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All the dojos gathered around the perimeter of the large mat, each Sensei and student standing proudly, anticipation buzzing in the air. At the center, Gunter stood behind a podium, his expression serious and commanding as he addressed the competitors.
"Welcome, competitors, Senseis, sponsors, and esteemed guests to Barcelona, this year's home of the world's greatest karate tournament, the Sekai Taikai!"
Everyone started cheering and clapping in applause. Beside him was his officials, each bearing the insignia of the Sekai Taikai, adding to the gravity of the moment.
"The Sekai Taikai boasts a rich and proud history. And if you are here, it's because you embody all that the Sekai Taikai stands for. Leadership, respect, sportsmanship."
His voice carried across the hall as he outlined the rules and expectations, his tone firm yet inspiring, reminding everyone of the honor and discipline required to compete on this world stage.
"Captains, step forward and tie on your headbands."
The captains from each dojo tied their headbands around their foreheads with a solemn focus. As Daniel watched, a memory flashed into his mind, a glimpse of Mr. Miyagi's old, blood-stained headband from his secret box, replaying the moment the scene like a faded echoe.
Beside him, Sam and Robby secured their own headbands, ready to represent Miyagi-Do. Ethan, however, wore a disappointed expression, a quiet frustration simmering beneath the surface.
Williams hoped to be chosen as captain instead of his brother, feeling the weight of the moment and his unfulfilled wish.
"Captains, you will have the honor and privilege to compete in our tournament of champions. But that is only if your dojo does well enough in our team competitions to make it to the final four. Once the tournament is over, we will then tally all points your dojos have earned. The dojo will the most points wins the Sekai Taikai."
"Did you know?" The brunette asked, her voice laced with hurt as she searched Keene's eyes, hoping he might reveal if he knew anything about Tory's betrayal.
"No. I swear." He replied, shaking his head in disbelief, his eyes widening as if he could barely believe it himself.
"Team events begin tomorrow. Each event counts. And they will all be a surprise. But today, is about enjoying our host city and making new friends or enemies." Gunter announced with a smirk on his face.
"We have a field trip arranged for our competitors. And for our senseis, a cocktail mixer with our distinguished sponsors, some of the world's finest martial arts brands. It's a beautiful day to make a first impression. And I suggest you enjoy it because tomorrow, your lives change forever. Good luck, and welcome to the Sekai Taikai!"
He finished his speech, and applause erupted as excitement rippled through the crowd.
As a car pulled up to the hotel entrance, as Ethan and Robby loaded the remaining clothes on cart, while Johnny leaned up against the hood of the van, with a stern look on his face.
"All right. Listen, you guys go get your room keys. Get everyone else settled in, all right?" Daniel asked, as the two teens wheeled the cart inside the hotel.
"We've gotta take care of the driver. You guys go ahead." Sensei ordered, turning around to face the man standing behind him.
"What a shit show this is, man. You know, Tory's here because of you."
"Wait a second. After what we just saw, you're coming after me? Tory's mother just died, and you still wanted her to fight. All you did was just feed into her anger. No wonder why she went back to Kreese."
"You don't have to worry about that." The blonde man said with a determination look on his face.
"Mark my words, Kreese is a dead man."
"Oh, that's gonna solve all our problems." He said, his tone edging with frustration.
"You know what? If you put your typical crap here, we are gonna get kicked out. Hear me? Cobra Kai is one dojo out of sixteen. It's not us against them anymore. If Kreese gets in our head, we've already lost."
LaRusso tried to get through to him, but his stubbornness made it hard for the words to sink in.
"We're not losing. I'm taking him out of commission."
"No, you're not. No, you're not. You are here as a Miyagi-Do Sensei, all right? We may not like it, but we're in this thing together."
"No. We're here next to each other, not together." Johnny clarified, dismissing his friend's words without a second thought.
Inside the hotel, after picking up the hotel keys to their rooms, Robby walked over to Ethan, Hawk, and Demetri, eager to find out which room they'd been sharing.
"All right, which room do you guys want?"
"Uh, I'll.... I'll.... I'll go with you." The tall boy said, reluctantly taking one of the hotel keys from Keene's hand.
"You really serious? I thought that Robby and I wouldโ" Williams began, but was cut off as Eli slung an arm around his shoulder.
