So there was this
funny TikTok where
most of the boys of
class a caught each other
creeping out of their
respected girlfriends
dorm rooms and they
just sort of stared at
each other and I thought
why not write about it?....
so here we are. This is
the very last special
chapter update until
the end of the book
I'll finish the valentines
special and everything
after the main story.
Don't be a ghost reader please
I love your comments and votes
Love you and happy reading!
ย ย ย ย Bakugou noticed that Tomomi fell asleep on her bed after their cuddle session. It was Thursday night and the two decided to hang out in her dorm room. Just the two of them.
ย ย ย They got homework done, watching a multitude of movies and anime together and even listened to music together. Afterwards, Tomomi didn't want him to leave yet so she asked if he could cuddle her and just talk.
ย ย Albeit, she had a hard time asking. She kept blushing and looked very shy. She was even wearing his black shirt with the skull on it with pajama shorts and because she looked too good in his clothing, he couldn't say no to her. So he skipped his bed time and stayed with her.
ย ย ย But before that, the couple had a make out session in which resulted in Tomomi getting a pretty noticeable love bite on her neck and Bakugou also receiving one on his neck. But no one needed to know that.
ย ย Once he noticed her soft breathing and her relaxed body growing more relaxed, he knew she fell asleep. Looking over at her electronic clock, it was almost midnight. 11:53 pm, to be exact. Which meant he had to sneak out of her room before Mr. Aizawa catches him there and he gets in trouble.
ย ย Either that or Iida finds him and snitches. But given the fact that it's late, he would be sleep right now.
ย ย Carefully, Bakugou placed Tomomi's head and body in her bed, tucking her into her blankets and kissing her forehead softly. Which made her sigh softly and snuggle in her pillows more.
ย ย Careful to not make any noise, he climbed out of her bed and walked slowly towards her door. Once he made it to her door, he quietly opened it and left her room, closing the door as quietly as possible.
ย ย Bakugou sighed in relief after he closed the door all the way. When he turned around, he nearly yelled and shot explosives out of his hands. But he just stood there, staring at whoever was behind in pure shock.
ย ย He saw Midoriya also closing Uraraka's dorm from across the hallway.
ย ย He knew it was her room because recently, the girls all began decorating the outside of their door with things that represented them.
ย ย For example, Tomomi's door was painted light blue with sparkling blue hearts, snow flakes, and pearls around her door with her name in white cursive.
ย ย Uraraka's door was painted pink with a galaxy theme and her name also in cursive.
ย ย "Deku?!" He exclaimed out, surprising the green haired boy.
ย ย ย Good thing the dorms were completely soundproof, otherwise that would have been woken up everyone.
ย ย "Ah! Kacchan!" Midoriya jumped, spinning around to face him.
ย ย ย His face was completely red and he looked rather embarrassed but petrified at the same time. He was not expecting anyone else to be in the girls side at this time. He thought he could just sneak out undetected.
ย ย "W-What the hell are you doing here!?" Bakugou questioned him.
ย ย Midoriya widened his eyes, looking for a good lie to tell him. But then he realized something. "Kacchan....what are YOU doing here?"
ย ย Right then and there, Bakugou found himself in between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't just tell him what he really did with Tomomi.
ย ย "Uh.....D-Don't change the subject! I asked you first!"
ย ย The two then heard another door open. Their heads turned to see Denki, of all people, creeping out of Jirou's room. A sight that shocked the both of them.
ย ย As soon as Denki closed the door and was about to leave, he nearly jumped three feet in the air as soon as he saw Bakugou and Midoriya in the same hallway.
ย ย "Ooooooh shiiiittt....." he mumbled, a blush spreading across his face as he let one hand cover his mouth. "H-Hey....W-What y'all doing here?"
ย ย "Spark Plug?!/Denki?!" Bakugou and Midoriya said in unison, equally shocked.
ย ย Denki quickly fixed his hair and shirt, attempting to hide anything on him. "L-Lovely night, huh?" He asked, trying to seem casual. But only coming off as suspicious.
ย ย "Don't try to hide what you were doing!" Bakugou said aggressively. "What were you doing?!"
ย ย "I can ask the two of you the same thing!" Denki shot back, noticing where they were standing. "You both look like you had yourselves a love session."
ย ย Midoriya's hand immediately flew to the left side of his collarbone. "Y-You shouldn't even talk!" He replied accusingly.
ย ย ย Not even bothering with hiding his neck, Bakugou said "Yeah, what's that on your neck?"
