πππ. π πππππππππ ππππ πππ π ππππππ πππππ
hey guys! it's been a while
and might i remind you, besides
working at a Party City part time,
i am working at a hospital as a
nurse as well so my time has been
consumed with both jobs and
there is still an active pandemic
going on. I would appreciate it
if I didn't get consistent message board
messages of you all asking when
am I going to update my books.
i'll try to be more consistent in
updating when i have more days
off. and because of that, i try to
prewrite chapters to post when i
do have time to be on wattpad.
but other than that, here's the new chapter!
this will be the end of the overhaul
arc and we get into learning more about
Eri and why she's so bonded with Tomomi
do not be a ghost reader, try to comment
and vote. it motivates the authors on
wattpad. please.
love you and happy reading!
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β It was like she was injected with lightening. Midoriya has never seen Tomomi move so fast. Within a blink of an eye, she was right in front of Chisaki. It was like the blizzard was giving her more power.
Β Β Tomomi swung her left leg and kicked Chisaki right in the face, causing him to fly through rubles and destroyed pillars. And while that did catch him off guard, Chisaki quickly dodged her fist, which created a crate where his head would have been.
Β Β Taking the opportunity, Chisaki grabbed her arm and kicked her right in the stomach, sending her flying as well.
Β Β Tomomi groaned in pain as she landed on her back, on the floor. But the rage in her veins was far greater than the pain she was feeling, she got right back up and stood in front of him.Β
Β Β She was weakened due to her body still not being used to the power she was experiencing but she was determined to protect everyone and end Chisaki.
Β Β "You're getting weak." He taunted, slowly walking towards her. "But I must admit, you are strong......possibly stronger than your deceased brother."
Β Β "Do not speak about my brother..." Tomomi growled at him as her eyes began to glow.
Β Β He let out a condescending chuckle, noticing that he struck a sensitive nerve in her. He has done a lot of research on her and her family. He figured that using her brother's death against her was a sore spot for her. And Chisaki was right. Boy, was he right. And he was happy.
Β Β "Aww, did I hit a nerve?" He taunted. "Look at you....pathetic and emotional. Just like the average woman. So sad and so damaged. Your weakness is what caused all of this.....You couldn't save your brother because you are weak and you had to kill someone in order to-"
Β Β Β MIdoriya came out of nowhere and jabbed Chisaki's bulging arm with a cement spike he quickly grabbed. Chisaki, shocked by the sudden attack, resisted against the impact.Β But it was proven difficult due to how strong the boy really was.
Β Β Tomomi's eyes calmed down as she stared at Midoriya in surprise.
Β Β "Midoriya..." She mumbled as he let go of the attack and stumbled back next to her.
Β Β "I got worried when I couldn't see you through the snow." He explained. "I thought something was going to happened so I volunteered to help you....I'm glad I made it in time."
Β Β "Such a nuisance, the both of you." Chisaki interrupted them, recovering a bit. He quickly activated his quirk, sending a massive wave of spikes at the two.
Β Β Midoriya quickly grabbed Tomomi, allowing her to hop on his back and use her quirk to destroy the spikes as he zoomed through. Her hair flew back as Midoriya zoomed through as she destroyed the cement spikes with her cold fire.
Β Β My whole body is screaming! Midoriya thought in pain. He felt the coldness that Tomomi was providing him on his back. It was seeping through his skin and on to his crackling bones. It was as if his body was breaking but Tomomi's ice was trying to keep them from breaking all together.
Β Β But I can move! My whole body is cracking but Tomo-neechan's cool air is holding them together long enough for me to keep fighting!Β Β Β ONE FOR ALL 20%!!
Β Β With Tomomi still on his back, his legs was suddenly surrounded by green lightening as she quickly held on to him tighter. He crashed through the spikes Chisaki kept sending their way, but this time, he was going faster than he normally did.
Β Β He jumped onto the ground space near Chisaki, making the earth beneath him create a big crash, causing the villain to rise up.
Β Β Chisaki jumped down and began attacking Midoriya. Tomomi quickly boosted the two of them away from the vicious attack, allowing Midoriya to reach the ceiling. Where he pushed himself off of and towards Chisaki with incredible speed.
Β Β He finally reached him, giving Tomomi the opportunity jump from Midoriya's back and land a vicious axe kick to Chisaki's head, causing him to crash onto the ground, face first.
