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I just wanted to get this out of
my drafts, it's been here for about
4 months and I wanted to just get
it out of the way.
This is also split into two parts
because it's so long.
think of this as a filler episode, really. It takes place in season 4.
This chapter contain Hawks, Bakugou's jealousy and
cuteness all around.
her outfit is in the media above.
"You know, you didn't have to carry all of that by yourself, Katsuki-chan."
The day was going to be pretty hot. Given the city just so happen to get over a big storm recently. Which postponed The Bird Observatory's annual Bird Festival in the central park.
But since the rain had cleared, the festival was on again. Meaning Tokoyami and Tomomi would be sort of working most of the time there.
But since they were volunteers, their supervisor allowed them to bring help and/or guests to the festival.
It wasn't an exclusive gathering but since they would be their guests, they had access to wrist bands that allowed them to play the games and ride the rides as much as they want. Even front row seats to the bird show.
Tomomi and Tokoyami both invited their classmates/friends to attend, which they accepted the proposal. Bakugou, however, wasn't going to wait a few hours to be with his girlfriend.
Also he still didn't like Tokoyami and the feeling was mutual. They only pretended to get along because they didn't want Tomomi to kill them for fighting.
Say what you want about her. She may be calm, sweet and collected but she is terrifying when she's pissed off.
Neither of them wanted to get her that mad at all. Sadly, Mineta and Denki both learned that lesson that last weekend they went to the beach.
Tomomi deadpanned as she walked, fixing her small Chanel purse on her shoulders. Bakugou came over to the Observatory to help her and Tokoyami load the bird seeds into a van that would be taking them to the park.
Tokoyami made it there early in the morning to help count the boxes, Bakugou arrived two hours later.
Wanting to be a manly boyfriend, he had the bright idea in carrying three dozen boxes at a time while Tokoyami carried the remaining two boxes to the van. And they were heavy boxes.
"He's trained after all." Tokoyami said in a monotone, loading the boxes in.
"You know, dogs love breaking bird's necks, you bird bitch." Bakugou replied back, snidely as he shoved the boxes in the van. "And necks break easily around here."
"Try it and see what happens."
"Boys, no fighting." Tomomi said, feeling irked by their constant bickering. "We don't want to repeat what happened last time."
Last time the two had a disagreement, it caused all of the falcons in the Birds of Prey exhibit to go haywire and it ended in feathers being everywhere and cages destroyed.
"You're lucky I'm terrified of my girl." Bakugou whispered as soon as she climbed into the van.
Tokoyami rolled his eyes as he climbed in after her. He hopes it was a good idea in letting him help out.
The festival had started and children's laughter could be heard as parents and families chatted and also had a good time.
There were rides, face painting, petting zoos, a fire works show at night and a bird show during sunset. It was like a bird themed carnival and it helped raised money for a good cause so you can bet that there were news people there.
Her and Tokoyami would be working at the petting zoo. Which was really an area where they let some of the toucans and parrots free for the children to feed and play with.
The more predatorial birds such as falcons, hawks, and many others are guided and not allowed for the children to play with out of being very cautious.
"Mr. Aizawa, you're here!" Tomomi said, noticing her teacher entering the petting zoo area.
She also noticed Eri with him, holding his hand as she had a butterfly face paint on the left side of her face and a rainbow on the right.
She looked so pretty in her little pink sundress and her hair was french braided into a ponytail.
Aizawa already looked rather exhausted but when has he never looked that way?
"Yeah, Eri wanted to come see you so we asked one of the employees." He said in a bored tone. "She's running on three sticks of cotton candy and whole bag of jelly beans."
Tomomi giggled softly before she looked at Eri. "Are you having fun, Eri?"
"Yeah yeah!" She cheered, running to give her a hug. "Big Sister, will you come with us to the merry-go-round?"
"She has to work, Eri." Aizawa reminded her, grabbing her hand. "Unless you're here to pet some of the birds, we have to let her work."
Eri pouted in disappointment. Tomomi quickly kneeled down and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I'll be taking a break in an hour. Then we can go on the merry-go-round and even get you a plushie from one of the games?"
Eri immediately smiled and circled her arms around her. "Thank you~!"
Tomomi smiled, hugging her back before letting her go back to Aizawa. "You're welcome."
Aizawa smiled just a tiny bit at the sight. The amount of love the two girls had for each other was always a beautiful thing to see.
Eri really adored Tomomi and her happiness was always something he strived for. For a little girl, she had some heavy stuff happen to her. It was nice to see she was being a kid now.
