"Good day. You guys showed toughness." Johnny spoke to the Miyagi Dos, Fleur holding Demetri by the waist as he struggled to walk after a harsh kick to the balls. Johnny looked back at him. "You sure you're okay?"
"Oh yeah." Demetri shrugged, leaning onto Fleur more. "No, they're starting to turn back to their normal color."
"Fleur." Jonnny looked to her.
"Yes, sensei?" she asked, stern grip on Demetri, but their height differences was starting to weigh her down.
"Why don't you and your nerd friend come eat with me and Miguel?" Johnny offered, looking in Miguel's direction. "Diaz! You hungry? I'll make your favorite. Spicy Manwich, side of steak fries."
"I'm actually going with Mr.LaRusso. We're finishing up my moms car." Miguel threw a thumb over his shoulder to talk about Daniel. Fleur and Demetri watched the scene play out.
"Oh, okay. No problem." the blonde man nodded, but it was clear he was hurt. Turning back toward the pair. "You two?"
"We love Spicy Manwich with a side steak fries." Fleur nodded her head, looking up at Demetri. "Don't we?"
Demetri clearly wasn't happy with going to Johnnys apartment. "Yes, we do."
"Why would I talk to my mom?" Fleur asked after Johnny brought it up, the trio around the small, round table, gorging on steak fries. "She's insane!"
"But, is she still insane?" Demetri sided with Johnny slightly, getting a look of disbelief.
"All i'm saying is that she probably wants to know you're all right." Johnny shrugged in her direction. "Doesn't mean you go off and live with her."
"You don't think that she's gonna try to get custody? I mean, spoiler alert, but my fake ID and my fake birth certificate isn't gonna roll over good with a judge." Fleur said, whipping her face as she bit into her sandwich. "My mom didn't even like me. All she did was care about other cases of missing kids."
"Fleur, have a heart." Demetri sipped at his coke. "What if we had a kid?"
"Why would we have a kid?" she looked after him oddly.
"It's just a example. If we had a kid, and she went missing, you'd wanna know she wasn't dead, right?" Demetri nodded to her, taking a bite of his sandwich and exhaling. "Woah, that is spicy."
"If we had a kid i'd be a lot better of a mom to them." Fleur pointed out with a roll of her eyes. "Let's say I do reach out to her, she takes me away, all of you go to jail for helping me fake my identity."
"Ah, shit. Yeah, don't reach out to your mom. Screw her." Johnny agreed, manwitch smeared across his face.
Demetri pointed a steak fry in her direction. "Hey, i'm all for you doing what you want to do. I support you. But, you could write a letter."
"A letter?" Fleur looked at him oddly.
"Yeah, just to let her know you're all right. You don't have to put an address or anything." the dark haired boy nodded at her. "Or not, up to you."
Fleur looked in Johnnys direction. "So, what about the rest of our family? We got any?"
"Didn't know my dads family." Johnny said back with a shrug of his shoulders. "Looks like i'm all you've got."
"You're not gonna try and adopt her or anything, are you?" Demetri rose his eyebrows toward the man. "Because the school might be dumb enough to buy a fake birth certificate, but a judge definitely won't."
"Are you kidding? I can't take care of a kid. Especially a teenage chick." Johnny nodded in Fleurs direction. "I mean, how am I suppose to talk to you about periods and shit?"
"Oh my god." Fleur said in disbelief, dipping her steak fry. "Everyone's gonna think you and Moon are related now."
"Weird chick at the All Valley?" he looked oddly, getting a nod from Meat. "What? Don't y'all say that your moms are related?"
"Yup, sisters." Fleur nodded. "Now you're Moons cousin too."
"Who names their kid Moon?" Johnny asked in disbelief, smiling as Fleur laughed. "I'm serious."
"I would name my kid Moon." Demetri nodded.
"Of course, you would. You're weird. You look like a moon." Johnny nodded, making Fleur laugh again as Demetris look of disbelief. "Is that short for something? Like..."
"Moonapolous." Fleur suggested, this time Johnny laughed. "No, I think it's just Moon."
"Just Moon it is." the blonde nodded, holding his cup up as him and Fleur clinked them. "Get in here, weird kid."
Demetri rose his cup, toasting with the two.
"Yasmine isn't coming?" Fleur asked as her and Demetri took Johnnys car to the drive in. "Where's Eli?"
"I think he decided to crash Sam and Miguel's car." Demetri said back, passing her the popcorn. "It's so cool your cousin let us take his Eagle Fang car."