Β Β The crash caused a icy shockwave, making cement and rubles to shoot in the air.
Β "MANCHESTER SMASH!" Midoriya punched the area where Chisaki would have been but once the air cleared, the two were shocked to see that he was nowhere near them or it seemed like the attacks didn't affect him.
Β Β "No way..." Tomomi mumbled in shock as Midoriya's eyes widened.
Β Β "No matter how fast you are....or how strong your quirk is." He said, point his last statement towards Tomomi. "Compared to the last, the lines of your movements are simple and easy to predict."
Β Β Chisaki activated his quirk again, sending more spikes to attack Midoriya. One of the spikes nearly hit him in the stomach but before it could touch him, it was surrounded by light blue fire. Making the spike freeze and fall into piles of snow.
Β Β Β "What?!" Chisaki yelled, mad that he didn't kill the green haired pest.
Β Β Β Midoriya looked to see Tomomi was in front of him. The tips of her hair was ignited in blue fire as her skin was lined with what it looked like glowing snowflakes patterns. Like tattoos.
Β Β "Like I said, Chisaki." Tomomi's voice was cold and ferocious. "You are nothing but a man-child."
Β Β Fed up with the two of them, Chisaki glared at her. "I'm done."
Β Β "Too bad, because we're not done with you." She quickly retorted, only pissing him off even more.
Β Β "Jeez....Lemillion persisted like that, too." He said in an angry tone. "You two can't look down on the hidden reserves of someone who won't give up."
Β Β He lifted his hand, showing them a mouth on the palm. She and MidoriyaΒ realized that it resembled Nemoto. Who's quirk was confession.
Β Β He activated it before either of them could do anything about it. "MORE PEOPLE ARE ABOUT TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Chisaki shouted. "IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, ERI?!"
Β Β Suddenly, they heard little footsteps coming their way. The two teenager's eyes shot up in fear as Eri's fragile form came into their line of vision. What the hell was he about to do?!
Β Β "ERI!" Tomomi yelled as she was about to run towards her but was stopped by Midoriya. "LET ME GO! ERI!"
Β Β "You'll risk getting hurt, Tomo!" Midoriya yelled back at her, holding her back.
Β Β "Eri..." Chisaki's voice caused the little girl to jump as she looked at him, completely conflicted and petrified. "Do you really think these two could do anything in this situation by themselves?"
Β Β "N-No." Eri mumbled, fiddling her fingers as she looked down in guilt and sadness.
Β Β Midoriya's eyes widened as Tomomi froze in her place. He was manipulating her again. Tomomi knew this wasn't what Eri must really be feeling. This was all because of the trauma Chisaki put her through. And even if this was what she was thinking, she was not going to stop trying to save her.
Β "Then what should you do?" he asked her, already knowing what she's going to say.
Β "Go back...." Eri answered, looking at him again. "In exchange......to put everything back the way they were a-and Miss Tomomi gets to go home."
Β Β "Eri, no.." Tomomi whispered as tears built up in her glowing eyes.
Β Β "That's right, it's easier to get hurt by yourself then to have others get hurt for you, huh?" Chisaki continued his dark tirade.Β "The faint hope that budded with Lemillion and Miss Todoroki has been smashed. Have you realized? That you two are acting in the cruelest way possible to Eri? You claim you will protect her, Tomomi.....but all you have done was create chaos and desolation....Just like you've always been.....You're nothing but a being born to create desolation and death....
Β Β "You couldn't save that little boy in the forest, you got yourself kidnapped and because of that, you caused more destruction.......you couldn't even save your own brother, what makes you think you can do any good for Eri? All you're gonna do is hurt her, like you've done to everyone else. "
Β Β Midoriya looked at Tomomi with concern. He could tell everything he was saying to her was causing her to crack even more. And though he had no idea Tomomi felt this way about herself, he wanted to let her know that she shouldn't feel that way at all. Because that's not how he or everyone else saw her.
Β Β But it made him wonder....How does Tomomi actually see herself? As someone who could actually be a hero or someone who has caused nothing but destruction?
Β Β "That maybe true..." Tomomi spoke up as her fists turned white. "I may have caused a lot of pain to everyone. I may have a quirk that can kill anyone in an instant.....But what sets me apart from you, Chisaki, is that I am no longer running away."
Β Β "Huh?" Chisaki hummed. Eri's eyes snapped at her as she was surprised to see her not give up on her.
