ππππππ. ππππ πππ ππππ ππππ
hey everyone! happy belated
holidays! i hope you all had a
good holiday with friends and
I am planning on a second
christmas special but it's
not going to be on here. It's
going to be on BLIZZARD. my
one shot book.
since overhaul's arc felt pretty
short, I think i'm just going to
speed run through it since I
am struggling to keep tomomi
relevant to the arc with eri and
everything. because this arc
was mostly about eri and her
don't forget to comment and
vote. I have been lacking in
comments on my books lately
and that's my fault for not posting
as much as I used to but I would still
like to see you all spam this up.
Happy reading!...
Β Β Β It felt like the LOV all over again. Tomomi was aimlessly running through the darkened hallway as she could hear the voices and attack impacts of different heroes and villains. It was all a jumbled up mess but all she could think about was Eri and how she was possibly doing. If the Hero Commission were here, they must know about her abduction and Eri.
Β Β "Boss wants us to take the girls and go!" She suddenly heard one of his lackey's vice ring in her ears just as she was about to turn a corner.
Β Β Β Tomomi quickly hid as she heard them move closer. Taking a deep breath, she remembered what Kurayami told her to do. Focus on her hands. The center, to be exact. "You get the little one and I'll get the teenager."
Β Β "Right!" The other guy said before running down the hallway.
Β Β Β Tomomi waited until the guy, who was supposed to get her, came closer to her. As soon as his steps got super close, she jumped out of hiding and blasted him in the chest with her new found powers. The incapacitated man flew a few feet away, his back slamming into a metal wall, creating a small crate.
Β Β Steaming dry ice began forming all over his body, encasing him in a ice cocoon completely. Like a solid statue.
Β Β "So that's what that does..." Tomomi mumbled, looking at her hands again. So the fire she has doesn't act as regular fire. It was ice but in a flame form. Once she's out of here, she will certainly ask Mr. Aizawa about it.
Β Β Β "There you are." Chisaki's voice made her turn around quickly. She saw him standing just a few feet away from her with that creepy guy from earlier. He was holding Eri in his arms.
Β Β "Eri!" Tomomi yelled, about to run to her but was stopped when Chisaki pointed a gun at her. Not at Eri but at Tomomi's head.
Β Β "How did I know you were going to get clever with me?" He asked, chuckling slightly. "Make one more sudden move and I'll render you quirkless and brain dead."
Β Β Tomomi froze in place as she could not take her eyes off of Eri, who was looking at her with a pleading and scared look in her bright red eyes. She wanted to run to the older girl but she couldn't because that would mean Miss Tomomi would get hurt because of her. And she already didn't want anything happening to her.
Β Β Β But Tomomi didn't care what happened to her. As long as Eri was okay.
Β Β "Now, I know I'll have to lock you in a padded room, this time." Chisaki said, walking towards her. "I can see why Shigaraki had trouble with you....you're too smart for a lot of people."
Β Β "But she's weak when it comes to Eri." His assistant, the creep, laughed out, noticing how Eri was practically shaking. "This will be an interesting experiment."
Β Β "Indeed, it will be." Chisaki said before he was about to grab her but was stopped when they heard another pair of footsteps. Which was coming from behind Tomomi.
Β Β She turned to see Mirio, the third year student from her school, suddenly stop to a halt once he noticed the people in the hallway. "Mirio?" She said in shock as Chisaki quickly circled an arm around her neck, holding her hostage. "Ngh!" She groaned at the tight hold she was in.
Β Β Β "You shouldn't have been able to get here this quickly." Chisaki said to Mirio, wondering how he was able to get to them this fast. Especially since this entire place was covered in guards and armed men.
Β Β Mirio's eyes flickered from him to Tomomi and then to Eri.
Β Β "I took a shortcut." He said stoically. "I'm here to rescue both girls."
