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In Johnnys apartment, he, Elizabeth and her mother Lois were in the kitchen, preparing lunches for Ethan and Robby. Lawrence held up a little Eagle Fang baby shirt to his girlfriend's stomach, and they chuckled in celebration.
Lois grabbed a lunch bag, and walked over to Keene, who was leaning against the couch, waiting for his brother to come out of his room. Moments later, Williams emerged with his backpack strapped to his shoulders and walked up to the two of them.
She handed each of them a lunch bag for school, kissed her grandson on the cheek, and patted Robby on the shoulder.
The two boys headed to the front door just as Johnny put a beef jerky stick in each of their bags and said goodbye. Then, they walked out the front door.
At West Valley High School, Hawk and Demetri walked in and were greeted by some former Cobra Kai students who were now their new allies.
Robby walked out of the principal's office with a college application in his hands. As he stepped out, he noticed Tory and Devon engaged in a conversation. The two girls turned around and notice him. Keene showed his girlfriend what he had, and Nichols kissed him on the lips a little too much. Lee stood there awkwardly before walking away.
A few minutes later, Ethan and Sam walked inside the building holding hands. Before they went their separate ways, they shared a kiss and then headed to opposite sides of the school. Anthony stood behind them, looking around before turning his attention over to Kenny Payne, who slightly glanced at him. The boy sighed and walked to his first class of high school.
After school, Johnny picked up both Ethan and Robby in his minivan, taking them to the remains of the Eagle Fang Dojo warehouse. He explained to the two that if they were to win the Sekai Taikai, he and LaRusso would need to open up more dojos. As the blonde man spoke, the two boys in the back began wrapping tape around their hands.
"Eagle Fang's going global, boys. Once we win the Sekai Taikai, people are gonna be lining up to put their fangs on their backs. We're gonna need a second location, hundreds of gis, a training room with a couple of those ice baths." Sensei explained as he drove down the street.
"Wouldn't that be a little aggressive?" Keene asked, chuckling.
"Hell yeah. Gotta have ice in your veins to take over the karate game."
"Well, what does Mr. LaRusso think of all this? Aren't you guys are supposed going to be like 50/50?"
"If LaRusso wants to open up a couple more dojos, he can be my guest." Johnny said, shrugging his shoulders in response.
"At the end of the day, people are gonna have to decide if they wanna learn karate from a car salesman or an actual sensei."
He turned the minivan to the left, without stopping and heading toward the Miyagi-Do Dojo. Robby noticed his father had missed a turn.
"Uh, I think you missed the turn. Miyagi-Do's back that way."
His father shook his head before turning around to look at him.
"No, gotta make sure you guys don't go soft on me. We may be a combined dojo, but we're Eagles where it counts. So before we go singing 'Kumbaya' in Miyagi's backyard, we're headed to the warehouse to break some bricks."
"Can you hand me another roll?" Ethan asked, holding his wrapped hand for more tape.
"Yeah, more tape it is." The boy nodded, as he wrapped more tape around his brother's hand.
They passed the intersection and arrived at the location of the Eagle Fang dojo. To their surprise, it was being demolished, with construction workers cleaning up the site. The three stood there, looking both confused and shocked.
"Look, you don't need a dojo to be a dojo, alright?" Williams asked, looking to the man beside him.
"Right." Johnny sighed softly.
At the Miyagi-Do dojo, students old and new were gathered, chatting and training while waiting for class to start. Devon playfully started attacking Bert, Nate, and Chris, while a familiar figure stood behind them with a bag over his shoulder. It turned out to be Mitch.
"Hey, hey, hey, gang's all here." He greeted, causing everyone to stopped what they were doing and look at him in disbelief.
"Oh, look, it's Benedict Penis Breath."
"Come on, guys. I said I'm sorry like a billion times. I swear, no more heel turns." The boy said, before unzipping his jacket to reveal a T-shirt with a combine dojo symbol with Miyagi's symbol on one side and Eagle Fang's on the other.
"Pretty sweet, right? Got like 30 of these. You have to buy in bulk if you wanna make sense of the pricing."
"You got an XL?" Chris asked. His former friend smiled and handed him an XL shirt.
"You know I do."
"Come here, man." He said, walking over to him and pulling him into a brotherly hug.
"I feel really bad for Sensei." Ethan sighed as he and Robby walked into the backyard of the dojo.
"He loved that dojo."
"Yeah." Keene replied, looking around at all the students who were training together.
"At least Miyagi-Do's alive and well. We don't have to deal with Cobra Kai anymore, and now we're all one big karate family."
