ChΓ o cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n! VΓ¬ nhiều lΓ½ do tα»« nay Truyen2U chΓ­nh thα»©c Δ‘α»•i tΓͺn lΓ  Truyen247.Pro. Mong cΓ‘c bαΊ‘n tiαΊΏp tα»₯c ủng hα»™ truy cαΊ­p tΓͺn miền mα»›i nΓ y nhΓ©! MΓ£i yΓͺu... β™₯

π‹πˆπ—. 𝐓𝐇𝐄 ππˆπ† 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄

one last time saying this
I change things in the show
to fit the story better.

I have said this way too
many times. It's fanfiction
also read the author notes

I will not be repeating myself

With that being said, no
Bakugou and Deku aren't
on house arrest because
I have already decided to
not write about it since
he basically vented to
Tomomi when he confessed
to her.

I thought that was already

also what if a new student
were to have a quirk like
the marvel comic character

Akira needs a quirk *wink wink*

but anyways, don't be a ghost
reader please. I always love hearing
from you all!

happy reading!

School came around after that fiasco of a weekend. The entire two days, Tomomi ignored her father's calls, text messages and even social media requests. How he got her instagram page? She didn't know. She suspects that Fuyumi did it. Which was why she was also ignoring her older sister.

She was mad at her for trying to get her to forgive her father after he just tried to arrange a marriage between some unknown boy and her. She was sure that Akira was nice but she was still mad about the whole situation.

So she ignored the both of them all weekend. Even staying home for the weekend while Shoto left to visit their mother.

When the school day came, Tomomi told Momo about everything that happened to her. And even Momo was shocked to hear everything.

"I am so sorry you had to go through with that." She said sympathetically as she watched her friend rummage through her locker. "I still can't believe that quirk marriages are still a thing. Shouldn't it be dead, by now?"

"In this day and age? Not a chance." Tomomi sighed, closing her locker. "The boy seemed nice but....I just can't believe myt dad."

"Well, the good news is you probably don't have to see that boy again." Momo said, trying to lift her mood.

Tomomi smiled a little, thankful of her friend. "Eh, he seemed really nice so I wouldn't mind it. But still....I just hope Katsuki-chan doesn't flip out too bad."

Momo suddenly thought back to when they were taking their Priovisional Hero License Exam. How he yelled at Inasa for asking her out. Suddenly, she sweatdropped and smiled a little concerningly. Somehow, I doubt that.....

Bakugou wasn't in school that day due to the fact that he fell ill during the weekend. He was visiting his parents all weekend and it rained a little while he was helping his dad do some outside work. So he ended up getting sick and was forced to stay in his dorm for the time being.

He heals fast so she would bet he would see her in three days tops. Tomomi made him two pots of soup, lots of bloodroot tea and even bought him a lot of medicine after he came back sniffling and shivering.

She was so worried about him that Sunday and spent all day and night taking care of him and making him rest in bed.

No one knows this but, Bakugou turns into a huge baby when he's sick and he craved her attention while she was taking care of him. To a point were he would text her every five minutes to come to his room and just cuddle him.

He told her to not tell anyone else of else he would "kick her ass". To which, she just scoffed at him and said "Like you can land a hit on me, sparky".

Once class started, Aizawa talked about the Work Study. It was optional for students who were scouted after the Sports Festival and even though there were some that weren't scouted, they could participate but it would be rather difficult for them.

Tomomi wondered if she could do her work study with Miruko. She was very comfortable with her and she liked working with the tanned hero. She even kept in touch with her after the internships.

She later found out that Miruko visited her in the hospital many times after her kidnapping and even replaced the flowers she sent to her.

Miruko was just like a big sister to her or an aunt and she was beginning to love her like one.

"We'll go into more details about the works study." Aizawa said to his class before turning to the door. "Please come in."

Tomomi looked up from her drawing and watched as three students suddenly walk into the classroom. One was tall and muscular. He had tiny eyes and a bright smile. He was blonde and he looked rather heroic.

The girl was a bit short. She was very pretty and she had long periwinkle hair and bright eyes. It reminded Tomomi of the stars. She also had a bright smile.

The last guy stood with his hands in his pockets and he had a very intense stare. Like he was looking through everyone. It was kind of intimidating. He had dark purple hair and he was cute. But he looked like he didn't even want to be there.

Tomomi recognized the three, already. She recognized them because those three has been to a few of her literature club meetings. Granted, she never really talked to them for too long but she remembered their names and how kind they were. Well, only two of them were kind. The last one always shoved his face into a wall whenever she would try to greet him.

