π πππππ πππ ππππ πππππππππ
In the media above,
you will see Tomomi's
look of the special chapter
also what her nails look because
for some reason I wanted you
all to know how her nails look
on a daily basis like that's
important at all.....
By the way, I know the driving
age in Japan is 18 years old
for vehicles so just pretend it's
because I like the idea of Bakugou
driving the squad everywhere.
Also if you want the playlist,
just inbox me and I'll send you
the link since not everyone knows
how to scan the Spotify code.
ps. i am switching from sero x mina
to kiri x mina. nothing against sero
i just like the idea of best friends
dating best friends.
anyways, enjoy!
please don't forget comment
and vote!
happy reading!
Β Β Shoto was in the middle of a crisis. He was about ready to explode and the worst part is that he didn't know why.
Β Β Twins, as some have already known, can have the most identical brainwave. Meaning, there is a chance that if one twin is feeling upset, the other can feel their emotions. And it was all too true for Shoto and Tomomi.
Β Β For an entire week, Tomomi has been having a rather terrible week. From not being able to see her mother to worrying about school, it has been so stressful for her. But believe it or not, that's not the reason she's been in a bad mood.
Β Β Shoto could feel that she's in a sour mood. Usually, he would know why and would know what to do but now....he had no clue how to help her. Because he doesn't know why she's been upset. And it was scaring him.
Β Β "What's going on with you, Todoroki-kun?" Denki asked as soon as the dismissal bell rung. "Also, you've notice how Tomomi has been giving everyone the silent treatment? What's up with that?"
Β Β Β Tomomi left the classroom without saying anything to anyone, which made him worry even more.
Β Β Shoto frowned as he straightened his bag on his shoulders. "I don't know."
Β Β "You don't know?" Sero asked this time. "When have you ever not know what's going on with your own twin?"
Β Β "Since now, obviously." Shoto snapped a little at him as they began to leave the room. "This is weird. I've never not known what to do when she's this way."
Β Β "You're really freaked out about this, man." Kirishima chuckled out as they made their way out of the school. "Maybe she's just going through something internal."
Β Β "Maybe it's that time of the month?" Denki suggested, earning a swift smack behind his head. "Ow!"
Β Β "Denki, we've talk about this." Sero scolded him. "Never assume that just because she's upset, she's on her period."
Β Β Denki frowned at him, rubbing his head. "I didn't mean it in a disrespectful way. I only suggested it because she could be in a lot of pain and that's why she's upset."
Β Β "Can you three do me a favor?" Shoto suddenly turned to them. "Can you three try to cheer her up this weekend?"
Β Β Kirishima, although a little confused, still obliged. "Yeah, I'd be happy to do that but I have to ask, why can't you do it?"
Β Β "This weekend, I'll be gone with our older brother." Shoto explained. "He's taking me and our older sister to this sightseeing village near his college. Tomomi opted out of it. She doesn't like the sun too much."
Β Β "Then don't worry, Todo-bro!" Denki beamed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Leave it to us!"
Β Β Shoto hoped he wouldn't regret it.
Β Β Β It was Saturday after noon. Shoto left with their older brother early in the morning while Tomomi kept to herself in the common room.
Β Β Most of the students of 1-a had left home last night or early morning while some decided to stay at the dorms. She would have gone with Shoto but where they were going, the sun was especially hot and that was a no go for her.
Β Β So she just ate breakfast and got dressed for the day ( outfit in the media above ). Around the late afternoon, Denki came running in to the common room. He looked like he was about to go somewhere.
Β Β "Khione-Chan! Good! You're already dressed." He let out a deep breath, evidence that he had been running around the dorm.
Β Β Tomomi, who had been sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest, watching random cartoons, looked at him blankly. She was in no mood to show emotions.
Β Β "Why have you been running?" She asked calmly, lacing her dainty fingers over her knee. Her sharp white nails contrasting to her peach skin.
Β Β "I've been looking for you." He said, plopping down right next to her legs. "So, a little bird has told us that you've been having a very tough week and we, as in Kiri-bro, Sero and I, thought that you could use a night filled with fun!"
Β Β Β "Fun?" She questioned, turning off the tv. "What do you mean?"