"Yep." Williams chuckled lightly. The two then heard someone attacking a punching bag hard. They looked over to see it was Tory before turning their attention to Sam, who was practicing some kata with her hands.
"Well, most of us."
"Look, it took a while for you and me to figure our shit out, but we got there." His brother said, and the two nodded their heads in agreement.
"I mean, Sam and Tory only recently stopped hating each other, but hopefully they'll be friends someday."
"I hope so too, bro. I hate seeing them fighting."
"Maybe we just need to do something to jump-start it." He suggested.
Chozen and Daniel were discussing how to get the students up to speed. As the two men talked, Johnny stepped through the front door of Miyagi's house, carrying a pitching machine, a metal chain, and a big fan, salvaged from his now-destroyed dojo.
"Why are you bringing that in here?" LaRusso asked as the blonde man sat the equipment down on the floor.
"It's all that's left of my demolished dojo."
"Oh, Johnny, I'm sorry."
Sensei sighed heavily before walking over to the two grown men.
"Anyway, got any lighter fluid? Came up with a new lesson on the drive over. I call it 'Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire'. So I'm gonna need a frying pan too."
"No." Chozen said, shaking his head before turning to the blonde.
"Today is my lesson."
"What? I thought it was my day."
"Yep, it was. But Chozen came up with an exercise that'll bring the new students up to speed, and I thought we could just do yours tomorrow." Daniel reassured him.
"Maybe after you run it by me first."
"Since when do I run shit by you?" Johnny questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Since it might burn down the house." The man replied as Hawk and Demetri opened the two screen doors and bowed to the three senseis in front of them.
"Uh, Sensei. Sensei. Sensei."
"Uh, we'll start in a minute, guys."
"Well, actually, um, we've got something we wanna show you before training." The tall skinny boy explained.
Everyone gathered around the backyard as the Binary Brothers stood in front of them, explaining the name they came up with the combined dojos. The students and senesis waited for a their explanation.
"It's been a long road, but we're finally on the same side. And as a reward, the toughest test any of us had to face."
"The Sekai Taikai is the most prestigious karate tournament in modern martial arts history. For over a century, fighters from across the globe have gathered every two years to compete for the title of world's best."
"If the All Valley is March Madness, this is the Olympics, plus the Gladiator Games and the Kumite from Bloodsport all rolled into one."
"Yeah." Johnny said, holding up his fist in agreement.
"If we win...."
"Excuse me. When we win, the spoils will be life-changing." Demetri said, as Ethan quietly nudged Sam's shoulder, making her smile at him.
"But it's gonna take all of our focus and all the wisdom our Senseis have to offer."
"Yes, which is why we decided to take at least one thing off your plates, coming up with our new dojo name."
"After some spirited brainstorming and ad-hoc focus-grouping and also a dojo-wide vote, we have a winner."
"We give you...." Eli pulled the tarp off a wooded board that displayed the new logo and name for their combined dojo.
"Miyagi Fang Karate!"
Everyone cheered in anticipation and clapped, while a certain someone had a look of disbelief on his face.
After revealing the new logo and name, Daniel took Chozen and Johnny inside Miyagi's house for a brief discussion.
"We're not using that logo. Mr. Miyagi was the most generous and honorable man I ever knew. I'm not gonna stain his legacy by turning him into some karate vampire."
"All right. Don't give yourself a hernia. There's gotta be some compromise." Lawrence reassured him.
"How about, uh, Eagle-Do Fang?"
"Come on, Johnny. Your compromise is just your dojo name."
"It's got your 'Do' in there."
"Enough!" Chozen shouted in Japanese, getting their attention.
"No compromise. Miyagi-Do has honor, tradition. Eagle Fang has beak with teeth and no place to train. Miyagi-Do is the only choice."
"Says who, Toguchi? You haven't been here long enough to get a vote."
"Been here long enough to fight Silver." The man retorted.
"You fought one guy while I took on five."ย
"My one guy had a Samurai sword."
"So did one of my guys. You don't hear me bitching about it." Johnny said, throwing his hands up in disbelief.
"All right, come on. The two of you fighting isn't gonna solve this."
"Fight is exactly how we solve this." Chozen stated, with a hint of anger in his voice.
"You, me, on the mat. Winner will name dojo. Or have I not been here long enough to kick your ass?"
"No one is fighting." LaRusso pointed out.
"Okay? We need to focus on the kids."
"Kids will never find out. You wanna dance with the eagle, Toguchi?" The blonde man asked, stepping in front of him.
"Cue the music."
"It will not be easy listening." He scoffed.