Β Β Chisaki scoffed a bit. "Now that you know the situation, you're putting on your mask, huh?" He asked rhetorically. "Mr. Student. Back then, you were pretending to not see, weren't you? This little girl doesn't want you to rescue her. To her, you're not a hero."
Β Β Tomomi felt anger in her veins as she could see the slight waver in Mirio's usually hopeful face. His words were really making an impact on him and she can only guess that he felt responsible for this entire situation.
Β Β "And there is no way I'm letting you walk away with my cash guinea pig." He continued, indicating that he was talking about Tomomi. "She is way too valuable to just let walk away.......Do you really think you can save the both of them, hero?"
Β Β "That's why I'm here." Mirio stated, gaining back his confidence just a bit. He promised Midoriya that he would do everything he could to save both Eri and Tomomi. And he was determined to get that little girl away from Chisaki.
Β Β He made that mistake before and he won't make it again. He wasn't going to let her down again.
Β Β "I'm not getting through to you so let me make this simpler." Chisaki spoke again. His voice getting darker. "I'm telling you to die."
Β Β Suddenly, Chisaki roughly grabbed Tomomi by her hair and began tugging her with them down the opposite side of the hall.
Β Β Yelping in pain, Tomomi's hand swiftly grabbed his wrist, trying to pry his hand out of her hair. The more she tugged, the more her veins began to glow ice blue through her skin. And when she was getting more frustrated, the palms of her hands burst into blue fire.
Β Β "Damnit!" Chisaki yelled out, instinctively letting her go. He examined his wrist and saw scalding hot dry eyes forming around where her hands were. "Leave the girl, she'll die with him."
Β Β He harshly shoved Tomomi towards the ground but was caught by Mirio before she could fall. "Let's go." He said, taking Eri away from them.
Β Β "ERI!" Tomomi quickly stood up and tried to run towards them but was stopped when Mirio suddenly lost all sense of balance and coordination. "Mirio!" She yelled, quickly holding him up. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Β Β Β "I-I don't know." He stuttered out, feeling dizzy. "MyΒ sense of equilibrium...."
Β Β Β Tomomi was going to say something else but was stopped by a scary and nasally voice. "Are you sloshed?" it asked, appearing above them. He was wearing a vulture skull mask and he was drinking an alcoholic drink upside down.
Β Β But she noticed something about him. First, he was drunk and second, his quirk only activates when they are near him. Third, she felt frostbites grow on her hands, which meant-
Β Β "Tomomi!" Mirio yelled, quickly grabbing her just as a gun shot could be heard.
Β Β He circled his arms around Tomomi as she quickly wrapped her arms around his shoulder. He threw the both of them to the side, barely escaping from a bullet that would have hit her in her back.
Β Β There was a man in all black, wearing a black mask and hat, holding a gun at them just below the drunk guy. His name was Nemoto and his quirk was called Confession. He could get anyone to tell him their true feeling and darkest secrets.
Β Β "What are your quirks?" He asked, activating his quirk on them.
Β Β "Permeation." Mirio immediately answered without hesitation. Which he didn't mean to do.
Β Β "S-Sub-Zero." Tomomi stuttered out, also not meaning to tell him. But his quirk made them talk. What am I doing?! I can't tell him that! She thought.
Β Β "I was wondering where you sprung up from." Nemoto sighed out. "That's why you could get through Mimic and the others. And that's why this girl is so valuable."
Β Β "You misshed?" Sakaki, the guy on the ceiling, slurred out drunkenly. "What're you? drunk?"
Β Β "I see," Mirio said, carefully placing Tomomi down. "You forced us to talk, huh? But you're not the type to stand in the front lines."
Β Β "Meaning he's just as disposable as the others."Β Tomomi added, glaring at him.
Β Β "I am extra-ordinary, little girl." He spat at her venomously. She could tell they struck a nerve in him. "Hence, I am different from the other dispensable pawns. In the Hassai Group, I'm the only one who's been allowed to get close to the young boss' ambition."