Β Β "So, Kirishima scored these cool tickets to this carnival just outside of the city," he explained, showing her the hologram styled tickets in his hands. "We even planned the entire day leading up to it. What do you say?"
Β Β "I don't know, Denki-chan, I-" she was going to decline until Bakugou came mildly rushing into the dormitory.
Β Β He was wearing a deep red shirt, jeans and a black cap ( which was worn backwards ).
Β Β "You guys ready to go? I've got the car up front. My dad is letting me take it for the weekend." He said, pointing his thumb behind him before he noticed her girlfriend. "Frostbite, get up now and get your shoes on, we gotta go."
Β Β "Okay," Tomomi said, standing up. Acting as if she wasn't going to deny Denki.
Β Β "She was just about to say no to me." Denki said a little surprised. "But when it comes to you, it's an automatic yes with no questions or argue."
Β Β "We like to switch roles from time to time." Bakugou said, smirking before walking away. "Come on! The first person in the car gets the aux cord!"
Β Β Denki, nearly short circuiting due to his previous sentence, quickly snapped out of it and ran outside. "I called shot gun!"
Β Β "Operation: Help Frostbite through her shitty week is underway!" Kirishima exclaimed excitedly from the back seat.
Β Β Tomomi sat in the passenger seat while the rest sat in the back. It was a really nice all black van. Like the ones you see on those rich car commercials. She was still very perplexed over the fact that Bakugou had his driver's license and she never knew.
Β Β But nevertheless, she thought he looked extremely attractive driving. She couldn't help but to stare at him as he was very focused on the road.
Β Β One hand was on the steering wheel while the other was leaned on the midsection between them. And it wasn't until they got to a stop light that Bakugou finally acknowledged her.
Β Β "What are you staring at?" He asked, looking at her with mild concern in his volcanic eyes.
Β Β Tomomi said nothing. All she did was blush and swiftly hid her face in her hands. A very obvious sign of her feeling flustered.
Β Β Bakugou thought it was one of the cutest habit of hers. He wordlessly used his free hand to slip it under one of her hands, lacing their fingers together and bringing it away from her face.
Β Β Tomomi's eyes widdened as her face grew hotter. She hadn't felt this giddy since the first time Bakugou held her hand. It was on their fifth date.
Β Β She laid her free hand back on her lap as she fought back a smile, turning her face to the window. She could practically feel Bakugou's cocky grin. He really knew how to make her flustered.
Β Β "Kiri-bro! They're acting like a couple while we're back here, coorodinating everything!" Denki whined childishly, breaking their moment.
Β Β "Shut up, Spark Plug!" Bakugou yelled at him angrily, looking at him through the rearview mirror.
Β Β "As I was saying, I think we should all go to the arcade in Shibuya Square." Kirishima continued on, ignoring them. "Since Avalanche liked that place so much, why not start there?"
Β Β "You guys didn't have to do this." Tomomi spoke calmly but was grateful of them. "Trust me, I go through bad weeks sometimes. It's not a big deal."
Β Β "It's a big deal when it's hurting you, Todo-chan~" Mina said, leaning over and hugging her from behind her seat. "Besides, we promised Todoroki that we would help cheer you up."
Β Β "That's right," Sero added. "And we will not stop this night until you are having the time of your life!"
Β Β As the rest voiced their agreement ( except for Bakugou, who was too focused on holding her hand and driving to really pay attention. ) Tomomi placed a free hand on Mina's arms and grinned softly.
Β Β Β I'll have to thank Shoto-nee when he gets back. She thought, looking outside the window.
Β Β Soon, the topic of music began to start as Bakugou entered the freeway and was stopped by mild traffic.
Β Β "I made it into the car first so I get first pick!" Denki argued.
Β Β "Yeah before Bakugou literally yanked you from the passenger side when you tried to take it from Tomo-chan." Sero argued back. "And then I got into the car. So I get first pick."
Β Β "Fuck you! I have way better taste in music than you do!"
Β Β "What are you trying to say?! You don't like latin music?! You got something against Suavemente?!"
Β Β "Obviously, this isn't going anywhere." Mina butted in. "Bakugou, you should just give me the aux cord or just let me hook my Spotify to the radio."
Β Β "MINA, WHAT THE HELL?!" Denki and Sero yelled in unison. Feeling very betrayed by her.
