"Hey, are we doing shirts versus skins? Cause' I prefer to be a shirt." Demetri called out to Robby and Sam, who'd both been trying to balance on the floating wheel in the small pond.
"Yeah, me too." Fleur agreed, carrying two buckets of paint over toward Demetris side, "How's your artistic skills?"
"I have no skill." he said honestly with a shrug, "Unless you count going twenty four hours with no sleeping, food, or using the bathroom because of a Doctor Who marathon."
Fleur raised her eyebrows his way before letting out a small laugh, heading over toward the fence while Demetri was called over by Daniel.
"What are you gonna do?" Sam asked Fleur as she looked her way, watching the blonde set the buckets of paint down and pull out much smaller paintbrushes.
"Patience, Samantha." Fleur waved her off, not bothering to turn and look over, "Isn't that what we're suppose to learn? Patience?"
"Ha Ha." Sam said unamused with a faint grin.
"You're next, Fleur." Daniel called out as she waved him off, dipping the small paintbrush into the white paint.
"Woah." Sam spoke up first as the five stared at the fence.
"Yeah, no kidding." Robby agreed, eyes wide at the fence. Fleur had white pant smeared across her cheek as the paintbrush was pushed behind her ear, looking toward Daniel.
"Fleur, how did you do this?" Daniel asked, staring at the perfectly painted Miyagi Do logo that had been on the fence now.
"Years of practice." Fleur answered confidently with a grin across her face, "Do you like it?"
"Yeah." Demetri answered for him with a laugh in his words, staring at the fence she managed to make so fast and get nearly perfect, "How'd you do it so quick?"
"Can't reveal my secrets." Fleur shrugged her shoulders, feeling the paint on her face and going to whip it.
"Okay, Picasso." Daniel laughed as he looked at her, "Thank you."
Fleur shrugged with a faint grin on her lips.
"Did you invite someone?" Demetri asked as he stood by Fleurs side, the pair walking away from the pretzel station Fleur drug him off too.
"What?" she asked back, a odd look on her face.
"You keep looking around like you're waiting for someone." he answered, taking one of the mini pretzels from her as they headed back to their table.
"Just... checking out the mall." Fleur said back with a tight lipped smile, "How come you looked so sad early when you and Mr.LaRusso were talking?"
Demetri sighed as he held out his arms suddenly, giving them a shake, "Noodles."
Fleur passed him the cup of pretzels, mimicking his action with her own arms, "Noodles."
"Yeah, like I haven't seen Dirty Dancing, like, a hundred times." Sam commented as the pair got closer toward their table, looking down at Robbys drivers license.
"My mom made me watch it a hundred times." Robby said back with a laugh.
"Made you?" Sam asked in disbelief.
"Okay, maybe I liked it." he shrugged back with a faint grin.
"I'm more partial to his performance in Donnie Darko." Demetri spoke up first, Fleur sitting down before he following close after, "Interesting movie. Turn travel logic left a lot to be desired."
"If I could time travel, I'd go to the future and see if it's any bette then this." Fleur commented with a knowing point of her finger, "If not, I'll know I better die young."
The table agreed. Sam gasped quickly as she grabbed Fleurs wrist, "Fleur, what happened?"
Fleur realized the multiple bracelets on her arm moved around a bit, showing the burn on her wrist. Fleur snatched her hand from Sam quickly and hide it into her lap, "Skating accident."
"Well, are you okay? That looks like it hurts." Sam spoke in a panic. Demetri eyed Fleur a moment in the corner of his eye, taking notice of the tattoo that was behind her ear. He'd seen it before, he knew for a fact he'd seen it before.
"Yeah, I just need to get some bandages." Fleur nodded, smiling at Sam and hoping to change the subject, "Robby, you skate, don't you?"
"Sometimes, did you fall?" he asked as Fleur nodded her head, "Your wheels are probably a little rusty, i've got stuff for that."
"Wait. Is today Wednesday?" Demetri spoke up knowing as the three nodded their heads. Demetri shot up from his chair quickly, "The new issue of Dungeon Lord came out. Um, do you want anything from the comic book store?"
"Can't say I do." Fleur laughed as he nodded, letting her shoulder go, glancing toward Sam and Robby who both shook their heads.
"Okay, i'll be right back. Make sure no one throws away my chicken." Demetri yelled as he ran off quickly, heading off. Fleur had to laugh in disbelief, her eyes setting on Demetris phone that must had fallen from his pocket. Fleur snuck her hand over and took it from the seat, holding it under her leg quickly.
"I'm actually gonna go run over to the pharmacy and grab some bandages." she made the excuse quickly, standing up and sneaking the phone into her pocket, "Don't let anyone take Demetris chicken."