"It smells like fast food in here." Fleur pointed out, leaning against her seat as she got comfortable. Demetri looked at her, the way she leaned back, the way her eyes got heavy, blonde and red hair pulled up in a bun, wearing a flannel that he'd stolen from her closet many times. Fleur met his eye with a minor grin. "What?"
"What?" he said back with a crazy look.
"Why are you staring at me?" she shot back with an offended look. "Are you staring at my weight gain?"
"What? No! Your weight gain looks amazing." he cut her off with a defensive look across his face. "I was just thinking about what you said about your mom trying to take you away."
Fleur adjusted herself in the seat, turning on her side slightly to look over at her. Her voice came out soft. "What do you mean?"
"I just...don't want anyone to ever show up, because they figure it out, and then you have to go." he explained, looking around awkwardly but meeting her eye again. "I mean, do you think that will happen?"
Fleur shook her head gently, blinking. "I don't think so. I look a lot different then when I went missing, and it happened all the way in Pensilvania. If it ever were to happen, i'll be 18 in a year anyways."
"Yeah, I know." he agreed. "I just over thinking and analysis everything, you know that."
"I know. It's my favorite thing about you." Fleur gave a smile in his direction, getting one back with a flushed face. "This movie is so weird."
"I know." Demetri laughed, leaning back against the seat like she did. "You want some nachos?"
"With extra cheese." Fleur smiled as Demetri opened the the door. "Don't leave me here too long, I might start to like the movie."
"What a nightmare." Demetri said back, shutting the door and hurrying off toward the concession stand. Fleur watched him go, her eyes falling into a new line sight. Fleur opened her own door, circling the car as she watched Robby walk up to Hawk.
Fleur eyed Robby as she came up behind Eli, realizing that they were related and he didn't even know. "Robby, hey."
"Hey, Fleur." he said, not taking his eyes off Eli.
"You betrayed Miyagi Do." Nate stared over at the Keene boy. "Traitor!"
Fleur nudged him.
"Oh, there's a traitor here for sure." Tory walked over with Kyler and a few other boys. Like Fleur, she had on a flannel as well. Fleur hoped her red one topped her yellow, but figured fashion was the least of their worries. "And he's gonna get what he deserves."
Fleur stepped infront of Eli, pushing him back. She didn't know Tory, they'd never ever talked before. But she did know Robby, he was her friend, maybe almost as close to her as Demetri was. "You feel like going to talk somewhere?"
"Why? Think you can convince me to come back?" Robby got defensive with Fleur, despite not holding anything against her like he did the others.
"She's just another Miyagi Do that's all talk and no bite." Tory shot in Fleurs direction.
"You don't even know me." the Khori girl stepped forward defensively.
"I know enough." Tory said back, taking Fleurs advice and stepping close to her.
"Leave her alone." Sams voice rung, walking toward the glaring set of girls. "Princess."
The groups stared each other down, Demetri walking over with Fleurs nachos and two drinks. "Hey, guys. Can you believe they have Mr.Pibb and Dr.Pepper?"
Fleur looked over, pulling Demetri to stand with them and not so close to Cobra Kai. Tory started at Sam. "Carful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Sam shot back.
"Guys, stop!" Miguel cut in. "We can't do this. We'll beat them on the mat."
"Oh, really?" Robby laughed slightly in his direction. "You do remember what happened last time we fought, right?"
Fleur looked in disbelief, clearly seeing he'd been hinting at when Miguel was kicked off the staircase and put into a coma, where he was paralyzed after.
"Okay." Miguel nodded with an angered look across her face. "Meet us at the baseball diamond in 30 minutes. No weapons."
"Yeah, we won't need em." Tory said back.
"Hard for me to believe." Fleur made the remark as the Miyagi Do's and Eagle Fangs began to walk off. Fleur looked over her shoulder at Robby with a faint glare. "Nice to see you again, Robby. Almost didn't recognize you."
But they all knew she wasn't hinting at his haircut.
Eli was the first to laugh loudly as the Cobra Kai's found the baseball diamond, the lights shutting off, sprinklers soaking them. Fleur looked out the window from where she was in the drivers seat. "Dumbasses."
"Dude, genius move!" Hawk laughed as he slapped Miguel's shoulder. "We didn't even have to throw a punch!"
"My favorite kind of victory." Demetri added in as he rubbed Fleurs shoulders. "Get us outta here, miss."
"Victory nachos, here we come." Fleur smiled, putting the car in reverse, driving out of the parking lot.
kylie speak
all i'm saying is robby x fleur
break down when he finally
figures out he has family outside of his mom and johnny,
plus fleur getting emotional bc
robby is the only family she has
aside from johnny, is gonna move me.
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