Β Β "Technically, Tomo-chan was the one in the car first." Jirou said from her place in the last row of seats. Right next to Kirishima. "So she gets first choice."
Β Β "And that's what we're doing." Bakugou said, turning on the Bluetooth signal in the car.
Β Β "Aww!" Denki and Sero whined childishly. "But you said-"
Β Β "Shut the hell up and sit back!" Bakugou yelled at them, looking through the rear view mirror. "Frostbite is the one with the shitty week so she gets first dibs!"
Β Β "Be kind to them, Caramel." Tomomi said as she hooked her phone up to the Bluetooth speaker. "They're having fun."
Β Β "Oooh! We're in Shibuya!" Mina gasped with sparkles in her eyes. She has been there before but every time she goes, she's always stunned by the never ending area.
Β Β Β She rolled down the window and stuck her head and arms out to get a better look. The lights of every electronic billboard illuminated over them as the streets were filled with people bustling by.Β Cars honked and people's chattering filled the area.
Β Β Β "You guys!" Kirishima exclaimed, sticking his hand out of his own opened window. "Look! We're here!"
Β Β Everyone looked to where he was looking and saw the big, mall sized arcade. Each floor had different themes and games. There was even a floor dedicated to Nintendo games. This was also owned by Momo's Uncle, who also had a chain of the same arcades around Japan. He's looking to go international someday.
Β Β Β As soon as the group got into the arcade, Denki was like a crazed kid in a candy store. It was really hard to contain him when he was like this. Very excited and not aware of his surroundings.
Β Β "Well, while you boys have fun with you testosterone contest," Mina spoke up, wrapping her arms around both Tomomi and Jirou. "We will be off being girls. Have fun~"
Β Β Tomomi and Jirou laughed a little as they waved bye to the boys before Mina began pulling them to a different direction of the crowded and lively building.
Β Β "Don't forget! We have reservations in a few hours!" Kirishima yelled after them. Just before they could disappear into the crowd.
Β Β "Gotcha!" Jirou yelled back.
Β Β Β "So, why were you having a bad week?" Mina asked.
Β Β Β Jirou, Tomomi and Mina decided to get largeΒ slushees at one of the concession stands after an hour of playing more than half of the games the floor had.
Β Β Β Tomomi got blue berry, Jirou ended up getting Pina Colada and Mina got cherry flaovored.
Β Β "My dad was pestering me about the work study again." Tomomi grumbled, sipping her drink as they walked over to a giant Pac Man game machine. "He's been annoying me to no end about it and I wished he would stop."
Β Β "What? He wants you to do the work study with you?" Jirou asked curiously.
Β Β "He wants both Shoto and I to do the work study with him." The ice wielder explained as she sat at one of the seats of the game. "He's still mad that I did my internship with Miruko. I have told him that I want to hold off on that for a while. I just got into therapy, I don't need any more of this."
Β Β Β "Ugh, I swear. Dads can be the worst." Mina shook her head.
Β Β "He's the worst of the worst." Tomomi mumbled to herself, so that they didn't hear her as she tapped her game card on the touch screen slot.
Β Β The screen blared harshly on their faces as the words WOULD YOU LIKE TO PLAY WITH OTHERS? flashed in colorful fonts.
Β Β "You girls wanna play?" Tomomi asked, looking at the both of them. "I've never really played PAC Man before but it still looks fun."
Β Β Just before either one of them could say anything, a new voice interrupted them.
Β Β "I'll play." It said. The three girls turned around to see this handsome boy, around their age and was a bit tall. Probably the same height as Bakugou.
Β Β Β He had light blue buzz cut hair and grey eyes. He had two other friends with him. One of them had short and curly brown hair and the other had longish black hair. They looked like a stereotypical punk bullies you see on TV movies.
Β Β Despite the fact that they were really good looking, the three girls didn't really find them interesting like that.
Β Β The blue haired guy smiled right at Tomomi. Anyone can tell that he was so into her already. It was super obvious.
Β Β "Okay." Tomom said politely as she gestured to the seat next to them. "May the best player win."
Β Β "Hold on a second." He paused, sitting down. "How about we make this interesting?"
Β Β "Oh?" Mina questioned placing a hand on her hip. "And what are you proposing?"