"No, no. I'll bunk with El Serpiente. Besides, you fart in your sleep."
"Erroneous." Demetri remarked.
"And he who observed it, served it, by the way."
"Whoever said the rhyme did the crime."
"You just rhymed."
"You said the rhyme first." Hawk shot back at his friend.
"Okay, but you also rhymed."
"Thank God we aren't boys." Devon stated, rolling her eyes at the argument. Then she noticed the disappointing look on Sam's face.
"You okay?"
"How could Tory go back to Cobra Kai? I thought things had changed."
Seconds later, Kwon and the other Cobra Kai members were right behind him, as they walked up to them.
"Whoa. So you're the famous Miyagi-Do?" He asked, his tone mockingly, as the Miyagi-Do's turned their attention to him.
"We heard about you. But I do not know why. You do not look like much."
"Yeah?" Hawk questioned, making his way up to the Cobras.
"You'll see a lot better when you step on the mat tomorrow."
"Come on, guys. It's not worth it." Robby stated, placing a hand on Eli's chest to stop him from going any further, then turned him around.
"My brother's right. Forget about them, alright? They're just like any other dojo, man." Williams said.
Tory walked past them all, clearly avoiding Keene, and made her way to the elevator.
"Tory. Hey, wait." He called out, trailing right behind her. The other Cobra Kai members pushed past the Miyagi-Dos, not caring if they were in the way. The boy reached the elevator, hoping to speak to her, but by the time he got there, the doors had already closed.
"Should we be worried about him?" The Mohawk boy asked.
"Nah. Robby's gonna be fine."
A few hours later, at an aquarium, the captains of each dojo gathered for a group photo in front of a large wall of fish. While, the rest of the competitors stood off to the side, waiting for the picture to be finished.
"Now, everyone smile and say 'Barcelona'." The man instructed, holding a big camera over his shoulder before snapping the photo.
"Louder. Barcelona!"
"Sexy." He said with a smirk, then adjusted the camera to take another shot.
"They're really going out of their way to let us know how special the captains are." Hawk remarked, standing in between Devon and Ethan.
"Yeah, tell me about it." Williams agreed, rolling his eyes. A hint of jealousy colored his voice, still bitter about not being chosen as captain.
"It seems like everyone knows each other." Lee commented, turning around just in time to see a man pushing someone back.
"I'll have you right here!"
"It's not exactly friendly either."
"Maybe it's like prison." Demetri suggested, drawing everyone's attention to him.
"Just punch the toughest guy square in the jaw on day one."
"Hm. Yeah, there are a lot of tough guys."
"Smile. More." The photographer instructed, waiting for them to cooperate. A girl standing next to Tory glanced over at Robby, a small smirk playing on her lips.
"Some of these boys are cute, huh?"
"All right, Show me the tongue. One, two, three. Sexier."
"Maybe you already got dibs." Zara stated as Nichols walked away from the group, clearly wanting to avoid Keene.
"Okay, never mind. We're done."
"There she goes again. Captain, my ass." Kwon muttered in Korean language, his tone laced with disbelief.
Ethan, Hawk, Demetri, and Devon heard some loud voices and they made their way over to find the other competing dojos engaging in a challenge to see who could preform the highest kick known to man.
"What the hell is this?"
"Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad, Vlad!" Everyone cheered for him.
The man attempted a high kick against the board, trying to outdo the previous person, only to find that he didn't preform as well as expected.
"Damn it!"
Everyone applauded, and then Kwon walked over to the wooden board, inspecting it before looking back at the other dojos.
"Not even close. No one beats mine. Team USA. Everyone knows America's best at everything, right?"
He pointed at the scratch mark, and noticed the Miygai-Do group arrived. As the other dojos laughed in agreement.
"Let's see! Let's see!"
"USA! USA! USA! USA!" The crowd chanted with their fists raised in the air.
"Come on! Are you scared? Come on!"
As they all gathered around Hawk, as he rubbed a piece of chalk at the bottom of his shoe, preparing to attempt the challenge.
"I'm pretty sure this isn't a good idea, man." Ethan stated, trying to convince his friend to stop before he hurt himself.
"Hey, toughest guy in prison, right?"
"You said that." The Mohawk boy replied.
