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someone asked me
who did i have in mind
as inspirations to Tomomi's
personality. So I made a
list of characters that are
based on Tomomi's personality
Haku ( Naruto )
Violet Evergreen
Teka Todoroki ( by ackerbangbang )
Enji Todoroki ( only by a little )
Dabi ( her bad side which falls back
on enji )
those are only a few since
I wanted tomomi to have
multiple sides to her and
you'll see what I mean when
I say she reminds Teka of herself.
disclaimer: Teka is owned by
ackerbangbang and is not my
oc. if you want to see more about
her, i suggest following her insta
or tumblr.
dong forget to comment and
happy reading!!
Β Β Β Two Weeks Ago......
Β Β Β Teka didn't know what she was expecting when she found herself standing at the front door of her now estranged son's home. After much convincing from her new husband, Billionaire Canadian Jimmy, she decided to try with her son again. Despite it being a bit too late for that.
Β Β She practically left him alone after he turned 18. He decided a long time ago that he wanted nothing to do with his mother. Or, he just didn't bother with her. And Teka could understand why.
Β Β Both of them were severely hurt by Yoshino's death. But the both of them didn't know how to comfort each other. Teka wasn't used to loving anyone like she did Yoshino and Enji was never taught how to properly comfort people. He was learning but Yoshino died before he could finish their lesson on life.
Β Β Which left a huge gap in their hearts and a big gap between them.
Β Β But yet and still, here she was. Patiently waiting for someone to open the door with her 5th husband beside her.
Β Β Teka was shocked when Enji actually agreed to meeting her again. She expected him to hang up on her once he recognized her voice over the phone.
Β Β "This might have been a dumb mistake." Teka mumbled, crossing her arms. She was dressed in a all white, short sleeved designer pencil dress, diamond earrings in her ears and matching necklace around her neck.
Β Β Her magma hair was tied into a high ponytail and she wore red bottom white heels. Everything about her screamed luxury and those they were in a very rich neighborhood, they still stuck out.
Β Β Before Jimmy could reassure her yet again, the door swung open.
Β Β Expecting her son, Teka was about to greet him but, to her surprise, it wasn't her son. She ( being a tall woman ) craned her neck to look down and see someone unfamiliar but at the same time, familiar. In a sense of her looks.
Β Β It was a teenaged girl at the door. She was dressed a school uniform with the blazer missing. Her hair was pure white but red underneath, going from in front of her ears to the back of her head.
Β Β Kind of like Narcissa from Harry Potter but....You know, white and red and no split ends.
Β Β Her hair was fashioned in with two Chanel pearl hairclips, holding back the front part of her hair and revealing more of the red underneath. She had on a pearl necklace and matching pearl earrings.
Β Β But what shocked Teka even more was the fact that this little girl had her face!
Β Β Granted, her eyes were ice blue and she was not as tan as she was. But this little girl made Teka suddenly see herself in her. When she was her age.
Β Β She opened the door all the way and looked at the two of them, blinking. She had no expression on her face. It was just cold and very intimidating.
Β Β Again.....Just like Teka's face.
Β Β "Hello." She spoke calmly. Her voice sounded like what she remembered Rei sounding but her voice was deeper and more seducing. More sultry and soothing.
Β Β "Hello." Teka greeted back in the same tone as her as she continued to look at her with much curiosity.
Β Β Tomomi, wondering who they are, looked right at Teka. She didn't realize it yet but she was making the same expression as the lava haired lady.
Β Β "Is Enji Todoroki here?" Jimmy asked kindly, seeing that the two females were having a strange moment. So he decided to break the silence.
Β Β Without looking away from the tall and very young looking model, Tomomi answered him. "No, he's still at his agency....."
Β Β "Tomomi! Who's that?!" another, much kinder voice rung in their ears.Β
Β Β Soon enough, Fuyumi made her way over to the front door. She had asked Tomomi to see who was at the door while she cooked lunch for her and Shoto. The twins were visiting that weekend so she decided to do something special for them.
Β Β When she got to the door, she saw her grandmother and her husband standing there, talking to Tomomi.
Β Β She completely forgot to tell the twins that their estranged grandmother was coming to visit for a few weeks.
Β Β "Oh~! Grandmother!" Fuyumi greeted with a happy smile. "You made it!"