"What's it gonna be, flutes and wind chimes and shit? Monday, dawn, sparring deck."
"I be there." Toguchi nodded.
"I be there too."
The two men walked away, and Daniel sighed heavily.
A few hours later, Ethan and Robby, along with their girlfriends, decided to go to Golf N' Stuff down the road. the boys' goal was to help Sam and Tory get along.
They all stood near a punching machine. When Keene hit it as hard as he could, he scored eight hundred and thirty points.
"It's all in the legs."
"Well, congrats on your rather average arm strength, bro." Williams commented, as his brother glanced at them, wondering who wanted to go next.
"All right, who's next?"
"I'm good." Tory replied.
"Me too." LaRusso said, shrugging her shoulders.
"Alright. What about the battling cages? I heard there's a new pitching machine." The boy suggested, hoping the two girls would agree to do something together rather than just stand there.
"Sounds fun." Nichols said before walking away with Robby trialing behind her, and Ethan and Sam following right behind them.
"For some weird reason, I don't think it would sound fun."
"It's a double date with my ex and a girl who's also kind of my nemesis. So how'd you think it was gonna do?"
"I didn't think she was still your enemy anymore. I thought y'all two would be... I don't know, friends, maybe?" Ethan asked.
"I don't know what we are, but.... We're not double-daters. Whose idea was this?" The brunette questioned as they kept walking.
"It was Ethan's idea. He said it might help you guys stop avoiding each other."
"I'm not avoiding her." Tory said, shaking her head.
"Okay, fine. We've been enemies since the day we met. Now, I'm training in her dad's backyard, learning the exact opposite of everything I've ever been taught. It's weird."
"I'm not even sure if she even wants to learn Miyagi-Do or if it's just a way to get to the Sekai Taikai."
"You have a point there. Just give her time; she'll eventually come around." Ethan explained.
"Just give her a chance. I mean, things are gonna be different from now on, so...." Robby started, but he stopped when he noticed Kenny playing basketball.
"He's still not talking to you?"
"I've gotta give it another shot. He needs to know there's another way besides the shit Silver was feeding him."
Payne slightly glanced at him before turning around and walking away. Keene decided to follow him. While he went looking for his former friend, Ethan got a cup with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream all rolled into one. He sat down at a table with Tory and Sam, who remained silent.
"Ooh." The boy said as he took a bite of the ice cream, then decide to break the silence.
"It's our senior year, right guys? College is around the corner. Kinda crazy."
"Yeah, I mean, it does feel like yesterday that we were dissecting fetal pigs, and now we're planning our futures between training every day."
"There are just so many good schools to choose from. It'll be easier once you've heard back from San Francisco."
"Got my fingers crossed." Ethan said, crossing his fingers.
"But, what about you, Tory?"
"It's kinda hard to get in anywhere when you spent almost a year on probation."
A few minutes later, Robby really tried to reach out to Kenny and talk some sense into him, but he just wasn't listening. He finally catch up with him.
"Kenny, look, I know how hard this has been on you. I know it's probably my fault since I'm the one who made you join Cobra Kai. As soon as I figured out we were on the wrong side, I tried to get you out. Kennโ" He tried to explain things, but before Payne could walk away, someone grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.
"Hang on, please. There's still time to let all that old shit go and join our dojo."
"You earned a spot at the Sekai Taikai. The only way to claim it is with us. I really think with the right mentorsโ"
"He doesn't need your mentors." A voice cut him off. The person stood next to Kenny, revealing himself to be Shawn.
"Shawn. You're out. Look, I don't.... I don't know know what you heard, butโ"
"I heard enough." The boy interrupted him.
"How you brought my little brother into your karate cult and then left them there, alone."
"I made some mistakes." Keene stated.
"I'm trying to make it up to him now."
"You had your shot. Now you're gonna leave him be." Shawn said, stepping closer to the boy in front of him.
"Otherwise, me and you are gonna have a problem. Got it?"
The two Payne brothers walked away, and Ethan, Sam and Tory finally caught up with Robby near the exit.
"You know him?"
"It's Kenny's brother. Met in juvie. He told me to leave him alone." He explained to them.
"You're not gonna listen to him, right?" She asked, with a raised eyebrow.
"Do whatever you need to do. We'll have your back." The brunette said, and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Sammy's right. We're here for you, bro."
With that, all four of them went to find the two brothers before they caused any trouble. Shawn and Kenny were inside the batting cages, where a ball was pitched to you and you had to hit it with a bat.
"All right, man. Maybe you're getting a little too old for this place."