"What? No, no. I didn't say that. I don't agree with that idea like at all."
"You know what? This is dumb." Devon stated, before walking off.
"I said that." Demetri corrected him.
"Yo." Yoon called out, making his way up toward them as they turned their attention to him.
"Are you really the best your dojo has to offer?"
"I'm tough enough to kick your punk ass."
"Please, you are not even captain." Kwon stated, with his arms crossed against his chest.
"Where is he?"
"I'm right here." Robby replied, stepping out of the shadows and walking toward his friends. As they started to leave, someone shouted at them.
"You always walk away from challenge? Or is it because girlfriend is on our team?" He asked, seemingly know to get Keene fired up.
"Robby." Williams warned, knowing he would be giving them exactly what they wanted a rise out of him.
"Hey. You got this. Show them what's up." Hawk said, handing him the piece of chalk.
"What, I gotta kick up on that line?" The boy asked, pointing at the wooden board. Kwon chuckled softly before making his stepping up to him.
"What, too easy for you? Okay, let's make bet, then. You kick, then I kick. You win, you get my room. I win, I get your room."
"You're on."
The two shook hands, sealing their bet on the rooms.
"Dude, you're gambling our rooms away? Isn't that, like, a team decision?"
"I'm not gambling. I'm getting us an extra room."
"That's gambling. He's gambling." Demetri stated with a worried look on his face.
Robby took the piece of chalk from Eli's hand and rubbed the bottom of his shoe. The other dojos stood by, waiting for him to take on the challenge.
"Okay, just give it a good running start."
"That Russian guy that went before you jumped way too early."
"The physics behindโ" The Mohawk boy began, but was quickly cut off by his binary brother, who understood this stuff better than he did.
"I'm telling him. I know the physics. I'm going to a school world-renowned for it."
"My god."
"Maybe you've heard of it."
"Sure. 'I'm going to MIT.' I get it."
"Guys, please. Can you just quit it?" Ethan questioned, stepping in to stop the two from arguing with each other.
"Come on. I've got this."
Keene took a running start before making reaching the wooden board and landing a high kick, marking a line above the previous attempt.
"Oh shit!"
Kwon shrugged off his jacket and cracked his neck before running up to the board. He executed a spinning back kick, scraping a line just slightly above his rival's. The crowd gasped in shock and amazement.
"No way."
He walked up to the Miyagi-Dos, and extended his hand out, waiting to be given the keys to their new extra hotel room. Robby pulled out the hotel key, from his pocket and grabbed Demteri's key as well, handing to the person in front of him.
"Don't worry. I leave your bags in the hall."
"Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai! Cobra Kai!" The Cobra Kai students and the other dojos started chanting along with him, raising their fists in the air.
In the middle of the night, while everyone else was asleep in their rooms, Sam sat up wide awake in bed, thinking about Tory's decision after going back to Cobra Kai.
Ethan quietly opened the door to her and Devon's hotel room, closed it behind him and then sat down next to her on the bed.
"Ethan, what are you doing? Devon's in here!" She exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down so anyone wouldn't hear her.
"Shh. I just want to talk, Sammy." He reassured her, raising his hands in surrender.
"Tory's decision." Williams answered, and the brunette let out a sigh of frustration, knowing he would want to talk to her about it.
"I know for a fact that her choice is affecting you, but it's also affecting Robby more. I can see it on your face."
The boy reached for her hand, gripping it tightly, before gently rubbing her back in a comforting embrace.
"I'm here for you, Sammy. Always."
"Fine. It's affecting me, okay? because I thought she was my friend. I didn't know that this would take a toll on me." The LaRusso girl explained, looking down at her lap. Her boyfriend placed his hands on her shoulders, lifting her chin softly so she would look back up at him.
"Hey, hey. That's on her, okay? Tory made her decision. It's not on you, not on me, not on Robby, or our Senseis. It's on her. Maybe she'll come back around, but you just have to give her time and space."ย
"Do you remember when I told you about the first time I learned of Mr. Miyagi's death back when I was away from the Valley?"
"Yeah, I remember. You said you became filled with rage and kept punching the brick wall until your knuckles started bled." She nodded, recalling the pain he must've felt.
"I even have the scars to prove it."
