xxi. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭, 𝐂𝐚𝐬
"Geared up like the freaking murdering psycho that haunts every book i've ever accompanied to my brain." Cassie pulled her goggles on, holding her spear in hand. "How do I appear to the public eye?"
"Oh, pure perfection." Dustin nodded.
"Like a model, Cas." Eddie agreed.
"Be carful." Dustin looked to Steve.
"Thanks buddy." he touched his shoulder before jumping up on the rope, in the middle of Eddie's trailer, climbing up and flipping onto the other side. "Hey, Cassie?"
"Yeah?" she looked up.
"Woah. What does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin looked at Nancy with a half grin.
"Think I could take the pink light again?" Steve asked her with a small squint.
"Positively sure that'll be okay in my mind." she said in return, climbing up the bedsheets with a small grunt, Robin and Nancy making sure she didn't fall. Steve caught her as she flipped to the Upside Down, steadying her as she held the light out. "For you, kind sir."
"Why thank you." Steve took it, the remaining group following after the two moved a mattress for them to fall on. He helped Nancy to her feet. "Gotchu."
Cassie rose an eyebrow as she looked between the pair. "Isn't Jonathan such a lovely soul?"
That broke them apart and put a major space. Cassie smiled at herself as she looked up, catching Dustin's bag before he came down after Robin and Eddie. Nancy took the lead in leaving the trailer, Cassie taking Dustin's hand with a small smile.
"Hey, guys, listen." Steve turned back to look at the lingering trio. "If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-"
"Decoys." Dustin and Steve said on sync.
Cassie slapped Steve's arm. "Ugh, how rude. Jonathan happens to believe i'm the most brilliant person alive and spoke, with his mouth, that he'd want me to accompany him if a war ever breaks out."
"You know I was talking about your handy men." Steve reassured her, nodding to Eddie and Dustin. "Jonathan knows what he's talking about, apparently."
"I happen to whole heartingly agree." Cassie nodded her head. "Perhaps we'll allow you to be crowned the hero this time, Steven. You do happen to be blessed and gifted with my flashlight."
"Shes right. I mean, look at us." Eddie looked to Dustin with a laugh. "We are not the hero's. Cassies about all we've got going for us."
She touched her heart. "See, Steve? You need to step up your game."
"Yeah? Make sure you give me the chance to then." Steve nodded down at her, turning and following Nancy and Robin. Nancy lingered on Cassie with a little nod, choosing to trust her in the care of Dustin and Eddie.
"Hey, Steve?" Eddie walked forward. "Make him pay."
The shared a nod, then they were truly separated.
"Okay, boys." Cassie turned to the pair behind her. "Perhaps we get this head banging, soul yelling, bring tears to my eyes, concert on the road?"
"I like your way of thinking." Dustin gave her a point before taking her hand again. As they went to Eddie's trailer, Cassie took his hand with a gentle smile as well. Eddie returned it, holding her hand like she had Dustin's before it was time to act. They nailed the windows shut, tearing fences apart, guarding and protecting the trailer the best they could.
"Not bad." Eddie looked it over.
"Not bad at all." Dustin giggled.
Eddie smiled at the pair. "Waiting for some big words."
Cassie inhaled. "Good."
"What!" the pair yelled on sync, making her laugh.
"Good?" Dustin asked in disbelief. "Vecna's got her."
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Eddie held up four fingers infront of a laughing Cassie.
"It's positively, terribly ugly, but whole heartingly a masterpiece preformed by Edward, Dustin, and Cassandra." she nodded her head with another look to the trailer. "Our greatest work."
"That's better." Eddie nodded. "Now, for the fun part."
The trio burst through the door, watching as Eddie fell into a trace like state. Dustin giggled as the older boy walked forward. "It's like...she was destined for an alternate dimension."
Eddie approached his guitar. "What do the two of you say? Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"
"I've never gone to a metal concert." Cassie looked at him with a tight lipped smile. "But, I believe the logically correct answer would be yes."
"Let's do it." Eddie threw his guitar around his shoulders.
"Gareth taught me the drums once." Cassie followed him. "If you, at any point need backup, i'm your girl."
"And I can sing Never Ending Story." Dustin agreed as Eddie laughed. "Right?"
"Right." he laughed, climbing up the trailer.
Dustin and Cassie sat down together as Eddie set up, not taking long as he plugged his guitar in. Looking to the pair, he rose his eyebrows. "Welcome to your first metal concert, Cassandra Monroe Park."