ย ย Denki's eyes widened as he remembered the small bite on his neck. His hand flew to cover it as he leaned on the door.
ย ย "This isn't about me!"
ย ย ย "Are you fucking kidding me?" Bakugou mumbled, looking past Denki to see Kirishima walking out of Mina's room.
ย ย His hair laid flat all around him and he was carrying his shirt in his hand, leaving him in a white tank top and grey sweatpants. Identical to Bakugou's attire. Except his was a black tank top.
ย ย ย He gave his shirt to Tomomi.
ย ย Kirishima quickly noticed the three and cursed under his breath. Here he was thinking he could creep back to his room without anyone noticing. But alas, he was caught.
ย ย "It's not what it looks like." He immediately excused. Even though it was a big lie. But then he realized something. "Wait....what are you three doing here?"
ย ย "Oh no no no, bro." Denki quickly deflected him. "You gotta explain to us why you were in Mina's room."
ย ย "Don't worry about that!" Kirishima shot back, turning pink.
ย ย "Goddamnit." A new voice grabbed their attention. Right across from Kirishima, was Shoto. He had just came out of Momo's room to the scene.
ย ย He sighed in defeat and leaned his back on her door. "No use lying..." he mumbled before opening his eyes. As he was going to tell them the partial truth, he noticed Bakugou outside of his sister's room door.
ย ย ย "Wait a minute...." He said, narrowing his eyes at Bakugou. "What the hell were you doing in Tomo's room?"
ย ย "That's irrelevant." Bakugou argued back. "What were you doing in ponytail's room?"
ย ย ย "W-What Yaoyorozu and I were doing is no one else's business but ours." Shoto stuttered out, blushing.
ย ย "Seems like the cats out of the bag, bro." Kirishima chuckled, thinking this entire situation was funny. "I think the only thing that can top this is if someone were to come out of Tsu's ro-"
ย ย ย Just as he said that, Tokoyami came out to the mentioned frog girl's room. Which only make all of them nearly drop in shock.
ย ย Once Tokoyami saw their faces, he nearly cursed out loud. "I told you we should have used the same window." He mumbled to Dark Shadow.
ย ย "Niiiice!" Denki laughed out. "Oh this is so great!"
ย ย "Someone already used the 'it's not what it looks like' excuse?" Tokoyami asked, running his hand over his face.
ย ย Kirishima smirked, lifting his hand up. "Yup, it was me."
ย ย "Right." He mumbled. "No use asking about you all. I can already tell just by looking at your appearances."
ย ย "M-Maybe we should leave before Mr.Aizawa finds us here-" Midoriya suggested before he was was cut off by a muffled voice.
ย ย ย "I serious hate these late night check ins." It said.
ย ย They recognized it to be Aizawas tired voice. The boys quickly ran to the balcony outside of the hallway. Bakugou carefully peered over to see Aizawa and Mic on their way to the elevator that lead to the floor that they were on.
ย ย "Fuck!" He mumbled, "We gotta get to the stairway!"
ย ย "He brought Mic with him?!" Kirishima whispered in shock. "We're dead!"
ย ย "Not unless we make it to the stairway!" Shoto whispered quickly, running towards the stairway doors. "Come on!"
ย ย Everyone followed him just as the elevator light dinged, indicating the elevator opening from the bottom floor. Shoto quickly held the door open for everyone. Once everyone was out of the hallway, he closed the door and the boys hightailed it down the three flight of stairs and out the back.
ย ย They ran all the way to the front door that lead to the common room and quickly ran inside before they could be detected by anyone. Good thing the security system was shut down for maintenance check for the week. Otherwise they would have gotten caught.
ย ย Once they made it inside, they quickly pressed the elevator on their side of the dorms.
ย ย "Hurry up!" Denki rushed, as he nervously looked behind him as Bakugou kept pressing the button. "Man, this thing is the slowest thing ever!"
ย ย "Shut up!" Bakugou hissed at him, just as the doors slid open.
ย ย The group of boys quickly scurried into the elevators and pressed their floor button. Once the elevator closed and began lifting them up to their side, each one of them let out a big sigh of relief. They narrowly escaped death. They can live another day.
ย ย "We never speak of this ever again." Tokoyami said, cutting the silence short. "We never saw each other and this never happened."
ย ย Everyone agreed wholeheartedly.
ย ย ย ย The next day, everyone had a day of school off due to a big heroes meeting going on in the city that required most of the staff in UA. Aizawa, included.
ย ย Tomomi woke up and brushed her teeth before making her way to the common room. She ruffled her semi-messy hair and lazily walked over to the elevator.