In many ways, Eri reminded him of Tomomi. That's probably why he has such a fatherly instinct for both girls.
Tomomi stood back up, dusting her dress off a little. "Will you also be getting face paint, Mr. Aizawa?"
Aizawa looked at her with a blank expression. Basically saying 'You lost your damn mind' to her.
"I'm here watching over a hyperactive sugar addict. That's all you're getting. Be happy I actually came."
She giggled again, raising one eyebrow at him. "That and you can't say no to Eri, even if you tried."
"Shut up." He said, before patting the top of her head gently. "Now, I promised Eri I would let her see the stupid parrot mascot dance, see you around, Kitten."
"I'm no longer munchkin?" Tomomi giggled out, noticing the new daughter like nickname he gave her.
Aizawa smirked at her softly. "You'll always be munchkin to me, Tomomi. Don't forget it, kid."
"Have a good time," She giggled out as they walked away and into the crowd.
"This is so much better than I thought it would be." Kirishima beamed, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked through the crowd of people.
He, Shoto, Denki and Bakugou stuck together. Shoto and Denki rode together to the park, seeing as the both of them were at the dorms for the weekend.
And he almost regretted it because Denki could not shut up the entire ride there. There were moments where he almost short circuit because he was talking too fast.
Kirishima and Bakugou arrived some time before them and they were the first people that they found so they stuck with them.
Bakugou had left after helping set up everything to change clothes, so he went back with Kirishima.
"I know! Check out the hat Todoroki gave me." Denki said, pointing to the colorful bird shaped hat on his blonde hair. "Pretty cool, huh?"
"I threw the hat at you."
"Isn't he the best?"
"You look like you got into a fight with a few cans of spray paint." Bakugou said, unapologetically.
To which, made Denki deadpan at him. "Why can't you let me live?"
"Where did Avalanche say she and Tokoyami will be working in again?" Kirishima asked, looking around the different stands and games. "Was it one of the games?"
"She's there," Shoto said, pointing to the petting area.
The boys all looked but couldn't see either of them. "How do you know that, Todoroki?"
"Twin Telepathy, it's very much real." Was all he said as he walked over to the area, leaving them very much confused.
"Twins are weird." Denki commented quietly.
Kirishima nodded his head in agreement. Bakugou rolled his eyes at them before walking off.
"You're gonna stand there like dumbasses or are you going to catch up?"
"Oooh! I wanna see a falcon!" Denki beamed, quickly catching up. Kirishima chuckled, following him.
Bakugou left the group as he walked over to the friendlier bird area, through the crowd of families and children. Birds flew over him and past him as he kept looking for his girlfriend.
When he found her, she was currently talking to a small group of kids with three toucans on her.
Two were on her hands while one rested on top of her head. She was smiling as the toucans flapped their wing and looked around themselves while she explained the history of the bird.
She looked so pretty to him. The sun shined over her so prettily while she smiled that smile he fell in love with.
The children around her awed as she slowly brought one hand down for the kids to pet the bird.
One little boy with long black hair tied in a loose low pony tail was the first one to run up to her. He had deep red eyes and his skin was tan. His teeth were even sharp like a shark.
He recognized him as the same kid he and Shoto met that one time they were with Ms. Joke's class.
The same one that had a massive crush on Tomomi. He had a werewolf like quirk.
His name was Benjiro Fujioka. Nicknamed Benji by his peers. He came from a rather famous family of heroes.
His father was currently the thirteenth best hero, according to the polls.
Benjiro carefully pet the toucan's feathers, his eyes glittering at the animal resting on the back of her hand.
Tomomi smiled as he started grinning the longer he pet the feathers.
Bakugou found himself again thinking about a married life with Tomomi.
He would definitely want a little boy. Maybe he can look like him.
Or he would definitely want his son to have Tomomi's hair and eyes. What quirk would he have? Definitely a mix between his and hers-
"Beautiful, isn't she?" a voice interrupted his fantasy.
Bakugou looked to his left to see the third best hero, Hawks, standing next to him with his arms crossed and a nonchalant smirk on his face.
He would be more star struck if he didn't rudely interrupt his vision.
"Hawks sensei, what are you doing here?" Tokoyami asked, making his way to the two.
He was going on break and was going to inform Tomomi of their break when he noticed both Hawks and Bakugou standing behind the small crowd of families.
"It's a bird festival, bird-bro! I'm making a 'celebrity appearance'." Hawks said, tossing an arm around his shoulders. Tokoyami blushed slightly at the contact.
"I was just telling your buddy about your friend over there. She is a real beauty, huh?"