Β Β Β "If you win, we have to do anything you say. It will be on me." He proposed. "But if I win, you three have to go out with us right now. There's a diner on the top floor with a private karaoke room, it should be fun."
Β Β The three girls slowly looked at each other before bursting into a little fit of girlish giggles. This guy was for real? If only he knew the type of danger he and his two friends were in for just talking to them. But then, Tomomi got an idea.
Β Β She gave Jirou and Mina a mischievous smirk before turning back to the boys. "Okay, you got yourself a deal." She said. "I hope you have a lot of money. Because you'll be needing it when I win."
Β Β The way she said it made it seem like she was seductively flirting with him but really, she was tricking him. And he was stupidly falling for her manipulative tactics.
Β Β Miruko taught her that using her beauty to her advantage sometimes isn't bad. She just needs to know when and where to do it.
Β Β Β Did a pro hero inadvertently tell a minor how to con someone? Yes. But who was going to stop her? Exactly.
Β Β The blue haired boy smiled at her goofily before starting the game. "I wouldn't be so sure about that but we'll see, Snow White."
Β Β The three girls gave each other the same smirk as Tomomi readied herself. "We'll see."
Β Β Β Β Meanwhile, with the boys.
Β Β Β "All I'm saying is if you choose Rainbow Road, that's an automatic friendship ender." Sero argued.
Β Β Β While the girls went up to the second floor, they stayed on the first floor, giving them time for themselves before regrouping.
Β Β Β And now, Sero and Denki were talking about Mario Kart while Bakugou and Kirishima were playing a few games of Air Hockey.
Β Β "Think about it. No one ever just chooses that stage unless they have to go on it during a Grand Prix. Only psychopaths willingly want to pick that stage! And on 300cc!"
Β Β "You can say the same thing about Bowsers Castle." Denki added. "That stage is nightmare enduring."
Β Β "You're scared of Bowsers Castle?" Bakugou scoffed out, while simultaneously playing the game. "Pussy."
Β Β Β "Aren't you the same person who hates playing Double Dash because you're scared of the Big Chomper on Mario's Circuit?" Kirishima teased, hitting the puck.
Β Β While Sero and Denki laughed, Bakugou paused and glared at him. It made him lose the round but he didn't care. "Fuck you, Shark Teeth." He growled, starting another game.
Β Β "You're scared of Big Chomper?" Denki laughed out. "Nice!"
Β Β "You must wanna know what your organs look like, Spark Plug." Bakugou threatened him. "Now shut up while I-"
Β Β Β He paused as if he heard something. Which confused the three of them.
Β Β "What's wrong?" Kirishima asked. "Bro, we have to break this tie."
Β Β "Shut up!" Bakugou shushed him, looking all around the place. As if he was trying to find something.
Β Β "The hell is your problem, man?" Sero chuckled out. "You're acting like a villain is about to come."
Β Β "Some extra is pushing up on my Frostbite." He mumbled, suddenly feeling fury and possessiveness run through his veins. "Let's go."
Β Β "Does this guy have like a Tomomi sense or something?" Sero asked as they hurriedly followed him. "I swear it's like he knows things before they happen!"
Β Β "I don't know, man. I'm just excited to see what's going to happen." Denki beamed, following him excitedly. "This night couldn't get any better."
Β Β "I don't think this was what Shoto meant about making Tomomi feel better." Kirishima chuckled nervously, silently praying Bakugou wouldn't do anything to get them kicked out.
Β Β Β "And I win." Tomomi smiled triumphantly. "I believe we have a deal."
Β Β Mina clapped her hands rapidly and in a giddy manner while Jirou just kept drinking her slushee as she stared at them blankly.
Β Β Β The blue haired boy tched. A bit annoyed that he lost a chance to get a date out of the beautiful girl but a deal was a deal. Even if it irritated him. Maybe there was some way he could still get her and her friends.
Β Β "You're right, we do have a deal." He said sighing. "We have to do anything you want."
Β Β "Good." She said, crossing her arms. "How about you and your friends walk away while you have the chance."
Β Β "Why should we?" His brunette friend scoffed.
Β Β "She has a boyfriend." Jirou said, boredly scrolling through her phone for a moment. "Who is absolutely psycho when it comes to her."
Β Β Β "Please, we're not scared of him." Blue haired boy boasted, making his two friends laugh a little cockily. "We can probably beat him up."