Her face lit up as he played the first tune, the rest of the song coming with him moments later. Eddie played his guitar like their lives depended on it, even though, they sorta did. Cassie bopped her head with Dustin, throwing her neck around after a few seconds as her hair flew everywhere. Dustin laughed and mimicked her motions.
"Obey your master!" Cassie caught onto the music rather quickly as her and Dustin forgot about the bats a moment. He quickly took the binoculars and peered through them.
"Eddie!" Dustin yelled out. "We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds."
Cassie yanked the binoculars, peering through them as the bats came their way. "Positively sure we should aim for fifteen instead!"
Eddie played his guitar a moment longer, loud as he could with a shred of his solo.
"T-minus 20!"
"Y-minus 10!"
With a final swell, it trialed off. Cassie jumped off the trailer first, hitting the truck as the boys followed her. "Move! Move! Move!"
"Let's go!" Dustin yelled as he caught up with Cassie, the bats getting louder as they hurried to hid behind the gate. "Eddie, shut it!"
"Come on!" Eddie hollered as he pulled the gate shut.
"Villains they are!" Cassie yelled. "I don't believe in animal cruelty...but give me a spear!"
Eddie through her one as Dustin faced him. "Dude. Most metal ever!"
"Oh my-oh my god." Eddie caught his breath against the trailer wall.
"Ever!" Cassie agreed as the trio began to yell and jump up and down together.
After their little moment of humanity, the three stood with their backs to each other, circling the living room of Eddie's trailer. The bat calls outside were getting louder and angrier. Cassie gripped her spear and her trash can lid, that had spikes on them. She could feel Dustin's heart in his back, traveling to hers. She assumed hers was just as bad.
The trailer starting to shake before it faded to nothing. "Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?"
"Shh." Eddie scolded him. "Is that really necessary?"
"Their brains might be rather advanced. Meaning they could turn on us at any giving second and pull out a wild card, or roll a fourteen." Cassie braced herself, trying to keep an eye around each corner of the trailer.
"They're on the roof." Eddie mumbled when the thumping came back, only above them now. "Think you were right about that wild card."
"Shit. Shit. Shit." Dustin mumbled as all of their eyes stayed looking up at the roof a moment longer. They tried to follow the noise they made, walking slowly until they looked at the little vent opening of the ceiling. "They can't get through there, can they?"
As if he jinxed it, the bats broke it.
"They can!" Cassie yelled as the trio began stabbing through the small hole. "Holy shit!"
"There's so many!" Dustin yelled, Eddie backed off. "Eddie! We need you!"
"Get out the way! Get out the way!" Eddie yelled, pushing Dustin as he stumbled into Cassie, knocking them to the side as Eddie yelled, using the trash lid to seal the opening shut. "Holy shit. Holy shit."
"Very clever thoughts your brain developed so quickly." Cassie panted as she held her fist out, getting a knock to it.
"Are there any other vents?" Dustin asked after catching his breath.
Eddie stared. "Oh shit."
They watched as he ran down the hallway. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."
Just as they made it to his room, the bats broke through. Cassie screamed alongside Dustin in fear, backing up as they swarmed the trio. Eddie hurried to yank the door shut, keeping them safe a moment as they got through on the other side. Cassie held her heart. "What's plan B?"
"We are plan B!" Dustin yelled.
"Plan C!?" Cassie yelled back. "What's our Plan C?!"
"Let's go! Let's go!" Eddie yelled, reading her mind as Dustin climbed up the bedsheet rope first, Cassie following before he was fully on the other side. "Come on, quickly!"
The two hit the mattress on sync. "Eddie, come on!"
Cassie stood up to look up at him. "Eddie, hurry!"
"You're so close! Eddie! Let's go!" Dustin yelled alongside her, but he was still.
Cassies heart fell as he let the rope go, stilling on the other side. "Eddie!"
He took off.
"Eddie! What are you doing?" Dustin hollered.
"Eddie, no!" Cassie shouted in fear. "Come back! Come up the rope!"
He chopped the rope, moving the mattress. Dustin held his head. "Eddie, stop, stop, stop, stop."
"Please!" Cassie begged him as her eyes filled up. "Don't do this!"
"What are you doing!" Dustin yelled.
He panted as he stared up at the pair. "I'm buying more time."
"No!" the younger teens yelled on sync as Eddie ran off, leaving them.
"We gotta go, we gotta go now." Cassie yelled out in fear and panic, she leaned on Dustin as he hoisted her up. She held onto the gate, pulling herself to the other side and hitting the ground with a hard thump. Pain echoed in her spin as she winced, gaining her breath again. "Dustin."
