of this seriously hurt, he would have to face him.
"Sir, you have to stop this fight!" Kirishima yelled. "That Bakugou's crazy! He'll kill them both!"
But All Might ignored him as he watched on, his hand gripping the mic he was using to talk to them. As a teacher, he should stop this fight but...something in him wanted to see what Midoriya would do. He wanted Midoriya to show what he can do. How strong he can be.
"If I don't hit them, they won't die!" he yelled back, shooting at them. The gigantic ball of fire hurled at them at top speed and seeing as Midoriya doesn't have a good defense, Tomomi quickly surrounded the both of them in a cocoon of ice, protecting them from the fire.
Tomomi held up her hands, keeping the ice from melting but the more the fire started fighting through, the more she was becoming weak. Her body became colder than usual, she tried replacing the ice faster than it was melting, she was becoming dizzy.
Oh no, I don't think Tomo-chan can hold it up any longer. Midoriya thought as he noticed little frost bites started covering her arms and legs.
"NGHH!" She winced loudly as the blast finally disappeared, leaving nothing but smoke. The building stopped shaking and her arms fell limp as she began breathing heavy.
"Aaah!" Tomomi groaned, feeling a sharp pain hit her right in her chest as her body was too cold for her to stand up straight. She clutched her chest with her hands as she felt her body try to heal itself. Midoriya held her up just before she could fall.
"Are you going to be okay, Tomo-chan?" he asked, holding her up. Her body began to slowly heal as her energy restored.
She huffed, standing up straight now. "Thank you, I am okay- WATCH OUT!"
Midoriya noticed Bakugou charging at them. But he noticed too late and all he could do was protect Tomomi from being blasted again. So he spun her around and took the blast to the back for her. She had been saving his ass this entire time. It was now time for him to return the favor.
Before Bakugou could land anymore hits to him, Tomomi thought fast and blasted Bakugou right in the chest, throwing a total of 4 punches, each one landing harder than the other. The last one sent him right through a wall.
"Midoriya, I don't want to force you to do this but you have to use that quirk of yours if we want to win this." Tomomi stated, crossing her hands in front of her. "My body is still healing, there is only so much I can do right now."
"You're right, I have a plan." He said quietly, "You think you can do something for me or are you too damaged right now?"
"Depends on what you want me to do, exactly." She said.
"When I tell you when, I need you to boost me forward." Midoriya said, getting his arm ready. She frowned at him a little. "Why do you-"
"Just do it." He demanded sternly, catching her off guard at his sudden change of demeanor. "Uraraka, when I say, I want you to get to the missile."
Tomomi sighed, trusting his judgement. So she began swirling her hands in a circular manner. Ice began to fly all around her hands the longer she kept the motion. She watched as Bakugou emerged from the huge crate she created when she laid those punches on him. His suit was covered in melting ice as he still had that crazed look in his eyes.
"Why won't you use your quirk?!" He yelled, getting his gauntlet ready. "Are you underestimating me!? Have you been underestimating me this entire time?!"
"That's not it..." Midoriya answered, glaring at him. "I want to win and surpass you, you idiot!"
The two began running towards each other as Tomomi made a gust of icy air boost Midoriya forward. She watched as his arm began to glow scarlet and the muscles on it became more prominent the closer they got to each other.
"Both of you, sto-"
"Let's go, Uraraka!" Midoriya yelled, interrupting him as prepared to land his hit. "SMAAAASH!!"
Tomomi quicky shielded herself as Midoriya and Bakugou both collided with their quirks. But Midoriya didn't hit him. Instead, he aimed his attack upward, causing it to shoot through the entire building in a big boom. Breaking through like a freight train, the floors above them were left with nothing but huge crates now as the ceiling was exposed.
Allowing Uraraka to successfully use her quirk to get to the missile and gain their team the win.
"That's what...." Bakugou trailed off in complete shock as he looked above him. "From the start, you...."
"My body.....can't handle the impact..." Midoriya weakly explained. "Hitting you with that.....was all I could think of."
Both Tomomi and Bakugou looked at him in shock. She learned something new everyday and she learned that even a passive person like Midoriya has breaking points. If he though of Bakugou while doing that attack, and judging by the impact of it, he must have been holding in so much anger. That type of thing one could only gather from years of frustration.
Oh, Midoriya.....just how much anger are you really holding in?
"Hero team......WINS!" All Might announced, signifying the end of their match.
Midoriya, not able to take the impact, fainted after using that much energy.
"What the heck?" Kirishima mumbled, not able to comprehend what he just saw Midoriya do. "Team D is practically unscathed while Tomo-chan and Midoriya took most of the damage." Denki followed along.
"They lost the battle but won the war, huh?" Tokoyami said, impressed by what he saw.
Shoto glared at Bakugou through the screen. He was happy that Tomo was okay but.....what he demonstrated just now was too unsettling for him. But he would have to worry about that another day.
Tomomi watched as the medic bots carried Midoriya off in a stretcher as All Might made it to them. "Is he going to be okay?" She asked, worried for him but also worried for Iida and Uraraka, seeing as they were on the fifth floor and the building was completely trashed now.
"Do not worry, Miss Tomomi," All Might said optimistically, "He'll be just fine. You should go with him and get yourself checked out. Your body is too weak to stand any longer."
She sighed, allowing another bot to escort her out. But not before she looked back at Bakugou, who was frozen. Completely stunned as his eyes were widened and hands were shaking. In some weird way, she felt bad for him. She wondered why he always felt the need to feel like he had to validate himself by taking it out on someone that is a real friend to him.
Midoriya cares so much about Bakugou and at first, she didn't understand why. But now she could see it clearly. Both were troubled in their own right.
Her only wish was that he could learn that he didn't need to constantly prove himself because he was good. He had to believe that he was good. Which was something Tomomi has struggled with for a very very long time.
This was kind of emotional, not gonna lie
It hurt to see this episode and realize that
Bakugou was having a full on panic attack at the
end of it. I don't know if anyone else caught that.
Anyways, this is over 3000 words, I better see
a lot of comments and votes
love you all so much
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