Β Β "I wouldn't say that if I were you." Mina winced, almost feeling bad for him. "You know how most people have only five senses? He has six. Sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing and Tomomi senses."
Β Β "Enough with this nonesense." The blue haired boy cut her off as he angrily looked at Tomomi. "I don't care if you won our bet. You and your friends are going out with us rather you like it or not."
Β Β "Wow, I can see why you're single." Jirou sarcastically said, blinking at him. "First time hearing no?"
Β Β This made Tomomi and Mina laugh before suddenly, he grabbed Tomomi's arm harshly.
Β Β SuchΒ an action caused her to yank her arm out of his grasp and glare at him.
Β Β "Now you really messed up," Mina said pulling out her phone. "We warned you to walk away but I guess you'll have to learn the hard way."
Β Β Mina typed something quickly on her phone before shoving her phone back in her black jeans pocket. "You have about five seconds to leave."
Β Β "Oh yeah? What-"
Β Β "Who the fuck is this?" A very familiar voice rung in their ears. Looking to the left, they saw Bakugou already there with Kirishima, Denki and Sero in tow. And he did not look happy at all.
Β Β Bakugou's volcanic red eyes traveled from the three leather jacket 80s rip off characters to his girlfriend, who was still holding her wrist.
Β Β Β He had a hard grip on it so it was slightly sore. Mostly from her yanking it out of his hand.
Β Β The sight only made him see red. "We just got your text while we were on our way up here.' Kirishima explained before looking at the three boys with a n intimidating stare. "These guys bothering you ladies?"
Β Β "Yes, he is." Tomomi spoke up, seeing the fearful looks on their faces. And it was mainly because of Bakugou. "We played this game and he lost our bet. Now, he and his friends won't leave us alone. Even after we told him to."
Β Β "He also grabbed Tomo-chan." Jirou added.
Β Β "W-We didn't know she had a boyfriend, man!" One of his friends stuttered out, trying to save them. "She never told us! It was all a misunderstanding!"
Β Β "We told you right after the game." Jirou, yet again, exposed them.
Β Β Bakugou would have been an angry bull right now with how much he was about to burst. But what was scary was that he didn't look like his usual angry self. He was glaring at them but his body language was calm.
Β Β Β Which everyone knew that meant he was going to destroy them. No words, just fighting. And as much as Tomomi loves seeing him so protective, they could not get in trouble with the authorities.
Β Β "Katsuki-chan," Tomomi said, quickly walking over to him and placing both hands on both sides of his face. In a way to calm him down. "It's not worth it,"
Β Β Bakugou slowly turned his eyes to look at Tomomi for a few seconds before looking back at the boys. "You three dickheads better walk away now before I level this entire place to the ground."
Β Β Β Not needing to be told twice, the three boys squeaked and ran off completely. Deciding that those girls are not worth their lives.
Β Β Β "Dude, that was awesome!" Denki laughed, stopping his recording. "I am so showing this to everyone on Monday."
Β Β Β "It's a good thing Bakugou's girlfriend sense are strong." Kirishima said, patting his back. "It's like a fifth sense or something."
Β Β "Thank god for that." Mina giggled out. "We were a little worried but I'm glad you all came."
Β Β "Yeah yeah,"Β Bakugou said, wrapping an arm around Tomomi's waist. "Let's head out now, we gotta get to that reservation."
Β Β Β "Yes! Food!" Sero cheered. "I called shot gun!"
Β Β "You are taking your ass to the back." Bakugou said as they all began to leave. "The front seat is for Frostbite, dickhead."
Β Β Β Everyone laughed while Sero just folded his arms and pouted like a baby.
Β Β Β "That's real psychopathic of you, Jirou." Denki grimaced.
Β Β Β The group ended up going to a really nice 1950s style diner together and as they were waiting for their food, the topic of how you should eat your fries came up. Weird, but it kept the atmosphere lively.
Β Β "All I said was that I squeeze the ketchup all over the fries." Jirou replied looking at him blankly.
Β Β "Exactly! You are a psychopath if you don't dip your fries inside ketchup." He argued.
Β Β "Personally, I like to just eat fries plainly." Kirishima chimed in.