Β Tomomi's eyes glared daggers into Chisaki's. "You hide behind this facade that quirks are diseases but look at you....without your men's quirk, you are nothing....You will never be anything and you're a weak man who has to manipulate and hide behind people to get stronger whereas I will always and forever be stronger than you or your borrowed quirks!"
Β Β Β And that was what broke Chisaki's patience and her words really hit his angry spot. But before he could even attack her, the ceiling above them crashed through.
Β Β Midoriya recognized who it was. It was Ryuku and the rest! They found them! "You guys!"
Β Β "Deku!" Uraraka yelled, happy to see he was okay but her eyes quickly landed on Tomomi. "T-Tomo-chan! You're okay!"
Β Β Β "Then who was the Deku we just saw?" Tsu asked, confused as to why Midoriya was here. "Wait, big sister! You're here, too!"
Β Β "Take care of Nighteye!" was all Tomomi said before she chased after Eri and Chisaki. But not before she got Midoriya to follow her.
Β Β Chisaki used his quirk to hold back the two teens. He created a pillar underneath him, grabbing Eri as they rose up into the air.
Β Β Β Midoriya quickly grabbed Tomomi by her waist and held her close as he used his quirk to quickly hop over the spikes Chisaki was sending their way. His plan was demolished before his eyes and it irritated him.
Β Β "Everything's messed up!" He mumbled angrily. "You pieces of garbage!"
Β Β "Midoriya, he's trying to escape!" Tomomi yelled over the noise Chisaki was making.
Β Β Β She quickly circled her arms around his neck, allowing him to hold her with one arm on her waist and the other under her legs.
Β Β Β "We won't let him!" Midoriya growled as he moved faster to get to him.
Β Β "So obstinate!" Chisaki growled as he made his pillar rise up even more, destroying the building as he went. He then noticed something floating in the corner of his eye.
Β Β It was Mirio's cape. battered and torn a little. He sneered at it. "That got flung up, too? disgusting."
Β Β But Eri, who was in his arms, saw the cape and began to remember a lot about Mirio and Tomomi. Suddenly, flashes of when Mirio protected her flashed in her eyes. How he took a bullet meant for her and Tomomi with a smile on his face.
Β Β How when even though he was in pain, he did everything to keep her safe and how he circled the same cape that was in her line of vision around her and Tomomi.
Β Β Then a memory of Tomomi catching her came to her mind. How they way she promised that she will always be there for her. How much Tomomi truly cared for her, made Eri want to cry.
Β Β Miss Tomomi said she would never leave me......Eri thought. I-I don't want her to get hurt again.......That's enough! I don't want anyone to die! I don't want that!....Why do they keep....
Β Β Suddenly, Eri's horn glowed white as she reached out to grab Mirio's red cape. But in doing so, she made Chisaki's body become separated from the others he had absorbed. Making him go back to normal.
Β Β Β Both Midoriya's and Tomomi's eyes widened as they saw what the little girl did. She separated Chisaki from the others! And now she was falling.
Β Β Β "Midoriya, throw me!" She demanded, fear filling her lungs.
Β Β The green haired boy looked at her as if she was crazy. "What!? I could hurt you!"
Β Β Β Deciding to trust her, Midoriya tossed her into the air as she used her ice to boost herself further up.
Β Β Β Eri's body flew out of his arms as she grabbed onto Mirio's cape. But she realized that she was falling now. She looks down to see Tomomi was flying towards her.
Β Β These people aren't going to give up..... Eri thought as she looked at Tomomi. Not until I'm saved.....Even if it means they'll die.....I have to let them save me! I have to go back! I have to go back to Miss Tomomi! Into her arms!
Β Β Β Eri pushed herself further away from the pillar, which made Tomomi more motivated to catch her before she fell. She landed on a rubble and jumped off, towards Eri's falling body.
Β Β She began destroying pieces of concrete and cement flew her way as she tried to get to her faster. Come on, Tomomi..... She heard Yukina's voice say to her. You are not weak...you don't destroy things....you are more than what they see....
Β Β She then began to hear her mother, Rei's voice.Β You are the hope where hope is gone....you are both strong and soft....you are the light when there is darkness......you are everything a hero is meant to be......be a hero, Tomomi....