Β Β Tomomi looked away and gave Fuyumi a strange look. She knew this woman? Who strangely looked a lot like her and Shoto?
Β Β "Sorry, dad told me he was held up in a meeting and would be late," She continued on, gesturing them to come in. "Come in! He should be here soon."
Β Β "Thank you," Jimmy smiled back at her as he entered their home.
Β Β Teka, still looking at Tomomi, slowly walked in. As she walked past her, Tomomi's eyes followed her. Just as curious at her.
Β Β The feeling between them was very strange and it felt like they were testing each other. It was weird.
Β Β But neither of them could deny the respect they already had for each other. even if it was their first meeting. Or at least face to face. They've only ever really talked super briefly over the phone two times.
Β Β So seeing each other face to face was like meeting for the first time and Tomomi forgot that she has spoken to this woman before. Albeit, it only lasted a few seconds.
Β Β Β "You must be Fuyumi." Jimmy said. "When Enji actually told us your names, I thought I would have a hard time attaching them to faces haha."
Β Β "Yes, yes~" Fuyumi chuckled out as she sat a silver tray of teacups with steaming peach tea inside of the ceramic teapot.
Β Β Everyone sat in the den room to wait for Enji. There was two plush couches facing each other with a black coffee table in between.
Β Β Shoto, who was in his old room, finally came out also in his school uniform ( It was friday and they had just got out of school ) and was seated next to Tomomi while Fuyumi sat to her right.
Β Β Teka and Jimmy sat on the opposite couch.
Β Β And yet again, Teka and Tomomi engaged into a small staring contest. Both females were even sitting the same way.
Β Β Legs elegantly crossed and arms folded on their laps.
Β Β It thoroughly shocked how much the twins looked like her. Well, more so Tomomi. Shoto reminded her of Yoshino. His eyes, especially.
Β Β Yoshino had that same gleam in them as Shoto does. It was like God was making her face her entire past in front of her and there was no way she could run this time.
Β Β "And you two must be Shoto and Tomomi." Jimmy turned his kind grin to the twins.
Β Β The twins, in perfect unison, slowly turned their heads to look at him with a glare that instantly reminded him of the woman right next to him. He couldn't help but to sweat drop and smile nervously at them.
Β Β It's scary how much they resemble Teka....Especially Tomomi. It's like looking at a younger and shorter version of her. But with white hair.
Β Β "Nice to meet you." Shoto spoke up first with an unreadable tone as he blankly stared at him.
Β Β "Shoto and Tomomi are students of UA Academy." Fuyumi said, hoping to kill the bit of tension in the air.
Β Β The twins weren't even saying anything to them and Teka couldn't take her eyes off Tomomi.
Β Β "Oh?" Jimmy said, suddenly interested by them even more. "You're training to be pro heroes! That's nice."
Β Β "Yes, Tomomi and Shoto are academically amongst the top students of her grade. They also made top three during the Sports Festival." Fuyumi praised proudly. She was always proud of her youngest siblings.
Β Β "Enji must be proud." Teka said, speaking up for the first time since they got there.
Β Β "We wouldn't know." Tomomi shot back, looking right back at her. Her words earned a nudge from Fuyumi.
Β Β "A-Anyways." Fuyumi stuttered out, pouring tea for all of them. "You've traveled a lot, huh? Must have seen so many places that this city seems boring to you two."
Β Β "Ah, yes." Jimmy replied, getting into a conversation about their traveling. "Well, when we travel, it's mostly for my business and her modeling but we have been to a multitude of places in the world. I would love to plan a family vacation with you all someday."
Β Β "That would be lovely~"
Β Β "Mother." Enji's sudden voice made all of them turn to see him walk into the den.
Β Β He wasn't in his hero costume, but instead in a black business suit. He looked right at Teka with wary but a bit nervously, at the same time. Which shocked the twins.
Β Β They have never known their father to be nervous about anything. So this was a very foreign look on him.
Β Β "Enji." Teka mumbled, shock flashing in her eyes for a moment, seeing how much her son has grown up.
Β Β Sure, she's seen him on tv many times but to see his growth up close, it baffled her. But she could see the hurt that was still buried into his light blue eyes. There was still too much water under the bridge for the both of them.