"Hey, tell you what. Next weekend, we hit the strip club."
"You crazy. Come on, man." His younger brother laughed as he prepared to hit another ball with the bat in his hand. A familiar person was right behind him.
"Got room for one more?" Robby asked as he made his way over to Payne.
"I heard what you said. I need one minute. Please."
"Back off, Keene."
"Shawn, you know where this is gonna end. He holds onto this anger, it's gonna boil over. You want him to end up like we did?"
"Not your concern." The older brother said, getting right in his face.
"You understand?"
"Know what? I'm not sure I do." Keene replied, getting shoved back harshly before the two got close in each other's faces.
"The last time we fought, I struck first. That's not me anymore. I don't wanna fight."
"Shawn. Let's just go. Come on."
"Nah. This'll only take a minute." Shawn said, shaking his head. He threw a punch at Robby, who ducked underneath it. Just then, Kenny jumped in the air to land a hit but was thrown to the ground.
Keene quickly turned around as he was hit with a flurry of punches, blocking them all with ease before his opponent grabbed him and threw him against the wall.
As the older Payne brother walked toward his enemy on the ground, someone ran into the cage, quickly getting down and sweeping Shawn's legs, making him fall off flat on the floor. Ethan then got up and turned around to face the younger Payne brother on the ground.
"What the hell's your problem? You heard my brother. We don't want to fight."
The boy yelled out in anger before preforming a spinning back kick, followed by a series of kicks and punches, which were all blocked.
A few seconds later, a ball fired out of the pitching machine. Williams acted quickly, punching the ball out of the way before turning around, grabbing his opponent's arm, and throwing him to the ground.
Kenny noticed a metal bat and reached for it, but as he picked it up, someone put their foot on the bat. He looked up to see Tory standing above him as he got up from the floor.
"Out of my way, Nichols. I don't wanna hit a girl."
"That's sweet. Don't worry. You won't." Sam said, stepping inside the ring and glancing over at Nichols, who nodded in agreement.
The boy ran forward but the brunette grabbed him and threw him back.
Shawn threw a barrage of punches at Ethan and Robby, who both blocked and dodged them. Then Keene grabbed his opponent's arm and slammed it into the metal cage, getting his whole arm stuck.
"Kenny, you have a place at our dojo. Everyone has a home at Miyagi-Do. It doesn't matter what happened in the past."
"It matters to me."
Kenny walked forward, but LaRusso and Tory grabbed each of his arms, preventing him from going anywhere.
"We're just trying to help you, Kenny."
Payne pushed the brunette away, as Nichols kept a hold on him. The two of them shoved him back into the wall.
Shawn freed his arm free and walked over to his little brother, who wanted to get up and keep fighting but was stopped.
"That's it, little bro. Let's go."
"What? No, no, I'm not going anywhere."
"Yes, you are. Security's coming." The boy said, pointing to where two security guards were approaching. They decided to leave the area to avoid being seen by the guards.
Ethan and Robby made their way over to Tory and Sam, making sure they were okay.
"Well, that could have gone better." He said, shrugging his shoulders in disbelief.
"Eh, it could have gone worse."
"You picked up Miyagi-Do pretty fast." She pointed out.
"Yeah, well, I fought you enough. I guess some of it must have rubbed off." Nichols replied, to which the brunette laughed. Williams and Keene look at each other, seeing the two girls getting along and hoping it would be the start of their friendship.
The next day, at the Miyagi-Do dojo, Ethan was leading Robby, Hawk, and Demetri with some forward strikes and high kicks.
While the boys were doing that, Sam was showing Tory to form a kata with her hands. She performed it so well that even LaRusso was impressed.
Then a familiar person walked into the backyard with a black bag strapped over his shoulder. The four boys stopped what they were doing and noticed Kenny standing there. Keene was the first one to walk up to him and give him fist bump, followed by Williams, who did the same.
"We've been through a lot to get to this point. And we're finally on the same page."
"We've put aside old rivalries. And wiped the slate clean. Now we are all Miyagi-Do. But it's a new Miyagi-Do. The strongest we've ever been."
"And most badass. One purpose. One team. One dojo."
"With a name steeped in tradition and honor. And a brand new patch."
"So get your asses ready. We may have settled things in the Valley. But now Miyagi-Do's ready for whatever the world throws at us."
Johnny, Daniel, and Chozen were standing on the sparring deck with all of their students in front of them. They were wearing Miyagi-Do gis but instead of the traditional bonsai tree on the back, the logo now featured an eagle above the tree.
The three Senseis bowed to the kids, who bowed back out of respect.
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