Β Β When it seemed like time slowed down, Tomomi's eyes stayed on Eri and vice versa as the two slowly began to meet.Β
Β Β The next thing they knew, Eri landed right into her cold arms. With one hand holding Mirio's cape, Eri quickly circled her arms around her neck and buried herself into her embrace. Tomomi quickly circled her arms around the little girl, hugging her close. As if she could disappear if she didn't hold her enough.
Β Β "I'll never let you go, Eri..." She mumbled as the little girl hugged her. "Never ever again..."
Β Β Eri squeezed her eyes closed as she buried her face into her shoulder. She never had anyone care about her this much before and it made her feel guilty about the trouble she went through to carry out her promise to her. But this time, she knew that Tomomi will always be there.
Β Β Chisaki looked from his pillar and began to send a massive amount of spikes at them. Quickly thinking, Tomomi held Eri in one arm and began emitting blue flames from her other hand, destroying the spikes as it came closer to her.
Β Β Β She saw that Midoriya was in full swing, trying to get close to him all while trying to prevent him from hurting the girls. But when he did reach Chisaki, his powerful kick created a big shock wave, which sent the two flying up in the air and out of the damaged building.
Β Β Β Tomomi opened her eyes and noticed that they were high up in the air. Above buildings and homes. The hot sun beamed on them as the wind seemed rapid. The two began to fall down at a rapid pace.
Β Β Tomomi noticed the designs on her arms. It was like intricate swirls and snowflakes were tattooed all over her hands and arms. They were glowing white and resembled frost bites.
Β Β What is this? She thought, looking at her hands. As she looked, she suddenly felt a rush of pain and power hit her in her heart. It was like she could move but couldn't breathe. What's going on?....What's happening to me??
Β Β Eri opened her eyes and noticed that they were falling and that Tomomi looked like she was in pain. She wanted to do something but she didn't know what she could do.
Β Β Tomomi realized that they were still falling. So thinking fast, she threw her free hand below them and created a large ice berg, allowing her to land on her feet and slide down at top speed.
Β Β Planting them safely back onto earth. But as soon as they made it back, Tomomi fell to her knees as her breathing began to increase more rapidly.
Β Β She struggled to breathe as her body began to grow cold from the inside out.
Β Β Eri watched in horror as Tomomi's hands began to turn into ice. "T-Tomomi?" She mumbled, placing a hand on her shoulder. Wanting so bad to help her.
Β Β Tomomi's body slowly started to turnΒ into ice as her face began to grow first bites. She hyperventilated even harder as an icy breath escaped her lips.
Β Β Eri's horn glowed white again as she tried to fix Tomomi but it seemed like she was only causing her more pain. The ice had stopped but her hands were still frozen solid and her legs were also in ice.
Β Β Tomomi, through her breathing and panicking, realized that Eri stopped the ice from freezing her. She realized all that Eri could do.
Β Β "She has no control." Chisaki's voice made them look towards his direction.
Β Β Eri quickly hid behind Tomomi as she glared up at him. His cocky eyes pissed her off so bad. If she wasn't already damaged, she would have ended him right there.
Β Β "She may have activated it at a good time. But she doesn't know when to stop....Isn't that right, Eri?"
Β Β Β Chisaki had used his quirk to absorb Katukame again, becoming the horrible monster he was before. Not that he wasn't already.Β He looked down at them while Tomomi glared daggers at him.
Β Β "She rewinds humans. That's who Eri is." He continued. "Depending on how you use her. It might even be possible to turn a person back to a monkey. If you keep holding onto her, you will be annihilated. Everyone who touches her will be rewound into nothing."
Β Β Β Eri began feeling like she was a monster for having such a quirk. But Tomomi wouldn't allow him to make her feel terrible about an amazing gift she was born with.
Β Β It's happened to Tomomi before. She refused to let it happen to her or any other person who ever thought that their quirk was not good enough or that their quirk was something that was monstrous.
Β Β Β "That girl's quirk is a curse." Chisaki spat out venomously. "Hand her over. There's no way to stop her other than to disassemble her. Unless you want to be annihilated, hand her over."
Β Β "You have a better chance in hell before I let you do anything to her." Tomomi growled out before turning her words to Eri. "Your quirk is to reverse? You've stopped me from freezing and you healed me.....your quirk is a blessing. I'm proud of you, Eri."
Β Β Eri gasped a little, feeling tears fall down her face. No one has ever told her that before. She began to feel.....good about her words. Tomomi made her feel good about her own quirk.