And to this day, she has no idea why.

"We have people who experienced it first hand." Aizawa continued. "They'll tell you about how there are differnt from the internships. Listen carefully, the three third years at UA students. Also known as The Big Three."

Everyone in the classroom stared at them in awe and gasped like starstrucked children.

"The Big Three." She heard Midoriya mumbled in awe.

They were Mirio Togata, Nejire Hando and Tamaki Amajiki. The top three students of U.A Academy. They were practically the Pro-Heroes of the school and they were some what of celebrities to the students. Everyone wanted to be like them.

"Okay, can you please introduce yourselves, briefly?" Aizawa said, bringing the class room back to silence. "Starting with Amajiki."

When everyone's eyes landed on Tamaki, his stare sent chills down their spine. He looked so intimidating as he looked over everyone's faces.

Even Tomomi felt herself shrivel up a little.

"What's with that look?" Sero asked, shivering a little.

"All that intensity." Iida mumbled, also feeling jitters.

Tamaki's eyes suddenly landed right at Tomomi as she stared back. His eyes slightly widened as his face turned rapidly red and his arms began to shake. Within a blink of an eye, his face was already shoved into the wallspace next to the board.

Tomomi blinked in confusion. Has she done something wrong?

"It's no good." He mumbled sheepishly. "Mirio, Hado....Even if I lookat them and imagine them as potatoes, everything besides their heads remain human."

Poor fellow was shy. Tomomi suddenly felt bad for him. He must be dealing with anxiety. Poor thing. She thought as she held her pointer finger knuckle up to her lips.

"Her eyes..." Tamaki said in a shaky voice. "Her eyes.....they're so....bright and blue....They're so scary.....I know she's staring into my soul! I just know it!.....I wanna go home!"

"Am I really that ugly?" Tomomi mumbled, suddenly feeling rather worrisome and scared. Her eyes widened as her hands touched her face. "Oh my god....I scared someone....Am I that terrifying to look at?"

"You're far from ugly, Tomomi-san." Nejire promised, giggling as she spoke. "Tamaki, you gotta be a tiger! That's Tamaki Amajiki. And I'm Nejire Hado!"

She then began to shoot questions at almost everyone so fast, no one had time to answer them that quickly. It almost made their heads spin. She talked too fast for the average ears.

How strange are they.....Tomomi thought, tilting her head to the side. She knew they were nice but she never knew they bizzare. They don't act like what I would imagine as the Big Three....It's kind of refreshing to see them act so human, though.

"You guys look like you're not sure of what is going on, right?" Mirio spoke in his boastful voice. "We're thrid years who suddenly appeared to explain the work studies that aren't even required. That's confusing, right?"

Tomomi's brain was having a hard time with Mirio. He threw so many jokes, she didn't have time to react to any of them. In fact, she began tuning him out after a while as she tried to understand his jokes better. Or what he thought were jokes.

"How about you all fight me?!" Mirio said enthusiastically. "This is the most rational way to have you all experience a our experiences first hand, right? How about it, Eraserhead?"

"Do what you want." Aizawa granted lazily, not really caring at all.

"Huh?" Tomomi said, suddenly brought out of her thoughts. "Fight?"

"Mirio, you probably shouldn't." Tamaki spoke up. "Not everyone is filled to the brim with ambition. We can't end up with kids who are unable to recover after this."


"What does he mean by that?"

"Everyone can go." Aizawa said. "Except Miss Todoroki, I have to have her do something important."

"Huh?" She said again, blinking at her teacher. "What is it that you will have me do?"

"You'll see." was all he said to her.

"Aww...I wanted to see her fight." Mirio pouted a little. "I heard she was one of the best first year students here. I wanted to see if she lived up to her name. But oh well, if the task is that important, maybe some other time, human snowman."

"Do not call me a snowman." Tomomi gritted through her teeth as she made the room suddenly drop in temperature.

From being called Elsa, human ice cream machine, miss into the unknown and now snowman, she was getting very annoyed with the punny nicknames.

She didn't mind Elsa that much but the other ones were serious getting on her nerves.

"Tomomi," Aizawa called to her. "You're freezing the room again."

Tomomi sighed, making the temperature come back after making it snow a little.

"Wooooow~" Nejire gasped in awe as she shook her hair from the snow. "So pretty~ Hey, do you do that all of the time or just during when you're annoyed? Huh? Tell me!"

Tomomi looked at her blankly, refusing to answer her questions. They are more exhausting than a toddler.....