"Cas." Dustin jumped up, grabbing the gate like she had and flipping. She made sure to help him down to avoid him getting hurt like she did. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah." she panted, holding her spin a second. "We have to find him. We have to find Eddie. Now! Right now!"
Her and Dustin ran out of the trailer, the bats not anywhere near them because Eddie had lead them away. The duo ran fast, yelling his name. Cassie stoped. "There!"
It revealed the swarm of bats all going in a circle, the two ran as fast as they could, making out Eddie in the middle. Cassie feared for him. "Eddie!"
The bats took him down right infront of her eyes, a image that would stay with Cassie every day for the rest of her life. As fast as he fell, the bats did as well. By the time Dustin and Cassie made it over, they were the only walking things within a hundred feet.
"Eddie!" Dustin yelled.
"Cas, watch-" Eddie started, too weak to finish. One bat was still alive, latching onto the back of her neck and yanking her. Cassie screamed as her feet came off the ground, dropping her small bag.
"Cassie!" Dustin latched onto her ankles, pulling her back down as she reached for the first thing that fell from her bag. Turning, she smacked the bat with the dictionary. It gave a screech, letting her go as she hit it again and again.
"Stupid, mother-" she hit it, over and over, even when it was dead at her feet. "-I hope you rot, you sick son of a-"
"Cassie, Cas." Dustin stopped her, looking at Eddie's state. She stopped, taking him in as well. They fell down next to him. Cassie cradled his head in her lap as Dustin stayed by his side, holding his hands. "Oh god. Oh god, Eddie."
"No." Cassie looked at his wounds, they were bad and deep. There were more then just a few, way more then Steve had. "Pressure. We can put pressure on them."
But Cassie was smart enough to know they didn't have enough hands to put pressure on every wound, and protecting just four was nothing compared to the multiple scattering his body. Eddie choked slightly. "Bad, huh?"
"No. You're gonna be fine." Dustin promised him. "We just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?"
"Okay." Eddie nodded.
"I can-I can do left and you do right." Cassie spoke quickly to Dustin, her hands and her voice were shaking. "Ready?"
"I think-I think I just need a second, okay?" Eddie stopped the two.
"Okay." Dustin spoke.
Cassie cried as Eddie started to choke on his blood, her salty tears falling on his face from the way his head was still in her lap. "Gareth taught you the drums."
"What?" Cassie tried to wipe her face.
"There's-theres a step by step under my bed." Eddie paused to choke and wheeze. "You can learn the guitar too."
"I will. Anything. Anything you wish for me to do, I will." Cassie promised him as her crying got worse, shaking her head. "You'll teach me, not anything under your bed."
Eddie smiled as he looked at the pair. "I didn't run away this time, right?"
"No. No, no, no." Dustin held his body. "You didn't run."
"You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?" Eddie managed to smile through his terrible state.
"No, you're gonna be that yourself." Dustin yelled at him.
"Nah, man." Eddie blinked slowly. "Say, 'i'm gonna look after them.' Say it."
Cassie leaned on Dustin's shoulder as he sobbed. "I'm-i'm gonna look after them."
"Don't get yourself kicked off the newspaper, Cassie." Eddie spoke to her, she felt his pulse start to weaken from the hand she had on his neck. "Keep my guitar safe."
"Anything." she promised him. "Anything, Eddie. Always."
"I'm actually gonna graduate, I think it's my year." Eddie choked on his blood with a smile. "I think it's f-f-finally my year."
"Cause you met us." Cassie laughed through her cries as she leaned down, her forehead touched his. "Imagine all the other good years we're gonna have once we get to a hospital, right? Imagine all of those."
"I'm imagining it, Cas." he whispered to her, his pupils expanding. "I love you guys."
"I love you too." Dustin cried.
"Yeah." Cassie tried to find the words, but it was always hard for her to talk when she cried. "I love you too."
Eddie choked one more time as Dustin held his hand. "Eddie..."
Cassie held his face as she inhaled, making herself talk. "It's okay, Eddie. We're right here. Dustin and I, we're gonna stay right until the end."
He managed to smile again as Cassies lip trembled, holding her cries in harder. "Just imagine all the years. Just the three of us, and maybe everyone else too. Just imagine those."
She felt him nod, shutting his eyes as his throat and lungs filled up with internalize bleeding. Then, he was limb, his suffering no more. Cassie let out the loud sob she'd been holding in, leaning over Eddie's body as Dustin leaned on hers. Eddie Munson, one of the few people that was ever nice to her, dead in her arms.
kylie speaks
eddie munson come back
to cassie park somehow
in season five, please.
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