Β Β While they were talking, Eri's quirk reversed the damager Tomomi's quirk did to her body. The ice seeped back into her, her breathing became steady again, and that pain she felt was replaced with power.
Β Β Tomomi felt her hair began to float as Eri quickly climbed onto her back, holding her tightly. There was a change happening in Tomomi. It was like more power was unlocking before them.
Β Β The area around her eyes suddenly had symbols of snowflakes glow as her eyes were now engulfed in ice blue light. Her skin had big prints of snowflakes appear all over her arms and legs as they glowed pure white.
Β Β Β Her teeth were razor sharp and now made of solid dry ice as her lips were pulled up into a snarl. Letting smoke escape her mouth.
Β Β The tips of her hair ignited in white fire. But they weren't burning. They were causing a cold aura to surround her and Eri.Β
Β Β But Eri didn't feel the effects, for some reason. She actually felt warm and safe on Tomomi's back.
Β Β "Your power up is meaningless." Chisaki said. "Neither you nor Eri know the value in her powers. Quirks progress markedly when you develop them. By conducting countless experiments, I extracted Eri's power and succeded in bringing it to it's end point. As a result, it doesn't stop winding back to the flesh. It rewinds the species to it's unmutated-"
Β Β He couldn't finish his sentence as Tomomi disappeared from him. Before he could be more confused, he felt a hard kick land on the back of his head, sending him flying through the torn down building and out the other way.
Β Β She practically teleported behind him and then sent a hard high kick to his back, sending him in the air. Not giving him any time to speak or breathe.
Β Β Chisaki was irritated. He was getting beaten by a teenager and it was embarrassing. She ruined his plans with Eri and her. And he was not about to go down like that.
Β Β Tomomi looked as he was about to send another attack at her but within a flash, she and Eri zoomed in the air, leaving a pile of sharp icicles behind her and met him in the sky.
Β Β Chisaki was regenerating arms and legs, which belonged to his subordinate. He disassembled his body to form a new and bulging body using his parts. With his arms and legs beingΒ from Ketsukame.
Β Β Tomomi watched calmly while Eri buried her face onto her shoulder, to stop the wind form blowing in her eyes. All while continuously reversing Tomomi's injuries.
Β Β "Why won't anyone.....look at the big picture?!" Chisaki said, incredibly aggravated. "What I am going to do is tear down this world....This frame work! Your justice is small!"
Β Β He sent an attack towards her but Tomomi shot a ball of white fire, freezing the spikes and destroying them, all together. The effects of the white fire made them explode into tiny shards of ice.
Β Β "You only see what's in front of you. It's a mere sentimentalism!" He continued to throw spikes at her and Tomomi continued to make them freeze and explode. Just to get closer to him. "You hero pretenders.....STAY OUT OF MY WAY!"
Β Β Β Chisaki tried to grab hold of her but Tomomi dodged his enormous hand and stomped down on his wrist so hard, it broke away from him and turned into ice.
Β Β "If I can't save...." Tomomi spoke up, now directly above Chisaki.
Β Β He noticed that their were a huge cloud of icicles covering him and the sun. It was as if a blizzard cloud had suddenly covered all of Japan with the amount of icicles floating above her.
Β Β And they weren't small, either. They were sharp and ginormous. It was the world's biggest ice avalanche in the air and it sent fear down Chisaki's spine.
Β Β This was what Kurayami warned him and everyone else about. This was what he kept telling everyone not to do. And he is bearing witness to what she can really do.
"The one little girl on my back, then how can I hope to be....." she spoke again, making the icicles glow white with her hands. "A HERO THAT PROTECTS OTHERS!!!"
Β Β Her eyes snapped back open as she flexed her wrists, commanding the icicles to rain down on Chisaki. Shredding his arms and legs to pieces, giving him no time to regenerate.
Β Β Once he was weakened, Tomomi suddenly appeared right in front of him. Her fists were covered in ice and white fire as the shadow of her hair blotted out her face but kept her menacing eyes lit up.
Β Β It was a glare that can make even the most evil of villains shrivel up in fear and submission. One that only happened when anyone hurt someone she loved. And that's what Chisaki did.
Β Β He was facing his judgement day and she was his judge.
Β Β Without thinking, Tomomi let out her rage all on him as she delivered the hardest punch to his decaying face, nearly smashing his skull to pieces as he was sent back down to earth like a silver bullet.