After the class went to Gym Gamma, Aizawa had Tomomi stay behind before he left to monitor the class.

"You wanted me to do something, Mr. Aizawa?" Tomomi asked as they were the only two in the classroom.

"Yes," He said, standing up and gesturing her to follow him outside. "We're having a new student joining us in Class 1-A and as Class Secretary, it's your job to welcome the new students."

Tomomi frowned a little as she walked with him towards Principal Nezu's office. She was confused. Shouldn't that be a job for Iida or even Momo? They have a higher rank than her in that position.

"Shouldn't Iida be the one to do this?" She questioned.

"Yeah, but the kid would have died of old age before Iida was done explaining the ins and outs of the entire school." Aizawa said, shrugging. "Besides, Pricipal Nezu wants you to do it, for some reason....That guy is very cryptic. No one knows what's going on in his head."

That was true, sadly. She often found herself wondering what exactly goes on in his head. He could be weird.

As soon as they made it to his office, Tomomi walked in to see a very familiar face. It was Akira Tsukumo! The boy that was set up to marry her. Or at least, tried. She still says no.

Her eyes widened at the sight of him and by the looks of it, he was also shocked to see her there, too. A light blush graced his rather pale face.

( This is how Akira looks. artwork is by ksk525 on twitter. He's supposed to have light violet eyes so just pretend )

"Ahhh, Miss Todoroki is here!" Nezu cheered rather cutely. "Mr. Tsukomo has transfered into Class A and he will be needing a tour guide. Aizawa says you're the perfect student for the job!"

Tomomi shot Aizawa a mini glare. So he was behind this. Aizawa just shrugged back at her, his face remaining neutral.

"Mr. Akira Tsukumo will be starting classes next week so he's just here to observe and get a feel of the school before he starts."

"I see." She mumbled. No matter how mad she was at her father, Akira was innocent in that exchange. She wasn't going to treat him rudely because of her father. "Welcome to UA Academy, I am Tomomi Todoroki. It is a pleasure to meet you."

She smiled kindly at him, bowing in respect. Akira stood up and bowed back at her.

"Thank you for welcoming me." He said, giving her a smile in return. "I look forward in working with you and your class."

"I just want to say, I am sorry for my father." Tomomi apologized to him.

After the meeting with Nezu and Aizawa, Tomomi and Akira began their tour. The first place she took him was to the cafeteria. Where they would have more than enough time to talk before the bell rung.

"It's okay, I was actually going ot apologize, as well." Akira chuckled nervously, waving his hands a little. "I was forced into considering a quirk marriage because I'm the only one of my siblings that actually has a quirk. Or at least one that my father deems worthy and strong."

"I know a thing or two about that." Tomomi mumbled, swetdropping. "Your father is power hungry, too?"

Akira sighed exasperately. "Yeah...When he heard that Endeavor had a daughter that has a very strong ice quirk, he immediately jumped on the idea. Who knew he was actually friends with him."

"I didn't even know my father has friends." She giggled out. Making him laugh a little as well.

Akira wasn't so bad after all. She was happy that she didn't judge him before meeting him formally. He was actually someone she saw herself being friends with.

And Akira felt the same way. She was beautiful, he would not deny that. But he didn't like the idea of arranged marriage. It was almost always loveless and he wanted to marry someone for love.

"Besides, I already have a significant other." He added.

Suddenly more interested in him, Tomomi looked at him curiously as they sat down in a booth near the windows. "Oh? If you don't mind me asking, who are they?"

"He, or I should say, She was a childhood friend of mine." Akira explained, smiling fondly at his hands. "They go by she now. She's not completely in full transition but she's slowly but surely getting there. I've loved her even before she figured out who she really was."

Tomomi smiled warmly at him. She never anticipated on him being apart of the LGBTQ+ community but at least she could say she made another friend apart of the same community she is apart of. It always felt less lonely when speaking to a fellow member.

But she could already tell how much Akira loved his sgnificant other. By the way his smile turned lovingly at mentioning her and how he naturally blushed pink.

"She must be someone special to you."

Akira looked up at her, his smile remaining on his lips. "You have no idea...."

I told you all Akira
was a good guy.

I felt like this was the
right thing to do, you know?

two fellow pansexuals
becoming friends rather
than the cliche rival love interest.

We gotta represent the LGBTQ+
people in a positive light in fanfics
way more.

By the way, his quirk maybe
scary as hell but Akira is
a WHOLE cinnamon roll
and you all are gonna legit
uwu when you see more of
him and how he interacts with
everyone else.

don't forget to comment and

love you all and stay safe!

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