"We won't." Robby laughed as she headed off quickly, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone. Fleur passed multiple people on her way, her head kept down. Her jeans hung around her legs, the yellow tank suddenly feeling tighter. Fleurs heart raced as she walked alone, looking over her shoulder every few seconds.
She still felt like someone was watching, was close by.
Fleur finally could take a breath when she made it into the pharmacy, hiding behind one of the isles. She glanced around, pulling the phone from her pocket. Demetris home screen was of a baby frog on his finger, Fleur had to laugh a moment. His phone had no password, making her open it in no time.
She immediately hit the search button, glancing through the search history. Demetri had googled her, searching for something. Fleur knew he would, she could tell by the way he asked her what her last name had been and why she moved. He knew something, no, suspected something. Fleur hit her name, sighing her relief when no results came up.
She cleared it quickly, making sure he found nothing first. Fleur glanced around again, over her shoulder. She went to type something in.
News in..
But she stopped. Fleur hit the backspace button and stuffed Demetris phone back in her pocket. Fleur paid for the bandages quickly before heading back into the crowded mall. Once again, the anxiety built up the second she was infront of everyone once more, walking back.
Fleur stopped when she saw Robby and Sam fighting off five different guys, Demetri frozen in the middle with his palms raised. Fleur hurried over, dropping her box of bandages. She kicked a shorter guy in the ribs, giving Sam enough time to trip him.
"Demetri, duck." Fleur said quickly as she saw one of them swinging his way, yanking Demetri down as the boys fist flew over them instead. Sam grabbed hold of the boy, kicking him onto the ground. She grabbed both Fleur and Demetri, pulling them away quickly. Robby and a red haired boy were left. Fleur watched with wide eyes as the one she hadn't known charged at him, Robby quickly knocking him out with a single kick of his foot.
"Holy hell." Fleur spoke up with wide eyes, "That was badass."
"We saved your chicken." Sam spoke up, handing Demetris box of chicken up toward him.
"Who even was that guy? Why was there so many?" Fleur continued to question Demetri when they walked into his room, Fleur following him home. Demetri didn't say much, which was weird to her, "Demetri? Your chicken was saved, why are you so sad?"
Demetri sighed as he sat down at the chair that had been near his computer. Fleur stood a few feet away, waiting. Demetri hesitated a moment with a frown, "He's my best friend."
Before Fleur could speak up, Demetri corrected himself, "Was."
"Why would he try and beat you up then?" Fleur asked, sitting on the end of his bed with a frown of her eyebrows, "The one with the.."
Fleur trailed off as she made a triangle above her head.
"Yeah, that's him." Demetri sighed, crossing his legs in the chair, "He wasn't always like that, you'd be surprised. I made a bad Yelp review about Cobra Kai and it made him mad."
Fleur had heard about Cobra Kai, Daniel told her everything she needed to know this morning when she got to the dojo a bit earlier.
"What a jerk." Fleur commented as Demetri shrugged, "Have you tried talking to him?"
"Duh, he just doesn't listen and act like a alpha jerk." Demetri said back, spinning in his chair with a huff, "I didn't think he'd actually try and hurt me though, you know?"
Fleur hesitated, "Yeah, I know."
"It doesn't matter, i'm gonna go warm you my chicken." Demetri sighed as he stood up, keeping his head down.
"Wait." Fleur said as she stood up as well. Demetri turned to look at her again, nodding his head and waiting for her to go on, "You said he wasn't like that before. So you know he's good under all that... does that mean you'd forgive him? Even after all the stuff he did? Even if it was really bad?"
"Well, yeah." Demetri nodded his head at her, "Why do you ask?"
Fleur stared at him, hard, like she was trying to read his mind, "Just wondering."
"I'll bring you a Dr. Pibb." Demetri nodded his head, giving her a grin and heading down the hall again. Fleur glanced around Demetris room a moment, thinking about what he said, his exact words. Fleur looked toward Demetris phone, thinking about how he googled her, thinking about how he suspected something.
Fleur suddenly made a decision, one that she could only hope wouldn't come back and bite her in the ass.
Fleur left Demetris a few hours later, after they'd watched the first Lord Of The Rings together. Fleur didn't want to skate in the dark so she left, leaving Demetri back in his house alone. He threw their empty cans away and headed back in his room, going to shut the door before hearing a small crunch. With frowned eyebrows, Demetri opening up his door again as the red sticky note fell at his feet. Demetri looked back at his desk, seeing the exact ones there. He frowned his eyebrows, bending down and picking it up, unfolding it.
"I knew it." Demetri smiled, speaking to himself, "Who are you, Fleur Khouri?"
Demetri stared down at the crumbled sticky note that fell from his doorway.
Easton, Pennsylvania.
kylie speaks
the way they already
have such good chemistry
makes me so happy.
and fleur trusting
demetri so fast >>
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