Β Β "Dad, you're home!" Fuyumi greeted him. "I've made lunch and it's enough for everyone. It's perfect that you arrived at this moment, too."
Β Β "Thank you, Fuyumi." Enji thanked, not able to look away from his mother and vice versa. "It's.......good to see you again......healthy and doing just fine for yourself."
Β Β On the outside, that sounded like a simple gesture. But Teka knew what he really meant behind those words. What he really meant to say was: It's good to see you with yet another man, who you are actively trying to erase dad's memory with while you abandoned your own son, who needed you, so that you can travel around the world without a care in the damn world. Thanks for the inner trauma.
Β Β Β His eyes told her that perfectly.
Β Β Β Tomomi, however, felt the double meaning behind his words. Because it was a tactic she used when she wanted to be a smartass to their father in public. It made her wonder. What happened to them in the past?
Β Β Β Lunch couldn't have gone more awkward than what just transpired. The entire time, Jimmy and Fuyumi kept the atmosphere lively with their conversations about their travels, his oil industry and other interest.
Β Β Shoto only chimed in when a question was directed towards him. But mostly, he was eating his cold soba silently while listening to the conversation.
Β Β Tomomi didn't really eat that much as she kept sneaking glances at Teka with curiosity. She was too distracted by the woman to even really remember to eat.
Β Β Enji, probably feeling the worst out of all of them, didn't eat at all. He was still in a state of shock and unresolved trauma to really eat. But he tried his best to actually talk to Jimmy. Though he was still a bit cold to him.
Β Β Because to him, Jimmy was just another distraction for his mother and he couldn't see him as anything else but that. Not unless she proved him wrong. But that was all he knew from her.
Β Β "Actually, since you brought that up." Jimmy said, drinking some of the tea. "Teka and I were wondering if it would be alright if we have Shoto and Tomomi for a week or a weekend? It would be a good time to get to know each other more and I'm sure we can plan something fun for us all."
Β Β Enji remained quiet as his eyes tore into Jimmy like a freight train. His masssive hands were folded in front of his mouth and chin while he leaned his elbows on the table.
Β Β His stare sent shivers down Jimmy's back. He was reminded, once again, of Teka and her permanent glare. It really did run in the family, now that he looked at him and the twins.
Β Β "I think that will be a great idea." Teka spoke up suddenly, making all eyes turned to her. Not that she wasn't used to eyes being on her, anyways.
Β Β "I don't know about that." Enji immediately spoke up, turning his eyes to his mother. "I hardly know you and your husband."
Β Β "I'm sure it won't be a problem at all." Teka shot back, sending him a small smirk. "Besides, it's just for a weekend. Nothing wrong with that, right? You're not hiding something, are you, Enji?"
Β Β "You would know all about hiding, huh?" He mumbled under his breath. No one else heard it but Teka.
Β Β Who snapped her vicious gaze to him. Enji looked back at her with the same glare. But instead of causing a huge spectical in front of everyone, they silently challanged each other.
Β Β "I would love to spend the weekend with you." Tomomi said, having a small grin on her face.
Β Β "Tomo and I would love to get to know you, Jimmy." Shoto followed up, also dawning the same secretive and sneaky grin on his face. "I believe it would be good to know a side of us we had no idea existed until now."
Β Β That was a jab at Enji. Quite obviously a jab at him. Teka nearly chuckled at his faux happiness. She twitched an eyebrow at Enji, feeling like she won their little cold war.
Β Β "Then it's settled." Teka said, grinning at the twins. "We'll take them for the weekend. We'll pick them up from school and everything. So you don't have to."
Β Β Enji's eyes narrowed even more at her. She was planning something. He knew it. And even if he had no choice now, since his kids want to spend time with her, he was not about to back down from this.
Β Β She may have won this round but he would make sure she's not victorious in the next.
i wanted to give a bit
of a background and change
some things about the
relationship between Tomomi and
Which is why I switched from
them meeting briefly to them
speaking very briefly.
you can see where she gets
her taste in fashion and
powerful glare from, huh?
don't forget to comment and
( main plot chapter is long
as hell that's why I haven't
posted it yet. I'm splitting it up
into three chapters. )
love you and stay safe!!!
BαΊ‘n Δang Δα»c truyα»n trΓͺn: Truyen247.Pro