Β Β Β The group sat in a big circular booth. Tomomi sat in between Bakugou and Mina, Kirishima was in between said pink girl and Jirou, and Denki and Sero sat on both ends of the booth.
Β Β Β Bakugou didn't really say anything as he was too distracted with Tomomi, who had grabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers. Mina leaned her head on Kirishima's shoulder a while ago.
Β Β He just opted to wrapping his arm around her shoulders, letting her rest her head on him.
Β Β "And you call me the psychopath." Jirou looked at Denki as if he was stupid. "Who even eats fried by itself?"
Β Β "Also, didn't you used to eat the fries and squeeze the ketchup in your mouth?" Sero added, pointing at his comedic blonde friend.
Β Β "That's fucking nasty, bro." Kirishima chuckled deeply at him. "Why would you even do that?"
Β Β "Okay, first off, Sero was the one who dared me to do it." Denki argued, defending himself. "Second, it wasn't that bad it tasted the same."
Β Β "Yeah, I told you to squeeze a little. You literally shoved like ten fries into your mouth and them squeezed the entire bottle into your mouth."
Β Β "Gots to see it through, my boy."
Β Β The soft sounds of 1950s music played as the waitress came back with their food and drinks. "Here you are, I hope you enjoy." She said extra sweetly as her brown eyes looked right at Sero. "Have a good night, you all~"
Β Β Β "Thank you." Everyone said before she walked away.
Β Β "She was into you, idiot." Bakugou said, nudging Sero with his free hand. "And you missed the bait."
Β Β Β "She was nice to everyone!" Sero said, feeling shy and embarrassed. "She was very cute . . . . . You think I should go for it?"
Β Β "Dude, a girl that pretty only comes around once every year or so." Denki said. "And she's into you? Go for it!"
Β Β "Word of advice, Sero." Tomomi spoke up. "Just be yourself and don't be a showboat. Girls like honesty."
Β Β "That's a lie!" Denki suddenly exclaimed. "Because when I said that I was the one who spilled Mina's hair products by accident, I nearly got murdered."
Β Β "That's different, Spark Plug." Bakugou replied back. "It took you three weeks to say anything and we all knew it was you."
Β Β "Also, I told you to wait for me if you needed something out of my room." Mina added, lifting her head up a little.
Β Β "Anyways, Sero, just don't be Denki." Jirou cut them off. Which Sero just shook his head in agreement.
Β Β "Noted."
Β Β Denki looked at Jirou in betrayal. "I thought you loved me, Jirou.....thought you were my ride or die."
Β Β Everyone laughed as Jirou rolled her eyes and patted his face lightly. "Sure I am, you lovable idiot."
Β Β "Fuck." Bakugou mumbled under his breath after placing his hand over his face a little. As if to hide his face from someone.
Β Β Which confused everyone. "What's wrong?" Tomomi asked, frowning.
Β Β "My ex girlfriend walked in." He mumbled quietly as he pulled Tomomi closer to him.
Β Β "Ex-girlfriend?" Nearly everyone said in unison. Everyone was shocked to know he had a girlfriend before his current one. But none more than Tomomi.
Β Β "How does she look?" Mina whispered, looking around the restaurant discreetly.
Β Β "She's two booths away from us." Bakugou said, silently praying to god or whoever would listen that she didn't spot him. "Dark blue hair and light green eyes."
Β Β Judging by how he was trying to make his presence less known, this ex might have been a bad one. Which poked at Tomomi's curiosity.
Β Β Everyone ( some secretively while others....not so ) looked to see a group of girls chattering in a booth two tables away from them. The one he described was pretty. She had a bright smile and straight white teeth.
Β Β She was wearing a really pretty pink dress and jeans jacket.
Β Β Tomomi grimaced at the sight of her. He had only ever briefly told her about her. Granted, it was in middle school and they didn't even know each other at all. But still....she had no idea that she was this pretty. She wondered what happened for him to try to hide from her?
Β Β "What happened that is making you hide?" Denki laughed a little at him. "What? Was she a stalker or something?"
Β Β "I broke up with her because I was mainly focused on getting into UA." He explained. "Also, because I thought j had feelings for her but I didn't and I didn't want to string her along. She couldn't register that and had been trying to run into me, in hopes that we get back together."
Β Β "Has she tried recently?" Kirishima asked, drinking his milkshake.