Β Β Β Β Tomomi and Eri landed in front of the unconscious and defeated Chisaki as her powers began to disappear.
Β Β Β "Now, it's over...." Tomomi sighed. Eri peaked over her shoulder and saw that it was, indeed, over. She was finally free from him.
Β Β Eri deactivated her quirk and hopped off of Tomomi's back. She saved her. Like she promised she would. Eri wanted to hug her again but before she could do that, she noticed something.
Β Β Β Tomomi's body went back to normal but because she used that much power, her body was weakened and she could no longer stand up or even do anything.
Β Β Tomomi's body swayed with the wind before she groaned a little, feeling her world spinning in her head. Her hands were extremely cold and with one last icy breath escaping her lips, she fainted.
Β Β "M-Miss Tomomi!" Eri called out, worried after seeing her fall to the ground. She quickly moved to her side, placing a hesitant hand on her face. "Miss Tomomi?...."
Β Β She was breathing okay but she couldn't wake up yet. No matter how much Eri tried to shake her awake, she couldn't open her eyes.
Β Β Β Β Tomomi woke up and saw that she was back in the ice palace Yukina had. She even woke up on the ice table like she did before.
Β Β She shot up, not feeling dizzy or weak like before and saw Yukina standing there with her hands held in front of her. She was looking at her with a proud and fond smile.
Β Β "I'm back..." Tomomi mumbled, peering at her hands and legs, which were turned back to normal. "So that means-"
Β Β "You'll be just fine." Yukina promised, sitting next to her legs. "You've made every single one of us proud, Tomomi."
Β Β She looked at her in confusion. "Who?"
Β Β Yukina placed a hand on her face while she continued to smile at her. "Don't you see them? Your ancestors." She whispered, nodding her head over to the left.
Β Β TomomiΒ looked and saw that figures of the Himura family were there, smiling at her in their own way. All had white hair with different colored eyes. Only a few selected had the same colored eyes as her.
Β Β She gasped as she looked at each and every one of them. All dressed in different time period clothing butΒ all of them had their own unique aura to them. And they were proud of her.
Β Β "You times 10 great grandfather was the only one of us who unlocked Zero Degrees....And you did it.." Yukina explained, causing her to look at her. "Zero Degrees is a quirk that allows us to control and make ice out of nothing. Although it is a dangerous ability if in the wrong hands, it can be used for good.....And you are now at Zero Degrees."
Β Β Tomomi was so stunned, she couldn't think straight. There was levels to her quirk? This was a secondary quirk, now? She had two. And she couldn't believe it.
Β Β She was happy, sure but she didn't know how she activated it or how to use it. And she can't ask Yukina for help, she only sees her when she's in a comatose like state.
Β Β But then she remembered Kurayami. The man who helped her escape. She remembered what he told her.
Β Β Β "Us X-cell kids gotta stick together, right?"
Β Β Does he know more about this?
Β Β "But....how did I even do it?" She asked Yukina.
Β Β "Because of the love you have over life." Yukina answered. "Your love for life and one little girl helped you become strong enough to save everyone.......Funny, that's how Lord Himura unlocked it."
Β Β "What do you mean?"
Β Β ".......There was a tyrant in his land." Yukina began to recite the story. "He had killed Lord Himura's wife and was about to kill his only son.....but because he was the only one fighting him, he was severely outnumbered.....But in a stroke of a miracle and with him threatening to cut off his infant son's head, his quirk awakened even more. Which gave him the strength to end him and save his people and his infant little boy."
Β Β Love really was a contributor of this. Tomomi thought that short story was beautiful. To know her ancestor loved his son so much, he became stronger for him and his people. It was a beautiful but sad story.
Β Β "Tomomi....always remember we are with you and your family." Yukina said softly, holding Tomomi's face in her hands.Β "And I will always be with you.....no matter what."
Β Β Β She placed her forehead onto hers as Tomomi smiled a little, tears streaming down her face.
Β Β "Thank you....So much..."
I felt like this was an appropriate
way to end this arc. That does not
mean this book is over yet. I'd say
like a few more chapters and then
it's done.
but anyways, let's not talk about that.
Let's focus on the positive. Tomomi saved
Eri!! Yay!!!
I hope you all enjoyed this and
do not forget to comment and vote.
please. I love you, beautiful people and
i will see you next update.
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