"Yeah, not really his friend," Bakugou quickly replied, folding his arms. "And that's my girl you're talking about."
"Hawks sensei, meet Katsuki Bakugou." Tokoyami introduced. "He's a classmate and he's my friend's boyfriend."
"Oh so this is the idiot guard dog you've talked about before!"
"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME!?" Bakugou yelled, pissed off.
"You're right, he does seem to bark a lot-"
"Nice to meet you, blondie." Hawks ignored his yelling and flashed him a smile. "Honestly, I didn't know bird-bro here could pull such a beauty as her. I'm proud of you."
"Katsuki-chan, please do not yell, it upsets the toucans." The three noticed Tomomi already making her way over to them.
Amongst the children giggling and talking, she heard Bakugou's voice from her left ear and decided to try and stop him.
"Oh! Mr.Hawks! Hello," Tomomi greeted, blushing slightly. She had met him a few times but he was so handsome, she found herself getting shy every time she sees him.
"Hello, Miss Todoroki~" Hawks greeted with a charming smile. "And how many times do I have to tell you to just call me Keigo? You're my bird bro's female friend! A friend of his is a friend of mine."
Tomomi giggled, bringing her fist up to her lips as she felt her cheeks turn pinker.
"EXCUSE ME! I'M RIGHT HERE!" Bakugou yelled, steam blowing out of his ears.
Tomomi pressed a kiss on his cheek, calming him down completely. "I'm happy to see you, Katsuki-chan~"
Bakugou sighed, looking at her from the corner of his eyes. He might be calm but he was still grumpy. "You and your damn sneak attacks."
She laughed a little before a small voice was heard behind the group. "Miss Tomomi?"
She turned to see Benjiro standing behind her with a big smile and a lollipop in his small hands. His mother, Junko Fujioka, stood behind him with a kind smile.
"Benjiro, hello~"
"I-I want to give you this," Benjiro stuttered out, blushing as he handed her the colorful lollipop.
Tomomi smiled gently, taking the candy. "Thank you, Benjiro~. You are most kind."
"Benjiro wanted to know if you'll be at the bird show." Junko said, placing a hand on his head gently. "He really likes having you around."
"Of course, I will be." Tomomi said, poking Benjiro's cheek, making him giggle. "I will be seeing you there soon."
"Bye, Miss Tomomi~" Benjiro waved as Junko took his hand and walked to a different exibit.
"I swear, that kid is a devil to everyone but you, Tomomi." Tokoyami commented, folding his arms. "You must have been a mother in your past life,"
"Benjiro is a sweet little boy." Tomomi defended him. "In fact, he reminds me a lot of Katsuki-chan."
"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Bakugou yelled yet again. Him and Benjiro were a lot like each other. Both were loud, can be erratic and argumentative. But also, they could be gentle, kind and very generous. Around certain people.
Which is why the two couldn't get along. The only common ground between Bakugou and Benjiro was that they both liked and respected Tomomi. Though the kid's huge and obvious crush on her irked the blonde high schooler's soul.
"Yeah, loud, erratic and a devil." Hawks commented. "I've only known you for a few seconds and I'm even able to connect the similarities."
"I knew we would find you here." Shoto's voice interrupted their conversation. He walked over to the group with Kirishima and Denki.
Denki had a series of scratches on his arm while Kirishima carefully placed a bag of ice on his arm. Shoto was currently drinking from a toucan cup with a twisted up red straw. She recognized it from one of the Slushie stands in the petting zoo.
"What the hell happened to you, Point Break?" Bakugou asked, looking at his scratched up arm.
"Ow ow ow," Denki groaned as Kirishima kept the bag of ice on his arm.
"Denki thought it was a good idea to try and catch one of the falcons as it flew." Shoto explained plainly. "He forgot to put safety gloves on and the falcon didn't appreciate having one of it's feathers plucked from it's tail. So it attacked him."
"Why am I not surprised?" Tokoyami sighed, squeezing the area between his eyes.
"You know you should never antagonize a falcon, kid." Hawks chuckled out. "They are predatorial for a reason."
"Are you okay?" Tomomi asked, concerned for his arm.
Denki smiled at her through his pain. He rubbed the back of his head with his good arm. "I'm all good, sunshine. I promise. I just wish I remembered the safety gloves."
"How about never try to steal a falcon's feather, Kaminari?" Shoto said, drinking his slushie nonchalantly.
"You kids are a bunch of hoots," Hawks said, patting Tokoyami's shoulder. "Aizawa was right, there is never a dull moment with you lot. Now, I gotta go but you kids have fun."
