─── zen'in n.
this man triggers me, but he's also really hot so,, I understand why him, babe. I hope you like this + love you!!
from: shiggyyyy ❦
ZEN'IN NAOYA WAS A MISOGYNIST. he may be demanding, condescending, arrogant, and prideful — there's no buts — and that's why (l/n) (y/n), well, now zen'in (y/n) despises him.
the two were like fire and water, never getting along and throwing insults at each other every chance they got.
during the mornings, the two zen'ins would wake up next to one another, glare at each other, scoff, roll their eyes, and get out of bed.
the maids and eunuchs would then come in and dress their young master and lady.
"u-umm...a-apologies lady (y/n), but it seems that this layer is too small for you. shall I get you another one?", a maid squeaked out, to which naoya had snorted.
"oh would you look at that? getting fatter from all the food I see".
you rolled your eyes as you clicked your tongue.
"well someone's got to feed our growing fetus, you useless man".
naoya furrowed his brows as the maids and eunuchs mentally sighed, already used to their daily banters.
indeed, you were now five months pregnant after having angry sex with your annoying but undeniably hot husband — caused by him calling you infertile and you saying "BET, YOU BITCH!"
after mornings, the two of you would usually go do whatever the both of you desired, then dine together for all three meals.
sometimes he'd be out of meetings early and find you where he least appreciated: the training room.
however, he had let it slide, as he saw that you actually had some potential in using the yumi and arrows.
naoya would never admit it, but the man had toned down a lot of his ancient ideals after being forced into a marriage with you.
though that never made you stop worrying what his reaction would be if the child turned out to be a girl rather than the so-desired boy.
"stop practicing. it's time for dinner", naoya stated, making you sigh, as a maid had taken your bow and basket of arrows.
you then squatted down, slightly struggling to switch sandals, as naoya just scoffed, kneeling down in front of you as he begrudgingly assisted you.
"useless woman. can't even change your own shoes", he grumbled, making an irk mark appear on your forehead.
"you try carrying a child for nine months, you bastard!"
"I already did my part. the rest is up to you", naoya grinned, making you roll your eyes as you held onto his arm, letting him lead you towards the room that you two shared.
as plates of food were being served, you had already started eating, knowing full well that naoya hated when you ingested before him: the head of the table.
"must you look like a pig when eating?", he snarled.
"must you look at me or even look in my general direction when eating?", you retorted, not taking any bullshit, as you were a pregnant lady.
naoya clicked his tongue in vexation as he just started elegantly eating, meanwhile you were already done.
"where are you going? I haven't dismissed you yet", naoya glared.
"for a walk. babies prefer the music of nature rather than the yapping of a misogynistic parrot", you huffed.
"let's go, maya", you called out, to which a maid had swiftly appeared, escorting you out the room, meanwhile naoya was left to eat alone.
"bitch", he lowly muttered.
as you chatted and laughed with your personal maid, you suddenly halted in your footsteps as you saw naoya's office window open.
mumbling a string of curse words beneath your breath, you and maya headed towards his office room, closing his window as you asked maya to help pick up some fallen papers.
the maid had swiftly swooped all of them up as she handed them to you, who smiled before your face had quickly contorted into a frown.
"lady (y/n), are you okay?", maya asked.
you skimmed through the document that was sent by your father-in-law. you knew he didn't like you because of your stubborn and brash personality, but you never thought that he'd go this far.
on the letter was a list of many young women with their ages, backgrounds, and even pictures, that were given to naoya to pick from, just in case you couldn't birth them an heir.
finding no reply from naoya, you slammed the papers back onto naoya's desk as you rushed out, with maya peeking at the documents before following you.
"L-LADY (Y/N)!! PLEASE DON'T GET MAD! IT'S BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH!", maya warned, running after you, as you stormed into your shared room, making naoya raise a brow.
"what's got you all red like a—"
"when were you going to tell me?!", you interrupted, making naoya confused.
"speak clearly woman. what the hell are you—"
"I SAW THE PAPERS ON YOUR DESK! WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME ABOUT ALL YOUR POTENTIAL MARRIAGE PARTNERS?!", you screamed, not even caring that tears were trickling down your cheeks and onto your collarbones.
naoya's eyes widened in shock for the very first time, never having to have imagined that this would be the reaction given.
after all, you both were forced into this marriage unwillingly.
the man was beyond speechless, to which you had slowly nodded.
"fine. then go talk to your new match. maybe she'll be the perfect wife that can cook and birth you an heir!", you lowly muttered, turning around as you swiftly left, leaving him stunned.
the man then snapped out of his trance as he took long strides to chase after you.
naoya gritted his teeth as he didn't have to exert much energy to catch up to you and stop you by gripping onto your wrist.
"SHUT UP AND JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE!", naoya screamed, making you softly whimper as he rubbed his temples, pulling you into an embrace.
"you raised your voice at me...you never raise your voice at me", you mumbled, feeling the stress of having a baby heighten your already emotional hormones.
naoya bit back an apology as he just rubbed your back, something he occasionally did when he knew your body was sore from carrying all this weight.
"I didn't mean to", he simply stated.
"but about that thing...I was going to tell father no anyways. I forgot about it after the meeting when I went to go get you for dinner", naoya quietly admitted, making you look up, as your glossy eyes annoyed him to no ends.
"yes, you stupid woman!"
"shut up, you bastard! this is all your fault. you should've told me prior and—"
"it wasn't anything to concern you with. I was going to burn the papers later anyways", naoya interrupted, making you hum.
"okay", you grumbled, making him sigh.
"seriously...it doesn't matter...if they're a boy or a girl...we can always have more", naoya calmly added on, making you nod in agreement, before you snapped your head at him.
naoya then grinned, to which your face had changed into a disgusted expression.
"obviously. they say three times a charm", the man stated, making you fake gag.
"you pig of a man".
"if I'm a pig, then so are you", he retorted, making you cross your arms and huff.
"alright, alright, let's go inside, mrs. piggy. you're still carrying my child", naoya said.
"OUR child", you corrected, to which naoya had hummed as he kissed the top of your forehead.
"indeed, our child".
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