Ethan rolled his long sleeves, revealing the faded scratch marks from when his knuckles bled. Sam gently traced the scars with her fingers, a sad look crossing on her face as she remembered what happened.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, Sammy. I chose to do that to myself. That's not on you. But there's one thing that will never change."
"What?" The brunette asked.
"My love for you. You know I've loved you since the moment I met you. And I'm grateful to be your boyfriend, even though it took some time for us to figure things out between me and you with all the karate drama."
"I'm happy to be your girlfriend. I love you, too."
The two kissed, after sharing a moment of love and support. They pulled away, but she remained in his arms.
"Let's get some sleep. The tournament continues tomorrow."
The next day, at the Sekai Takiai arena, all the competing dojos stood around the edges of the large mat. Gunter was standing in the center with a microphone in hand, explaining what their first event would entail.
"The time has come. Welcome to our first event. I hope you're all well rested and ready for a new and unique competition. We call it the 'Captain's War'. We told you how important your captains will be. So let's see how well you protect them."
"Four dojos will take the mat. Only one will be left standing. If you hit the mat, you're out. If one of your captains hit the mat, your entire team is out for this round."
"Check the boards to see your group decided by random draw. Group A, you're up."
The four dojos participating in the first event, gathered in a circles, strategizing how they would protect their captains.
"Let them come at us. Protect the egg at all costs. Do whatever it takes, but make sure that Sam and Robby are safe." Ethan instructed the group.
"I can be on the front line." Robby suggested, but his brother immediately shook his head, dismissing the idea.
"No, no. You just stay back and be focused, bro."
"Why wouldn't I be focused?"
"You did sneak out of the hotel room last night." He pointed out, knowing exactly why he had do that.
"I know it hasn't always been pretty lately but no one could ever count us out. You hear me? Do it for each other." Daniel stated.
"And wipe the smirks off their ugly faces." Johnny said, adding to his friend's sentence, as their students all nodded their heads in agreement.
"Ready? Begin!"
"Protect the egg!"
The Cobra Kai's immediately charged towards the Miyagi-Dos, with Kwon landing a high kick on Demetri, sending him crashing to the mat.
"Demetri's out. We're down a fighter. Robby, stay back." Ethan ordered, skillfully blocking and dodging punches thrown his way by one of the Cobras.
"Guys, protect Sam. We can't have her go down."
"Sensei, I got my hands full."
The two dojos exchanged blocks and blows, each striving to reach the opposing captain. In a surprising turn of events, the Miyagi-Dos fell one by one, as it was only a third of them left. Until Kwon threw Robby to the mat, knocking their dojo out of the round.
"Captain down. Miyagi-Do is out."
The buzzer sounded, and Williams slammed his fist down on the mat in anger before walking back to join his teammates. As he stood among his friends, Hawk noticed the frustration etched on the boy's face.
"Hey, you did the best you could, but the captain fell."
"I just wish I'd made captain. I would've done a better job." He muttered, the jealousy evident in his voice. The other buzzer went off on the other side of the mat, signaling that the Falchi Della Notte dojo has been eliminated as well.
"Falchi Della Notte captain down. They are out. Only Cobra Kai and the Iron Dragons remain alive."
The three remaining members of Cobra Kai, turned their attention over to the Iron Dragons, who, somehow, still had all of their members, standing and including the two captains.
"All six are still standing."
"What is your strategy now?" He questioned.
"Same as before. We're outnumbered two to one. Pierce the front line, go straight for the captain."
Kwon, Tory, and Yoon charged toward their next opponents, but as they were closed in, the four students in front of the two leaders dropped into a kneeling position. The trio stopped abruptly, confused by the unexpected move.
"What are they doing?" Kim asked.
The group of four stepped aside, revealing their two captains, Axel Kovacevic and Zara Malik, the reigning champions of the Sekai Taikai.
"I'll take the little girl. You two get the big guy."
Within seconds of fighting, the three Cobra Kai members dropped to the mat and the buzzer sounded off, leaving the Iron Dragons both captains still standing.
Everyone else outside the mat looked equally surprised and impressed by their performance, amazed at how easily they took down their opponents. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as the duo walked back to join their teammates.
Johnny glanced over at them, curious about who was leading this fearsome new dojo. Sensei Wolf, the leader of the Iron Dragons, met his gaze with a smirk on his face.
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