"See you around, Hawks sensei." Tokoyami said formally.
"Goodbye, Keigo-san." Tomomi waved as he began flying away from the petting zoo.
Hawks winked at her charmingly before flying off.
Once he was gone, Bakugou grimaced at him. "I don't like him." He grumpily mumbled, crossing his arms. Tomomi laughed a little, standing on her toes to press a kiss on his cheek again.
"No need to be jealous, Katsuki-chan." She said soothingly. Which made him fight back a smile.
He couldn't show the guys his soft side. That was only reserved for his Frost Bite and her, alone.
"S-Stop that...." he mumbled, blushing pink.
After a while, the group decided to talk through the entire festival. They met up with Mina, Jirou and Momo near a concession stand.
The three girls slept over at Momo's house the night before and they made it there together.
"This looks so cool!" Mina cheered, placing a vibrant colorful crown of feathers on her head. "I won this at the ring toss game. Pretty cool, huh?"
"You look....festive." Shoto said, grimacing at the amount of bright colors she was also wearing.
Which went well with her bright colored outfit. It was a hot day so she was wearing a bright yellow mini sun dress.
Momo wasn't even wearing her regular ponytail in her hair and Jirou dressed the exact same way she has always dressed, except she wasn't wearing her hoodie.
"Hey!" A voice made them turn around to see Midoriya and Mirio walking over to them together.
Midoriya was also wearing one of those feather crowns on his head. "We thought we'd never find you here!"
"I see you played the ring toss game, huh?" Tokoyami commented, looking at the crown on his head.
"No, actually he got it at the mini gift shop near the petting zoo." Mirio said, pointing his thumb behind them. "You wouldn't believe the prices on these thing! A total steal!"
"Toko-chan and I are happy to see you all attending." Tomomi said, smiling at everyone.
"No problem, Human Slushie!" Mirio beamed, giving her a thumbs up. "Anything to help a good cause."
"Good looking out on these all access wrist bands." Denki said, fiddling with his green wrist band. "Now we can start our UA Carnival Olympics again."
"Carnival Olympics?" Mirio asked, suddenly intrigued.
"Last winter, the boys started a Carnival Olympics and has now made it a routine." Jirou quickly explained.
Mirio's eyes lit up at the idea and his sense of competition sparked. "May I partake in these games?"
"I don't see why not!" Kirishima said, nudging him. "Besides the only rule is no quirks allowed. Mainly because we can't have Deku break his arm and our insurance policy doesn't cover public damage."
"You joining us again, Todoroki?" Denki asked.
Shoto, who purchased himself another large Cherry Slushie, just kept drinking through the silly straw and shrugged. Indicating that he will be joining.
"What about you, Tokoyami?"
"I guess I will partake in these games." Tokoyami said, folding his arms.
While the boys all split away from the girls to play the carnival games, the girls all decided to walk through the festival together.
Mina held onto Tomomi's hand as they walked together through the crowd, talking and laughing over the music.
"Hey girls!" Uraraka's voice made them stop in their tracks.
They saw their friend with Hagakure, happily walk over to them. It wasn't hard to spot their invisible friend.
She was just a floating floral sun dress and matching shoes.
"Hey, Uraraka!" Mina greeted back just as happy. "So good that you two are here!"
"I know, this festival is so much fun." Hagakure complimented kindly.
"Are the guys here?" Uraraka asked as Tomomi handed them wristbands. "I would have thought for sure Bakugou was attached to you, Tomo-chan."
Tomomi chuckled a little, scratching her cheek with her finger. "He's......quite busy right now."
The first game was a duck game. Where they had to shoot three ducks with a fake shotgun.
The boys all occupied one side of the booth as they were about to start the competition. But Bakugou couldn't help but threaten the wooden ducks in front of him.
Which made the boys sweat drop.
"Why must you turn everything into violence?" Kirishima deadpanned.
"Never mind that!" Denki waved off, holding a plastic pink microphone he bought at a nearby gift shop.
"Don't be sad when I win, boys." Bakugou boasted. "I would say I'd share my winnings with you all but that fluffy Olaf plushie is going to my Teddy Bear when we're done here."
"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Bakugou." Mirio replied back, just as boastful. "I've been told I have a pretty good aim."
"How about we stop talking and put our money where our mouths are." Shoto cut in, getting in position.
"I like the way you think, Todoroki!" Denki smirked before signalling the start of the game. "BEGIN!"
like I said, this is a two
partner since I don't want
it to be too long.
Don't forget to comment and
Love you!
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