Β Β He shot two more rounds at them but Tomomi stomped her bare feet and created an ice shield, stopping the bullets from going through the thick layer of ice.
Β Β "How can he call it ambition when he's using his own daughter?!" Mirio yelled at him.
Β Β Β "Eri will never be his daughter." Tomomi said angrily as her hair began to float upwards and her eyes began to glow bright ice blue. "And I can promise you this, he will never be able to hurt her again as soon as I get my hands on him."
Β Β Nemoto smirked. This girl really cared a lot for Eri. Chisaki was right. It was like she was Eri's mother. Maybe that's why he also wanted to keep her so much. Tomomi and Eri were like two sides of the same coin. She was as disposable but expendable as Eri.
Β Β "Oh, in order for things to proceed smoothly, emotions are unnecessary." He explained. "I'm sure that's something you can understand well."
Β Β Nemoto activated his quirk again on them, wanting to get into their mind. "Now, when you first encountered Eri, you let her go because of that, right?"
Β Β "That's right." Mirio answered like a lifeless robot. Tomomi noticed he wasn't using his quirk on her.
Β Β Β "Mirio!" She yelled, trying to get him out of the trance. Also, he began to sway left to right slowly and he looked like he was about to pass out. "Mirio! Wake up!"
Β Β Β "And then you probably guessed what our plan was and regretted it." Nemoto said, ignoring her. "Rescue Eri and Tomomi? You just wanted to use the both of them as a cover to make yourself feel better, right?"
Β Β "Mirio, don't listen to him!" Tomomi yelled, standing in front of him. "You are a hero. You are a kind person. Don't let him dictate how you see yourself!"
Β Β It was as if Mirio couldn't hear her as he fought from telling him anything that was going on in his mind. He was not going to give a villain the satisfaction of tearing him down. Not when Eri needed him.Β Not when Tomomi was depending on him to get her out.
Β Β He's growing weak.... Tomomi thought worriedly. The longer he resist, the weaker his mind is.....Think, Tomomi.....
Β Β Β "I live for the young boss' ambition!" Nemoto exclaimed proudly as he looked to see Chisaki and his assistant walking away with Eri. "He needs me! I must follow him! We'll walk together! We'll share the joy when it's realized! Now!"
"Now!" Sakaki yelled with him as he pulled out knives. He began throwing them at the two.
Β Β "Die, nuisances!" Nemoto yelled as the sharp objects hurdled towards the two.
Β Β Β Thinking fast, Tomomi placed her hand on Mirio's shoulder and turned the both of them into a pile of snow, dodging the knives.
Β Β "Huh?" Sakaki slurred out when he noticed he missed. "Where the-"
Β Β Β Β Β Tomomi appeared out of nowhere and kicked him so hard on the side of his head, he flew through the wall completely. Her turning them into snow woke Mirio up completely, which helped them get close enough to the two villains.
Β Β Β Mirio phased through walls at top speed, taking out the other Hassai member with his ultimate moves.
Β Β "That's right....I am weak...." He began to say. "I knew that I was being made to carry a burden of some repulsive karma. I spoke and acted cruelly in front of that girl and I have underestimated another....Even so, rather than seeing us hurt, she chose to return to that hell!...."
Β Β Β Tomomi paused a little, listening to him. That's why he was so hellbent on rescuing Eri. They've met before. She probably stopped Overhaul from killing him. And that's how she met Eri.
Β Β Β "Mr. Chisaki got mad at me." Eri confessed, fiddling with a strand of her hair. "He doesn't like me having friends......But I can't have them, anyways."
Β Β Β "Why is that?" Tomomi asked gently. Not wanting to push her but also curious as to why she was thinking that way.
Β Β "Because he will hurt them."
Β Β Β "Tomomi is a kind girl with a warm heart." Mirio added. "I could see the way Eri looked at her.....And how much she cares for her.....That's why I chased after her and that's why I'm here for the both of them!"