Β Β "No, but I'm not taking the chance." Bakugou mumbled. "We haven't seen each other in a while and I would like to kee-"
Β Β "Katsuki-chan?" A girly voice interrupted him, much to his chagrin. "Is that you?"
Β Β Β .....did she just call him Katsuki-chan? Tomomi thought, feeling her eye twitch a little. Jealousy started seeping in.
Β Β "Damnit." He mumbled. No use hiding now. He was spotted.
Β Β Β "She's spotted you." Denki pointed out as he casually ate his burger.
Β Β Bakugou glared at him. "Genius of the year award goes to..." he said sarcastically before turning to the voice. "Hey....Mai."
Β Β "It's been so long!" She exclaimed happily as she climbed out of the booth with her friends. "This is Katsuki-chan, girls."
Β Β "You're ex boyfriend?" A girl with short blonde hair asked.
Β Β Tomomi furrowed her eyebrows further as she watched them suddenly stand in front of their table. Her face fell into her famous cold straight ( major bitch ) face as she surveyed her entire appearances.
Β Β Β She's pretty....not prettier than me...right? She thought as she looked at her boyfriend. Am I that pretty?
Β Β Β "Sorry for barging into your night, I'm Mai Kobayashi." She introduced herself with a nice smile after she told her friends that she would meet them outside. "It's nice to meet you all. I knew Katsuki-chan in middle school."
Β Β Β "Nice to meet you, I'm Eijirou Kirishima." Kirishima said politely.
Β Β Β "Hey, I'm Denki Kaminari." Denki followed with a bright grin.
Β Β Β "I'm Sero Hanata," Sero said, also giving her a kind smile.
Β Β Β "Jirou Kyouka." Was all Jirou said as she stared at her blankly.
Β Β Β "Mina Ashido," Mina said with a fake smile as she pointed towards Tomomi. "And this is Tomomi Todoroki, Bakugou's girlfriend."
Β Β Β Mina's words shocked Mai and Tomomi, who did not know she was going to say that. But Mina had always been a petty person, so it wasn't too surprising.
Β Β "G-Girlfriend?" She stuttered out, looking at Bakugou with a look that only said heart break.
Β Β "Nice to meet you," Tomomi said, deciding to take the high road and not let jealousy get the better of her. She stuck her hand out towards her and she smiled a little at her.
Β Β But the gesture wasn't returned when Mai just looked at her hand and looked back at Tomomi with the same expression in her eyes. She then looked at how Katsuki stopped looking at her and just opted to look out the window, ignoring her presence completely.
Β Β Β Mai looked at the way his arm around her shoulders. He used to do that with her. And what was worse about this was how pretty Tomomi was.
Β Β Β Pretty wasn't the right word to describe her. She was downright beautiful. Like Queen/Royaltycore aesthetics pretty. She couldn't compete with that!
Β Β "I guess I'll see you around." Mai said before leaving in a rush. "Bye!"
Β Β Β Before she left, she gave Tomomi one last nasty look over and then she was out like a freight train.Β Her look stunned everyone. Tomomi blinked in confusion. Was it something she said?
Β Β Β "Woooow....." Denki said while drinking his soda. "Talk about crazy ex girlfriend."
Β Β Β "I can see why you have been avoiding her." Sero added on. "You saw how angry she looked when she saw Tomomi? Craaaazy~"
Β Β Β "Yeah, there was something off about her." Jirou chimed in. "I already don't like her. She gives me bad vibes."Β
Β Β "Can we please move on from her?" Bakugou groaned. "I would like to have a good night."
Β Β "I'm just saying, for a crazy girl like her, she sure is pretty-"
Β Β Β "SHUT UP, SPARK PLUG!" both Bakugou and Tomomi yelled at him angrily. Even dawning matching angry faces.
Β Β Which made Denki shrivel up in fear, making him to shut up. The scene made the others laugh.
Β Β Β "You know what they say," Kirishima chuckled out, "You start to talk and act like your significant other after a while."
Β Β Β Β After dinner, the group finally made it to the Carnival on the outskirts of the city. The lights were very bright and the crowd was full of people, families and teens. Carnival music could be heard as the group entered the fairgrounds.
Β Β Β Immediately, Jirou, Mina and Tomomi wanted to ride the merry-go-round while the boys wanted to go on the rollercoaster.