ย ย Since it was a day off from school and close to the weekend, she didn't bother changing into regular clothes just yet.
ย ย She was still only wearing Bakugou's shirt and her pajama shorts, which were hidden under his shirt. Because it was too big for her.
ย ย Once she made it to the common room, everyone was already there either watching cartoons on the tv or in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Courtesy of Bakugou, who was making chocolate chip pancakes, bacon and eggs for everyone.
ย ย Unusual thing for him to do but she was too tired to question it.
ย ย "Good morning, everyone." She sleepily greeted everyone, sitting next to Tsu at the kitchen island.
ย ย "Morning/Good morning." Everyone greeted back.
ย ย ย "Morning, babe." Bakugou said, kissing her temple before placing a plate of food in front of her. He quickly turned back to the stove to continue cooking.
ย ย Aizawa suddenly marched into the common room with a look that only meant that someone was in trouble. "Everyone!" He yelled, making everyone jump and look at him.
ย ย His glare made everyone of them incredibly nervous. Bakugou, Kirishima, Shoto, Tokoyami, Midoriya and Denki immediately looked at each other with scared eyes. Were they caught last night? Oh no!
ย ย What they didn't notice was how the girls were looking very nervous, as well. But they kept their eyes on Aizawa.
ย ย "It has come to my attention that we have a student among us that thinks he could sneak past me." Aizawa said in a very stern voice. "I have reason to believe that someone tried sneaking into the girls side of the room and I wanna know who or else everyone is getting in trouble!"
ย ย Denki looked like he was about to crack, Kirishima quickly shoved a croissant in his mouth to shut him up, Tokoyami nervously sipped his coffee, Midoriya kept biting his nails and Bakugou tried to look casual but on the inside, he was freaking out and cursing up a storm.
ย ย ย Shoto just kept drinking his coffee to keep himself from looking too nervous.
ย ย When no one spoke up, Aizawa scoffed. "I knew it." He said. "I knew they wouldn't take the chance to fess up. So I'll do this."
ย ย Aizawa began taking off his scarf. "If you don't want to come up and tell me, I'll just interrogate every last one of you until someone tells me-"
ย ย ย "Okay!" Mineta yelled out, shaking in fear. "It was me! I tried to get into Hagakure's room! I know I'm a sick individual and I need help! Just please don't kill the class!"
ย ย ย "You tried to get into my room?!" Hagakure yelled out angrily.
ย ย "Your door was locked so I left!"
ย ย "You're sick!" Momo yelled at him, hugging her invisible friend. "You deserve whatever punishment that's coming your way."
ย ย "I knew it." Aizawa replied, tossing his scarf around Mineta and pulling him back like a yoyo. "I was just wondering how long it will take for you to crack."
ย ย The five boys relaxed as soon as Aizawa targeted Mineta. They quickly went along with blaming Mineta.
ย ย "I swear that guy belongs in a jail cell." Kirishima scolded, shaking his head.
ย ย "I'm not even surprised that grape bitch has to resort to that to get a girl." Bakugou followed along.
ย ย "Truly disgusting." Midoriya added, drinking his orange juice. "Complete out of hand, that one."
ย ย "What a creep." Shoto agreed.
ย ย "I say you lock him in the school's basement." Tokoyami suggested, also drinking his coffee. "I heard it's haunted."
ย ย "I got something better." Aizawa said evilly as he held up Mineta, scaring him with his grin. "We're gonna go to Mic's classroom and you are going to sit there and watch a child birthing documentary back to back until you learn how to not be a creep."
ย ย The color in Mineta's face quickly drained as he began to scream bloody murder. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"
ย ย "If any one of you try to help him escape the room, I will know because it will be locked." Aizawa warmed over his screams. "I'll be gone for the entire day and probably won't make it back until late night. Depending on how long this meeting goes. Have a good day."
ย ย Aizawa left the dorms, dragging Mineta as he kept screaming and crying for help. But all anyone did was wave him goodbye.
ย ย Except Bakugou, he flipped him off as they were on their way out.
ย ย ย Once they were completely gone, all nerves were relaxed and they took a breath of relief knowing that they escaped that punishment.
ย ย The five boys have each other the look of relief before they went back to eating breakfast together.
ย ย If that ever happened again, they could just pin it on Mineta. They all came to that silent agreement.
This was meant to be funny
do not be a Debby downer.
don't take this seriously.
Have fun with it please.
Don't forget to comment and
Love you all and stay safe!
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