Β Β "H-How can you still move?" Sakaki slurred out, still in pain from that hard kick to the head.
Β Β "Even if you have discovered a truth to yourself, you still didn't know...." Nemoto added.
Β Β Mirio quickly grabbed Tomomi and hoisted her on his back, making her circle his arms around his neck. He was going to do something crazy. So she held onto him tightly.
Β Β "Snow Angel, you got my back?" He asked her.
Β Β Tomomi sweatdropped. He really gave her a new nickname at a time like this? But she wasn't going to let that distract her from saving Eri. "Let's save Eri."
Β Β He activated his quirk, making the two of them sink into the floor, blindsiding them. Mirio and Tomomi reappeared right behind them as she hopped off of his back. "I'll take care of them! You catch up to Eri! I'll catch up!"
Β Β He didn't have to tell her twice as she bolted in the direction they took the little girl. Tomomi could hear Mirio defeating the two Hassai members as she began to use her quirk to cover the entire hallway with ice. Trapping them in her own personal ice cave.
Β Β Β Meanwhile, Chisaki and his assistant, Kurono, stopped their walking to find that the entire hallway was covered in ice like an arctic hell. "What the-" Chisaki began to mumbled but was cut off.
Β Β Β "CHISAKI!" Tomomi's angry and vicious voice tore through their ears.
Β Β Β It was enough to distract him as Mirio appeared right behind him from the floor. But Chisaki was quicker as he dodged his punch at the last second. But he was completely blindsided when Tomomi's ice covered fist collided with his face, sending him a few feet away.
Β Β She bounced from the icy walls and flipped over Kurono's body, blasting him in the back of his head with her below zero degrees blue fire, makig him let go of Eri.
Β Β Tomomi landed on her feet and quickly caught Eri in her arms. Eri quickly hugged Tomomi around her neck as the teen girl fell on one knee, hugging the girl close to her.
Β Β Β "M-Miss Tomomi, you-" Eri stuttered out but was shushed by Tomomi.
Β Β "I told you, I will never let anything happen to you." She whispered to her calmly, holding her closer to her. "Nothing and no one will ever hurt you again."
Β Β "How filthy," Chisaki interrupted the sweet moment as his face broke out in hives. "Come back, Eri....How many times do I have to tell you? You break people. That's how you were born."
Β Β Eri untangled herself from Tomomi's neck and looked down at her hands. He was right. That's all she was good for. Hurting and destroying people and things. Tomomi was hurt and Mr. Mirio went through all of this trouble because of her. But worse of all, Tomomi was growing weak because of her.
Β Β "Tomomi....you shouldn't-"
Β Β "You don't have to listen to him." She cut her off, already knowing what she was going to say.
Β Β But Chisaki wouldn't let up with his manipulative ways. "Haven't I told you? I have to get my hands dirty because of your selfishness. Each and every action you take, kills people......Now look at her, Tomomi is useless and weak because of you, Eri."
Β Β Β Eri's eyes widened as her body shook. Tears began to swell in her eyes as she looked at Tomomi. It was all her fault. She was in trouble because of her.
Β Β Β "Eri, I'm going to tell you something I don't always tell others." Tomomi said, gaining her attention. "I was just like you....When I was growing up, all anyone would ever tell me was that I will always be second best and that I will never be good enough for anything...."
Β Β Eri listened as her eyes were filled with tears.
Β Β "Which is why I will fight until I die to keep you safe, Eri." Tomomi said sternly, her veins started glowing as the tips of her hair began to ignite in blue fire. "And no one will ever harm you again!"
Β Β Tomomi's eyes were completely ice blue, her hair floated upwards and the ice around them grew colder as snow began to pick up in a blizzard.
Β Β "It will be a cold day in hell before I let someone like you damage this little girl ever again!"
oh shit! It's getting real!
Tomomi is going full mama
bear mode and I am here for it!
Don't forget to vote and comment
this was almost 3000 works.
love you and stay safe!
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