Β Β Β "The line is so long!" Mina whined. "By the time we get on, the carnival would be closing!"
Β Β "But we don't want to ride a girly ride." Denki argued back. "It's not fast enough for me!"
Β Β Β "I like the Merry-Go-Round." Jirou spoke up.
Β Β "I can't believe you would suggest we go on the rollercoaster!" Denki suddenly switched sides. "Merry-Go-Round it is!"
Β Β The boys looked at him with deadpanned looks. "Fucking simp." Bakugou said, under his breath.
Β Β "What was that, Katsuki-chan?" Tomomi asked, giving him a tight smile. Which made him shrivel up. "What did you call him?"
Β Β "N-Nothing" he murmured, looking away with pink coloring his cheeks.
Β Β "Simp alert." Kirishima and Sero snickered together, earning a swift smack over the heads by said angry boy.
Β Β "Anyways!" Bakugou exclaimed, giving them one last glare. "We'll go on the merry-go-round first, since we're doing this for Frostbite."
Β Β "But-"
Β Β Β "And then!" He cut off his red haired friend. "The rollercoaster."
Β Β Β Tomomi smiled, quickly kissing his lips before the girls and Denki walked over to the ride.
Β Β Β Still not used to her surprise kisses, Bakugou was momentarily stunned by her before Sero and Kirishima brought him back to reality.
Β Β "I'm surprised that you're not yelling at her about her sneak attacks," Kirishima teased, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.
Β Β "Yeah, man. You going soft?" Sero followed along.
Β Β Β Bakugou growled and elbowed then in the side. "Shut up, you two!" He exclaimed before walking off.
Β Β Β Β Two hours in and they already been on most of the rides on the carnival. Denki wasn't allowed to go into the house of mirrors because he nearly shut down the ride after sneezing electricity. They couldn't risk him causing a blackout because he was easily scared.
Β Β So they decided to play as many games as they could before they went back to the dorms.
Β Β While they played a Duck shooting game, Bakugou couldn't help but stare at Tomomi. She looked so carefree and happy. A stark contrast to how she was throughout the week.Β He was glad to see her in a better mood than before.
Β Β Suddenly, he pulled out his phone and took a picture of her laughing and smiling. He looked down at the picture and saved it to his file where he keeps all of his photos of her.
Β Β "Bakubro!" Denki called, bringing him out of his trance. "You playing with us?!"
Β Β "Be prepared to lose, Spark Plug." Bakugou grinned cockily, shoving his phone back in his pocket.
Β Β Β Β By the end of the night, Bakugou drove them all to a empty beach, where they sat in the car and just chilled for a while. They listened to music and talked about random things for another hour. It was a good night. Everyone was smiling and laughing together.
Β Β Even Bakugou found himself laughing a little and smiling with everyone.
Β Β By the time he began driving back to the dorm, almost everyone was asleep in the car but Tomomi, who was looking out the window, letting the air blow in her hair.
Β Β "Hey," Bakugou whispered, not wanting to wake up anyone.
Β Β Tomomi turned to him and smiled softly. "Yeah?"
Β Β "You know I love you, right?" He said, taking one of her hands into his, lacing their fingers together.
Β Β Tomomi softly rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb as she tiredly smiled at him. "Yes, I know."
Β Β He glanced at her and smirked before turning his eyes back to the road. "Just wanted to remind you, baby."
Β Β She blushed a little before resting her head on the door with her free arm folded up for support. It was safe to say it was a great day and she couldn't be more grateful for the people around her. It really made her forget her terrible week.
Β Β Β By the time everyone got back to the dorms and went to their respected rooms, Bakugou got another text in his phone. As he laid down in his bed, he checked his phone for the last time.
Β Β It was a text message from Shoto.
HALF AND HALF BASTARD: I tried texting Denki but he's not answering so how is Tomomi?
Β Β Bakugou sighed tiredly, deciding to reply to him.
BAKUGOU: [ sends picture ] does this answer your question??
Β Β Β He sent the photo he took of her from the carnival before going to sleep. He would reply to him in the morning. He was drained from the evening they had.
This took me 7 days to
write and I never meant
to have it this long.
please don't forget to comment
and vote a lot.
Love you and stay safe
hoped you enjoyed it π
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